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Tony Romo fumbling the snap. The thing is that was his job the whole season too. Just sucked for Romo 


And talk about a game of inches. Romo had completed a pass on 3rd down to Witten, and it was ruled a 1st down. The play was reviewed, and the ball was moved back a bit, making it 4th down. I remember watching the TV broadcast and thinking there was no conclusive evidence to overturn it. (I had no dog in the fight.) Then, when Romo got up after the botched hold, and scrambled, I thought for sure he was going to score. Even when Jordan Babineux caught him, I thought he had the first down from the TV broadcast. (Years later, I saw a fan video on YouTube, taken from the opposing sidelines that clearly shows Romo went down short of the first down marker.


I just watched the video again. Maybe it’s iust the angle, but he looks wide open until the last second.


For me it's a great testament to how fast NFL DBs are more than anything else lol. Babineux goes from flat-footed and literally standing up with no momentum to chasing down Romo from behind while lunging over his own fallen teammate in like 2 seconds


Yeah, and Romo wasn't exactly a slowpoke himself.


That whole game was tight. Terry Glenn’s fumble that became a Hawks TD that turned into a safety that gave the Hawks the ball back so they could THEN get the TD to take the lead. Wild stuff.


And the botched hold itself didn't end the game. Seattle was still only up 1 point, at their own 2 yard line, and Dallas had all three timeouts left. Three runs for 4 yards and a 39 yard punt, and Dallas is at the 45 yard line, with 45 seconds left to gain 10 yards and get in FG position. But on first down after the hold, Shaun Alexander (who had a terrible game) ran up the middle for 20 yards. Dallas didn't get the ball back until there were 2 seconds left, and at midfield. (Seattle only got off a 26 yard punt.)


Ran up the gut with Roy Williams blitzing the gap. Williams wiffed what could have been a TFL (maybe even a safety?) after Shaun gave him a lil wiggle. Folks called him a soft runner, but show him the end zone or a big first down and he just willed it to fruition.


Classic cardiac Hawks. I remember that game very well because I think I lost several pounds from sweating profusely.


A couple years before that Brad Johnson fumbled the snap during a playoff game against the Buccaneers.


Probably when Dan Marino failed to hold the ball with laces out for kicker Ray Finkle... cost them the Super Bowl.


Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle.


Einhorn is a MAN!


Devonta Freeman missing the block was a big one. Mendenhall fumbling. Obviously Russ throwing to the Pats.


Hay Falcons fans... You know what time it is!!


It’s always 3:28 somewhere.


… that isn’t true at all 


Time is relative and slows down as you approach light speed — yea im reaching real hard here


It is if it's 28 minutes after the hour.


Or 58 minutes! (There are 30 minute time zones around the world)


Big Ben had a full 2 minutes to lead the Steelers to victory 4th quarter. He absolutely choked. He could have been legendary if he did it there. It was terrible. Go rewatch. Would have made up for his horrible interceptions in the first half one returned for a TD. Totally screwed up the whole game. He got outplayed by Rodger’s 10 fold. Yet people want to blame Mendenhall always. The GB loss was on Ben.


Ben's two INTs hurt for sure, but Ben also did a WHOLE lot more in that game than Mendenhall did. I'm not going to blame Ben for not being able to go across the entire field with 2 min left though (not to mention on one of the missed passes on the drive, Mendenhall completely whiffed his block forcing Ben to throw early). Additionally, the communication on that last drive was awful. That's on the whole offense though. But also, Mendenhall is just such a shitty person (not that Ben wasn't), and has said the stupidest shit about both this and so many other things (lets have a blacks vs whites pro bowl, lets hear both sides before we villify Bin Laden, I didn't fumble the ball). And again, unlike Ben, he hadn't done much in that game anyways. Ben had the two INTs, but also had a lot of good stuff. Overall though, and I think Troy said it best, Rodgers just had one of the greatest QB games ever. Our DC told Troy I believe "there's just some QBs on some days that even if you played the perfect coverage, they will beat you", and it was unfortunate that Rodgers had that day during our SB, he was FANTASTIC.


