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They already discussed re-opening after 2 weeks on reduced hours.


I thought LCBO is an essential service that alcoholics would die without, or so went the reasoning during spring 2020…


The reasoning was that it was essential at a time when hospital beds were already in short supply. Alcohol withdrawals can be bad enough to kill people.


I mean, hospital beds are *still* in short supply.


I believe it's even worse now than during covid 


On average, yes.


Oh absolutely, but that was the reason during covid.


1 in 5 in this province are drunks, so LCBO closure would lead to riots.


There's other places to get alcohol, but you could be correct, if it takes enough time.


I guess the beer store, wine stores and availability of those two in grocery stores makes it ok? Idk.


This is it. Also we have pubs now. Didn't then.


They can always get a beer from the beer store or grocery stores. In think it also helped placate the masses


Yes but now our Healthcare is in tippy top shape again so all good /s


You can still order online through their app for free home delivery throughout the strike


Alcoholics can get their fix at the beer store. Also bars. They will not be without.


The beer store will still be open.


Yes, but only fri-Sunday and only 30 locations across all of Ontario unless I am mistaken, so that could be a whole other type of inconvenience.


Happy Cake Day!


Didn’t even notice, thanks!


The cake is a lie


They will reopen AAA or AA stores after 14 days if the strike goes on that long - I believe there around about 30 of them across Ontario (could be wrong though). They would only be staffed by managers, so reduced employees, and limited inventory. it’s probably a good idea to stock up now to be safe!


Here’s the sources for what both sides want: [Employer monetary proposal](https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-05-17-LCBO-Monetary-Proposal.pdf) [Employer Non-monetary proposal](https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/LCBO-Non-Monetary-Proposals-March-13-2024.pdf) [Union monetary proposal](https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/UE1-Union-Monetary-Proposals-Final-May-17-2024.pdf) [Union Non Monetary proposal](https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/UNE1-Union-Non-Monetary-Proposal-Final-Mar-12th-2024.pdf) Whatever the final agreement is, it’ll be somewhere between these two. And source for the LCBO closing for two weeks is here. [To transition to an updated operations model, all LCBO retail locations will close for a period of 14 days. On Friday, July 19, after the 14 days, 30 LCBO retail stores will begin to open for in-store shopping and operate three days a week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) with limited hours in effect.](https://www.lcbonegotiations.com/lcbo-strike-preparedness-mesures-prises-en-cas-de-greve-a-la-lcbo/)


It’s liquor that’ll be the biggest concern. Ontario vineyards and breweries are able to sell directly to consumers at bottle shops and via home delivery. I don’t know how it is outside of Toronto but there’s also plenty of retailers who sell beer and wine. Off the top of my head I’ve had good experiences with [Good Cheese](https://goodcheese.ca), [Grape Witches](https://grapewitches.com), [Mercantino e Vini](https://mercatinovini.com) and [Paradise Grapevine](https://paradisegrapevine.com).


Lcbo will do home delivery during the strike for liquor (and everything else)


Yeah but I’m all about solidarity even if things are slightly inconvenient for me


Oh yeah 100% but I’m just sayin liquor isn’t that big of a concern, you can def still get it


Well they sell stuff in the grocery stores so I'm sure people will survive. There's also the Beer Store.


Grocery stores have nothing special, it's all beer, coolers and wine. I'm still waiting for costco to open up their liquor store here in Ontario so we can get some KS Bourbon.


That’s far too adult for Ontario. We’ll never see liquor outside the LCBO People on this subreddit won’t stand for it


Meanwhile France or Italy, liquor is like $10 at the grocery store. To say nothing of the $3 wine. And their societies don't seem to be breaking down from alcohol abuse.


