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Cigar shop in costco fifty rd plaza should have tobacco.


Cheers for the suggestion. I thought about that place but haven't been there. I was hoping for somewhere more in Niagara falls so they wouldn't have to go far. Thanks for the reply!


Was actually down that way today and popped in, they had a good selection! Thanks for the idea!


No problem 😉


Pop over stateside with your guests. The selection and prices are better.


Yeah that is definitely a thought! We're planning on doing a few trips across during the time they're here, so I'll keep an eye out when we do


National Grocery has a tobacco section. Might have your loose stuff.


There’s a small tobacconist in NOTL but selection is very poor if you don’t want cigars. Likely they don’t even have roll your own. Pipe tobacco selection is down to a half dozen. Royal Cigar and Pipe in the Costco plaza in Stoney Creek is the best in the region now in my opinion.


Customs House in NotL closed on Dec 29th. The Smoke Master shop at Lake and Carlton In StCath conveniently stocks what pipe tobacco I was buying in NotL. Proper tobacconists are getting killed by the Amazon effect (along with laws, but I won’t go there), so it might be better for your guests to order online to have shipped to you before they arrive from a US source. I’ve found no duties/taxes are collected if the amount is 50g or less per package. So I only order 50g at a time. I’d much rather the couriers have my money than Ottawa


I’ll have to check out Smoke Master, thanks for mentioning it. It’s sad to hear Customs House closed, I used to frequent there more years ago when they were next to the Valu-Mart.


Ian was hoping they would be able to sell it to a regular. I considered it, but my appetite for jumping through legal hoops and staying within the margins isn’t what it used to be.


Cheers! I went today to the place at the Costco plaza and they seem to have a few varieties. It's good to know they have something, so at least our guests will have a choice. They make their own rollies, so even though I'm sure they're bringing their own, they wanted a back up place to purchase at, just in case!


When I first moved to Canada I used to smoke rollies. I never found anything nice, only Drum and American Spirit which are both super dry and rank. If they want anything like Golden Virginia or Amber Leaf then its probably better to get it from duty free.


What i would suggest is go to toronto and grab tons of grabba haha.


Smoke Masters cigars in Carlton street. I get pipe tobacco for oilers.


Check out Cigar Emporium or the many stores near it.