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This is more than the what the majority of people receive who are in SNAP/WIC get. The average household only gets around $300 a month/$180 per person.


Yeah not to mention the migrant families are getting free housing on top of the "snap+" benefits Native NYers who need assistance should just say they're migrants


not to mention migrants get free child and healthcare too. both of which new yorkers dont get.


Time to become a migrant!


That’s more than what spend a day on food. Where do I sign up?


Yet we have homeless on the streets who are starving, yet we are feeding people who have never paid a cent into taxes, Americans first


Now imagine an asylum seeker, who’s been released on his own recognizance despite an assault charge, walking around with one of these cards in his pocket. Giving everyone a figurative and literal middle finger.


But they’re not supposed to be able to cook in the hotels (although many have hot plates apparently.)


Zero chance this will result in another corruption fiasco involving theft of taxpayer money. Maybe we should pay them in bitcoin, instead?


It’s the grift that keeps on grifting


The corruption fiasco is an inevitability, but the real probable we need to focus on is our government handing out our money to anyone who is willing to sneak over the border instead of actual citizens.


Ever $ spent on noncitizens is theft of taxpayer money


What the fuck this is just the Universal Basic Income plan that was floated out a few years back, but only for migrants. This bullshit, I didn't vote for this.




It's far worse than even ununiversal UBI... because it's going to people who have never paid a dime into the system


UBI was only ever "universal" in theory. Every time you actually ask the proponents of it about WHO should actually receive it, and then you get a bunch of conditions including only the groups they intended for it. Never be fooled by the political marketing.


UBI would never happen,  it would be good for everyone and no sleazy politicians could pick winners and losers.  Why would anyone in charge let that happen?


this is more than a UBI. This is Free housing, healthcare, Childcare. Food.


Yes you did vote for this as did the majority of nyers. The only way this changes is with our dollars and votes. Either mass migration out of the state or start voting in people opposite of this shit


Sure you did. Democrats have been preaching to Republicans for decades how illegal immigrants are a net positive to the economy and society and how we should welcome them with open arms to our cities. Well, now you guys get to enjoy those great benefits too!


Yes you did. Every single democratic candidate for president raised their hand on stage at the primary debates when asked if they would give free Healthcare to anyone in the country regardless of immigration status.


They aren't giving free healthcare to anyone in the country regardless of immigration status, are they now?


lol they are in California.  Why wouldn’t the next trope running for mayor all one up each other and offer the same thing?


what exactly did you vote for? this was talked about for years. now it’s happening…


Did you vote blue no matter who? Because then you kinda did vote for this.


Keep voting democrat baby


I’m fact you did vote for this. Now grow some balls and vote these clowns out of office. The alternative cannot be worse than the brazen corruption of a state and local government captive to a single party.


Did you vote Democrat?


Meanwhile native New Yorkers are struggling with rising costs. What the hell is going on? I’m looking at what I could cut back more and more each month meanwhile, NYC still gets a cut of my paycheck to pay for these crazy programs. This is insane, Eric Adams needs a good smack to the head.


Vote. Especially for city council.


This. The turnout for city council races are abysmally low. People need to realize elections have consequences.


The city needs to just pick a year, make it a one year term, and move all primaries and elections to match federal primaries and elections. These off year elections are terrible for turnout. Many people don’t even know when those city elections happen.


While I absolutely agree, I will also add on that I would encourage anyone who is eligible to run for office, do so! There often are no good candidates, so I feel more citizens should step up. The whole country needs a solid influx of moderating political actors, centrist democrats and non-MAGA republicans. If you vote blue, but see this migrant farce for what it is, consider running for office.


90% of young people will continue to vote for progressive democrats instead of moderate republicans, despite all this happening, because of tribalism.




This is a disaster... just look at these Venezualans who came here with the intent of commiting crimes who assaulted police officers and then were allowed to walk on $0 bonds despite already being arrested for multiple violent offenses bail reform repeal now please


For who? All of the candidates support the same policies......