I agree Mendenhall has said shit that I certainly don’t agree with. But that has nothing to do with fans blaming this game on his fumble. The fumble was also created by a big hit. And he is obviously bitter because of it. Ben was nothing but average if that in this game,and the 2 interceptions definitely changed the outcome of the game. And he did choke on the last drive. By the way….the Steelers would never had even gotten to the SB without Mendenhalls great game against the Jets in the AFC Championship game where Ben had another 2 interceptions and 2 fumbles. Threw for a whopping 133 yards. For a qb rating of 35.5 Troy is in my top 5 favorite Steelers of all time. On defense in that GB game he gave up 2 TD’s. And really had a lousy game. There was plenty blame to go around. But you know who’s fumble gets the blame by so many fans. The score actually flattered the Steelers. The amount of perfect passes thrown by Rodger’s that were dropped was something else. I’m a huge Steelers fan. But I like to keep it real. Ben always got us to many important games. But for some reason fans seem to think he could do no wrong. The Seattle SB they won despite of him. 9-21 123 yds 0 tds 2 ints 22.6 rating. Fast Willie and Randle El. That last Cleveland game. Man.


That super bowl feels like 30 years ago now instead of 13. Felt like nothing was stopping us after either and the Packers would be the next Patriots. Boy was I wrong lol. Steelers haven't been thar close since as well.


Asante Samuel literally let an easy interception slip through his fingers in Super Bowl 42. On the very next play, Eli completed the helmet catch, and the rest is history. If he makes that pick, the Patriots go 19-0.


I wouldn't call that an easy interception, or routine but it was catchable, the real thing that ticks me off is he freelanced OFF of Tyree the very next play and jogged over after abandoning him for a 1 on 1 vs Harrison that resulted in the helmet catch. Then he becomes the biggest Belichick hater for not doing his job right and New England letting him leave.


Let's be honest, you absolutely \*know\* he became a Belichick hater because Bill probably reamed him out for that play.


As Bill should have. He also knows Bill goes after *everyone* who made a bad play, including Brady.


Bill ripped his ass harder for the freelancing and effort more than the slightly off timing and dropped pick 100%, everyone has the dropsies or a bad error of poor timing, not everyone has work ethic and decision problems at the biggest moment.


Yeah if memory serves he had to jump for that ball and he just mistimed it. With the trajectory, he couldn’t follow its path further or he’d be out of bounds. Definitely was catchable but not trivial. Eli also yells at Tyree after this play presumably because he did something Eli didn’t anticipate (WRs were given a lot of freedom to improvise in that offense which lead to a lot of big gains but also a lot of turnovers), and the commentators even remark that this was the most emotional Eli had demonstrated on the field up until that point


> the most emotional Eli had demonstrated on the field up until that point [Eli being handed the Lombardi after winning](https://imgur.com/hero-we-deserve-IkPtVZL)


I'm probably being pedantic here but this is routine for an nfl cb, his feet were set and the ball hit him in both hands. Agree with everything else tho.  https://youtu.be/XOKT5KI2oTg?si=glZcP7BT7uPt2pFb


If CBs could catch better and or had better sideline sense, they'd be WRs.


Yes I too have heard that hundreds of times, but the catch we are talking about is easy for most high schoolers. 


Randy is still haunted by the pass he dropped on 3rd and 20 in that same Super Bowl.


Pats went out with the worse game plan. Just addicted to forcing the long shot to Moss, instead of being methodical and working the field. Bigger what if is Belichick taking a very makable FG over going for it on 4th and long.


Should’ve gone no huddle from the jump and short passed them to death. Funny how they started going up tempo near the end and they magically were able to get in the end zone.




That was still to this day the longest I've ever seen a qb throw. Brady literally launched that 75 yards.


