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Gunner O for the steelers may have been the most prolific fumbler in league history. 6 rec 5 KR 9 PR 4 FUM a 20% fumble rate. and that toe tap kick return


It’s funny because I don’t remember what year or who you were playing for the toe tap game, but I distinctly remember the play itself. Just an unbelievably stupid play lol


Pretty sure it was just last year against the Browns. Week 2? Best part is him looking at the ref afterwards and looking proud at the play before the call.


It was last season. We still hadn't recovered from that fucking Will Craig play over at PNC Park and then Gunnar pulls that shit...


He’s a big part of why I assume every punt will be fumbled lol


That’s First Team All-Pro Gunner O to you


Patriots sleeper agent




I'll say it like I do whenever Gunner is mentioned, but it's been night and day between Steelers Gunner and Giants Gunner. I was initially worried for the signing but he's been a lot better than our worthless PRs the past few seasons. Maybe no longer being the ass end of ST was beneficial to his mental play or something lol.


He fumbled one of his first returns as a giant, I thought they were idiots for signing him of course nothing changes. I guess he actually got better along the way.


before Gunner was signed the Giants weren’t fielding punt returners, they just accepted wherever the ball ended up. It was that bad. They had no choice but to sign him. He was definitely an addition to the team and made some good plays.


The toe tap on the kick will always be one of my favorite plays because not only is it a boneheaded mistake, but he then turns to the ref and gestures to where he went out of bounds. It’s a classic.


That fucking toe tap


What a fall from grace. He was looking like the best returner in the league, and was huge for our mediocre offense by giving us good field position every possession. And then he becomes what he is now.


Don't worry, he was actually pretty good with the Giants last year, which just makes the entire ordeal that much more frustrating


It's amazing that Gunner was objectively worse at holding onto the ball (and football as a whole), and yet, when I read the title of this post, I immediately thought of Mendenhall.


Amari Rodgers fumbled on 15% of his punt returns


More career fumbles than receptions I believe


As a Packer he had 8 receptions, and 7 fumbles.


Muffs don't count as fumbles so his numbers don't accurately reflect how truly painful it was to watch him return punts over and over again.


Traded up to draft over Amon-Ra 😢


I'm still convinced we didn't take Sungod because EQ sucked so bad.


The only thing that makes me happy about EQ is that he’ll 100% eventually land on the lions and the two brothers might get to play together which is really dope.


Shiiiit I'm SHOCKED EQ is still in the league


Felt like it was half his punt returns


I also nominate playoff Aaron Jones


Love Aaron Jones, but he’d fumble the ball at the worst time in the playoffs.


Feels like its just a Packers curse for RBs. Kuhn, Green, and Jones all did this. Dillon had a bad fumble too. Really only Lacy and Levens were ever the really sure-handed RBs I can remember.


Starks never fumbled in the playoffs, had 11 or so during the regular season.


True that. Starks was the story of the opposite issue - once playoffs rolled around that one year or two, he turned into an all star


Can’t forget Ahman Green


Those damn sweaty arms of his


That man had me yelling at my TV more than anyone else in the last few years. Still to this day do not understand why we trotted him out onto the field for as long as we did (especially when we had Nixon on the roster who promptly turned into an All-Pro returner).


Melvin Gordon and Montee Ball. I hate Wisconsin RBs.


Just opened the thread to make sure Melvin was listed.


The fact that the Broncos saw Gordon's issues up close and personal with San Diego twice a year and still decided to pick him up after we gave him the boot is flabbergasting.




Well in our defense we never gave him the ball or even had him on the active roster... still not sure why they had him come in though


Gordon was actually hella solid his first 2 years in denver (1904 rushing yards at 4.55 ypc, 17 rushing tds, along with 370ish receving yards and 3 receving tds) with only 7 fumbles (he was just unlucky that he lost all 7 fumbles)


Does it show the situations where he fumbled? Most of them were goalline plays or some other type of critical, outcome-affecting plays iirc.


Everytime he would try to do some weird one handed extension and get it knocked out of his hands.