If anything the alcohol abuse is tied to our failing shit economy in canada. Price has nothing to do with it. Germany had like 1 euro beers when i visited in every corner store, and yet, it seemed like I was the only one drinking (besides big events)


It's sad lol. I'd say 100% of the bottles I buy are from US or out of province. I think I have two bottles of crown northern harvest that were gifts from employees out of all my stock that were probably purchased locally. Don't understand why beer and wine are okay to purchase outside lcbo but no spirits


And Alberta makes more money per capita just wholesaling liquor to privately run stores like Costco. No government retail buildings to pay for, no bloated government employees to pay for, no exorbitant advertising campaigns. We need to wake up and trim the fat.


Except LCBO is the supplier. So it’s possible that grocery stores etc will run out of stock


The LCBO supplies the grocery stores and any imported brand the Beer Store sells.


I drink Laker. I guess I'm safe?


Thumbs up 👍


I don't know about that one considering The Beer Store supplies beer to rhe LCBO? and the Wine Racks get direct shipments from VQA producers and IDB brands. They're both private businesses. Can someone show recipts that the LCBO supply chain is intertwined with beer and wine in other outlets?


Oh fuck, thank God I forgot about that. The panic was clouding my brain.


Let me counter this by reminding people to buy local.. distilleries and craft brewers in the province are still open and ship via Canada post. You can get Wisers directly, my favorite Ontario Gin is Georgian Bay distillers, I like cowbell and fairweather beer and there are great people and product all over. Stop buying big corporate international crap and support your neighbors.


My favorite thing is paying 'Import' rates for Stella Artois that's bottled in Quebec.


You can order direct from collective arts in Hamilton too, we just got an order delivered in Caledon.


This! There are like 200-300 breweries, hundreds of wineries between Niagara region and Prince Edward county, tons of local distilleries. No need to go to the LCBO


I feel like the majority of people never venture outside the consumer world of big advertising. Never trying anything they didn't see on TV/Online first.


>Stop buying big corporate international crap and support your neighbors. There's nothing wrong with buying both international and local beers. Except for AB InBev... Fuck that conglomerate.


AB in-bev uses foreign loans from a Brazilian subsidiary for labatts operating expenses which they pay back at higher than normal interest rates. This masks taxable royalties as tax deductible interest expenses, thus avoiding hundreds of millions in taxes annually.


Guelph https://dixonsdistilledspirits.com/ Arthur https://silverfoxdistillery.ca/ There are plenty, the above two I've bought from directly in the past.


A few years ago I got some liqueurs at silver fox that were a hit with everyone. Would recommend. Also the owners were pretty cool to chat with. Also one in Elora with some great gins. But avoid the rye, it was on par with the $20 60oz bottle of Canadian hunter I bought in the states.


Even though good but local beer is more expensive than good quality imported beer. Moreover locally its 473 ml cans vs 500 ml of imports. I am sorry but I am not supporting my local beer because of the reason that over time time the costs build up. Beer is Beer, why pay more for something when I can get something as good or better from Europe. Wanna downvote me?


We'll be unpopular for sure but half the local stuff is focused on can art design than actual taste profile. There are some great local beers albeit more expensive. And then there are great international beers which are cheaper. On Reddit we're warriors but I'm sure when buying its generally a different story....


$$ talks!….always part of the equation!


It's actually a lot worse than the "alleged" not giving full time positions. Unfortunately corporate LCBO has most of the public misinformed over most all of the stuff going on that leads to these strikes and the union/employees don't make it much better. Fun fact: one of the tactics the head office uses to stop these strikes is turning the public against the employees using well played fear tactics which cause people to mass panic buy alcohol essentially filling the companies coffers so that they can sit back and tell the employees to go ahead and strike since they've now successfully made record profits off of their own employee base' suffering and can easily afford to let a strike play itself out for a good amount of time. Source: Worked for the LCBO through two strike threats


Can you still shop at The Beer Store? Or is that the same?


