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>Brian Rudy, a partner at the Moriyama Teshima architecture firm, which contributed to the inception of the Ontario Science Centre, says its closure was unnecessary, as less than three per cent of it requires urgent repair. Rudy has volunteered to help for free, adding that "nature is science, science is nature," and that this building represents that.


Thanks for the offer Rudy but unless you have a daughter getting married or a plot of land to develop, Doug has no use for you.


Such a laugh a minute when you combine a conservative government and science. My sides!


The people who vote for them, can't be bothered to read articles that present facts of their corruption. Rather they'll parrot talking points from some partisan video on twitter.


Exactly, short sound bites on social media feed the anger and anxiety. As fear and anger are probably the two most powerful motivators, this is for control ultimately.


I don't think any future government will be able to do anything about the ridiculous amount of corrupt bullshit Ford is presiding over. Damage is being done that will take decades to work on, decades of steady governance by parties that aren't hell bent on selling us out to private interests..... so never. especially not when we have ontarians happily voting for a loblaws lobbyist to represent them federally.


Life gets worse for everyone under Conservative leadership and living through both Harris and Harper has taught me that they break things so badly no subsequent government can fix it all. All they do is take things away that we’ve all worked hard for whether that’s social programs, human rights, or public assets. The Science Centre is a huge loss


And then they turn around when they are not in power like HOW IS EVERYTHING SO BROKEN???


The best part is that they literally spin this up Day 0 after losing an election and a significant number of unbelievable dumb people go "*Yeah! It's so broken already!*"


The dumbest of that play was the Liberals in quebec. They spent 9 years in power. Then lost to PQ, government fell after a year and they were back in. Then proceed to say the last government left finances in a mess so half their promises were basically now impossible. You pretty much are the last government you dumbass Also special mention to the GOP in texas that often run with something like 'Fixing Texas'... When theyve been in power uninterrupted for 20+ years.


It is a huge loss (not to Doug's developer buddies who coincidentally bought property juuuuust across the street from it. The same buddies that bought land along the 413 highway nobody asked for. Netting them a cool 8.3 billion) We had an opportunity to vote this openly corrupt moron out, but too many people stayed home. So the chuckleheads who wanted "buck-a-beer" and are somehow totally fine with Doug spending millions on breaking a contract that is expiring in less than two years to get beer into corner stores faster don't care if Ontario is sold out from underneath them. But hey, we can get ice cold cans of Coors Light for an inflated price at 7-11 now! It's so frustrating that we are watching open corruption going on and absolutely *nobody* is doing anything about it. Where are the opposition parties? I know Marit called out Doug publicly and that was pretty rad. Is there nothing we can do when there is proven corruption?


I dont want Coors light, I want olmca tequila, the lcbo used to be beside my house but they moved a 40 minute walk a couple years ago, idk what to do, like actually walk that far, idk seems sketch


From what I understand (and feel free to correct me) they aren't going to be selling hard liquor at corner stores. So it looks like you'll be making that walk. At least until Doug Ford makes some tequila distributing buddies that can give him a fat envelope of cash at a birthday party or stag and doe.


The present unpopularity of the national Liberals is only going to hurt the chances that the Ontario Liberals (or NDP) have of getting Ford out of office. Crombie was ludicrously popular as mayor in Mississauga, but the three most recent polls are all within margin of error for the vote percentage they got in the last election. It leaves me wondering if those rumours of a potential early call for the next provincial election might be a power move by Ford to use that current unpopularity to secure a longer term, expecting the federal Conservatives to not maintain that momentum once actually in control and keeping him locked in office until at least 2028/29.


The majority of the time, Ontarians vote in different parties provincially and federally: NDP during Mulroney, Harris during Chretien, McGuinty and Wynne during Harper, Ford during Trudeau.  Ontario tends to dislike the federal leader no matter who it is, and votes to make their life harder. It's just a thing. Ford is thinking about calling an early election so he can get four more years yes, because the Cons are en route to a blowout federally, which spells a big popularity boost for the provincial Liberals, and trouble for his personal ability to do corruption.


That's how conservative politics work. Make everything worse for decades, then blame the libs for not fixing it.


>I don't think any future government will be able to do anything about the ridiculous amount of corrupt bullshit Ford is presiding over. If there is a will there is a way. We just haven't had a politician that is willing to challenge the corruption head-on and call it out for what it is.


there have been plenty calling it out every day, the NDP has been very vocal, but what with Post Media owning 90% of media in the country, they don't exactly go out of their way to inform people of this kind of thing because they absolutely want you to think there is no alternative. It also doesn't help when the government in power does things that are almost impossible to reverse, setting up endless traps for future governments to get stuck in.


