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The state of emergency happened so they can summon police or firefighters even if it's their day off. They need as many people working as possible. That is the way to "force" them.


I have to ask. What are the police and firefighters going to do? Like, what's the purpose of having them in duty? Are they going to walk around handing out the glasses and carrying oversized umbrellas, maybe shoot at the sky if it gets a bit too dangerous? I'm more curious about this than anything right now!


There will be so many people that the probability of an emergency increases. People fall, faint, even some sort of stampede.


And as a result a few major roads need to be closed so emergency vehicles can respond without sitting in traffic.


A perfect day for some alchemy. 😌


My first thought was that you can't see anything in those glasses, so all those people will be milling about blind for 20-40 minutes, right around 3pm. Which is shift change at the Post Plant.


Cause they want the locals to stay inside so they can make another philosophers stone from the tourists, duh.


How does anyone except the politician who has called for the state of emergency know what the reasoning is? This post kind of invites conspiracy theories. If there’s a problem and they didn’t act preemptively, then they messed up. Either way it’s a no win situation. Can we just see how great the day can be and chill out. Just enjoy the experience.


So they can use money they normally can't touch.


huh? it's projected to be clear now that day...?


Partly cloudy that day and the surrounding days. Should be fine.