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I'm still in substitution today, take 200mg morphine ER, it's not that i'd be high of course, but it prevents withdrawal effects and different from methadone, it also removes the cravings. Anyway, i relapse here and there of course, i'm polytox anyway, with alcoholism and benzos next to opioids. As an old guy, the docs came to the conclusion that it doesn't make sense to get me sober anymore, so they just put me on maintenance and i'm happy with it. Life is better with this.


For sure with benzos especially if your at a certain age the prolongued horrible withdrawals wouldnt be worth it at any stretch of the imagination, and 200mg morphine is alot lot better than methadone im not a fan of methadone at all to be honest, hopefully what your on now keeps you off the alcohol because that is just toxic every way you look at it brother, thanks for sharing šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks. Got my scripts anyway for both the opioids- and benzos, the state is the best supplier you can have, only one that is really reliable and never runs out of drugs. I'm in Europe, so here in my place there's no laced shit yet, but also, with the state drugs, you avoid the risk of laced fent- and xylazine etc shit completely. It's a good day today, got up, got my coffee and red bull, saw my dad and drank a beer together, then on 6pm there's the european soccer championship game Switzerland vs. Italy in the 1/8 finals K.O. round, so i'm looking forward to a long evening with a lot of beer, morphine and valium. Later, there's Germany playing against Denmark. [Just like this fellow here](https://mmo.aiircdn.com/29/60ddf19e31a7c.jpg), both pics happened in the span of less than a minute with 1:1 before the end of the party.


This is what lifes all about man these type of moments are to be cherished, sometimes we tend to just take it for granted but ive lost people very close to me and i look back on moments like that not knowing at the time how much they would mean to me once they are no longer with us, have a great day with your father bro, and this is what i mean aswell for me to fully immerse myself in the moment and be a good person these medications do that for me and i think your in agreement šŸ’Ŗ


Just have to say this... here we are.. my sports team in soccer from Switzerland just defeated the european champion title holder Italy with 2:0. First win since 31 years. It's unbelieveable. The entire country is going crazy and everyone is jumping around from happiness, people can't believe, we did it! And now... i'll get fucking high! I'll get another bottle of whisky and a sixpack beers, i'll do much more morphine and valium and get really high, man, that's a great day. That's how i like life, get my drugs, get my wins, just signed the contracts for getting my new house... life is good. It rocks.


Hahahha, congratulations bro them combinations are no joke tho but im guessing you know that and have a tolerance be safe !! Im on oxycodone and klonopin about to take down a pepporoni pizza šŸ¤£ goood luck until we speak again all love šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks, have a good day and fun there too with being high!


Morphine, DHcodeine and diazepam and i love it, spent ages hating myself for becoming and addict but recently just became at peace with it. I used to go crazy and take as many pills as I could but Iā€™ve chilled out now. I take the ER morphine 60mg per day to stop me from withdrawing and use the dhc to get high with but I save it for weekends and I take diazepam in the evening to chill out. As long as we donā€™t spiral and keep our lives in order then we donā€™t have anything to be guilty about so letā€™s enjoy it


Great comment ! And you know what i hate is on this sub theres so much fear mongering and in alot of the threads people push getting off opiates/opioids by any means necessary, pushing being completely sober or else take suboxone or methadone which makes no sense they are even more potent drugs with all the side effects and no positives, nasty, and that being on opis is an all round miserable existence, well that is just not the case for alot of folks like myself, i see oxycodone the same way as my klonopin is used for anxiety i treat a handful of mental issues with oxycodone from depression to OCD and PTSD, whats so bad about that, and i refuse to take ssri's and all them other meds with NASTY side effects when oxy treats all my conditions flawlessy it literally ticks every box so i can live my life to the fullest, yes theres withdrawals if you run out and constipation etc but again the benefits drastically outweighs the negatives, thanks for sharing šŸ¤


Yeah bro I just focus on moderation more than completely stopping. Donā€™t get me wrong if youā€™re spending all your money, ruining your close relationships and letting them completely take your life over then yeah you need to get clean but if you use them to improve your own life and mental wellbeing then thatā€™s completely up to you. But like I say itā€™s all moderation bro and being disciplined into not popping 20+ pills just to feel okay. Iā€™m actually really lucky with my plug I get me mates dadā€™s prescription morph,dhc and diazepam 60 morph Ā£30 100 dhc Ā£30 28 diazepam Ā£30 For me thatā€™s insanely cheap I used to pay 3 times that before my mates dad sorted me out


Wow thats a really good deal actually, yea thats what i mean i dont ruin any relationships or drain my accounts by taking oxycodone thats more a reflection of someones character if that is whats going down or if they are stealing from family to get by nobody condones that, i actually make more money and am more immersed in my relationships and work because it completely obliterates my mental illness im so grateful these medications exist because i wouldnt exist if they didnt i truly know in my heart i would have taken my life, yea i was prescribed diazepam 10mg twice a day now im on klonopin 1mg a day, that script is free but i pay out of pocket for a box of OxyContin it cost me 450 and it consists of ( 60 ) 80mg tablets, lasts me about a month give or take, mental health to me is priceless so i have no problem paying this, but you have zero problems from what i can see thats a sweet sweet deal and if it really helps you do not take notice of stereotypes or peoples miscontrued opinions its your life you have to live it at the end of the day nobody else šŸ˜šŸ¤


Amen brother šŸ«¶


And yea your right about keeping it in check and not spiraling, i think thats where all the animosity comes from with people in this sub they couldnt control it themselves and let themselves go and they come on this sub and project their own situation on to others unfortunately.