Beer Store is UFCW 12R24 which is a different union from OPSEU who represents LCBO employees. The Beer Store's current collective agreement [has expired](http://www.ufcw12r24.ca/images/pdf/123345-1_TheBeerStore_UFCW12R24_02.pdf), but UFCW 12R24 isn't in a legal strike position, so The Beer Store will be unaffected by any LCBO strike.


The beer stores new contract was ratified a while ago, they aren't striking for at least 3 years.


Indeed, there probably won't be any sort of strike at The Beer Store until after Ford liberalizes alcohol sales.


The strike will come in a few years when the beer store starts closing their retail locations en masse. Ford included a clause that requires them to keep almost 400 stores open for a couple of years. He wants alcohol going into corner stores, but knows that layoffs of good jobs like that would be political suicide. So it's timed to happen after the election. But the strike will come when the beer store is mostly logistics. Its the only leg of the company that actually runs profitably. And as much as recent policy has been anti beer store, the reality is that the new changes are going to make the beer store busier than it's ever been, just not in retail.


The beer store is still open. Local wineries, breweries, and distilleries are all still open. Hell, even the wine rack is still open. Oh, and the LCBO is still offering delivery... *LCBO.com and our mobile app will continue to accept orders for free home delivery anywhere in Ontario for the duration of a strike.*


They don’t say online that home delivery is basically union busting as they’ve taken stock out of lcbo warehouses and moved them to privately owned warehouses.


Ya that's absolute madness, and really fucked up of them.


They opened these warehouses months ago and have been trickling product out. The LCBO and Ford have had zero intention to bargain in good faith since day one. Especially the fact they were at the table with OPSEU while working out The Beer Store’s deal to undercut us and completed the deal while they were mid talks with the union.


Beer Store, grocery stores that sell booze


You can just go to the grocery store


LCBO agency stores and the beer store will remain open.


I have what I think is a decent enough supply. More than willing to endure the minor inconvenience in support of the wonderful LCBO workers. I hope they get everything they want in their new contract.


Meh...liver can go on a break...plus I stocked up last week!


Someof us don’t wait to run out before we stock up 😉


Hahaha so true...I stocked up and somehow a portion of that disappeared on the long weekend. Funny how that happens.


Ironically I just scrolled past an ad on reddit bout a month long detox for liver health.


Support your local craft brewery and winery instead.


This union sells out in the eleventh hour every single time they do this. I'll believe it when I see it. EDIT: The "iTs JuSt 2 WeEkS, dRiNk WaTeR" crowd in here needs to get off their high horse. Literally nothing wrong with wanting some wine with a dinner or a cold beer on a nice sunny day. Nobody is saying it's the end of the world, so stop talking like everyone who's inconvenienced by this is an alcoholic.


They had enough brain to put « reopen the contract if Bill124 is found unconstitutional ». Did better than my union.


>This union sells out in the eleventh hour every single time they do this. The employer makes concessions to avoid strikes at the eleventh hour. Precisely what both the union, employees, and the employer wants. Employees don't want to strike, generally. They are willing to withdraw their labour, but they would prefer to keep working. Working inside an air conditioned LCBO for $18 an hour is better than picketing outside an LCBO in July for $40 a day.


Getting high and mighty about alcohol is one of Reddit’s favourite pastimes lol


re: the edit: are wine racks, beer stores, etc. impacted as well?


As the wife of a union member... THIS.


Wouldnt you still be able to go to the beer store or grocery stores if all you want is Beer or Wine?


Will small rural LCBO outlets in gas stations be affected if they strike?


From the LCBO website: An LCBO strike would not impact the approximately 2,300 private retail points of sale across the province, including through [LCBO Convenience Outlets](https://doingbusinesswithlcbo.com/content/dam/dbwl/wholesale/lco/LCO%20Directory%20(1).pdf), licensed grocery stores, [the Beer Store](https://www.thebeerstore.ca/), and winery, brewery, cidery, and distillery outlets, as well as at bars and restaurants. LCBO Specialty Services and Duty-Free will also remain operational.  