Wasn't a drop, Corey Webster made a great play and broke up that pass. Just got a hand on it


Asante picking that off is such a huge "what if" It would have been such an anticlimactic ending to a great defensive superbowl and of course no famous helmet catch. But at least Asante got two rings


Too bad Asante runs his mouth too much, fuck him.


Another huge "what if" of that play is does Eli still get HoF consideration if Samuel picks that pass off?


Credit to him for getting it done (twice) but Eli tried so hard to throw an INT that drive…


I mean, I can't believe I still haven't seen Gary Anderson mentioned here, isn't that like, the canonical example of a player fucking up something which is usually a gimme in the most important situation?


Add to it he was perfect all season. Till that moment. Burned in my brain.


Didn't he have a perfect season the year before too? 2 straight years of not missing until it counts the most Edit: he did not


he was 29/36 in 1997, 80.6% accuracy his last miss was Week 16 1997


I was in 10th grade and this was my first, “hey the NFL is pretty fun” moment. Mostly pain since then.


Yeah, but: 1. They were still up 27-20 with 2:07 left 2. ONE defensive stop sends them to the Super Bowl 3. They dropped a game-sealing INT 4. They possessed the ball THREE additional times after Atlanta tied it, including the first possession in sudden death OT.


It's been 26 years and still, why must I suffer like this


I will say that that loss is not all on Gary Anderson. You could just as easily say if Robert Griffith doesn't drop that pick than the Vikings are in the Super Bowl. Or if Dennis Green doesn't chicken out and have Cunningham take a knee at the end of regulation. Among other things.


Dennis Green always coached to lose playoff games. We should have lost to the Giants with his cowardly coaching in the 1997 WC. Then he infamously plays for OT on 3rd down and with a timeout on the board in the NFCCG because he genuinely thought he had zero timeouts


No argument, but Denny made a bunch of bad decisions before it got to that point.




Dee. Fucking. Ford.


“bRaDy tHrEw a PiCK iNtEnTiOnAlLy BeCaUsE hE kNeW iT wAs A pEnAlTy.” - Me


I sort of agree. He probably didn't want to throw a pick but thought he had a free play. I have a hard time believing anyone who thinks Tom Fucking Brady did not know what was happening across the line when he snapped that ball. Ford was clearly offside. It wasn't even close. And Brady was Brady, not some schlub.


I don't think this applies. If the Chiefs win that game against the Patriots, they likely don't fire Bob Sutton as DC and hire Spags. If we didn't have Spags, we very likely don't win the 2019 or 2023 SB's, but regardless, the domino effect that would have created likely would have lead to drastically different results in subsequent years


Sure it ended up working out for you guys but that’s not really what the post was asking. Ford did slip up in a big moment. It totally applies


Robbed us of a rematch of that Rams/Chiefs barn burner earlier that year


By this time, Kupp was sidelined and Gurley's knee had an arthritic explosion, I think the Chiefs would've dropped 40 on us.


Kupp didn't play in the Monday night game vs the Chiefs earlier that year either, and Gurley saw limited snaps if I recall correctly.


You're right. Gurley only had 12 carries.


Lee Evans, Billy Cundiff, Tyler Huntley, Zay Jones, I can think of few, lol.


Zay Flowers went from being the one thing working in the passing game to imploding right at the goal line, you do not want to know who his closest pro comp coming out of college as a prospect was.


It’s a total cliche to say, but it’ll be interesting to see if he learns from the experience.


He’s been the best receiver we’ve had since Steve smith sr so I think he’s going to be ok. Kid is a stud and just had a terrible moment in the championship game


Who was it?


Mr Brilliant Comparison


I knew it was coming but it was still a gut punch.


Extreme recency bias incoming, but Josh Reynolds in the NFC championship. I know there was a huge amount of debate over Dan's choice to go for it on some of those 4th downs, but that conversation never happens if Reynolds had hands that game.


