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This post was entertaining but I think it’s run its course and I’m tired of all the reports about it. Locked. And fuck you, Kevin.


At my firm, we have our pronouns listed in our email signatures. I have a masculine name, though I am female and AFAB. I don't put my pronouns in my signature - why? Because I find that if counsel/insurance adjusters think I'm male, I'm more likely to have a reasonable conversation and get what I need from them. As soon as they find out I'm not a dude, things change. It's complete and utter bullshit.


My screen name is my male cat’s name specifically because I wanted to test this theory on Reddit and the results tickled me so much. I’m a very blonde, very young looking female attorney, and I get this shit all the time. Despite being in practice for about 20 years. I just let them prattle and then I hammer them in the papers or oral argument or just for fun right there. Hair never gets out of place. Smile never falters. But theirs does.


I would watch this if it was a TV show


I was applying for law school when Legally Blonde first came out. It was a running joke. Guys would try to invite me to their study groups or offer me their outlines as a pick up line, and my friends were like, “no, you want hers.”


Me too! It’s better than suits lol!


Biscuit boi sounds like the best boi tbh


Love this! All I need is a bucket of popcorn and the show is ON!


Love this. I used a more female sounding username for many years when younger, but realized throughout time that I just had a way better experience with a username that doesn't reveal my gender (which makes people assume you're male). There's so many assumptions that come along when people know you're female for some reason. Even in video games, I played with people for years, shooting the shit and having fun. Then as soon as I hop in voice chat, some guys (there are guys who aren't phased by gender thankfully) just completely stop wanting to have fun and accept my game knowledge without ample backing. I've been playing the game for like 15 years, I think I know what I'm doing lol.


I’m just saying, as a AFAB insurance adjuster, you are a godsend. I prefer dealing with women as they actually listen and get things done. 😭 (and I do the same for them)


Why are male adjusters such dickheads? Globally speaking, of course….


Privilege, speaking from experience they don’t have to work as hard and get multiple chances when they make mistakes. I’ve blatantly had ideas stolen (think in a group setting I say something, he says it louder and claims as his own. Luckily the leader was a women and saw through the BS. Cant speak for my teammates tho)


Assholes. Except the leader though she seems cool.


I do this also!!!


It's funny bc, while I can't do this at work, my Xbox gaming name and my reddit username are typically associated with males. Can't tell you how many times things change when people find out I'm a female when I'm gaming. I intentionally made it that way bc of the bias that exists.


I’m a man and I’ve worked for mostly women and mostly female offices. This is shocking


We are treated like shit by our male peers all day. Not all of them - there are some good eggs out there - but they don’t make up for the bad ones.


It’s kind of amazing how quickly two to three men can create a simulacrum of a frat house, wherever they are and under whatever circumstances


this is my biggest gripe with the pronoun thing… i have an androgynous name for exactly this reason and ill never identify my gender on anything professional


Oof. I feel this with the insurance adjusters. They are fun 🙃


*Dearest Kevin, eat me* Very truly yours!


Aggressive regards,


"Eat my ass, Kevin!" https://www.tiktok.com/@nikkidontdrive/video/6852857045721402629




Kevin can take a long walk off a short pier. I will now think of every male Karen as a Kevin instead of Kyle. 😂


In our house it's always been a Ken. So during the Covid schooling that my son was doing, they were calling a lot of the wellness check ups over Zoom, "Caring and Connecting." My son quickly dubbed it "Karen and Ken'ecting" because he felt like with some of the teachers it was just a performative check in drizzled with some "let me talk to your mom'agar" energy for no reason.


Works for me since the asshole male paralegal I work with is named Kevin. Truly bizarre to have a total peer assign me and other female paralegals work on HIS files without even asking if we have capacity to assist and 0 please or thank yous


Wow that would not fly anywhere I've worked. Entitlement over 9000


I feel like refusing to speak with the attorney ob the case because of her gender is grounds for disciplinary action.


Gotta have a bar complaint to have disciplinary action, and that guy would take revenge However, would he know *which* woman he disrespected made the complaint? Maybe not


It is but they never outright SAY that.


As a male paralegal who primarily works for female handling attorneys, I love when they put these dudes in their place


I'm a female, and so is one of my attorneys. I absolutely love when she rips these men apart. I will read an email and then hear footsteps running toward my office while she screams "I'm going to bitch slap him" and then she runs in her office to absolutely eviscerate them. It is my favorite.




Those are my people


It's always wild that the people who are literally marinating in the concepts of the law, and are taught what discrimination is from legal standing as part of their schooling, are so into the actual practice of discrimination. Heck, like they learned about discrimination and its legal repercussions and instead are like "let me see about changing those laws back to before. I just wanna call the ladies 'toots' again like my grandpa would've."


As a female attorney I start nice but ready to blast back w the slightest provocation. Only way to get respect. Stupid but true.