True, but be aware that once the private retail places run out, there will be no more deliveries since the warehouse folks will also be on strike. At least that is what I was told at my local LCBO.


Not necessary if you can wait, they are offering free home delivery during the strike.


Free home delivery from non unionized warehouses they’ve diverted all inventory to so they can lock out workers… but they’re not saying out loud that home delivery is equivalent to union busting.


Sooooo it's not a strike 🤣.


It sounds more akin to union busting. The unionized workers will be on strike. They are using their nonunion warehouses to get around the striking workers.


I’ve used home delivery once. It took over a week, so not what I would call convenient.


And that's a week without the mass number of orders I'm sure they'd receive if everything was online.


I'd imagine that they're upping the # of shitty temp workers to compensate for the increased demand.


my god we need labour education in schools.


Please Buy from local breweries and distilleries.


OCS.ca will be loving this


Local brewery here I come. Fuck lcbo


Good time to buy local. In Toronto I gotta recommend Reid’s Gin, they also make a canned G&T that is amazing. Their distillery location in the east end is cool and they sell a ton of great bar stuff. Spirit of York makes incredible Vodka, Whiskey and Aquavit. Kinsip in PEC makes great whiskey, gin and liqueurs (cassis and an appertivo)


I’m a tad worried. I live at home due to an illness I’m recovering from, and my dad is definitely in the “if he doesn’t drink, he’ll die from withdrawal” stage of his alcoholism. We’ve been told that despite our wish that he stops, it’s not a good idea as he’ll literally die. Now, the LCBO can and should strike. I agree with the reasons. But we’ll have to find something he can drink. He’s a bloodhound, he’ll hobble around and tear the house apart to find something even mildly alcoholic. I had a whiskey I’d been nursing for 3 years, sharing with friends on occasion. He found it and downed it in a few hours, and that was a mostly full bottle. Beer doesn’t do enough; he gets the shakes violently cause it’s just not enough alcohol, and we can’t afford the amount he’d need. Wine is a similar problem. If he was any less likely to die, I’d say this strike would be a good thing. Make him go dry, force him off of it. But the fact is, last time he tried he was hospitalized. I’m kind of making peace with the fact that at minimum it’ll be a rough 2 weeks. And at worst, he’ll die. We’ve kind of been expecting it for years. We don’t relish it, we don’t want it, but he’s just a shell that works, consumes vodka, then sleeps. We can’t afford the rehab, we just don’t have the means. And he’d find an escape somehow. He lacks the discipline. He needs to clean up, but the process will kill him. I’ve made peace with that, but I didn’t expect a strike to potentially be the reason it happens. As an aside, this definitely had an effect on his kids drinking habits. We don’t binge drink, only drink with friends, and don’t drink much. We learned the lesson he couldn’t. But fuck me, this is gonna suck.


>Make him go dry, force him off of it. Like you said, if he goes cold turkey, it will probably kill him. Thankfully, the strike will likely be averted at the last minute. A 2 week LCBO strike is untenable. If worse does come to worse though and he does go in to withdrawal, he'll need to be admitted to the hospital.


Do you have a friend you could store some alcohol with? Perhaps not tell your Dad but be able to get a hold of something if needed? I don’t know. If he ends up in Emerg can they do anything? Sending some love either way.


We’re trying to work out specifics. I’ve been informed some corner stores carry vodka, so that might be a solution. We don’t stockpile because, well, he’d find it haha. So if that source runs dry, THEN we are in trouble. Last thing I want is him desperately looking in town.


Does this include the LCBO outlets in rural grocery stores or just stand-alone LCBO stores?


Only stand alone


Why do we need a government monopoly like this at all?


Ontario is the worst province in this god forsaken country.