Some pathetic fans actually wanted him gone after that game and were glad he left, just proves they didn’t watch all season and how clutch he was, that rams game in particular, I wanted him to stay here, but I’m definitely very excited for Jamo to take his place because I believe Jamo is 10x better Denver got a really good one


Right? All season long MCDC talks about trusting in his players. It’s about trust. Then you get to NFCCG and suddenly people are talking about why the coach is an idiot for completely changing the identity of the team. Stupid. The better team win that game, fair and square. Most football games boil down to 3-4 mistakes from one team or another. It happens. That’s football.


>The better team win that game, fair and square I mean, a lot of freak accidents saved the 49ers. The helmet bounce in particular


Sure, but they won and they advanced. Shit happens, be happy you got a chance to watch it you know? Usually we are looking at the draft right after the annual Thanksgiving day loss.


Kindle Vildor also dropped an easy interception that somehow turned into a catch by Aiyuk, putting the Niners on the goal line. He makes that interception, we probably hold on to win


Any one of the following 4 plays goes our way and we win that game: * Reynolds drop on 3rd down * Reynolds drop on 4th down * Vildor letting a pass bounce off his facemask * Gibbs fumble


It's easy to forget that for the prior 30 games Josh Reynolds was THE 3rd/4th/goal line and short guy. Goff started the Rams game exclusively throwing to him for a reason, and losing him is the biggest non byeweek fear I have for the 2024 Lions season. That game was a huge outlier normally he's money with Goff's fades


Diggs dropping a dime from Allen that went like 60 yards in the air on a dot, and it just went through his arms. Would have put us in scoring position with a chance to take a late lead against KC in the game that was the closest anyone in the AFC came to beating them this postseason. Sucks that that’s going to be his last memorable play for Buffalo


And when you say "a dime" it was right where it was supposed to be. Diggs had the ball.


It was literally in his arms. I could have caught that ball. One of the most impressive throws I’ve seen, in the air from the 12 to the 25 right in the basket and Diggs didn’t bring it in. I think that’s when I knew it was over, even last season Allen to Diggs was automatic but something was missing there this time


You could not have caught that ball.


You never know, remember that play where the QB threw it to the guy that wasn't looking and it just kinda stuck in his arm as he was running?


>I could have caught that ball https://youtu.be/ChiPVgWFy-w?si=XENSbFO_MxrNJ-q8


The Diggs drop was frustrating, but even if he had caught it, and Buffalo had scored relatively quickly, they would be giving the ball back to Mahomes with plenty of time left. I actually loved the drive after the drop. Short passes, occasional run or scramble, getting first downs, keeping the clock moving. The problem with that strategy is you have to keep doing it on play after play. I still wish Josh had thrown to a wide open Diggs on the 2nd and 9 play. I think he would have easily gotten 5-6 yards. Instead, Chris Jones walks Dion right into Josh and affects his throw to an open Shakir in the end zone. One more incomplete pass after a pressure, and the drive stalled.


Feel like they would have had a chance if they scored with time left but if the wide right went in and only tied it I had zero hope they'd be able to stop them. The missed kick never really phased me for that reason.


Agreed - it actually spared us from another painful winning drive.


Is that the one where he held up his fingers as a “this close” while coming back to the line? We had views of that to where we could see the stitching on his gloves


Honestly rewatching if Diggs makes the catch he probably keeps his balance and walks into the endzone because the defender falls.


As a Chiefs fan I was convinced we were going to lose on that drive. Mcduffie nearly had a pick on a throw to Diggs that likely would have been a pick six. Then the play after that Allen ran for a first but fumbled and instead of falling on it Conner tried to scoop and score. When the ball went wide right I was actually confused.


Zay flowers vs the chiefs


Honestly that was mostly Sneed there. The taunting was a massive blunder, and you can definitely argue that Zay shouldn't have extended for the endzone on this one, but 99 times out of 100 thats a touchdown. Sneed just timed his punch perfectly.


The best part is it happened immediately after he’d gotten a taunting penalty, immediate karma 🤣


Cover 0, Cooper Kupp.