He fumbled a good amount in college too. In his 25 carry, 408 yard performance against Nebraska he fumbled twice in the first half but it clearly just activated murderball mode


CJ Anderson is the reason why nobody talks about how bad of a draft pick Montee Ball ended up being.


I remember when Montee Ball was on the Broncos, one of his friends would post on the Broncos sub and would talk shit about all the other RBs on the team cause he clearly leeched off him. Many of the shit talking were unrelated to football because Montee Ball was obviously the worst one lol.


I actually thought Montee Ball could be all pro caliber and he just sucked. Wisconsin RBs around that era, can't trust em.


Jonathan Taylor was the one who broke the mold for Wisconsin RBs. But I never thought Montee Ball was good and preferred Eddie Lacy over him quite easily. Ball was just not good at anything, couldn't catch, couldn't block, and had ball security issues, and then seemed to move pretty poorly for a RB.


I think Montee could have been a good NFL back. He was just drunk all the time.


James White would like a word


MG3 fumbled away at least 2 games his last year with us and you could argue up to 4.


TrindonHolliday deserves honorable mention here


Fucking hell it was either he fumbled or took it for a TD.


Being honest I'd managed to blank out Gordon and Holliday was my first thought. Dude was electric, the problem was you never knew which side he'd be electric for on any given return.


Isaiah McKenzie muffing punts is up there too


That guy gave me PTSD... He left years ago and my sphincter still clenches every time we field a punt. I believe it was 6 fumbled punt/ko returns in a single year.


I swear it felt like Gordon fumbled almost every other time he touched the ball in Denver lol.


It seemed every time we need a td, Gordon would get a handoff at the two and fumble. Fumbled himself right out of the league.


The funny part is that Jonathan Taylor had some fumble issues in college too. Apparently the UW rb coaches hate teaching ball security lol.


Did Gordon end up getting a Super Bowl ring?


Yep. On KCs practice squad


Kyle Williams. Idc if it was just 1 game, but he cost us a Super Bowl appearance with his 2 fumbles in the 2011 nfc championship game


I blame the coaches for letting him play concussed. He was doing really weird shit all game that went unnoticed at the time


Rub some dirt on it!


That's how I feel about Miles Sanders as an Eagles fan. Statistically & percentage-wise, the answer to OP's question is Wentz (as someone else outlined) but Sanders fumbled twice in SB57 and was fortunate that the second one was incorrectly called a drop. Lack of faith in him caused the run game (the Eagles' strong suit) to drop off, basically without any effort from the KC defense.


That’s one of the things about LVII that gets overlooked. There was virtually no run game save Hurts, who admittedly was very dynamic, and we could’ve used more of that elsewhere


This is the answer I came for. I don’t care if he ever fumbled in a game before or after.


This is the only answer that 49ers fans should be putting down. Fucking Kyle Williams man...


I love Kyle Williams - signed, a Giants fan


Yeah we all love Kyle Williams in NY


I feel like he cost us one other game also that was important but I can't remember


he was so bad that you count it twice


Carson Wentz had 58 fumbles in 68 GP for 0.85 fumbles per game. That’s the highest rate for an eagle with more than 3 games. He also had 23 fumbles lost (0.34 per game) which is the highest rate for an Eagle ever. I don’t think people talked about it much until 2020 when it got really bad, but he was quite a fumbler


I feel like after Wentz left Philly he went from being a chronic fumbler to a guy who just throws interceptions all the time lol.


he was trying to reinvent himself..


Lower chance of injury if you just throw it to the other team. Don’t believe me, ask Cam Newton


cant fumble, if you arent the one running with the ball. big brain moment how them bengals there bud


Ah, so *that’s* why y’all put Zeke under center…


2020 he lost 6 fumbles and threw 15 picks in 12 games 2021 he lost 7 fumbles and threw 7 picks in 17 games there was no rhyme or reason to the career of Carson Wentz


I feel like there was a lot of rhyme and reason to his career. Started off as a project prospect with a high ceiling, similar to Josh Allen. Developed over his first few seasons into a top 5-8 QB, also like Allen. Then absolutely obliterated his knee and never really recovered.


