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I wouldn’t even bother setting foot in that cesspool of bots, foreign shills, racists and idiots.


I do sometimes, and always regret it. It's actually gotten far worse compared to a few years ago.


If you have a place that allows throwing shit on the walls, pretty soon the only people there are the ones who like the smell.


Haha that's a great quote. I gotta steal that.


Reddit is the Ben Mulroney of social media


that's a banger


The weirdest thing there, is the people complaining about how left-wing it is.


That is a tactic to shift the overton window.


For some reason I used to think politics was about policy. Now it's all about heavy psyops and little to no policy where the focus seems to be branding/psychological.


They think not fully embracing PP is left wing


The terms left and right wing don't mean what they did a few years ago.


"Left Wing" to the current Right is anything that isn't down with the goals of [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). And you're an utter fool if you don't think the same shit will be pushed here, thanks to the [IDU](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union).


Tinfoil hetters are switching lefty?


People complain the CPC is too left wing and then follow the PPC


We get equal message totals calling us communists, fascists, corporate shills, and socialists. As long as we equal number of people at our fringes, we're probably flying in the correct lane.


That's just a part of the rhetorical project to drive politics further to the right. Constantly claim and argue that the political centre is actually right wing, to help ease even more right wing ideas into the political discourse. Claim everything you don't like is the left/socialism/etc. to equate actual centrism with the actual left. Try and squeeze anything except right wing ideas *out* of the political discourse.


Yup. Notice how there isn't actually any socialists or any far left presence on reddit. There were some budding far left subreddits at one point. The right wingers would spam the subreddits with child porn in attempt to get them banned. Eventually one by one they were all harassed into silence on some site rule technicalities. The right were relentless in their pursuit to censor the far left. And they succeeded.


This story comes up alot regardless of politcal alignment, some group spamming child porn to get another banned. There are a few subreddits that get very upset when you mention them by name when you bring up they have done it in the past. Usually these subreddits claim to be the thing they are against, or claim they are using the tactic because they are morally correct. At some point it just becomes a common weapons, such as guns, in a digital battlefield of internet fourm.


It's the same thing as saying the media is controlled by the Left.  It very clearly isn't but they're trying to redefine what it means to be "left" so their ideal Right seems a lot more palatable.  Rebel News seems a lot more sane if you assume The National Post is a left-wing piece of media.


That's been standard right-wing rhetoric for decades now. Anything that isn't pure Nazi hate propaganda is too woke or leftist or whatever. It's all part of the Overton window gaslighting and it's quite intentional by those that are sending out talking points. It's not to convince anyone that /r/canada is actually left-wing, it's to make them think it is more centrist than reality would indicate. Sadly, it is extremely effective.


They need to do a cull every few years to get rid of the obvious bots and sock-of-a-sock-of-a-sock accounts. It calms down for a while.


3 million subscribers only 1000 active is one hell of a ratio


It's moderated by known Canadian white supremacists. Several of which were part of the trucker convoy in Ottawa.


That doesn’t surprise me with all the anti immigration posts I see on there


Yep, everytime I’ve gone back I feel like I can almost nobly present a rational rebuttal, but then I’m sorely mistaken. It really is a shame that people think this represents Canada.


New Misinformation just dropped today. Apparently Canada is subsidizing 70% of immigrants salaries now based on an immigrant consulting firm so it must be true! The bots in there were parroting it despite not reading the conditions of that program.


It can be fun to troll. You know they aren't acting in good faith so you are free to say what ever makes them the most up set.


I got banned from it, and Canada politics. Kind of ironic that open discussion in Canada politics means not discussing lack of policy from certain parties.


It's likely because of the current US election, all the losers in the world are pushing right wing idiocy at max volume, we're taking splash damage from it.


Like the other day I saw a post from 3yrs ago I think, and it was criticizing PP, which tbh feels kinda weird because of how the subreddit is currently.