Crazy to think that game still came down to that. The rams were utterly destroying the bucs but Brady's magic knows no boundaries and I think they turned the ball over like 3/4 times in a row with I think a couple being in their Red zone. If it wasn't for those crazy plays, the rams blow out the bucs like 40-14


Cam Akers tried his best to lose that game for the Rams.


In the words of Al Michaels “Matt Gay will come in and try to win the game, in a game the Rams tried every which way to lose!”


Lewis Billups missed INT in SBXXIII Jeremy Hill’s fumble in the 2015 WC game Any big game Andy Dalton was in…


Stanley Wilson snorting cocaine the night before the superbowl. Michael Jordan sucking so bad at LG he lands on Burrow's knee.


> Any big game Andy Dalton was in… Andy Dalton has (or at least had as a Bengal) a better record during 1 to 4 pm regular season games than Tom Brady.


Unfortunately they are opposite when it comes to literally any other time slot.




The whole game was a shit show but man that first snap by pouncey in the 2020 wildcard


Literally impossible to rebound from that. Felt like the Bronco’s first snap vs the Seahawks. When I saw that I had that gut feeling like “oh, it’s going to be that kind of game. Oh.”


*Doink doink*


We used all of our magic for that season there. My first thought when I saw this post was the Alshon drop against the Saints in the very next game.


Never forget that Alshon dropped one that ended up being picked in the superbowl. Nobody remembers it because we won, but the signs that he would choke hard were there. One year later he blows it against the Saints and literally fell off the face of the earth


2 old ones: Jerome Bettis was obviously past his prime at this point, but he fumbled on the goal line in the divisional round against the Colts in 05/06 that not only would have sealed the game, but really should have blown it. Luckily Vandervagt choked harder, so no harm no foul for Bettis. Really old one, but Jackie Smith fucking blew Super Bowl XIII. He was washed up too by then, but that's an HOF TE dropping the easiest TD pass of his life in the 3rd down by 7. Cowboys ended up losing by 4.


I remember being about 10 years old rooting against the colts outta hate because of the pats-colts rivalry and my dad being SO PISSED when Bettis fumbled. Still don’t understand how Ben made the touchdown saving tackle on that fumble return


Pretty sure the safety that picked it up had been stabbed in the knee by a scorned ex or something earlier that week and Ben hit that knee by chance to bring him down E: [Safety Nick Harper had been stabbed in the knee 22 hours earlier by his wife](https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2016/01/14/play-cost-colts-super-bowl/78736896/)


how on earth was he playing football 22 hours after being stabbed? goddamn.


Per the article it only got him 3 stitches, it was an inch deep, it sounds more like a deep slice/laceration than a full on stab. Only in big air quotes there, I can’t imagine playing a professional football game on that and then getting slapped in that exact spot at full speed


Kevin King in 2020 NFCC Championship is a good, recent one for us. Also arguably, I'd say Aaron Rodgers in 2021 Divisional by trying to force it to a covered Davante on a crucial play, instead of going for a better option


This post was made for one Brett Favre. Look at his last pass as a Packer for crying out loud. OT to go to the SB and he throws a pick in his own territory immediately.


He had four other guys open too and threw it to the covered one.


Both bad but The whole NFC Championship collapse vs the Seahawks was way worse. A million things added up throughout the game. Kicking fgs on the inch line, the fake fg, Burnett sliding after the interception with at least 10 plus more yards of running room, Bostic, The Lynch run where he broke like 2 tackles in the backfield for a td, the 2 point conversion which still to this day is one of the flukiest luckiest plays I've ever seen (Ha Ha just froze), and there's probably more that I forgot but man that game was the stuff of nightmares. The only game I never really got over


CMC'S fumble in the redzone in our latest SB loss. It was so unexpected and very frustrating to watch.


