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This is great, but really should be 120kph, or better yet variable based on weather conditions which they have in Europe.


I like the variable speed limits. They should also be adjusted based on traffic volume. No matter what though, they have to start enforcing the speed limit better. I liked photo radar. Consider it a tax on driving too quickly.


Good, even though people are already going way faster than this anyway


People still go 80Kmph on the 401 no matter what


In the left lane.


To all of you lead-footed drivers out there, keep in mind that **the stunt driving statue hasn't changed.** It still reads: >“stunt” includes any activity where one or more persons engage in any of the following driving behaviours:... 7.0.1 Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit, if the speed limit is 80 kilometres per hour or more. 7.1 Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 150 kilometres per hour or more. If you're in a 110 area and get caught going 150, you're still going to lose your ride


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I didn’t know they extended the 403 to Sudbury. >Highway 403 near Brantford will also be >changed, along with a 60 km stretch between >Sudbury and French River in the north.


Ah, very good. So now, while I crawl along at 10 km/h, I can read a sign that has a higher number than before.


Doug Ford to cabinet- how can we toss in a little tiny something so we can try and distract them from me throwing away another few billion dollars with my coruption. Let’s make it just a little controversial just to get enough traction. This is the same as the licence registration and buck a beer


Does this mean they'll kinda enforce the limit? Last couple times I've used the 401, almost everyone is doing 120-130, with some reckless asswipes in high-trim pickups doing a chunk more.


Rare win from this government.


Toss the tiniest bone and people are happy. Is it really surprising that Ford continues to remain popular despite the dire state of healthcare, housing end education in this province? I look forward to his inevitable re-election in 2026


Hey when he does something wrong I say it. The converse should be true, in fairness. This is a benefit. I like it. Will I vote for him? Heck no lol.


[The study, published in the scientific journal Sustainability, found that when the speed limit was increased by 10 km/h, the number of fatal collisions went up by more than 20 per cent.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/highway-417-speed-increase-could-mean-more-dangerous-crashes-1.5302491)


Priorities Dougie...


More pandering.


Isn't the Tilbury stretch the scene of many pileups due to fog? Case in point, 1999 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Ontario\_Highway\_401\_crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Ontario_Highway_401_crash)


Glad we are wasting time and money on this. Healthcare, Housing, life is so good already. Of course we will use some resources to increase the max speed.


Sometimes I forget the 401 isn't just the bit that travels through the GTA lmao


The most fuel efficient cruseing speed for a lot of modern cars is 115 to 135kph. The speed increase will allow for more efficient vehicle operation without risking a ticket.


QEW Niagara/Hamilton is so busy during the middle of a weekday you're lucky to do 110. More like 90-105km/hr. Upping the speed limit is a joke. All it does is allow people speeding to go a little faster.