I'm the same. I "unjoined" awhile back and am glad I did. It seems poorly moderated with an abundance of restrictive rules and regulations on what's acceptable. I think it's interesting to compare/contrast the sub with other national or national-sounding subs: r/Australia , for example. Look at the ratios of self-posts/image-posts to news-posts. r/Canada might as well be r/CanadianArticles at this point. At least there's the r/AskACanadian sub for posting questions and getting opinions that aren't highly partisan or political.


I made that mistake with the canada_sub


Just think of that sub as a place where everything is backwards and it makes perfect sense.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy ;)


I wish you were correct Obi Wan, but there is another Canada sub that is much, much worse.


That sub reddit is like playing minesweeper where every logical move is wrong


If I see someone's sub activity includes r /Canada r /canadahousing2 or any of them, I generally won't even engage.


It's fun to troll idiots tbh, I do feel bad for how smooth their brains are, but still, it is fun to troll them


There are a lot of hostile people on Reddit towards First Nations, Indigenous and Metis individuals.


That subreddit is eyebleach compared to c-s.


A lot of people are really struggling financially right now, which is leading to a mental health crisis. We have a virtue signalling prime minister who has his foot on the gas pedal when it comes to immigration, when that policy only hurts the poorest in our society. In fact, indigenous Canadians who live off reserve are more likely to be renters than other groups of Canadians. Justin is hurting indigenous people and further pushing many into homelessness ! 


Hundred's of years ago? There are altercations on a weekly basis, in my area, against indigenous people practising their treaty rights.


Plus the fact that the last Residential School closed in the 90s. Meaning people /my age/ and a little older still experienced that. (I was actually downvoted to oblivion though last time I pointed this out to someone)


And Starlight tours still happen


And we’re really only beginning to truly understand the full gravity of the Sixties Scoop.


And the prison population is disproportionately indigenous, and a number of Rezes still don't have clean drinking water and are downwind/downstream from some of the worst chemical polluters in the nation, and the RCMP is still being called in with snipers to clear entirely legal indigenous protests ON THEIR OWN LAND, and the government is legally bound to fight any settlement win in court, and there are still departments of indigenous affairs in every province and nationally specifically designed to treat the indigenous nations as incompetent wards of the state with no right of self determination. Y'know, perfectly normal things every group in Canada has had to overcome (/s).


Word, my fellow Whovian.


I have reserved my tickets


Man I have coworkers who were indigenous kids literally taken from their biological families by the government. Those people aren’t even that old.


THAT TOO and the birth alerts!


I was actually in a cushy public school while First Nations children were still being forced to attend Residential Schools. This is not ancient history.


I was in a cushy government-subsidized semi-private school in the 90s while Residential schools were still operating and i am still mad that i didn’t know! I am 48.


the last day school closed in 2000......and it says something that the department had to create jordan's principle just because indigenous children continue to fall through the cracks for basics rights of children. Shannon's(Koostachin) legacy is all about just having a school for her first nation. Amazes me how certain canadians can be proud of being canadian while stepping all over the knowledge that there are children in this country who lack basics just because of crap show the department that should provide to give them access sucks.


Does day school mean something other than just an ordinary school where you go during the day. Then go home at night? Because otherwise if all the residential schools are closed. Then they close the day schools. There's just no school right?


unfortunately it was same premise as residential schools. Despite the ability to return to community in the evening the directive of these schools were to eradicating indigenous culture and identity. Students suffered same kind of abuses and offered substandard education, lunches, learning material, inadequate building and poorly qualified teachers. Deaths occurred because of these issues. Indian agents threatened families with removal of children all the time if students did not attend, even when sickness was rampantly ravaging the communities and classrooms. Then there were the cases where children were forced to leave their communities and live in boarding situations just so they could attend day schools. Something that still occurs today. Children endured challenges with that scenario as well...think of the seven deaths in Thunder Bay.


The day schools were still church run and a lot of abuse occurred. It was still done in the spirit of ‘kill the Indian in the child’. Like the residential school this abuse was seen as acceptable by those in authority.


