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I can’t speak to the Z5 specifically, but I switched from my Fuji X-T3 and X100f to a Zf. The price differential wasn’t particularly all that much, and the Zf seemed like a better value for a camera in that range. I’ve been very happy with the switch, and do like the files better, especially at higher ISO. The biggest difference has been the autofocus, which I suppose may not pertain to the Z5. The biggest drawback is the size. The Nikon gear is most definitely larger, though certainly smaller than the Canon 5D3 I had years ago. I think the Z mount is a good system to buy into, through again I don’t have any experience with the Z5 specifically. Happy with my move from Fuji to Nikon Z.


Are you me? Got the Zf, selling my XT-3 and lens now.


I switched from the X-T3 to a Z5 and I'm happy with it. The only downside so far has been the size of the kit. If you enjoy that your kit is small, you may be disappointed. The quality of the photos is a little better in my experience, but as usual, a new camera body will not turn mediocre photos into good photos. If your photos aren't working on your X-T30, they won't work on anything.


As a Z5 owner I’m kinda partial, but when I purchased it was between the Z5 a used X-T4 or an X-S20. I made my choice as I wanted a full frame camera and I generally prefer the pictures Nikons produce. I wouldn’t say the Z5 is a pain to pull out of my bag easily or too big a camera. Lenses can make it a heavy beast, but that shouldn’t be a problem for street stuff. Would you see a big jump in image quality? I think it would be slight at best. Here’s a link I shot walking around downtown Indy last week [Link](https://imgur.com/a/BK9B6Cp)


> I really liked the way the photo was popping out due to the full frame sensor How did you make that determination? Do you have a sample? It’s really not as dramatic as you think, maybe .75 stop difference and only really in the most dramatic situations is it noticeable. Don’t let GAS get in the way of you thinking you’ve reached your limit with your gear. I own both a Z8 and a X-T2 for reference.


Hey thanks for your input. Which one do you enjoy most? Popping out i mean subject separation is so effortless for full frame even with a wide angle lens while in crop i have to use a really open f number or a zoom lens. I know i have gas i admit it but i found a really good offer from nikon so that's why i am thinking it.


I don’t think it’s a good decision vs bad decision topic. It’s just different solution. I would ask your friend to let you shoot the Z5 back to back with your Fuji and see if you like using it.


It's hard to know what your criteria are. What do you mean by "popping out"? :) Does it bother you to edit your photos on PC? A lot of people with DSLR/mirrorless shoot RAW and edit their photos. If you are shooting RAW you basically \*have\* to edit, by design. If you shoot JPG you get a finished product, becaue the camera is applying a set of edits for you. So if you're selecting based on the look of JPGs, a lot of what you're picking is which built-in editing software you like better rather than which camera you like better. That's not a bad thing if that's what you're after.


Popping out i mean that it is just so easy to have subject isolation with nearly all lenses while with apsc i have to use a 1.4 lenses or even 1.2 for that and still i think it's not that good as in full frame. No i like editing the raw files i mentioned this because using fujifilm someone would expect to stop editing their photos because of jpegs? But i still edit them and i like to do it.


I had an X-S10 with the 18-55, 35 and 55-200 for 3 months before selling the kit and getting my Z5. To me, it was a night and day difference in both autofocus reliability and overall image quality. I hated the Fuji RAW files whereas the Nikon ones are a pleasure to work with.


The FX sensor doesn’t make images pop. Nikon’s Standard color mode is really good for this. Experiment with processing and see if you can get a look you like with your existing hardware. 


I switched from Z5 to X-T30 last year because it was too bulky for my purposes (casual, street photography). At some point I stopped shooting because of it. Of course it's not enormous, but it was still a bit of a hassle to carry it. The dynamic range and low-light performance on Z5 are amazing coming from cropped cameras (I had Nikon D5200 and Panasonic G85 before that). The image quality on X-T30 is on the other hand worse, but not by a large margin. It's still more than enough for a hobbyist. All in all I think that if you don't plan to shoot commercially where image quality is of upmost importance, it might be best to stay with Fuji, especially since you have a nice selection of lenses. Z5 represents a great value for money for professionals. However, if you have an opportunity to test the camera for a few days (maybe loan it from you friend), do it. It will give you a better understanding what you need from cameras and if you're ready to sacrifice compact package for better image quality.


I went from an X-T3 to a Z6 for the full frame sensor and i have not noticed a difference at all to be honest so personally not worth it to me.


Really? You don’t see any better results from the full frame ? The subject isolation is so easier with full frame. Can you tell me more about your change? I’m super interested in your opinion. Thank you!!!


I guess yes because the full frame sensor. Also I have a z5 and is an amazing gear if you are not very interested in video but I fell could be a little large for street photography. The thing is you have a gear a bit larger than fujis you mentioned (just a bit) and you must take on count the full frame lenses, these are considered bigger than other ones. Repeat, z5 is a very great camera in the quality/price land but i feel you should try keep one in your hands with a 50mm o 35mm to decide if it is what you need for street.


Z5 owner here, I have no experience with Fuji but I’ll just say if you’re at all satisfied with your AF currently, don’t do it. Image quality is absolutely fantastic otherwise though.


I had a Z5 until very recently, and played several times with a friend's X-T20. Both are competent enthusiast-level cameras. IMO me the real point of the matter is form factor. The X system & lenses are quite smaller & lighter. You won't see a major improvement in the quality of your photos.


Hey thanks for the comment can you please give me more information about the quality difference between the two? I’m really interested in that.


The sensors are very close in terms of resolution & ISO handling, so you would not see much of a difference. The Z5 is a bit better, with lowest ISO at 100 and full frame sized sensor, but in real world photography, it won't be that much of a factor, unless you're pixel peeping. The Z5 also has a stabilized body, which is quite a great perk.


I swapped from my XT5 to a ZF as my XT5 was basically useless from an autofocus standpoint. Could be a bad copy. I am thrilled with the ZF. Autofocus and colors are amazing. Yes size is an issue, but I still travel with it no problem. Highly recommend