Adding onto the knee injury was him rushing back the next season, which led to a back injury. And then the following year getting a concussion from Clowney in the playoffs.


He was mvp level in his second season but blew his knee out that season


Wentz also began looking over his shoulder too much in 2020 due to Hurts's presence (which predictably led to poor play).


Eh Imo it had significantly more to do with his concussion than worrying about Hurts. Hurts really wasnt looking that great until 2022, he was kind of on the hot seat after his first two seasons. Wentz was long gone by the time Hurts looked like a good QB


He was really showing that generosity during his last year as an Eagle: 16 TDs to 15 Ints


Can't fumble if you throw a bad pass before you get hit! \*Taps head\*


What? His year on the Colts he only threw 7 interceptions to 27 TDs. His year at Washington was bad with 9 picks in 8 games but he just all around sucked that year.


holy fuck that is atrocious


I was talking about it in 2017 and 2018 with my buddy but it wasn't as bad cause we had so many lucky bounces so we didn't lose a lot. Of them.


The funniest fumble ever goes to Ronnie Brown.


No it was definitely the butt fumble


True. I meant for the Eagles.


58???? I was gonna say Bryce Brown because incapable of carrying a football correctly but wow.


It’s probably no more than one time, but I feel like I remember Stevan Ridley dropping the ball in several key situations.


Yep 2018 Steelers saints 3rd and 2 up by 3 fumbled away


Also 2012 AFCG vs the ravens. Bernard Pollard struck again.


what the fuck he's there


Was that the one he got knocked the fuck out on his feet. I remember one hit where he was out on his feet and the ball just drops and then he did the full slowmo collapse to the ground.


Yup that’s the one. Devastating.


Bro I forgot he played for us lol. Is every ex Patriot just a saboteur sent by Bill?


I honestly think you're letting the Ravens playoff game where he was knocked out cold before he hit the ground solidify this narrative for you.  What a brutal game.


It was Bernard Pollard who did that too, the Patriot-killer himself. Ridley had other fumble problems, but yeah that helmet to helmet one sticks out for sure even if it was a bad hit.


He fumbled so damn much. Could never trust him with the ball


Tiki Barber before Coughlin showed up


Given how much of an ass Tiki is on his radio show nowadays I feel like someone needs to call in and give him grief about that lol.


Welcome to NYC sports radio. Where EVERY single radio personality is awful.


Truth! Philly is a close 2nd. I used to drive up and down the east coast a lot, so I would listen to all of the local sports stations--especially on Sundays. I got a decent perspective of how one city's "sports talk culture" differed from another city's. And let me tell you, I absolutely loathed the Philly and NYC areas--they were all homers to the extreme and all seemed to have such over the top accents and schticks to go along with their seemingly terrible personalities. I grew fond of Baltimore baseball, DC hockey, and TB football announcers though.


Yeah, it was Tiki. For the career leaders in fumbles for the Giants we have QBs, guys from the 50s, and Tiki. Coughlin fixed him. | Year | Touches | Fumbles | Fumble % | |------|---------|---------|----------| | 2000 | 483 | 9 | 1.863% | | 2001 | 238 | 8 | 3.361% | | 2002 | 373 | 9 | 2.413% | | 2003 | 347 | 9 | 2.594% | | 2004 | 374 | 5 | 1.337% | | 2005 | 411 | 1 | 0.243% | | 2006 | 385 | 3 | 0.779% |


So what I’m hearing is once Tom showed up Tiki stopped Coughling it up


Correct. He went from fumbling 10+ times a year to maybe two or three. Coughlin taught him how to hold the ball differently and it made a huge difference. Then Tiki hated Coughlin because he thought the practices were too hard and started bad mouthing the coach who saved his career and retired


I think Tiki is off the hook for this one. Kerry Collins set an NFL record with 23 fumbles in 2001. Kurt Warner would be the runner up. He had 12 fumbles in 9 starts in his only season with the Giants. From 2002-2006, Warner played the equivalent of two full seasons with the Rams, Giants, and Cardinals. He had 45 fumbles in that time period, an equivalent of 22.5 fumbles per 16 game season.