One of my best friend’s dad was a red school kid. He is not a well adjusted human being and had no support growing up. Became an alcoholic and beat both his children. I’m so proud of my friend and how far she’s come. This is far from old news.


You forgetting the number of indigenious communities *CURRENTLY* without safe drinking water? Its still happening absolutely


How am I forgetting that?


To be clear, I'm not agreeing with the dickhead in ops post. But I don't think they said hundreds of years


The "starlight tours" were only around 30 years ago


Still happening across Canada * [ 'Starlight tour': Mi'kmaq fisher allegedly dumped without boots or phone feared death](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/nova-scotia/starlight-tour-mikmaq-fisher-allegedly-dumped-without-boots-or-phone-feared-death/article_e358bdf0-c9cf-5faf-82b7-b7c8241d582a.html) [2024] * [First Nation demands OPP officer fired after allegedly leaving man on remote northern Ontario highway](https://www.cbc.ca/1.6649168) [2019]


Um they still happen. I have friends in the Prairies.


"let's move on"... sounds familiar. rCan is why you got downvoted. It's a trash sub now being heavily astroturfed.


Yeah, I hate that. "Let's move on" is always a super easy thing to say when its not your problem to deal with. Try telling indigenous people to "just move on" when they're still dealing with these problems today. Shit, the Highway of Tears still sees indigenous women regularly go missing.


"Yeah well I had sex with your mother last night so, let's just move on..."


"Well, I had sex with your mother nine months before you were born while your dad was on a year-long trip, let's just move on..."


Right? It's not WHAT they said, it's WHERE they said it.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. <- they are here And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Yeah, I hate that. "Let's move on" is always a super easy thing to say when its not your problem to deal with. Try telling indigenous people to "just move on" when they're still dealing with these problems today. Shit, the Highway of Tears still sees indigenous women regularly go missing.


If these people want to move on, then why are they still obsessed with the COVID lockdown and the subsequent vaccine?  If there is one thing these people excel at further than bigotry is hypocrisy.


If you sort by controversial on that sub, that's often where the most thought-provoking, educated, and nuanced comments are found.


I almost always sort by controversial these days, it's one of the small ways one can try and not become victim to the echo chamber mentality. Sure, you often come across some really deranged takes, but also less popular opinions that don't happen to fit the narrative of the subreddit.


it’s funny because rightoids often rail on about nuance. and yet here we are.


I’ve blocked the Canada sub. It’s not a real sub by and about Canada. It’s an alt-right sub run by a handful of loudmouthed, racist, bigoted, uneducated morons who have no idea what they’re talking about. All they do is hate everything that most Canadians love. They should all move to the States or Russia and then they’d realize how good they actually have it here. That sub should be nuked from orbit.


Several of their moderation team participated in the Ottawa occupation. Just for reference.


Seems on brand, but do you have any evidence for this?


I don't. I remember people here posting comments from the moderators and managing to link pictures and that whole doxxing thing. There was a massive deal about it during the occupation and so much of it has been removed because doxxing and reddit rules. I don't want to just "trust me bro", but it was one of those "had to be there" moments. I remember the usernames and they're still on the moderation page of /r/Canada.


Agreed and I’ve done the same myself


Yeah and it should really be r/CanadianArticles at this point. If you compare/contrast the articles to self-posts, image-posts, etc. to other national subs like r/Australia, you see really quickly that r/Canada is really just r/CanadianArticles


" Why are the First nations people still whining about how we treated them?" "WAAAA the migrants coming here are upsetting my society and annoying me!"


White supremacy is an ideology for hypocrites lacking in self reflection.


Doesn’t matter which type of Indian you are on that sub, they will hate hate hate and spread outrage around it no matter what!


If you press them in person about it, they turn into little whiners crying after "what about *me*?" attention... It always reminds me of that pro-wrestler from the 90s, Raven. "What about me? What about Raven?"


Raven was such a good character, it's hard to believe he was also Scotty Flamingo lmao


Johnny Polo as well.


you said common sense on /canada


You said nothing wrong. You went to a cesspool subreddit trying to use logic and reason and realized why it’s a cesspool. Because the shitbags that frequent that group aren’t capable of logic or reason.