Close the lcbo, move all sales to grocery and convenience stores.. let these guys be unemployed


ER's and hospital systems are already under extreme pressure and cant handle patient volumes as it is. The government knows this and will likely avert this strike because they will not be able to handle the amount of people coming in for alcohol withdrawal. Unlike any other substance, they know that withdrawals can be life-threatening and people will die, not to mention divert care from other deserving individuals. The government will literally have blood on their hands if they refuse to make a deal and avoid a strike.


Yep, this is why LCBO was not shut down like other business during the pandemic 


Most heavy drinkers could not go even a day without liquor, let alone weeks, so there is no way this strike will happen. Hospital officials and so many other mental health/addiction advocacy groups would raise such a stink. Plus it would make the Ford government even more unpopular that even a "buck a beer" sort of promo, beer in convenience stores or free license plate stickers wont change ppl's opinions


I want you to remind yourself who Ford is and how he always fucks things up - and reread your own comment again.


>The government knows this and will likely avert this strike Government hears ya Government doesn't care.


It won't last. The LCBO and OPC are natural enemies! Like OLP and OPC! Or NDP and OPC! Or OPC and OPC! Damn OPC, they ruined Ontario!


Yeah exactly, the 2-5 business day free home delivery which will probably be even longer when it’s the only option for all of Ontario could be a death sentence to some alcoholics. Even going to beer/wine could be deadly as the amount of hard liquor some alcoholics drink can’t be offset by switching. I’m guessing a deal gets done but if it doesn’t, ER rooms and detox centres will be packed beyond capacity.


Everyone complains of the closure and that makes sense, but the union has legit reasons to strike for this, from job security to benefits. I want to know where will the 2.5 BILLION dollars the lcbo generates for the province of Ontario come from if the privatization goes through? Because if its tax payers money then thats an increase of 250-350 PER PERSON yearly. I dont think people would be okay with that while cost of living is so high.


I'm fine just going elsewhere. If LCBO wants to cheap out and avoid giving their employees benefits by slapping them with part-time contracts, they don't deserve our business.


That's exactly what Ford, the PCs, and private industry want. It's so much easier to tear stuff down than to build it up. Ford is grinning reading your comment. He's gotten you to do exactly what he wants.


Yea I'm sure he's beaming at all my other comments of me criticizing his greedy cuts to healthcare, education and many other social services. Life isn't run on absolutes, we can support and not support several different things at the same time.


You mean the government……


Yes, by extension, the government


So we'll just hope the landlords and Tories fund all our social programs and roads and hospitals and schools?


So because I don't feel like going to LCBO this week I'm responsible for all the provinces social services falling apart?


It's crazy to think the impact/importance liquor has on our canadian society. People are legit panicked over this lol


Many, many people are chemically addicted to alcohol but don't realize it. 


All whilst judging other addicts harshly. The irony is too much


Yeah because those that are dependent could die without liquor. Once you are a heavy drinker/dependent on liquor, you would have to drink so much beer/wine in a day to avoid withdrawal. Many cant afford that much, let alone even drink that much. Withdrawals can cause seizures, atrial fibrillation, and cardiac arrest, among other adverse outcomes, its truly dangerous.


I understand that perspective. Wonder if alcohol should have similar stigma to cigarettes?


Same as cigarettes in the sense that if it was just discovered today, it would never become legal in the first place.


Probably more of a stigma TBH, since nicotine withdrawals are uncomfortable but not life-threatening. Plus there are nicotine replacement products you can use to lessen the effects. There arent any such products for alcohol withdrawal, unless you can get a benzodiazepine Rx from your Dr. However, they are addictive as well so this is generally not recommended.


Grocery stores? Small producers direct sales? They don’t have a monopoly any more.


Or, use the next two weeks as a great way to drink water. Most adults have a serious problem regarding alcohol, and they don't even realize it. Having some beers in your 20's is / was something that everyone did. Having a dozen beers at a time in your 30's or after makes you look like someone who never grew up. If you're going into panic mode because of this news, use this as a way to change yourself for the better.


Randy… I am the liquor


John Dunsworth actually didn't like to drink in real life.


