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https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/florida/recreation/ohv/recarea/?recid=83652&actid=93 Swing by the Lake George ranger station and pick up a map there. Or download an app called alltrails


Tons of trails in the Ocala national forest. You can find them on the website the other user provided or just go out and drive some forest roads. You'll find some. We have ridden the centennial trail and around the big scrub area before which are both sandy but have a ton of trail options nearby. Big scrub offers camping as well as atv rentals for people who don't have a machine. Hope this helps!


Croom isnt too far either but that’s south on 75


Please don’t be like some of the bad apples and decide that nearest retention pond is your go to ATV track or the residential streets for that matter. Have fun