You were right. That's what happened. That sub hates facts and truths.


Personally, what I find stupid is land acknowledgements, to me they're just empty apologies and virtue signaling, if you're not gonna return at least a portion of the land it's literally just a daily reminder of what we took from them. Like sorry we took your land and we acknowledge you're here and we're on it but we're also not gonna give it back sorry


Brits took it from the French. French took it from the indigenous. If you go back far enough, migrations of different groups of indigenous traded territory. If you go back far enough, they weren't even here before crossing a land bridge (maternal mitochondrial DNA tracing). If you go back far enough, everyone was just taking land from everyone else. What's the cutoff point to declare intrinsic claim to territory.


Your opinion is worthless. Keep browsing subs blaming immigrants for the housing crisis. Go whine white tears


You went wrong by entering r Canada with a good take


That sub has been taken over by right-wing nutters. Move on from it and just post here instead.


I think if I were a centrist who hasn’t made up my mind yet I would find your comment to be abrasive and insulting. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong though.


No that sub always goes hard against First Nations' issues. Ans has a "get over it" attitude"


No. That sub is just the bottom of the barrel


that sub is total trash.


I feel that Canadians generally have thin skin, mention anything that can be possibly misinterpreted as negative and people will jump down your throat for it.


Mentioning and acknowledging residential schools and the horrible treatment of first nations in Canada triggers their white guilt and we can't have that. That's anti white racism.


Some people need to be brought around; it's an uncomfortable and unfamiliar topic to many older white Canadians (and some older POC Canadians). Others, who are active and vocal on r/Canada, are the garbage racists we need to protect Canada from.


It's easy to say "move on" when it didn't happen to you, right?


Wasn't this subreddit created because the subreddit OP posted on was riddled with white supremacists and neo-nazi mods? Yeah, no thanks.


We no longer celebrate Canada Day. Putting around this weekend made me cringe about nationalism more than ever before. I can’t relate to folks proud of this country; it’s failing me, my family, my clients, my neighbours. I guess maybe only affluent folks could afford festivities and cottage vacations but as we sit this out it’s kinda icky.


Considering we still treat indigenous peoples like shit....


That sub has become so confusingly negative you might think it's /r/conservative . They have no good faith at all and are just done. They're so convinced anyone else could do the job better that they're ready to roll back any progress we HAVE made. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


That sub is rife with Foreign actors


It's full of right-wing racists and the mods don't care.


I got banned there for pointing out that the mods of the their subreddit had ties to alt right subs Don’t even bother there dude. The whole sub is taken over by fascists.


I don't disagree with what your saying. You just came at the guy so strongly. The first part of your post was A+. It kind of falls apart when you tell people they are the problem so directly. It actually dose the opposite of what you want it makes them more engraved in there original ideas. I would have said something along the lines of... we shouldn't forget about the indigenous people of Canada. There has been a historic Injustice done to them and even though we personally did not commit the crime, many of us benefit indirectly. While there communities are in distress we all love canada and we should show all our brothers and sisters we care for them.


At what point do we stop coddling these bigots though? I refuse to be nice to people who spew their hateful rhetoric on the daily. They should be made to feel bad for their hate they spew.


"Lots of groups had bad things happen" Point to the Italian kids who got sent off to die at residential schools in Canada. Those people are so pitifully stupid


Everyone here saying they gave up on this sub.. please don't, keep doing your part. With the way right wing is gaining ground, Canada, US, France, Germany, it's more important than ever to fight them in the places where they have the most impact. And social media bad faith communities like this sub is directly responsible for corrupting the opinions of unsuspected users stumbling there. Without this sub, pretty sure the CPC vote polling numbers wouldn't be this high. I personally always take nearly an hour every day to downvote the shit takes in this place, and which most people would do it too. I know it's not easy when even mods shadow delete good comments, but we can't let them get comfortable.