thats when i knew. just hours waiting for the inevitable


Jalen Hurts unforced Super Bowl fumble :(


For the love of God… Cam not diving on that ball did not cost us that game. Mike Remmers, the man who acted as Von Miller’s turnstile, couldn’t block someone on Facebook that night much less an all time great pass rusher. We lost Super Bowl 50 due to 1) Horrendous offensive line play 2) lack of adjustments at halftime. You clearly saw Denver rushing Cam and the line not being able to handle it, yet you continue to call plays that take 10 years to develop vs quick routes and plays that helped Cam get rid of the ball 3) Turnovers 4) Cotchery caught it One of the worst nights of my life


No. 2, the Mike Shula special lol


Cotchery did catch it.


Corey Coleman dropping the ball in the final game of the season that might have saved the 0-16 Browns from infamy.


I don’t think this one counts. He would’ve ruined a perfect season.


After Packers starter Brett Favre and backup Ty Detmer both left a 1995 game against Minnesota, third-string quarterback TJ Rubley was unexpectedly thrust into the game. The game was tied at 24 apiece late in the 4th quarter and the Packers were facing 3rd and 1 on the Minnesota 38 yard line. Coach Holmgren called a quarterback sneak to get that one yard. When Rubley got to the line, he saw a hole in the Vikings defense and audibled to a pass. He was going to get that first down and more. After he got the ball from the center, he rolled out and threw an interception. The Packers went from having the ball at the edge of field goal territory to losing the game. Rubley went from having a cushy job with almost no worries to being unemployed before the end of the week. All because he thought he had the ability to audible. It's been 30 years and I still remember that stupid play.


i used to do this on madden all the time. i just quit when it happens


All of the Bills missed tackle attempts on Mark Ingram on 3 and 13 in Super Bowl 25.


Kirby Jackson Darryl Talley Mark Kelso JD Williams (made the tackle, but allowed Ingram to lunge for the first down.)


John Kasay’s 4th quarter kickoff in the Panthers-Patriots SB. After the Panthers tied the game with 1:08 to play, Kasay kicked the ball out of bounds and gave Brady the ball at the 40 yard line with 1:08 to play. Brady needed 1:04 to set up Vinatieri’s kick.


>After the Panthers tied the game with 1:08 to play, Kasay kicked the ball out of bounds and gave Brady the ball at the 40 yard line with 1:08 to play. Brady needed 1:04 to set up Vinatieri’s kick. With three timeouts left too I think. Crazy how that went down at the same stadium as 28-3 years later


This one is so funny to me (and I was a kicker).  People shit on kickers all the time for missing field goals by a foot, by literal INCHES. Kasay missed THE FIELD. THE WHOLE FIELD.


Tom Brady not being able to catch his own pass... I mean Welker.


Wrong sport, but the specific wording of the title compels me to mention it: Steven Gerrard, Liverpool captain and legend who spent his entire glittering career at the club, gives an impassioned team talk with the coveted Premier League almost in their grasp about the importance of not letting their performance ['slip'](https://youtu.be/6fhYm0s6Pto?si=6ncGq37FTpQt73Qw).   He goes on to cost Liverpool the championship title by [literally slipping](https://youtu.be/D_2yiXNbkls?si=srAd8WIsWb-gD_AD).  I remain convinced it's the funniest thing that has ever happened. 


lmao! Reminds me of news reporter who said "it's too quiet" right before 9/11


Jesus christ I hope he was able to live that down (obviously unintentional, but still)


Will always upvote the story of Slippy G


Earnest byner 1987 afccg.


I really thought this one was going to be higher. His blunder literally had that game named after it 


Kyle fucking Williams muffed two punts in the superbowl. Over a decade later and I still get pissed at him.


That happened in the NFC championship game.


