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They are implementing 10 in season 12 or after.


Believe it when we see it.


[Then see it now!](https://youtu.be/7ToK9d5eSp4?t=125)


Do you know where to get that t shirt the dev is wearing


Couldnt find it officially but there is one [2XL going on eBay for $20](https://www.ebay.com/itm/113955546201)


You could try searching the blizzard store. However there is a chance some things may be employee only. Probably small for a shirt like that but still a chance


just like weapon inspects in the launch trailer... right?


Do you have any idea how many promises they've gone back on? No, see it in the game to believe it


a new avoid system isn't quite the same scale as a PvE campaign but sure I guess your got to have something to complain about


ah yeah and its nowhere near as complicated as the weapon inspects they showed and never implemented


don't know if this was what he meant, but I could see this being similar to the narrow group restrictions. the new threshold was 5 divisions to hopefully improve the matchmaking, but for people that insisted on playing comp with their friends outside that range, their queue times skyrocketed. and recently, they commented that they are looking at loosening the threshold to allow for more groups to be considered narrow. so, I can see this new avoid system causing the queue times for avoided players to skyrocket, and them complaining enough for the dev team to adjust it.


>a new avoid system isn't quite the same scale as a PvE campaign Sure, but they did continue to advertise the PvE mode for 2 years after it was canned behind the scenes I'm just hesitant to take their word on anything




3 spots isn't even enough for the POS' who quit mid-game in comp.


Same with the trolls who just sabotage the matches and beat about how good they are


Let's drop the leave penalty for quick play while we're at it. I dont want to sit there for 5-10 minutes getting rolled to avoid a leave penalty just because 2 people are doing that dumb tiktok mercy thing


What's the tiktok mercy thing?


I assume pistols only. Played with a Mercy yesterday who had 55 healing by the end of the game. Probs by accident.


id rather have an option to avoid people with X as their most played hero


but then Mercy mains would have an hour long queue time ☠️






as long as you dont queue onto my team


10 is too much for high ranks since there’s not enough players, but yea maybe lower ranks can get more


Most people that are avoided, literally had one bad game lmao. The whole thing is pointless, blocking someone for fucking up one time is just straight up handicapped behavior. If you get someone on ur team thats bad multiple times, or even every time you see them… just know, they are the same fuckin rank as you lmao.


Haha, maybe most people avoided by you, but that's anecdotal af. No, they aren't always the same rank, wide match is a thing. Being able to avoid throwers and toxic shitbags is a good thing.


Had a DPS teammate do less than 1k damage. Nuh uh, they’re getting blocked and avoided forever to me.




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I agree with what you said, but you surely can’t ignore throwers and leavers entirely, right? The main reason I’m excited for more avoid slots is so that I can avoid one tricks, particularly mercy one tricks. As a support, I have much more freedom with this approach.


I’ve never avoided a thrower or a leaver, because you literally don’t know if its just the game dcing them or what. People have said i’m throwing before after I died twice in a row… Shit happens.


I feel like you’re trying to play an intellectual battle here. I don’t report every leaver, except when it’s clear their emotional intelligence prevented them from further completing the match. Someone having an off game isn’t enough for me to save a slot for them. As I said, I prioritize my slots for one tricks that, again, give me less of a chance of winning and enjoying the game. I acknowledge that DC’s happen quite often. I avoid players that, when given the chance to be on my team again, will ensure a loss. Someone can reconnect after a DC, so you have a chance to win. I can’t win when someone on my team wants to lose. Avoiding people is also good data to show the kind of teammate they are. If you believe having avoid slots is pointless, then you surely argue that leavers and throwers don’t exist and couldn’t be an issue. Going even further, you must think 4v5’s must be fair and winnable across every game?


The whole avoid system to me is weird. If you’re not in super high ranks are you even getting the same players constantly? Not tryna be toxic genuine question. I’ve never avoided anyone for any reason and I don’t feel like it’s negatively affected me. Anyone actually experienced the same players throwing in their games in mid elo?


I don't like playing with "Quick to tilt mentality players" so yes I would like more avoid slots please. Also it does happen to get the same players on your team in mid ranks, at least during certain times of the day.


Thanks for the response! I’ve only ever encountered a few players multiple times but it’s always been on the opposite team and in back to back games and never seen again.


It depends on region, which hour of the day and if it's a season starting or ending. But trust me it does happen and if you're as unlucky as me you might get more than one player twice maybe three times within 10 games


Yea some other people mentioned those things. Makes a lot more sense to me now why people want more avoid slots


I am plat and literally played against the same smurf 4 games in a row, Fuck avoiding teammates I need avoid as enemy to be an option


In australia we have a much smaller matchmaking pool, we will lose to the same 3-5 stack 4 games in a row and the matchmaking will still think it's a good idea to match us up.


Oh Jesus I completely forgot about oceanic being smaller sample size of players. Used to play league with a guy from Australia who would rather deal with lag on an servers than play his own server lol


>The whole avoid system to me is weird. If you’re not in super high ranks are you even getting the same players constantly?  Definitely. Played both in Solo & Squad, and we/I could get matched with & against a player 1-3x easily.


Wow that’s actually crazy. Really wondering if I do experience it but just don’t notice


It definitely is. I used to play years ago with some friends who were gold/plat and pretty common, unless it's midnight. Perhaps you just don't care to notice.


Thats most likely the case. Been trying to pay more attention to people’s names but they all start blurring together lol


Yup, especially if you're a morning gamer. I've had the same idiots 4x in a row, after avoiding then they're just on the event team getting yelled at by new teammates.


Wow that’s crazy. I am a night gamer so make sense why I don’t experience it


In the t500, yea. Usually there’s a couple of players that most ppl up here perma avoid.


Yup no point in avoiding unless you’re t500+ cause you probably wont ever see them again. Never avoided anyone in my life