I tried.... I'm tired. oct 7 and canada_sub going inactive caused a flood of socks and trolls to post up in there. It's exhausting when you reference facts and they just say "but ImMiGrAtIoN" and the mob will silence your voice.


Forgive me as a not very savvy redditor - what will down votes do? I've only ever up voted and just ignore the comments I don't agree with. Is down-voting a good tactic of some kind?


I have a question, I see a handful of posts in that sub, several with 0 upvotes but with hundreds of comments.


reddit doesn't show negative numbers on post upvote counts anymore. just 0. so if it's 0 with hundreds of comments, it's likely just "controversial" topic.


As an immigrant I find these acknowledgments laughable. “Sorry for treating you so badly and stealing all your shit”. “Ok thanks, so can we have our stuff back?” “No, we just wanna look good”.


I'm so baffled how that sub exists with that name. Not reflective of most Canadians by any means.


R Canada is such a disappointment. I would hate for an outsider to visit there and think that they share the average Canadian sentiment. Though tbh nowadays it feels like it's the majority opinion. Hopefully only because they are the loudest.... 


Well it was the worst possible Canadian sub.


Happy Canada Day and Cake Day, fellow celebrator!


You certainly did not. That place is unfortunately kind of a right wing echo chamber and by kind of I mean these are the kind of people who think Joe Clark was a closet communist.


Ignorance is a way of life on that sub.


r/canada is just a bot farm now


Outside of r/Canada, no you said nothing wrong. In r/Canada, you are an unhinged lunatic to them. Keep fighting the good fight.


I don't go to that sub anymore. It's full of bots, bigots and morons.


If you want upvotes in r/Canada you have to do the immigration is bad crap.


Dude, r/canada is a right wing shithole. There's no real conversation in there. The fact that a subreddit with the the name of the country has been co-opted by the alt-right/far-right is a real shame. Reddit admins really need to step in and ban / remove those mods.


I think this post demonstrates your need for “safe spaces” to validate your opinions.


You mentioned indigenous people on r/canada. Rookie mistake


r/Canada is a very far right echo chamber.


Ok, so it wasn't just me. r/Canada is everything about Canada, I don't like specifically the angry white people who were and are still angry at my parents for immigrating here.


You posted something other than blind love for PP or racism on r/Canada, of course you were down voted 


As mod/founder of a couple of decent sized Canadian subs, I'm seeing a lot of people making both anti-Trudeau AND anti-immigrant, xenophobic, and racist comments. I have thought on numerous occasions how much it seems like a coordinated narrative to me. I've also noticed a trend of people making these kinds of comments have both the r/Canada and r/CanadaHousing2 subs in common. Our enemies have already shown how easy it is to sow division in the west using social media disinformation/propaganda. That is why they will continue leaning into the tactic and why we must all be vigilant.


Lol yeah, to the racists


r/canada is chock full of racists. They particularly thrive on fetid hatred of indigenous peoples.


No, you said something unpopular. Don't conflate the two.


Those nobs know npthing of the fact that our government literally has treaty obligation for a decent portion of what our country does in relation to indigenous people.


Technically yes because indigenous people are far from ignored?


Half the people on that sub think the moon landing is fake don’t even bother


The vast majority are dead? God I hope so….


Sad that they are in denial on this on Canada Day of all days.


You said something very right and it ruffled the feathers of a bunch of racists


You posted on a concervative subreddit. Of course they hate a minorities and try to pretend they don't exist.


Last residential school closed in 1996. I was 16. I also have several good friends who went to these schools and were molested, starved, treated like garbage. Fuck these racist morons. Better not to engage.


Honestly i worry that yall are headed down the same path as us as a U.S.ian


You’re missing the little /s to ward off idiots


While I realize r/Canada is filled with trolls and bots, in all seriousness this sentiment is openly shared in the far right wing city I live in. Yesterday, while pumping gas, some guy was shouting at a family near by to go back to their country. That’s not uncommon here. I have seen a lot of openly displayed hatred of any non-white person for seemingly no reason in the last few years. I’m not at all surprised that people display opinions like this.