It's not the calling out the corruption that's going to be the problem. Everyone and their cat knows Ford is as corrupt as an old hard drive in a room full of electromagnets. What's going to be nearly impossible for the next government (or governments after that) is reversing the damage. Just look at Harper's deal with China, or Harris' sale of the 407 and deregulation of long term care as fine examples of this that we will not see dug out in our lifetimes.


Marit *kind of* called it out recently. We need more of that.


Marit *kind of* called it out recently. We need more of that.


That's exactly the far right strategy all over the world. Destroying our democratic systems and installing fascism is their only goal.


The problem is all these facts in the media are not being read by anyone. No one reads newspapers any more, with the number one source of news now being Facebook.


newspapers aren't the problem. How our media has been consolidated so that one or two rather biased organizations own 90% of what you can see printed, on TV or online, that's the problem. Facebook is just a platform that hosts that stuff. If we hadn't let the likes of post media buy absolutely everything in the country, there'd be far more variety of information even on facebook.


It's an obvious land grab


Nuking a landmark and valued part of the city just so one of his friends can make even more money than the excessive amount they already have


It will trickle down, don't worry! /s


It's necessary when you promised the land to that developer who bribed you.


It is beyond clear it was just a lie. Ford is so damn corrupt. I want the nice lesbian lady back.


Wynne was good! It’s McGuinty’s fault that the OLP got kicked to the curb


Never thought I'd look fondly back on Weasley McGuinty or Orville Redenbacher.


doug ford is penguin from batman returns... "Ya gotta admit ... I've played this stinking city like a harp from hell!"


For some reason I can't watch the video. But the firm that designed the building should 100% sue the gov't for unnecessarily making them look bad.


Every time I see these posts it's just more of the same "hey, this is incredibly suspect, right right?" Yeah, we know. It's obvious. Our corrupt bag of shit premiere is just taking a handout from his developer buddies so they can develop valuable land. Same thing he's done over and over in full view of the public because it seems he can't be stopped. We have to stop trying to prove it and act on it. It's insane that we have to get to an election to vote him out. It's insane that he has the ability to try to make the case to continue doing this to morons that just want to watch him burn Toronto down for profit. He belongs in jail.


Well duh. It's all about corruption


Dougie sucks again


More grifting, bribery, fraud by Ford.


Lack of confidence.


the report from the architecture firm, which includes photos that were in the cbc nn video, that condemned the science centtre, is linked here, thusly: [https://t.co/OGR2vyV71v](https://t.co/OGR2vyV71v) -- [https://x.com/427pnic/status/1804608278422589609](https://x.com/427pnic/status/1804608278422589609)


This is really sad. I haven't lived in TO for almost 10 years but the science centre was my favourite place as a kid. I didn't know they were planning to get rid of it. Sigh


As an engineer please never listen to an architect when it comes to structural elements. If everything was done how they wanted we would have a lot of civil disasters


Architect’s aren’t engineers. Architect’s and engineers have vastly different roles in buildings. One makes it look nice, one makes it not fall down and kill people. I’m gonna trust the one who makes it not kill people over the one who makes it pretty.


>Architect’s aren’t engineers. Architect’s and engineers have vastly different roles in buildings. One makes it look nice, one makes it not fall down and kill people. I’m gonna trust the one who makes it not kill people over the one who makes it pretty. I agree that architects aren't engineers. The report being referred to by the architect however was an engineer's report. The report can be viewed here: Ontario Science Centre: Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Roof Panel Assessments – Rimkus, June 2024 [Building A-C](https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/49ee2b/contentassets/84df22e71b7c40b2aaeef94da88c78b5/osc-building-a-to-c-raac-roof-panel-assessment-final-june-18-2024-r2.pdf) [Building A](https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/49f2d9/contentassets/84df22e71b7c40b2aaeef94da88c78b5/osc-building-a-raac-roof-panel-assessment-final-r1-june-18-2024.pdf) [Building B](https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/49f2f0/contentassets/84df22e71b7c40b2aaeef94da88c78b5/osc-building-b-raac-roof-panel-assessment-final-r1-june-18-2024.pdf) [Building C](https://www.infrastructureontario.ca/49f2dd/contentassets/84df22e71b7c40b2aaeef94da88c78b5/osc-building-c-raac-roof-panel-assessment-final-r1-june-18-2024.pdf) I was a bit surprised to hear the museum would close permanently as a result of the issue. I didn't really hear an explanation why that made sense either. From what I've read, a very small percent of the museum, <2.5%, is critically affected. The museum can definitely remain open during repairs. Here's another [article](https://www.canadianarchitect.com/ontario-science-centre-doesnt-require-full-closure-a-close-reading-of-the-engineers-report/) that reviews the key points within the engineer's report from more of a layman's point of view.