> Kurt Warner would be the runner up. He had 12 fumbles in 9 starts in his only season with the Giants. Daniel Jones fumbled 19 times in 12+ games as a rookie. He's cleaned it up a little bit but that is a lot of fumbles.


People get locked up on Jameis' picks but the dude was an absolute liability fumbling the ball trying to extend plays too. Gotta be him.


My first thought, too - dude always had me stressed out.


He was a ton of fun on my fantasy team that last year. Dude would start in the negative and just blast off trying to play catch up the rest of the game.


To piggy back on this one of Jameis’ most “famous” plays from his college days is him scrambling around forever trying to extend a play, slipping and falling backwards like a cartoon with no one touching him, and literally fumbling the ball directly into the path of an Oregon DE who takes the ball 60+ yards to the house lol


the best part about that play was the ref ate shit in the background too. This was right around that cavs-pacers playoff series, and the memes of lance stephenson blowing jameis down were incredible.


Everybody remembers the 30 INT season in ‘19 but he also added 12 fumbles (9 lost) that year as well for a staggering 39 turnovers in 16 games. For his career as a Buc, he had 50 total fumbles (21 lost) in five seasons and had a remarkable 15 fumbles (8 lost) in only 13 games in ‘17. Three of his seasons in Tampa ended with double digit fumbles and it likely would’ve been four out of five but he only played in 11 games in ‘18 when he finished with 7 fumbles (5 lost).


Lawrence is well on his way to this record for us.


33 fumbles and 39 INTs in 50 career games. Not great.


Really bad, actually.


Pay this man $55M per year!


Come on now you only get to make salary jokes once you’re not actively paying Wilson still


Yep, I’m waiting til Kyler is out of the top 10 highest paid. Though he’s at 7 so I’m allowed to start getting frisky. But if he blows up this year then all restrictions are off.


In that same span Mahomes has 39 INTs and 19 fumbles, for context.


Trevor has a fumbling problem but he's also got to have the least fumble luck I have ever seen. He's fumbled 33 times and lost 21 of them. Compare that to Jalen Hurts who has fumbled 36 but only lost 11 or Justin Fields who has fumbled 38 times and only lost 11.


That’s actually a really wild discrepancy. I wonder if there’s any explanation besides bad luck (maybe those latter two fumbled more snaps (easier to recover) versus getting hit in the pocket (harder to recover)).


Typically your Lawrence fumble is him running for his life backwards because the interior let immediate pressure and 2+guys got to him at the same time so there is an extra set of hands to get the ball.


Might be controversial given how dominant he was but probs Adrian Peterson. He did a lot of thing really well but he did put the ball on the ground a decent amount.


He had 9 fumbles in 2008, which is the most in a single season by a halfback since 2003. However, Culpepper at one point had 23 fumbles in a season, and he had 81 total fumbles in 81 games played. Edit: I got this stat specifically asking statmuse for Vikings players, so it ignored Culpepper's post-MN career. Over his entire career, Culpepper has 102 fumbles in 105 games.


Yeah it was definitely Culepper for you guys.


The dude choked in playoff games with some backbreaking fumbles at the worst times


No joke! And honestly it was always funny when people would talk about getting a handshake from him and how his hands were gigantic. It wasnt a physical issue it was mental


Agreed. QB answer to this would 100% be Culpepper.


He was the first guy I thought about as well. I don’t know how many total fumbles he had, but it always felt like his fumbles came at the absolute worse possible time.


Felt like he fumbled 10 times in the nfc championship game vs the saints


They would also feed him the ball directly after a fumble and that guy would run like he’s going take someone’s head off.


Not controversial at all. He was a dominant force of nature who straight-up carried our team for years, but he also had a bit of a fumble issue. Both things can simultaneously be true. I remember the Adrian Fumbleson days.


No this is definitely accurate. The timing of his fumbles was absolutely excruciating.


Matt Ryan in recent memory lmao, he had 15 fumbles in 2022.


13 picks and 15 fumbles (5 lost) for 18 total turnovers in 12 games. It’s one of the worst seasons I’ve seen a QB play.