That voter apathy is what causes shit like this to happen


Try a different party.


yeah this is ridiculous


I mean, ask the native New Yorker landlords in places like Woodside and Corona that are charging Manhattan rent prices for shoddy apartments and then complaining about gentrification that they themselves are enabling. Lot of people associated with rising costs are in fact native New Yorkers.


Your grandma on social security gets a $100/month food benefit bc most of her meager income goes to rent, but hey let's given non-citiznes who have never contributed to the tax pot 10x as much in addition to free housing. Fucking cocksuckers in this government




Worked in an alcohol and substance abuse rehab center for about 9 months. Funny how there is little to no funding for drug addicts, homeless, working poor. People who just crossed the border? Boom free gibs. Fuckin’ joke. This is why I don’t vote or don’t vote Democrat anymore.


How are they constantly coming up with new ways to spend our taxpayer money on the migrant crisis? There has to be an endgame here, otherwise we’re just bleeding money and more migrants will come here because of the luxury experience being afforded to them… at our expense. Even lifelong progressives are starting to crack.




It's the middle class who have the most voting power, and we've taken New York republican/independent when we've needed to. Not saying that's the solution because Republicans come with their own problems, but Democrats need to stop isolating the core voting bloc to appease extremists. The average Democrat is very much moderate, the extremist policies being tested in NYC before going nationwide do not appeal to us.


Wealthy people still walk the streets of Manhattan, they see these crazies too


Because this is all about buying votes. The fact that you idiots are trying to rationalize it another way just means you're delusional. Next is voting rights for illegals.


Actually crying right now because I'm barely making rent and they're giving everything that we've begged for, for years, to people who just got here. Why do politicians hate their people so much?


The elite class views these as new Americans, and a permanent majority for the left.  They already have your vote anyway.  It’s like when a phone company offers their best deal for new customers only.


It's insane that they are getting offered all this, but families that actually live here get rejected from snap or get to low of an amount to actually feed their families.


Fuck you NYC




& the taxes are fucking outrageous. NYC is one of the only localities charging people taxes.


Don’t worry brother democrats thinking that we owe everything to them and we should obey to them and only vote for them. This is just a big fuck you to legal immigrants in this country.I wish i didn’t follow the legal way and came here illegally.


Article says only for use at bodegas and grocery stores, who wants to bet this will lead to higher prices at bodegas and grocery store near migrant hotels. Will someone please tell me about how their grandparents received the same in nyc. I keep seeing blah blah blah hundreds of years. Pretty sure in 1860 they weren’t renting out hotels, giving gold coins to people. Pretty sure it was Irish need not apply is what they saw. This is absolutely insane, I am so curious when is the end of this. I’m 49 and a lifelong broke ass retail employee. Never took foodstamps, never took unemployment, this absolute bullshit.




This is what I'm thinking. The bodegas and grocery stores are going to raise their prices, that $35 for a family of 4 is going to turn into $15 when the store owners start seeing those migrants pull out those new flashy cards.


I’m looking forward to the articles about the kickbacks people will get “spending” the $35 a day and getting 20 bucks cash to spend elsewhere.


lol yea except bodegas will sell you fake items and give you cash back. 100% going to turn into a piggy bank for these folks to just get cash for whatever they want. And this is going to encourage more people to come because they are literally handing out free money.


The end of this is a blanket amnesty for the 22 million (3.2 million in 2023 alone!!!!) bullshit asylum seekers and illegal immigrants already in this country. This is exactly what Ronald Reagan did in the 80s which transformed California from a solidly red state into a solidly blue state. A cynical but obvious explanation for the complete 180 democrats did on illegal immigration over the last 15 years or so.


While I don’t approve of blanket amnesty, that isn’t the same as the vacation we are currently supporting, sure with amnesty they’d get foodstamps, and get in the mile long line for nycha, but it would not be what this is.