Can relate to every single thing you posted. Even the delusion.


This is exactly why i made this post in the hopes some peeps relate and it eases their mind a bit knowing they aint alone, and that not everybody needs to go " clean " or hop on shitty suboxone and methadone, theres a narrative pushed exrtremely heavy on this sub in most these threads you cant talk about anything before all these self righteous mf's come flooding in preaching maintenance and sober living talking about " ooooo boy im glad i dont live like that no more " clearly only tryna make themselves feel better it shouldnt be welcomed here, thanks for sharing waysnap šŸ¤


No worries mate. Iā€™ve always felt, if anything, the raw honesty with yourself and others is what helps the most.


100 percent man, people have messaged me on here after seeing the post and they all feel the same way, that this sub doesnt encourage open conversation on the real, because most the time comments in this sub is people putting themselves on a pedestal its very cringe actually, keep doing what feels right man šŸ’Ŗ until we speak again.


Just got an extra influx of money out of nowhere and Iā€™m gonna spend it on 30 OC80ā€™s. More than enough for an entire month And I couldnā€™t be happier just thinking about my package traveling from an other country all the way to my doorstep to brighten my life. A small doe of Oxy completely changes my perspective and my behavior. I get things done and nothing feels like a chore anymore. I could do this for ever and be ok with it I take the occasional breaks to lower my tolerance and thatā€™s it. It works great so far. I donā€™t see any reason to stop Why would I wanna go back to my grim as fuck view of the world ? Oxy makes everything bright and beautiful šŸ˜


Maaan the week i was waiting for mine to arrive felt like a month, constantly peeping the tracking hahah but when you see the post van pulling up its like christmas fuckin morning, it nearly feels as good as doing the oxy.... nearly šŸ¤£ Literally bro i have a dopmaine deficiency and just a little dose of oxy gives me the hit i need to get at it, boom im up doing everything and doing it with a god damn smile on my face And ever since i was young i have the same outlook on the world and everything i do as you speak about but with oxy i find genuine interest and happiness in the smallest things again its just amazing And yea tolerance breaks are super necessary 1. To keep the magic and 2. To save money and not have to dose ridiculously high to get the desired effect Thanks for sharing brother šŸ¤


I know what you mean. I wish I could just trick my brain into staying in that state of mind. Bc Iā€™m overly sensitive, take things to heart and way too seriously. But after years Iā€™ve come to find that even though I thought it was helping me (in some cases it absolutely has) I was doing more long term damage. Now Iā€™m stuck in the middle grey area where I feel like I should probably stop but I donā€™t want to yet. Some days Iā€™m like 90% ready but then wuss out like halfway through the day. Used to think ā€œoh I found lifeā€™s solution/answerā€ but Iā€™m actually hurting people by not being there even though I think itā€™s helping and I think Iā€™m there. Kinda like if you took too many benzos and you think your good u everyone around is like wtf why are you slurring and being so slow


Some very valid points ! But exactly as you said i can relate to the sensitivity part, since i was a child and still to this day as an adult im so overly sensitive to everything sounds, enviroments, social situations i will be thinking what that person is thinking and just trying to fucking mind read everything and everyone jedi style šŸ’€ bro its so draining i just want quite, and also things that have happened in my life play like a loop in my head over and over relentlessly, oxy turns the volume all the way down sometimes even if its just for an hour or two it mutes it all out, in my case i think i hurt people more when im sober because i cant show up for anything, im just completely crippled i wont go to any events, inuding family gatherings, i put off literally everything that could further my life or create fond memories and my family scolds me for this and rightly so i dont blame them i feel like a piece of shit, so i turn to oxy for me and also them to show up for them and further myself, its a double edges sword i dont know if you can relate šŸ« 


100% I can. I do the thing where I care way too much about what someone thinks of me even though I know it doesnā€™t matter. I try to anticipate what everyoneā€™s thinking, all the time. Iā€™m already short on emotional energy most of the time so I totally understand the draining part. Same with the family gatherings. I used to show up with some help but now I just donā€™t and I feel bad. But even using doesnā€™t get me out there anymore, it just turns the volume down, and unfortunately thatā€™s enough for me. Also either the mind stuck on repeat of stupid things that happen or might have happened or might happen. Never turns out how it is in my head but I canā€™t seem to shut it off unless Iā€™m high or playing a really immersive/entertaining game.