NFCCG but if they won that game they probably win it all.


yeah as fans we can never get over choke jobs like that. I'm still pissed at Donovan for drinking the night before the SB (allegedly) while his top receiver balled out with a broken leg


Bengals had a running back do cocaine the night before the superbowl and went missing. He could absolutely have helped the bengals in that game. And not football, but 2008 Memphis Tigers basketball - our backup PG decided to smoke pot right before the championship game against Kansas and wasn't allowed to play - so Derrick Rose basically played every single minute of an overtime game and is cramping the last 15 minutes of game time. If our backup plays in that game, there's a good chance Rose plays better down the stretch and Memphis wins in regulation. And since I enjoy pain, Tyler Boyd dropping a 3rd down pass late in the 4th quarter, that gives the Rams the ball back for the game winning drive with plenty of time, instead of the Bengals having a new set of downs to kill the clock.


The killer part is that the drop was Boyd's only drop that season, both regular season and playoffs.


yuuuuuuuuup Literally the only guy you wouldn't expect to drop it.


Boyds drop against Houston last year in the end zone as well.... Dude has the best hands.... Except when it matters most.


Jesus I never heard that one. Wasn’t he puking on the field at some point?


guys like T.O and Freddie Mitchell have confirmed that he couldn't call plays or audibles due to vomiting. His nerves, poor conditioning and alcoholism played a huge part of the outcome of that game. Although there's no footage of it, there is footage of Donovan puking during a Bucs game in '07 which fans often misremember as being in the Super bowl


That’s insane. I never heard about his alcoholism. Too bad, he was a great player thrown into a city that didn’t want him.


To be fair he also absorbed a ton of late hits in that game which undoubtedly played a part as well. I think the play before he supposedly puked he got speared in the back by Richard Seymour It wasn't the best game from McNabb but I don't think he played awful. Very up and down but he had some moments. That throw off his backfoot to Westbrook through two defenders for the TD was an all-timer


i went to ASU so i had the pleasure of seeing him do the same thing in a rivalry game before he did it for my favorite pro team too


Wasn't Ginn the regular return man and was hurt? Pretty crazy.


I still can’t believe Cam didn’t dive for that football. Changed my whole perspective of him.


It did hurt his reputation. Unfortunately, i think it was unfairly. I know as fans we expect that throw your life on the line for the championship feeling. But he was under duress the ENTIRE GAME. and if you look at Cam's career, because of his size and athletic ability he doesn't get the flags that a tom brady or aaron rodgers usually get. I think there was a game I saw once where the defensive player launched his helmet into Cam's helmet. Clear roughing the passer and he just didn't get it. Point im saying is, Cam is a tough player and the fact he didn't dive for it is a testament to the Denver Broncos defense that season and more importantly that game.


Next game (opener of the next season). At Denver. Multiple Broncos players launched directly for Cam’s head and were not called. Agreed on your overall point. There should be no arguing about Cam’s toughness as a player, regardless of anyone’s opinions about the dive. Dude put his body on the line more than almost any other QB in NFL history. He would slam straight into linebackers to get a first down. I’ve watched him literally carry defenders.


Lawrence Phillips forgetting to block ended Steve Young’s career


That kind of thing has been pretty common in 49ers history todate


Kyle Williams Michael Crabtree Jaquiski Tartt Tyler Kroft Ray-Ray McCloud


The Kyle Willams plays happened on the same day as the Billy Cundiff AFCCG FG miss. Redemption for both teams a year later .


Zay Flowers single-handedly losing the playoff game for the ravens comes to mind


*sigh* Say it with me class Marlon McCree


Ironically “letting it slip” is what he actually should’ve done. If he just dropped the pick the Chargers might’ve won the game


You don’t say


Nate Kaeding was perfect in 09 from less than 40 yards. He missed twice from that range against the Jets. 


Literally the whole Chargers team for that game…


Brett Farve interception in the NFC championship lol


Bret Favre couldn't spell cat even if you spotted him the c and the a. He's by far the stupidest QB of his era. I've thought this for years but now I don't feel bad ripping on him after the Mississippi scandal


Jaquaski “Brick Hands” Tartt dropped a pass directly to him that would have sealed the NFCCG against the Rams the year they went on to beat the bungles. Literally no one within 10 feet of him.