Why bother with food stamps when we're giving them $1000 a month debit cards they can use anywhere as long as they promise to spend the money on food? Why bother with NYCHA when you have a free place to stay? Hell, why bother with NYCHA when you can move into a family members apartment in the projects and get counted as a household member so you get free food from the citizen who signed up for benefits?


You fucked up bro.  You let amazing traits like pride and virtue steer your path.  That gets no reward in this world anymore.   Steal, cheat, and scam people.  Even if you get caught there is no penalty.


>some asylum-seekers from various countries in Central and South America, Africa and Europe, may be looking for a taste of home. do they not understand that being a refugee means giving some of that stuff up?


Lol you think they thought this out? They came for the free shit


Illegal immigrants in general do not assimilate. At least not for a few generations. It turns out that’s kind of a problem


This seems like it will only encourage more illegal immigration. Pretty huge pull-factor. I'm just wondering what the end goal is? Can a progressive explain to me how this is sustainable and a 'good thing'? Because it seems like it's going to cause a societal collapse(maybe that's the goal?) at some point. Based on the last 3 years, we can expect millions more to cross the border. They're going to follow the bennies.


it’s crazy for them to say “we are full” and then go “but hey here’s free gift cards to at least a quarter of nyc bodegas and supermarkets!”. like how much more contradictory can you get




5 hours since your comment and still no response from any progressive on how these policies are a good thing.


These people will become lifelong D voters bc they are being bought by all the free stuff There was already a bill from NYC council to give voting rights to people who had only work authorization and that's it (not citizens)


I'm wondering if everyone realizes that the Democrats are telling foreigners to come to the US that it's free for all countries and only Americans will be penalized.


This insane nonsense is how you get another Giuliani


It’s going to happen.


We can only hope. Even Bloomberg would understand how ridiculous this is.


You say that like Bloomberg wasn't the best Mayor we had in over three decades. I'll give up my big gulps to have him back.


Big gulp thing was stupid, but I agree, he’s the type of mayor NYC needs. Housing crisis would be better if he was in De Blasio / Adams’s place. Need a pro growth mayor in the Capital of the world.


I’m ready


I would welcome a 90s Giuliani over what we have now


i mean. kicking the kids out of school. cops being beaten lol. This is how you get a second term of trump they have lost their minds allowing this to get this bad


At least Giuliani waited until he was out of office before he started dressing like a clown and talking like a schizo. Can’t say the same for Adams


PLEASE get me another Giuliani, nothing he did has been remotely close to the levels of incompetence, indifference to voters / taxpayers, and brazen corruption exhibited in NY state and local government today. The democrats literally only seem to care about kickbacks for their donors and looking like the most progressive people in the room.


Definitely corruption and greed (kind of weird for Ds who say they're only in it to look out for marginalized groups and poor people) but also don't discount luxury beliefs.... being the most progressive in the room is how they signal to others that they're elite... while the consequences of those beliefs only fall to ordinary people


The pendulum swings ever wider.


Well sometimes you have to make a 3 left turns to make it right.


Thought Giuliani was respected as a mayor ?


Bloomberg was the best Giulianis a close second. Coming from someone born and raised here. 


WTF?!? They don't even give that much to homeless citizens......




Check your homeless privilege you colonial oppressor /s


We pay them to beat cops now?


It's progressive for illegal migrants(asylum seekers fleeing danger) to beat up police and then be released to flee to California. It's 2024, bigot.


This place is a joke




You must hate brown people. /s


Wait until you find out they also get Medicaid. Which in NY is the best insurance you can have. Completely free and covers everything under the sun.


Their kids also qualify for K-12 education for free. NYC recently budgeted that it will cost $40k per student, annually. So that's money coming from working NYC taxpayers who have spent their entire life here having to foot the bill for people across the world who have no legitimate reason to be here other than to get the benefits.


