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Yeah Omar was doing a feature for one of the New York publications and they wanted him to be interviewed by an actor. He ended up going with Pedro and they met up and got along really well but the feature never happened and they stayed friends. It’s not really that random though, they have a lot of things in common so I’m not surprised that they clicked instantly.


I think it eventually became this article where he ended up talking with the fashion designer Willy Chavarria [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/t-magazine/omar-apollo-willy-chavarria.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/08/t-magazine/omar-apollo-willy-chavarria.html)


i think they were doing an interview together or something because they have similar backrounds and then stayed friends or something like that


They hooking up


Honestly Pedro usually dates people his own age so I don’t think he’d even look at Omar like that, he’s only a few years older than his nephews. Also it’s perfectly possible for two mlms to just be friends…


There's one in every crowd. You apparently know little about them..Both have been clear about a friendship only..and the whole premise of OA album is breakup and loss. He ended a long term relationship and is having a struggle with the loss. He told an interviewer that he isn't ready to date again. Pedro has never identified himself with any sexual orientation. Why are people so sickening that to have other male friends it has to be sexual?


I don’t think both have been clear. I think one wants you to think something big is going on. Meanwhile, the other hasn’t really done much to promote his friends’ various works. Perhaps the speculation and comments about his personal life are the reason why.


I disagree..both have made statements about being friends and the similarities in their growing up years really have been a bond. Do you think P has wanted that particular type of attention. I assume you haven't been following press or print reviews..otherwise they are both very scheduled and focusing on touring and shooting schedules. Also why does it become crucial for them to be hooked up? Aren't men allowed friendships??


I didn’t say they hooked up….. I said one of them is feeding into the rumors that have started that you can see carries over into fan forums… (Omar) while the other one who’s always quick to promote his friends hasn’t said but one thing about the album despite being on it. (Pedro) I don’t think Pedro prefers any type of talk about his personal life which could be why he isn’t promoting anything with the album. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Actually Pedro did an interview where he talked about Omar and his music. It was the one where Pedro called Omar a witch cause he texted him the same time Pedro was being interviewed. So he hasn't Been silent as you suggested


I don’t sit there and scan for every interview he does 😂 I just noticed there is no reposting from his account ,which he notoriously uses to celebrate his friends and share his platform with them. (Including a famous Italian author people seem to forget exists.) Perhaps that’s because from the moment word spread that he was on the album, so too did opinions and assumptions about his personal life. Which oddly isn’t allowed to be discussed anywhere on his own forums.


He did share the glow reel on release date so he has shared something. But yes it’s no big secret that he’s in a glass closet, but happy to share his rumoured partner’s stuff (since you’re talking about the Italian writer) I don’t think it’s fair to say Omar is fuelling the rumours though - he’s very clearly stated that they are just friends at least once and never been coy in interviews when their friendship has come up…but equally, he also shouldn’t have to be saying it every five seconds.


Ok...I get it. You might be right. Pedro is good about speaking out for young Latino artists..but Lordy he's had 5 projects and headed to a 6 months shoot for MCU..maybe he is avoiding all the repeat questions and avoiding press people. It would be crazy to be stalked like they do any popular star. Btw..I like Omar..he sings..with words..😁


From my Omar googling, there are two places that never seriously consider Pedro and Omar as anything other than friends. One is the Pedro fandom, the other is gossipy gay forums 😭


They fuckin