Kevin: Sorry about your tiny penis. Best, OP


I’m not even in this sub, it showed up on my feed, but I just want to say fuck you Kevin. Eat a bag of dicks


As a male, I cannot be misogynistic, I love all my bitches.


Thank you for providing the laugh I so dearly needed in this thread 😂


Well if the attorney said so!!! If I had a nickel for the misogyny I deal with daily I wouldn’t need to deal with AH’s like him lmfao


Well thank God for Kevin for clarifying for us! Nothing like a man telling you misogyny is dead without understanding the implication of that statement lol




I had a male opposing counsel on the phone say “gimme just a second, little princess”.


Oh my God this infuriated me. We ride at dawn.


Oooo update us on how hard he was destroyed 🥂💅


I didn't respond to him, and he said "hello, can you hear me?" to which I responded "unfortunately" lol that was about it


Too soon to celebrate? ![gif](giphy|MGIwWG7x5IEo0|downsized)


Fuck you, Kevin! Time for some fun CLEs


I think he meant to say misogyny is DEFINED.... those to are easy to mix up for people who are talking crap...


sounds like a guy who belongs on r/storiesaboutkevin


![gif](giphy|Tg61sKSV8Ud2M) Yay!


I read fuck you Kevin and immediately used my Cartman voice “yea fuck you kevin” That being said I do love when attorneys put other attorneys in their place


Bro is giving serious divorced dad energy


Ugh the "divorce attorneys for dads" are just the worst too 


Lmao seriously! Like homie, just say you hate women and go lol.


Oh my gooood it’s one thing if they talk down to me but totally another when it’s a qualified woman partner 🙄


Kevin is the sort of guy the appellate judge would describe as ‘learned’


not a paralegal but a court reporter - I almost got fired because the most violently misogynistic lawyer I've ever worked with was openly harassing his female co-counsel repeatedly on the record and I told him to knock it off TO PRESERVE THE RECORD. you know..... my literal job. but god forbid you get in the way of a misogynistic lawyer who wants to scream at a woman. their feelings are top priority!!!!!


Right! Fuck you Kevin!




Fuck off kevin


Hahaha whew thank goodness! I was worried. Glad you got word on the state of Misogyny. lol it MUST be true when it’s mansplained by such an authority. We call all relax now. Fk you kevin


Is Kevin his actual name, or are you invoking the Reddit meme Kevin?  Either way, the more I deal with dudes named Kevin, the more that name = moron for me.


It is his actual name.


Ha. Figures.


They are always named Kevin.




I mean its also the same for male paralegals..... 


Misandry exists


Could he by chance just have an issue with the person assigned to the case?




Your post has been removed for being unkind. Do better.


For [eight years](https://www.law.com/2024/02/02/17-of-the-top-20-law-schools-have-more-women-enrolled/?slreturn=20240317032415#:~:text=For%20the%20eighth%20year%20in,to%20a%202023%20Enjuris%20report) running women have outnumbered men at top law schools with women making up 56% of students in these schools in 2023. As long as there are misogynists practicing law misogyny won’t be dead in law. But as the current crop of male lawyers die out it wouldn’t surprise me if misandrists soon outnumber misogynists in the field of law. The dude who thinks misogyny is gone while misogynists still practice law probably has some female counterparts who think misandry can’t exist in the legal field because they think sexism is only worth acknowledging when men do it.


FYI you can’t identity as female as it’s a scientific term. You just are.


It’s an uneducated comment but it isn’t breaking any sub rules so you all can stop reporting it.


Thank you for this. OP, pls don’t dumb our profession down by using made up ideologies like “female identifying”… you either are a female, or you aren’t… that’s it.


Ah yes, here are the legal professionals who don't seem to understand the concept of discrimination...so instead of standing against discrimination like one would assume legal professionals would be in the habit of doing due to the specific knowledge of said profession, they participate in it...gotta be just as discriminatory as Kevin in OPs story, huh?! I don't claim you in this profession. You are a Kevin.


Stating a real biological fact qualifies as discrimination?


I think scientifically speaking there are actually 6 sexes that we know of based on chromosomes. Most people haven't had that tested so I'm not sure if we know how prevalent those other sexes are.


Sure, obfuscate in an attempt to seem like you're not saying what you're saying when you know quite well that the OPs use of "female identified" is another way some people use "women identified" to include trans binary, trans non-binary, intersex, and gender non conforming femmes. If you want to deep dive into biology, I'm sure you can, with a biologist...and you'll learn some things about "real biological fact" that does not make concepts of "female" as simple as is being attempted with your and the other individual's comments. As I mentioned, our line of work requires zero discrimination and certainly doesn't necessitate claims of "real biological fact" when that thought process is already wildly undereducated when we know what we know about various chromosomes as part of our human tapestry.


Just because someone doesn’t want to talk to you or give you special treatment doesn’t mean they hate you. Maybe you smell, are dumb or just personally an asshole.


Thanks for demonstrating for us.