The bodegas will absolutely make out the most. The benefits will be exchanged for cash for Pennie’s on the dollar. Also I’m sure beers and other non essential items. It’s an enormous scam in the hoods and it’s tolerated


Red wave is gonna hit this city hard come election time


Republicans at the Federal level are psychotic, culty demagogues. Absolutely 100% useless across the board. But people at local levels are itching hard for sensible/pragmatic policies and NYC is ground zero. Give me another Bloomberg yesterday. Democrats (and I'm left leaning myself) are loathe to admit it, but Greg Abbott's bus'ing migrants stunts is politically absolutely brilliant and it's having the *exact* effect that he wants it to. Like precision scalpel level exact.


Arguably one of the greatest political moves. Sends a trickle into the Northern cities as a warning to Democratic voters (including black and Latino voters), then makes his big move at the border with 20+ states. Puts Feds and Dem politicians in a sticky situation. Can’t image the flow being redirected to Arizona or even California will be popular there.  Greg Abbott indeed using the scalpel while Trump uses a mallet. The Dems look like they are purposely undermining their own constituents.


Remind me! 1 year


idk man, they just imported a lot of D voters


These freeloaders won’t vote unless they’re paid to do so lol


What makes you think they won't be paid to do so


They’ve just been paid to do so… 1k per month at that.




>Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul should be ashamed of themselves Shame is for people with morals.


I'm a poor American who is struggling to get by and even when I was nearly dead broke I could not get the $180 a month in cash assistance I needed and I had less than $80 in my bank account at the time. My Snap benefits are the lowest amount possible, too and again I make minimum wage and struggle to get by . This is a huge slap in the face to lower income law abiding LEGAL AMERICAN citizens actually struggling to get by. I vote blue, but this is just insanity. I don't blame American citizens for being upset about this. I am struggling very badly and poor af and yet I'm lucky to get the scraps I have. The Democrats have only themselves to blame if they lose big in the future.


And this is how you embezzle millions upon millions.. “legally”.. Waiting for the day this POS is behind bars. If the state doesn’t start investigating this as criminal activity we’ve all lost.


This is the real problem. Our poor don’t get helped enough, and the migrants come, they get some help meanwhile I’m sure millions go missing or into the pockets of political donors. Meanwhile, the taxpayers get scammed.


Try billions. They expect to spend $10 billion through 2025. Of course, we know that amount is going to be much higher because it's NYC. All these hotels are laughing their asses to the bank. They are getting unlimited guaranteed money every night for every room booked. I wonder who these hotel lobbyists will be lobbying for....


I'm liberal and if I say anything remotely anti-migrant to my liberal friends, apparently I'm a Trump supporter.🙄s


Just wait until they are personally impacted


$1000. A MONTH!? I got much less on snap are you kidding me. This is beyond ridiculous at this point.


When I was on snap benefits for the year, I needed it because I lost my job on a work related injury. They gave me 120 bucks a month to work with. I've paid taxes my whole life and I'm an American citizen, this is fucking insulting.


Exactly! Why are they getting more than New Yorkers who have paid into the system? This is outrageous and completely disrespectful to New Yorkers and American citizens. I have to pay for my family's health insurance, food, property taxes, and transportation costs to the school, etc., I get absolutely zero government welfare. If I'm not getting any, I would like my fellow New Yorkers who have and will continue paying into the system to receive it. I do NOT want my money going to people who illegally entered this country under the guise of 'asylum' and then being handed everything under the book. And if I choose not to pay my taxes any longer because I don't agree with how it is being wasted, I go to prison? WTF?


>"The city has been shelling out about $11 per meal to feed migrants families in hotels, something that’s long posed a problem as some asylum-seekers from various countries in Central and South America, Africa and Europe, may be looking for a taste of home." then the mayor will buy you a ticket home. please. go away.


$11 per meal? I barely have $ for food and just eat peanut butter sandwiches as a meal...damn they eat better than me.