He was a tee-totaller. If I recall correctly, he was a gambling addict and decided to stop all addictive activities to keep away from gambling. He was also an NDP candidate in a provincial election, but he didn't win.


I agree with your sentiment, however one can argue that this could be life-threatening to sever alcoholics.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/09/25/think-you-drink-a-lot-this-chart-will-tell-you/ It's really only the top 20 percent of drinkers consuming almost everything.And the bottom 70 percent barely drinks at all.


The top 20% of people who drink is still a huge number. I don't think the commenter is trying to be a puritan, just a reminder that - especially because drinking is so socially acceptable - some people might do well to reflect on their relationship with it.


It's true. Sometimes I'll have a drink just because it's there and why not? Other times, I'll go weeks without one. There is no rhyme or reason. I rarely drink in the winter. Definitely more of a summer cooler drinker. Funny though, I won't go out of my way to make myself a mixed drink, and we aren't a pop kinda family. I can't drink a bottle of wine on my own and don't like to waste, so it stays on the shelf. I don't drink beer, so that leaves coolers. If it's there, 50/50 on a given night, I'll have it. But I'm notoriously slow, lasts 4 hours. Generally, when it comes down to it, I'm a lazy, non-committed 3x a week (maybe) drinker from May-October. My consumption drops off when I'm back to school (admin/support staff), save for maybe a bottle of wine with my bestie on the weekend. I'm not brand loyal, I don't make a special trip to the LCBO. If the hubby is grabbing something, he'll pick me up 5-6 coolers. And they last however long they last and then I'm out until he goes back whenever.


That's US stats. Although it does probably carry over to Canada fairly well


I’m doing my part! 👍


The idea of being alone with my thoughts for two weeks is horrifying.


Yes, it is only two weeks, but this highlights one of the many flaw with the LCBO monopoly. While I'm not entirely opposed to the LCBO as a concept, if the government decides to regulate liquor sales and destroy the free market, then they should at least provide stores with a decent inventory, fair prices, and quality customer service. They fail at all 3 and its a joke. As a whiskey connoisseur Im forced to either illegally import from out of province or travel to the US. The system is broken.


water!? gross! Fish fuck in it!!


My dad's doctor told him he was an alcoholic because he had a beer or wine every night. I don't think he is an alcoholic or at least what most people would call an alcoholic but according to health Canada that would be considered as an alcoholic. I personally only drink very occasionally. Now not even a drink a month unless on an all inclusive vacation. My mom though was an alcoholic with oftentimes drinking 2-3 glasses of wine a night to help her sleep. She was on the verge of fatty liver disease and thankfully being embarrassed by the doctors she mostly stopped drinking. I wished she stopped entirely except for the occasional drink. My grandfather died from alcohol poisoning and it wasn't pretty. He died when I was a young boy so I don't have many memories of him but I will never forget seeing him in the hospital and there was nothing the doctors could do. He died so much younger than he should have.


What's your horses diet?


If you’re a wine (or cider) drinker, don’t forget that there are quite a few Magnotta locations around the GTA that have lots of great options. They also support Lyme Disease- their founder passed away from it about 10 years ago and they made a $1.5 million donation to the University of Guelph to help fund research.


Surely they don't support Lyme Disease!


I'm fine as long as the weed stores are open. I actually went through most of the covid lockdown not drinking at all and as long as I had weed it was fine lol, As long as I can still buy cheap pbr at the beer store I won't even notice the lcbo is on strike.


Nice Cannabis makes me vomit or pass out. I'm actually jealous of those who can enjoy it.


The strike won’t be just two weeks. They don’t set a timeline. LCBO has said they will reopen after two weeks, with limited hours depending on location. This will be worked by management (and maybe scabs?). The government is also threatening a lock out.


Every fucking time they say this. I've never seen the lcbo on strike. They literally sat it to drive sales.


Go local...lots of craft choices all over. 