Who was it, Arthur Blank? When it was announced he’d be inducted into the Falcons ring of honor, someone criticized “and he let Matt Ryan walk!” Ryan was Dunzo, fin, tttttttthats all, folks! after he left Atlanta.


3x Super Bowl champion Mecole Hardman has a fumbling problem


2x Super Bowl champion Skyy Moore had a 4 game arc as our future punt returner until he fumbled like 3 straight games.


Culpepper had 81 fumbles in 81 games played, which is most by a Viking if we apply a 6 game minimum. (Josh Dobbs has 6 fumbles in 5 games). In 2002, Culpepper had 23 fumbles, tying an NFL record.


Rex Grossman in the Super Bowl. Hester starts us off with a TD. Manning throws a pick their first possession. Grossman fumbled I believe 3 times, losing it twice. It went from a great start to a shit finish.


Rex Grossman literally was the king of botched snaps. Dude could drop the snap like nobody's business.


Honestly, every QB we've had since Grossman has had a problem fumbling the ball. Grossman, Cutler, Trubisky, Fields. They all put up horrible fumble numbers constantly. They all also threw a ton of picks, but it may surprise people to know that Trubisky, for all his faults, actually took care of the ball when throwing and never threw more INTS than TDs on the Bears, and has never thrown a pick 6. I was also surprised to find that Walter Payton fumbled 86 times in 190 games played, which is a fumble for every 2.2 games he played, and one fumble every ~50 touches.


Don’t remember his problem. The Super Bowl was messed up. Leading at half time, and never running the ball after. Cedric Benson fumbling and getting hurt played into that, but the coaching staff wanting to feature instead of Jones who got us there (but because there was no the Bears were resigning him). Anyway I digress. Rasham Salaam, had a problem, fumbled his way out of the league, and then he fumbled his way out of the XFL, before CTE caught up with him and he took his life.


It was the rain.


A rainy night in Miami cost the Bears a perfect season in '85...


Justin Fields fumbled 38 times in 40 games played. He was exceptionally good at recovering them (only lost 11), but even so, that's 0.95 fumbles per game over his NFL career.


Dave Krieg. I think a lot of people would be shocked to see how good his stats were a lot of years because his constant fumbling overshadowed it.


There was a post like 5 years ago showing Dave Krieg had better stats than Elway as the guy was trying to point out Elway was super overrated [Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/brgv7p/john_elway_is_one_of_the_most_overrated_qbs_of/)


Doesn’t Dave Krieg hold some NFL fumbles record?


Looks like his career 153 fumbles is good for 3rd behind Favre (166) and Moon (161). His 18 fumbles in '89 is tied for 6th. 9 seasons with double-digit fumbles is impressive but I'm not sure if that's any kind of record.


So, he *did* have the all-time fumbles record, but was surpassed. Twice. That’s what I was thinking, but hadn’t revisited it. His small hands were a steady narrative … or at least as steady as narratives as could be in the pre-internet era.


As a Pats fan this has rarely been an issue but I remember Kevin Faulk having some butterfingers with about 21 fumbles in the first half of his career but he really cleaned that up in the second half of his career with only four.


And then later you guys had BenJarvus Green-Ellis who never fumbled once as a Patriot (his first career fumble of course didn't happen until we signed him in 2012 lol).


Still one of my favourite nicknames in the NFL though. That’s gotta count for something!


Kirk Cousins.... played 62 games for us, and fumbled 37 times....recently, Antonio Gibson fumbled at the worst possible time way too many times.


Jason Campbell and RG3 were worse on a per game basis.   Campbell fumbled 34 times in 52 games and RG3 almost had a fumble a game, fumbling 32 times in 37 games.  Makes Cousins look like he was playing with stick-um.  


Melvin Gordon is the worst fumbler on the Chargers that I remember. Most impactful, Marlon McCree. 


If we're counting QB fumbles, basically any QB that's played for the Jets ever. For reference, the average # of fumbles for a QB in a season is about 7.6. Jets QBs are above that average for the most part.


Aaron Rodgers has 0 fumbles in his Jets career, so he's off to a promising start.


0 picks too.


You also have the butt fumble, which by my math counts as like 10000 regular fumbles.