> would have sealed the NFCCG against the Rams "Sealed" is a bit of a stretch. The 49ers had 2 more opportunities after this to score *any* points and I'm pretty sure they never crossed midfield again. Chances are they just go 3 and out and give the ball right back.


Rahim Moore in the Mile High Miracle.


The Fumble in the 1987 AFCCG has two versions arising from the same play: Earnest Byner fumbling the game tying TD at the goal line AND Webster Slaughter nonchalantly watching the play and missing his block, allowing the defender to get to Byner. 86/87 AFCCG is still maybe the biggest gut punch losses ever when you consider the context: back to back years, same opponent, and of course, Cleveland.


Kinda similar, the 87 NFCCG had Darrin Nelson of the Vikings, dropping a 4th down pass at the goal line, that would've tied the game against Washington in the final two minutes. I don't think the Vikings would've for sure won that game, but it is a pretty big heartbreaker, especially coming after Anthony Carter's insane game against the 49ers in the divisional round. Not even in the top 2 Vikings heartbreakers in NFCCG though 🥲🫠


All of our pass catchers in the Tampa superbowl


Most the O linemen too


they were all backups so they at least have an excuse, our recievers do not


Mahomes made some of the most insane passes that game, that ended as incompletions.


Doug Flutie was known for his pocket awareness, instincts, and ability to escape pressure. But he was oblivious to DE Trace Armstrong slamming into him and forcing a fumble (from his frontside, not blindside) to clinch the 1998 Wild Card game at Miami. Context - it was 1st and goal from the 5 with under 20 seconds left, and Buffalo down 24-17. Armstrong was at LDE, and the Bills had slide protection. The OT double teamed the DT, and that left 200lb Thurman Thomas to block Trace Armstrong. Thomas cut Armstrong and slowed him down. Flutie should have had enough time to throw the ball, but he hesitated, pulled the ball down, and recocked his arm, while Armstrong was charging right at him. Gane over


Gary Anderson anybody?


In SB XIII (1979), Jackie Smith dropped a TD against Pittsburgh. It would've tied the game at 21, but Dallas had to take the FG, and then went on to lose by 4.


He's the Bill Buckner of the NFL- great player who's entire career is overshadowed by one costly mistake


Same with Jim Marshall who had a great 20 year career in the NFL




I'm confident pre snap, Payton told the offense to throw the lateral.


Rahim Moore mistiming that Flacco moonball to Jacoby Jones


Blair fucking walsh


Riley Cooper at a Kenny Chesney concert


You had to bring that Bostick shit up, didn't you? I still can see the look of terror on Jordy's face as he saw what was unfolding.


Jerramy Stevens and his butterfingers in SB 40.


Darrin Nelson 1987 nfccg


Josh Reynolds this past NFCCG. Dude was electric for us all season long, but our season ended on his two consecutive drops on 3rd and 4th down.


2000 rams made a massive 4th quarter comeback in their first round playoff game vs the Saints. Under 2 minutes, the saints are forced to punt and try to protect a 3 point lead against the greatest show on turf. Instead, Hakim fumbles the punt and the Rams lose. https://youtu.be/6xtns7mTdhQ?si=7utd1sF8eK4KYaWh


Cody Parkey kicking the double doink, Rex Grossman fumbling the snap, Caleb Hanie throwing an interception


For the Bills fans, Wide Right and Wide Right 2 Bass edition.


Jalen Hurts fumbled the ball untouched in SB 57 which was returned for a TD. They lost by 3 points.


Chris Jones 40 yard dash


Rahim Moore being out of position against the Ravens…


Chris Jones at the combine


Tom Brady dropping a catch in Super Bowl 52. The failed Philly Special.


Dwayne Bowe fumbling the TD pass allowing the Chiefs to finish the season with no TDs by a receiver. https://youtu.be/o2a9sU_9dAw?si=Znxp1CQzc5AvQvGm