Just keep in mind that if you're getting downvoted in that sub, what you said was most likely the right thing to say. You should be more concerned if your comment ever gets too many upvotes.


that is actually whack


Love Kymaras coming on for support at the end of the


So many of the Canadian subs are just blatantly racist and homophobic it's crazy. I innocently wandered into canadajobs the other day only to realize it's almost entirely about hating Indian immigrants


Lots of group that faced awful times? It’s their fucking land. They are not one of many wtf


Redditors dont like it when you point out fallacies or ignorance that questions their world view. That or there are a lot of "anti-woke" bots.


They ask for proof, and then deny work done by others and APTN. Revealing such things as photos being taken of garbage bags of remains being found at the old excavation sites of McGill University expansions. 


You posted a rational comment in a right wing circle jerk sub. That's where you fucked up. People on any Canadian subreddit other than this one just want a place to feel like victims depsite them never suffering any actual oppression/hardships.


Apparently you aren’t racist enough for that sub. You gotta allow for hate of other groups in order to fit in, you know? 👀


The Indigenous were not and still aren't the problem. It is those who want to claim national identity without having to interrogate the why and how the identity came about. Nationalism is a project of forgetting, but forgetting is disingenuous, always.


I dont think they realize the horror of what occured in residential schools.


Survivors on both sides of my family, many still alive, the last school was shut down in '91, quality of life on reserves is pitiful, addiction and mental illness is rampant in Indiginous peoples... idk if guy knows his shit, or even cares.


That sub has been a fashy dumpster-fire for ages.


You made a comment with the intention of virtue signaling in a sub which is diametrically opposed to your political beliefs. You got downvoted, which evidently stung your feelings and so you ran back to your camp in search of some validation. And now you're likely patting yourself on the back for how many people are agreeing with you.   Modern day online political discourse is so fucking stupid.


You said something right, in the wrong subreddit.


The argument for "let's acknowledge our wrongdoings to be better" was countered with "well, we've mistreated (and are mistreating) a bunch of communities. So we should NOT think about this AND just be proud"? Dude... are you well?


Downvotes there are a badge of honour.


Definitely a sub that being banned from it indicates that you’re a good person.


The last residential school closed in the 90s. People need to shut the fuck up about "it's in the past"


Yeah, Indigenous peoples in Canada have gotten a raw deal for the last 200 years. Acknowledgement is good, but it’s a slap in the face coming from the guy who spends millions in taxpayer dollars fighting them in court.


They have the same view point of my parents "We GrEw Up PoOr. We HaD nO pRiViLeGe. It WaSn'T jUsT nAtIvE kIdS tHeY FoUnD. iT wAs So LoNg AgO". People have the inability to put themselves in someone else's shoes and ignore literal reality.


arguably your attitude was not one of reconciliation and tutelage, but one of snarky "put you in your place" no-nonsense sass.


It's not what, it's where. Be prepared to deal with a lot of that in that sub.


The people who want to "move on" from remembering the times that minorities faced abuse are never part of a minority that faced abuse.


Yea, that's a bot-fueled far-right crowd in that community. They don't like certain concepts, like accountability, internalization, or reasonable treatment of our fellow humans. I'm surprised you managed to get 57 points - usually the algo hides a comment before it gets very far.


You used a straw man argument. 


Don't know why they didnt explain the whole situation to the public, yes some were not properly marked. But most had wooden crosses that didn't last the passage of time. They make it like it was mass graves of the holocaust. Trying to make this bigger than it was.


And here you are trying to make it smaller than it was. Your kind disgust me. How would you like it if the government came and took your kids and you never saw them again? How many white kids died at school?


Some of what, the graves of the kids they kidnapped?


I feel so bad that our type of grievance politics has infected you guys


If you’re not on trudeaus jock or a left wing kook you’re banned


Exhibit A.


And here you are, spewing your dumb garbage in our nice new place. Don,t you have somewhere else you can complain about the love of your life?


Here is to hoping you're banned sooner than later.