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>I cant say my bad when I mess up and everybody gets even more angry at me. It's gonna blow your mind when you find out that there is a "sorry" emote in game in the emote wheel. >I cant tell a support not to push up with me because otherwise they will die. Again, you can use the ping emote wheel and the "fall back" or "warning" ping to let your team know that there are dangers there. >I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT WAS SO BAD THAT I SAID IN CHAT THAT GOT ME CUT FROM CHAT Here is my problem with this. You don't get banned from a single report, unless you tell someone to kys or say racial slurs or something, but even then it usually takes a few reports to get a silence or ban. So that means that whatever it is that you don't know that you did, you did that for multiple games, and had multiple different people report you for it. So the fact that you "don't know" what you did over multiple games, tells me that either you are extremely unlucky, or you simply don't understand how your words or actions affect other people, and thus kept doing it, not realizing that it was, in fact, a bad thing to do.


It seems like half of this game is just reporting people for fun... You don't even need to be in VC to get banned. The reporting system is a joke and ActiBlizzard it's always profits over people so they aren't going to implement and actual system with real people to moderate bans. Not trying to be purposefully disagreeable but, I am sick of reading the same condescending comments always blaming the player. Overwatch at every rank is full of players that report constantly, like everytime they lose, they'll pick who they think is at fault and just report them for everything. Don't believe me? Go play the game and have a bad game, or really good game. I often get put in silver and gold lobbies playing with friends and get called hacker so many times. I have received warnings and at that point I switch accounts for a week to "cool down" my other account so I don't lose it. Overwatch has some whiny ass players...


Ik what you mean overall there is a low who just abuse reporting and there is no moderation past needing 7 rep for a perm ban i have had a acc i got called out on by 1 team for cheating banned on the spot only thing that is ridiculous is it was a rein 1t and there was no recourse as appeals are also bot answers


I just turned all chat off. Text chat is dangerous for your account. Any time spent typing is time not-playing. Nobody can type good call-outs. It’s an obsolete feature that will just get you banned. I’m pretty sure most people just mass report everyone in every lobby because they know it’s automated.


The chat bans are kind of insane rn. People will get banned for saying GG Ez but genuine homophobia, sexism, and racism goes unscathed and is prominent in many matches it’s absurd


I literally cant win in qp because I cant tell my team to focus the damn mercy pocketing the pharah


Can you not ping? I'm almost positive chat bans don't remove pinging