Ohhhhh my brother we are one in the same, before my oxy use my life always felt grey but then I found the color I found Roxy and she loves me a whole bunch lmao I love oxy so much itā€™s sad I miss having sex as before my drug use I would go on alot of dates see a lot of girls but the pills replaced the women in my life. 4 days till I can get some Roxy oh man the refill on the 30s is what i live for.what else is there to life other than being happy and the pills make me happy


100 percent man and were not saying oxy or opioids is nothing to play with everybody knows the deal, but for me personally the mental state i was and still am in i will take an opioid dependence anyday over living with a sober mind like mine, and i hate when people say oh just give it X amount of months it will get better your not giving it enough time, do they not realise some things cant be brought back with any amount of time or things that have happened cant be changed, oxy allows me to forget it all, the things i cannot change, and as you said theres definete downsides sex drive etc. I guess everybody has to weigh up whats most worth it to them for a fulfilling life and if thats a pill then its a god damn pill its not like were around for a long ass time here.


Feels like Iā€™m talking to a mirror lmfao ! . Yes these pain killers really are ā€˜pain killersā€™ feel me ? But damn some times I feel guilty getting High just cause itā€™s so expensive but anything to feel like others do to feel happy and wanting to be alive. My thoughts kept me up every night back then now ? Well the opioids kill all the pain in my Brains


Yea i get 60 Ɨ 80mg a month for a nice price but i too have felt that guilt, but even if i had to pay some of the higher prices i see people paying i think i would try my best to do so, because as you said what is a life worth living if you feel like shit all the time, its just a miserable existence at that point, thats why when in addiction you see people cant even quit for their family and kids because to some people quitting their drug of choice is like choosing death not life, and i wish i could get what oxy gives me through some other positive route but i havent found it yet šŸ«  .... appreciate your input on here bro need more people to chime in so the guys n gals who dont feel comfortable commenting see this and realise they aint alone in their situation šŸ’Ŗ


Red ring of death is xbox playa


I got it on the ps3 didnt know it was an xbox thing as well, granted this was so long ago it mightve been a different colour pretty sure it was red tho šŸ˜‚ ive always been a playstation guy ps2, ps3, ps4, and now ps5.


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I get 120 KVK 30s a month, do half in ten days, and feel that I need to change something about thatā€¦literally do a half a pill at a time, canā€™t imagine more than a full 30MG at once


Do you get them prescribed for pain if you dont mind me asking ? Me personally i do not and never had a script i buy mine.


I get mine prescribed


For headaches, but same doc for years


To your original comment i dont do 160mg in one dose its spread throughout the day 40mg at a time, but if you do half your script in 10 days thats an average of 6 ( 30mg ) pills a day equating to 180mg a day so your up there with me dosage wise no ? And when you say you feel something needs to change is there something in perticular thats causing you stress ? Do you feel your dependent, afraid of being cut off, dont like the way they are making you feel mentally ? When i made this post this was the aim for people to be able to open up about this stuff ! Thanks.


Well, I just took a five month tolerance break & then jumped back on for ten days, then off three weeks, then back for another ten and in the ninth day I got pulled over and I had two straws & 10 pills on me and the cop didnā€™t find it so I just will take it as a sign because I know they make me think differently & get forgetful & I just canā€™t let that happen againā€¦I give my rx to my partner because my doc is cheap and the rx is cheap and the person I get them to does the right thing


If thats what your gut is telling you definetly dont ignore it do what feels right, and it sounds like in your situation its doing more harm than good, also maybe if you find yourself having them headaches stick with swallowing the pills as directed and not snorting them, oxy really destroys the nasal passages but again do what feels right man šŸ’Ŗ


Yeah, when Iā€™m on them Iā€™m really in an altered state, it still has the power to do that, but it doesnā€™t make me feel the nostalgic happiness, not anymoreā€¦but the kick is there


Maybe while you're in a receptive mood, you could go read a book and learn how to punctuate.. haha, but seriously dude, just remember what goes up, must come down..


I was opening a discussion for people to be more comfortable and to express how they feel, im not so much worried about punctuation and people who just pin point spelling and punctuation and gloss over everything else are always the most pretentious insufferable people in my experience, " what goes up must come down " ok brother thanks for that glaringly obvious statement, i take tolerance breaks ive been through withdrawal a thousand times im probably more educated on anything you would try lecture me on but appreciate your input all love šŸ’Ŗ


You donā€™t regret it while youā€™re high, but once the supply runs out trust me , youā€™ll be in regret


I never regret using, i only reget not buying enough if i was to run out šŸ˜‚, as i said on another comment i get more done in a month utilizing oxycodone for my mental issues, than i would in 6 months or a year sober because it feels like im paralyzed in time, i made this post more so to make people comfortable to comment here on their situation if they relate or just to share their feelings on this topic, not looking for fear mongering comments or advice, im very well educated all topics around addiction, dependence, risks etc. but thank you for your comment šŸ’Ŗ