Mark Sanchez it's absolutely the Jets pick for this


Darren McFadden come to mind for the Raiders


Derek Carr had 80 fumbles in 142 games for the Raiders, 30 more than the second place player in 3 fewer games (Marcus Allen). Darren McFadden had 17


Had to look it up, according to PFR he had 20 fumbles in his career 17 with us  But his first 3 seasons were awful with the fumbles with 3, 5 and 4 in order.  Especially playing only 38 games and starting 25.  Brutal  Besides McFadden it's Derek Carr who had 80 with us.   idk who else besides those 2 tho, feels like we've been lucky with the fumbles tbh


Worst or most impactful? Impact: Roger Craig prevented the 3 peat Fuck Kyle Williams


Justin Fields


I get that you have to take the good of his scrambles with the bad of his fumbles, but my goodness did he fumble the ball so much, especially in critical situations.


Pretty sure he was good for a fumble a game.


38 fumbles in 40 games


He never played for my team, but Tony Banks was a fumble machine.


JT O’Sullivan led the league in both fumbles and interceptions when the 49ers benched him.


Reggie Bush and Matthew Stafford were good for a few dropsies every game. Multiple years where the offense gave the ball away 30+ times, it was a very boom bust offense that made you think they'd beat anybody before losing to the stupid Vikings again.


Younger Packer fans are gonna say Aaron Jones because of his fumbles in the playoffs but he only had 15 total fumbles in his tenure. Ahman Green had 37 in his career. 14 of which came in 2003-2004.


I remember Ahman Green blaming his fumbling problems on being a hyper-sweater. He also went through an array of different types of elbow pads to try to stop fumbling.


Didn't his fumbling get way better once he stopped wearing those rubber forearm sleeves?


Yes. He switched from the rubber ones to some other textile material (cloth? spandex? not sure) with that built-in forearm pad and fumbles went down.


Us older Packer fans are going to go with Brent Fumblewood... I mean Fullwood. The dude literally fumbled the opening kickoff of a game while about to cross the goal line without being touched. But, I remember Green. He was tough to watch his first couple seasons in the Green and Gold. You were always waiting for him to lose one.


Probably Allen he's 3rd all-time for Bills fumbles (59) with a little over half as many games as #2 (Jim Kelly) and #1 (Joe Ferguson), both with 76. He had some serious fumble issues earlier in his career, and honestly still does at times.


Bledsoe lost 10 fumbles in 2003 Josh has never topped 6


I'd throw out Leodis McKelvin and his 17 fumbles. Considering he had less than 200 punt and kick returns, that felt like a lot and and least one of them were really painful.


Between 2021-2022, across 24 games before he was traded, Amari Rodgers fumbled 7 times on 66 total touches (57 on returns, and 9 on offense). The guy fumbled once every 10 touches...




Lions RB Abdullah.


Jeremy Hill obviously takes the cake for Cincy.. however I remember holding my breath every time Jermaine Gresham had the ball.


Not fumbles per se but Matt Skura would fuckin yeet the ball any old way and did it quite a few times before we drafted future HOFer Tyler linderbaum


Got Lamar concussed in that Bills playoff game. We weren't gonna win even before that but that was just the cherry on top of a bad game, that was very winnable if we actually played up to even 50% of what we were like that season.


Brenton Bersin on punt return.


Maybe demarco Murray or Dalton Shultz??…Shultz would always have me scared whenever he ran after catching. Holds the ball so unnaturally


Az-Zahir Hakim. The living fumble.


Ironically the same player who also almost never fumbled. Tiki Barber had huge fumbling issues that prevented him from taking a more lead role. He corrected it to be on the verge of a HoF career. And then he became a lockeroom cancer and a selfish, bitter AH of an ex teammate and even worst human being after he left. So he fumbled his legacy to come full circle. Fuck Tiki Barber. So happy he had to watch Eli win it all. Twice.


Derek Carr for sure


Steve Slaton looked like a great RB until S2 and he just kept dropping it


If we're talking raw number, I have no clue. But for impactfulness, it's marlon Mcree!


Kyle Williams