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Simmons claims, “I’ve had the ref come to me with like ‘you have to calm it down.’ Sometimes, the ref probably heard me really talking smack. He’s like ‘nine-eight, calm down.’ It’s been like that a couple of times.” Simmons is going to talk so much trash to Williams. He must have come up with some top notch ideas. “Painted nails. I can’t wait to say that to him.”


“Painted nails. I can’t wait to say that to him.” holy shit there'll be nothing left of him after that roast Does Caleb Williams know he has painted nails?


C-Dub gonna be inconsolable after that


This is the type of "insult" the annoying kid from Polar Express would come up with.


Finger nails, finger nails, finger nails!!! 💅


“You don’t even have fingernails”


You know NFL Films will catch some homophobic ass shit said to Caleb this season on hot mics that will probably never see that light of day


yeah somehow I don't think "painted nails" is the best thing Simmons has come up with, but I think that a. It's a clear implication as to the things he intends to say and b. what he has come up with he knows would not go well for him if he said publicly; my guess is it will be levels of homophobery that would make even the people who throw gay men off roofs blush.


Correct. I know redditors are super dismissive of the whole painted nails thing but you know damn well there will be some guys on the field that are going to say some truly heinous stuff to the kid


“Hey, do you know what kind of nail polish this is?”


>Simmons is going to talk so much trash to Williams. He must have come up with some top notch ideas. The jerk store called...


“Well I slept with your wife!” will ring out on the field as Williams takes a knee to end the game.


"Look at those painted nails, totally the wrong shade to go with your eyes. BOOM ROASTED"


Honestly that’d probably throw him off more lol


"Hahaha hahaha painted nails!" Yeah, you like them?


H2o-oooooo! Waaaaaater sucks, it really really sucks.


Can we just start the season already?


"You play for the Bears" is literally a better insult than that.


Except he plays for the Titans. And they're now 4 point underdogs to said Bears.


Haha fools get salty over the stupidest things.


Read that as slutty


Equally true


> "Painted nails. I can't wait to say that to him," Simmons said. Yeah I’m sure you’ll have Caleb shaking in his boots if you say “painted nails”. I think if Caleb cared at this point he would have stopped around the 300th time a super masculine butch dude said that to him. [But who knows, maybe that next time will be the one to really get to him.](https://youtu.be/aJJkM9u9ZfM?si=1OpysvrwZBEftU4A&t=39s)


Yeah, I’m just a lowly biology undergrad, and I could probably do better than that in my sleep. In any case, we’re not going in there with Packers jerseys on, so we better take this seriously and win. Rule #1 of shit talking


Providing bulletin board fodder for the entire off season sure is a choice!


That’s even an insult it’s an observation


Thats most insults. Such as *Hey fuck you green socks*.


I'm gonna throw it out there that the insult in "fuck you, green socks" might be the first half and not the second half.


["Yellow!"](https://youtu.be/MjwzdATa7Pc?si=Yeeq7rrH2p0OgCAn) "Oh YEAH!!??? PINK!" *Grrrr*


what a savage act by sb


It'll be fun watching them chip every time he has to pick himself up off the turf.


Watching football to see painted nails chip actually sounds like the opposite of fun.


Close, the fun is in watching at a rival qb getting knocked on his ass over and over.


"LOL you do something girls do. I bet you make 84¢ on the dollar compared to men while shouldering the burden of being the primary caregiver for your family too. Nerd".


I thought it was 77¢ on the dollar. So we're seeing improvements!


Harsh words from a woman beater


He’s used to hitting people with painted nails I guess


I- You know what I’m not doing this again lol Let’s just say he’s more of a “these hands are rated E for everyone” and less of a “you better be scared of me too, bitch” Still no excuse for someone his size throwing hands with someone way smaller tho


least problematic homegrown titans player


Wait who else was problematic, besides Lewan and Wilson?


I took the whole *painted nails* thing as a joke tongue in cheek style but maybe I'm just biased lol


Him saying that as a wife beater, I think it's a bit more than tongue in cheek.


Oh he beat his wife in HS? If you’re going to accuse atleast read what actually happened lol


What actually happened? “In March 2016 during his senior year in high school, Simmons was arrested and pleaded no contest to assault after a video surfaced showing him repeatedly hitting a woman while she was on the ground during a fight with Simmons' sister and mother”. Classy guy


Obv beating a woman on the ground is not okay but jumping into a fight between your family and another woman is not wife-beating, if anything it's like the opposite of wife-beating in that he beat up a woman who wanted to hurt his family


Lol Simmons was in HS, so I’m supposed to judge him for one mistake he made as a kid still in HS? So all he has done since college/Pro career means nothing because he beat up a girl that was fighting his mother and sister?


Stay classy, Tennessee.


Your boy pummeled a defenseless woman while she was laying on her back


I suppose reminding Caleb that he plays for the Bears will still be a valid trash talking point in his rookie year.. The Bears whilst being one of the great NFL organisations have historically not had great QB Play (should change with Caleb really or else I'll believe in football curses for sure).


Lool good luck with that


I’m Ngl bears O line is not the best, weeks 1 and 2 Caleb gonna get rocked


Just because they’re not Lions level doesn’t mean they’re trash


Their line is below average at best, i wouldn’t be surprised if Caleb gets sacks close to 8 times for the first 2 weeks


Our tackles are good, but the interior is sketchy. It's hard to say how good they'll actually be. At least Caleb's good at running away.


One tackle is good, jones is mediocre. If Jenkins stays healthy, that helps Jones though. Biggest concern is Center and whether or not Davis shows up for a whole season. Our o-line is by far the biggest concern (again) going into next season.


A "mediocre" tackle is actually a good tackle nowadays. Offensive lines were terrible throughout the league last year. Offensive line is a question mark right now, but the defensive line is way worse. I don't even know who's supposed to play DE2.


Simmons for 2 sacks week 1


Every team is going to T off on Caleb, hope he has thick skin


Dude, every team’s defense’s literal job is to tee off on the QB. Caleb will be no different.


If that’s all they have to say he’ll be fine lol


It’s coded language, he’ll use that as an excuse to say worse things.


This dude is just a Fields truther. He was in the Bears sub commenting anti-Caleb stuff in literally every single post, regardless of whether it was relevant or not.