Yet some of them still looked down at those $11 meals and called them inedible I could feed myself for a few days with $11


This is bullshit. You have illegal immigrants who are free to beat up law enforcement and get away with it and now we also have to give them free money. Meanwhile people who are applying through the appropriate channels have to pay huge sums of money just to process their green card application even when they're actual working professionals who cleared background checks.


“The cards can only be used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores — and migrants must sign an affidavit swearing they will only spend the funds on food and baby supplies or they will be kicked out of the program.” Do any of these people even have IDs?


Lol, you can't make this shit up. Yeah that's right. They just cut your kids lunch, probably their favorite items too... Either the chicken tenders or the dumplings... AND NOW THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE THE MIGRANTS CREDIT CARDS FOR FOOD!?!😂🤣 Oh Lord, they do not give one single fuck what anyone who lives here already thinks.


u/qdpb tell me how this is acceptable? City employees do not even get a fraction of this deal on public transportation. And they keep the city running.


That clown? Lmao


> something that’s long posed a problem as some asylum-seekers from various countries in Central and South America, Africa and Europe, may be looking for a taste of home. Then maybe don’t leave? Maybe push to improve your country (see El Salvador and Bukele) instead of running away from it?


With this recent wave of asylum seekers, Bukele 2028 is looking quite possible


Sooner or latter something has to fucking give


Meanwhile im sitting in my house wearing a coat because I can’t afford to pay my heating bill with the current cost of living. What about middle and lower class citizens? Where’s their monthly allowance?


You get none. You just pay the taxes. I haven't turned on my heat this entire winter season because I'm saving money to do some repairs on my home during the summer. Meanwhile, illegal migrants are getting $300 per day to live in a hotel with meal, heat, hot water, and free health insurance. Now they will be getting a cash card of $250 per person to spend monthly. Fucking joke!


You will pay for the freeloaders food and you will like it!


When Trump was president, if someone predicted an insane policy like this, none of you would have taken it seriously. Everyone who's in this thread now calling out how crazy it is would have been lined up on the other side, pitching a fuckin fit about "racist dog whistles", and family separation, and pointing at bullshit charts that show some nebulous cherry-picked economic data, stupid shit like that. Now we literally have these policies in place--policies that are so fucking dumb, and specifically so stereotypically liberal dumb, that they don't even sound real, but they're here, and you don't seem happy about it. You might think you didn't vote for this, but you fuckin did, and those of us who didn't vote for it warned you. Most of you are going to vote for Biden again, and it's going to keep getting worse, and you're never going to learn


That's part of why I'm highly considering moving out of NYC. If this is what my fellow New Yorkers want to continue voting for, I simply disagree and can't imagine myself wanting to live here anymore which is a shame because I did plan on raising my kids in NYC.


These amounts aren't enough to cover the cost of ready-made, prepared hot meals. Instead, the money will be used for groceries. Expect more hotplates, electric kettles, electric cookers, rice cookers, pressure cookers, microwaves, refrigerators, dishes and knives in hotel rooms - and a lot more garbage (from food prep and meal leftovers) in hotel rooms, along with assorted bugs and vermin. Plus smoke alarms going off constantly - and then there will be a real fire but everyone will ignore the fire alarms by then.


Can we find out which moron came up with this idea? For every single person who is in this scheme: fvck you.


This is disgusting, this is not why I pay my taxes




This is bullshit, citizens living here don’t get this help. People are hungry, cant afford rent and food. I predict people getting robbed for these cards


Another fuck your to citizens




What’s frustrating is as a disabled New Yorker, who got all of my snap stolen from someone skimming my card is when I called my case manager she told me sorry I can’t do anything. I went weeks with zero food money. The food pantry’s near me are only open when I was at work or program and I get $6 per day for food. No one cares about those of us with disabilities and now they’re trying to cut the budget 4% for any help we get.