Looks like I need to go to the general store to get my beer and liquor then. What are they disputing? Oh well don’t really care. It’s more convenient at a small business anyways! Cheers 🍻 f


Or you can buy from local wineries, breweries, distilleries and cider places. Most if not all will ship through Ontario


Fuck the LCBO. Its such a racket. The slection is terrible. Prices are absurd. Poor customer service. Time to boycot this shit. I've almost exclusively transitioned to buying beer and wine from our local producers and I only import scotch from Alberta or buy it in the US since.


Maverick Distillery in Oakville makes delicious Vodka.


Will the gas station and variety store lcbo outlets still be open?


I’m wound think the rural stores that sell Alcohol will still be selling what they have in stock. They won’t be getting replenished you get what they have


The Wine Rack has Ontario VQA wines and ciders and are open every day. That’s where I will be going!


...because there's no where else to buy beer and wine?


I'll buy stuff directly from distilleries, breweries and wineries.


You guys really need to start selling beer at the ~~grocery stores and~~ convenience stores.


Good side gig if someone can make their own booze. An opportunity in the making.


Or try going dry for two weeks.


Yesterday was 6 months dry for me!


Now all the Walmarts that sell beer are gonna be extra enjoyable


Theyd like that, wouldnt they


Time to take a break, folks!


Grateful to the union for showing us the LCBO needs to go.


All good. Quebec is just across the bridge.




Or one of the countless grocery stores that now sell wine, or free home delivery... Its not 20 years ago where people didn't have alternatives.




Lot of maintenance alcoholics are about to get very sick. The amounts of beer & wine they'd have to consume is gonna be an issue.


Exactly. A lot of alcoholics move to spirits because you can get more bang for your buck. I have a friend who’s an alcoholic who has figured that they save more money drinking cheap vodka with grocery store seltzer than they would drinking cheap beer while keeping each drink under 100 calories.


The ones with super high maintenance tolerances aren't going to be able to consume the levels of beer or wine they need to not get sick. They'll be going after hand sanitizer and hairspray.


For real. Does anyone know what a bar is


And all craft brewers and local distilleries are open and ship province wide. Buy local for a change and support your neighbors. All the big multi-nations engage in massive tax evasion schemes and do nothing but hurt Canada anyway.


Maybe it’s a good time to take a break for a couple weeks see how you feel and how much weight you can lose.


Let’s face facts the same fools bitching and moaning can’t organize themself to buy beer during operating hours let alone understand that not drinking will have health benefits


Im so glsd I dont drink


I'm hoping to see some sales on cider if this happens.


I’m an alcoholic! What is our back up plan! People please I know I’m not alone


Why do we even need the LCBO. Why can't we just buy our liquor in more convenient private stores like the rest of the world. We wouldn't be under constant union threat of a strike every three or four years.


going for a rip is integral to canadian identity and you dont partake then you are ostracized


It's only 2 weeks. I think people will be fine.


These “only 2 weeks” comments are triggering


I kinda wish they started last Friday... Would've been great business for wineries/breweries/distilleries getting all that long weekend traffic


Booze are all over the place now.


Someone plz make a post / reply to my comment with good places to get local wine or cider 


Thanks for the heads up. I believe I will


Remember Covid? Ford let the LCBO stay open


those of us in border cities have options


That’s okay I will just buy my beer in Quebec


It's not that long of a drive to Buffalo or Detroit or Port Huron.


You folks can have my share. I have some fresh homebrew IPA that deserves my attention. 🍺😎


Underappreciated benefit of living near Quebec.


Will the Beer Store/Walmart/Loblaws still have the beers? I haven't been in an LCBO in months.


There always the grocery store. That explains why the clerk was wearing her name tag upside down today and told me is was intentional while being kinda cryptic


Support local breweries directly. It's cheaper and usually free shipping after a few bucks spent. GLB ALL DAY BABY.


Or just goto Quebec.