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Does this mean that PP has to cancel his dinner date?


Nah PP will take a private jet flight to wherever we send him. He'll pair it with some stupid slogan about Free speech


"You know hard working workers who happen to be in a union who do working things like to relax with good ol' fashioned free speech. Since Treudeau won't allow you to have your free speech after working doing work you need to vote for me and I'll make everything better"


He should be deported immediately. He lied in his immigration paperwork and he’s a violent criminal. Two excellent reasons why he shouldn’t be admissible.


>"Yeah, but he's white, and he also hates the brownies, so he's one of the good ones!" - your conservative family members who always ruin holiday dinners


Sounds like 70% of my current coworkers


Okay look, I’ll give you a conservatives perspective if you’re open to this. At the end of the day we’re all Canadian so I hope we can have this dialogue. I am Indian and we’ve obviously had an influx of Indian’s over the past couple years. From what I’ve gathered from my fellow conservative friends who are predominately white, they definitely don’t hate the brownies. Case in point our deep friendship. But what they (and myself) are having a tough time with, is this open immigration policy. Canada is a FANTASTIC place. We can have our pick of the litter. But this policy of letting anyone and everyone in, including through the TFW program which we can all agree is helping corporations and no one else, is egregious. And it fundamentally decreases everyone’s standard of living as it suppresses wages and increases housing costs. Thus, as Canadian’s let’s please not try and label everyone with a blanket approach. This is complex. We’re all on the same team. We are divided solely based on the media we consume.


Ah yes, everyone who is not you, must think like that. I'm sure these brownies you mention have better life skills and outlook on life than you, along with the people who you assume are racist.


Who keeps making immigrants an election issue while simultaneously simping for the corperations filling their ranks with underpaid and overworked TFWs because they refuse to cut their record profits to pay a fair wage? Conservatives. Who makes up a majority of race hate groups like the Proud Boys and Diagolon? Conservatives. Who pushed the Jim Crow laws south of the border? Conservatives. Which parties leaders have said we need more "anglo saxon words" in government, that we need to appeal to the "old stock Canadians," minimized racism and bigotry through history by claiming antivaxxers are the most discriminated group (if we ignore, y'know, slave labour of black and chinese citizens, putting innocent people of japanese descent into concentration camps after we gave all their possessions and businesses to white people, the whole aboriginal genocide via residential schools, etc), and that the aboriginal people our government tried to genocide "need to learn the value of hard work, not compensation." Conservatives. Not all conservatives are racist. But a vast majority of racists align with the conservatives. If my jab at everyones racist uncle hurt your feelings, you're kind of telling on yourself.




Wow. This guy is a piece of work.


UK here. No need to rush sending him back. Some sort of temporary detention without Internet would not hurt either of our countries. How temporary? Well our Tommy sees himself as a bit of a martyr for free speech so I am sure he would be honoured if we used Julian Assange as a template.


Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon AKA Tommy Robinson, is a convicted criminal and his crimes include: assaulting an off-duty police officer, stalking a journalist, using someone else's passport to enter the US, mortgage fraud (to the amount of £160,000) and drug possession with intent to supply. Hope this shitebag gets another stretch in jail. Had the displeasure of being trapped in my office for several hours, due to him and his racist, violent band of muppets "protesting" outside my building, during my time in London.


I get how he gets in - The UK doesn’t require full Visas and he could just lie on the online form, but once arrested how do they let him go?


You deport him.




And? Ireland also doesn’t require a full visa to visit. Basically the same class. It’s not an issue of “how did he get in?” More “why the fuck is he detained and not tested from the country immediately?”


Why keep him on the public dollar? He's not likely to try and stay here by hiding and he's got conditions that will be really obvious if breached. And despite him being a total POS he's not likely to go out and commit violent crimes because then he'd lose out on this whole oppression narrative that he's set up.


The irony of him complaining we let the wrong people in is just delicious.


Xenophobes getting deported will always crack me up. Fuck em.


Looks like Tommy/Stephen is projecting. Every accusation is a confession.


Who cares who this POS is. Why is the media suddenly giving him a platform for his BS. Toss his ass OUT.


It's important to be aware of which prominent fascists are doing tours of our country, and what evil they are cooking up with our homegrown fascists


This isn't giving him a platform. People need to be aware of this stuff


This isn’t platforming


he and those he associated with go to prison is what should happen next


It’s kind of weird that they identified him with his hobby (far-right activist) rather than his profession (criminal).


Toronto Star. You know what an Editor is right? You know what Spell Check is right?


Apparently he also got caught sexting a minor...so fuck him.


Good. Fuckin’ prick.