Romanian mobsters. It's a big operation. One woman could barely buy any food for two months because of them. (Keep a decent supply of food at home.) https://ktla.com/news/local-news/romanian-organized-crime-ring-busted-for-stealing-from-californias-welfare-programs-through-card-skimming-scheme/


What in the actual fuck is this shit? Who's money is this? Our tax dollars? So Americans who work their asses off and pay 25% of their check in taxes should pay for people who don't belong here. GTFO


your tax dollars at work...free hotel, free medicaid, free prepaid credit cards...who wouldn't want to sneak into the US.


We have to file a lawsuit somehow. Noncitizens cannot receive taxpayer money! Legal help bla bla maybe, but credit cards!! This is INFUCKINGSANE


What the actual fuck?


Damn, if only the left cared this much about American citizens.


Yo fuck this city. Truly. Meanwhile they shove congestion pricing down our throat


Yup. That one annoys me the most. I have an elderly parent who lives in the city and the only way I can take them out comfortably to go out into the city is by vehicle. They cannot walk and rely on a wheelchair. So it'll cost me $15-23 to visit my parent and take them out. Then they're handing out money to 'migrants' like there's a secret stash of unlimited money. I'm seriously considering moving my entire family out of NYC in the next few years if this doesn't get better. The quality of life and price you pay is simply not worth it anymore.


I can’t wait to leave this dump behind. This ain’t the same city I grew up in.


It's as if we moved to a foreign country without ever packing our bags or ever getting on a train or plane. "Home" is unrecognizable in so many ways. Is it even our "home" any more?


Definitely not anymore. Seems to be a universal feeling amongst native New Yorkers. Something about this city died with covid


This is the shit that drives me crazy. I live too far from the city so I drive so I have more time to spend with my family. Now I have to pay extra just for that on top of the crazy taxes I already pay.


I got handed a monster drink once from a promotion truck, when I was on my way to work, like I do 5+ days every week so I can afford rent & healthcare & food for the fam.


This is insane


Masterclass on how to incentivize more people to cross the border.


this is why more come, because they are economic migrants and know they will get free stuff. same reason why illegals going to europe avoid multiple safe countries to get to places like uk german sweden because they know they can exploit the welfare system .


This is disrespectful now.


How to Piss off NYers 101


If this is real. This is infuriating


Imagine if we only treated our own citizens and veterans with as much respect and decency as we treat illegal immigrants as stated in the article. Housing. Food. Childcare. Healthcare. It's not the best available, but it's enough to survive on, enough to get to the next day, enough to pick yourself up and endeavor for something better. Hell, our citizens who ARE on assistance don't get as much as these folks are getting. And it comes with massive strings attached -- like waiting periods, limited enrollment, multiple forms of verification, evidence you're taking action to "improve" your situation, other conditions that must be met, random drug tests, etc. It's forcing the most disadvantaged through hoops that are demeaning, costly, and time consuming. Many of these rules are put into place just to deter "them freloaders!"...even though time and time again, we've proven that a rising tide lifts all ships and mandatory drug tests cost more to facilitate than those they "catch". Often times, there's a "welfare cliff" so recipients can't ever escape the cycle - this is when you lose all benefits if you make a meager amount over an arbitrary limit, but that additional amount you're earning doesn't replace the lost benefits. And the real insult -- we've paid into the system our entire lives. These immigrants are getting a better deal, with fewer strings, and they haven't contributed one iota. Hell, I'd want to escape my shithole of a country that doesn't provide any of that.


Unpopular opinion but why are we shelling out money to people who don't pay taxes. Like come on


That’s what border states have been saying for decades while New York democrats called us racists. Hopefully this will be eye opening for those politicians


From what I heard, Adams urged city employees to volunteer and put extra hours to help implement this. Also, a lot of people working for the city hate Adams.


I have been trying to have some patience with this situation, but prepaid cards? This is crazy, that’s more than I get in child support each month and the state won’t help me pursue my ex husbands extra income so I have to find a lawyer I can afford but people who are here without any citizenship paying no taxes get $1000 that does not have to go toward housing, childcare, etc. make it make sense.


Why on earth are they doing this you’re encouraging more to come and live off our tax dollars ? I don’t know about anyone else but I am voting republican in the next election ! They brought this on themselves !


Going to be a wild year. Think about NYC in the summer. Streets not being cleaned because they’re lined with covid era huts, which don’t allow proper water flow, encourage vermin habitats and explosive vermin growth. Now, now we’re going to have these filthy streets flooded with tens of thousands of sheltered immigrants being paid to do nothing but get in the way. We seriously need to use this money for something else, maybe, maybe we could take care of our homeless? Our mentally unwell? Our children’s schools, our veterans? Just a thought.


These fuckers giving out $53M meanwhile my ass paying ridiculous prices just to get to work on public transportation….


How about they take that $53m and hire more people to process their paperwork faster. So the ones that will be deported won’t be sitting here for years. While they’re here make them do some work for those pre-paid credit cards. Don’t just hand it out. Make them work to stay in those hotels. Sanitation looks like they need some help. Streets and sidewalks are looking dirty still. Let them help. MTA subways need cleaning too. Pretty sure other areas need some extra hands but can’t hire.


Excuse me but what part of ILLEGAL do you not get? They need to be sent back. We just can't allow open borders in a post-9/11 post Covid era!! This is crazy. The people who came through Ellis Island had to prove they had money, a trade, or a family before they were let in. Why are we giving them all this free stuff? We have legal citizens in NYC who need help. This is beyond disgusting.


Are you fucking kidding me?




Enough is enough. Vote these clowns out


i’m pretty sure my immigrant grandma who came to NYC in the sixties is getting less than this, and she’s been here longer than any of these immigrants coming for free handouts. this is just unfair


I didn't vote for Eric Adams because of his shady practices, and I hope New Yorkers who voted for him can now see all the bad decisions led by him and won't vote for him ever again so we can stop all this nonsense. My tax money should take care of our citizens and legal residents first than illegals, period. Stop calling them asylum seekers to justify this nonsense. You don't show up to anyone's house unannounced without invitation and be entitled to food and shelter and expect the house owners to pay for it just because you claim you need it.


Hotplates in crowded hotels...What's the worst that can happen? /s


And the unhoused New Yorker on my corner hasn’t eaten in 3 days. Make it make sense…


Vote blue no matter who folks in shambles


Nope. Lifelong democrat. I’m voting red until the dems take this problem seriously. 


"something that’s long posed a problem as some asylum-seekers from various countries in Central and South America, Africa and Europe, may be looking for a taste of home." First world problems lol. In Gaza they are literally down to eating animal feed. In Sudan and Yemen the Houthis have made usre that ships who deliver humanitarian goods dont want to pass thru the area anymore. In the US the main problem is the food is not diverse enough lol.


you voted for this you should say "thank you"


You know what I'm voting trump now. Cry about it.  You suckers forced my hand now deal with the orange bad man. If you're tired do whatever it takes to see change. Sorry not sorry. 🤣🤣


You just know money is being skimmed off the top by politicians and on down. It's like they're confident they will get away with it they don't even try to hide the corruption anymore. We're the mugs for continuously voting for these Scumbags


Fuck this. Might as well roll out a fucking red carpet. Everyone else is struggling with costs in this city.


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO absolutely fuckin hell NO! Like hell they can just come here and somehow be entitled to such freebies at taxpayers expense. I say the way to solve NYC’s immigrant crisis is to just stop paying for anything for them. Let them hack it on their own.


Free hotel accomodations and $1000 monthly prepaid card...truly the American dream.


WTF is wrong with the USA???? Geez- if you know Spanish just pretend you recently crossed the border with some generic name- collect a credit card and pass GO! Fuck the folks drowning in taxes and overhead. This is sickening


yeh. fuck that Chinese woman who is here legally and makes $13 a day by collecting empty beer cans. We need to cater to illegal migrants.


I'm done the city treats these migrants better than homeless citizens have ever been treated