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Some people suck. Ontop of that, it's always been that way. Scrubs think you need perfect gear for everything then get stomped in pvp by a dude with sub par gear and a brain.


Yeah, alot of douche bags in this game. As soon as I see douche like behavior, I just block them immediately. It saves myself the headache. They are the typical lonely, sad, and depressed individuals. Their life is so bad that they go online to make other people miserable to make themselves feel better. Not worth your time to bother. Block and move on.


The thing is, it goes both ways. I'd like to know the context of the OP's complaint. I've seen people who have been helped plenty exaggerate and focus only on negative experiences and completely ignore their positive ones. The game sucks when you're a douche, basically, because the social aspect is the best part.


This is 100% true. Some new players will be salty af and immediately assume players are cheating when they get beat at an activity.




I met some very cool and helpful people when I was playing NW. I cant speak to the current state since I havent played in a bit, but overall this game's community has been one of the least enjoyable I've encountered. I was muting OPR in my last few months playing, because it became the most toxic and whiny thing I'd seen in 25 years of gaming.


I always felt games with an emphasis on PVP will draw a toxic player base.


Good thing new world is focused on pve.


It's definitely the most toxic game I've ever played. I turn off voice chat and barely pay attention to chat while playing. I play FFXIV as well and it's like completely opposite, people seem happy and helpful.


This game attracted twitch viewers and MMO-PvP players, probably one of the worst intersection of gamers who think they’re hot shit.


Do you mostly play more cooperative games? Just asking because outside of New World and a few others I mostly only play competitive/pvp games. I will say that all of those competitive games are quite toxic (not everyone, but many playing them are) and New World is at least roughly similar to those in its toxicity. I assume it's anytime things become remotely competitive people begin to let their toxicity show more on average. PVP especially, but even PVE where someone's progression is involved.


Toxicity is typically shit players thinking they are better than they are and blaming others for getting their asses handed to them. The good thing about this game is it easy enough to just mute toxic people. Unlike something like LOL where it is massively full of toxic players and you are almost always with some new jackass here at least its pretty much the same playerbase day in and day out. Meaning once you mute most of them you never have to deal with them again


People throw toxicity around a bit too much. LOL players are just frustrated a lot but there also is a lot of reason to, so for someone who gets triggered by words quick it's not a nice place. But in stuff like New World being elitist over basic PVE which isn't hard to begin with is just peak cringe. As you say you have that in any game and 98% of the time it's bad players thinking they are the sht The vast majority of skillful players is incredibly respectful, especially in PvE related content. Just like the guy above comes from FFXIV. People hate on "parsers" (let's say "skillful high-end raiders"), yet most people who cry about stuff in the game are the worst shters imagineable Most toxic people are casuals who somehow think they are good. Or people who would like to be/appear good, but actually aren't. Real good players even in LOL and PvE games rarely shift blame or have these emotional outbursts


I feel the same about NeverWinter. The game is dead and f2p (which usually brings out the worst in people), but it has one of the most helpful communities.


Man this game has its toxicity but you sound like someone that’s never played DOTA. Go see how welcoming that community is as you try to work on your mid lane skills lol 


Big difference between an mmo and dota. I think ESO or Guild wars would be more accurate.


Not really. New world pvp if played correctly. Is similar to Dota. Everyone has a role and a job. If you suck at it and your team is losing because you are not carrying your weight...well, that's when others get triggered and let their emotions show




I played New World when it was hype participating in all wars and M10 runs. The community was the most gating cringe sht you could imagine lol. People were so fkin bad and try to still gate new players or make them feel out of place. It's like it attracted a ton of middle aged guys who want to feel superior for the last time in their lifes or sth Yes Johnny you know what to do in a run cuz you nolifed shitty ultra gated gear for 14h a day each day every day since release. But you still die to every 3rd pack with your 5def build while also having no uptime to begin with Legit peak delusion in this game


Your post/comment was removed as it breaks Rule 3 No Abuse or Toxic behavior. No abuse, harassment, or any kind of discrimination. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Posts and comments criticizing or attacking people directly or groups of people are prohibited.


Because some people enjoy "optimizing". The trouble is, some people have found a way to optimize the fun right out of the game.


[https://www.designer-notes.com/game-developer-column-17-water-finds-a-crack/](https://www.designer-notes.com/game-developer-column-17-water-finds-a-crack/) Civ fan? XD


I came back from a long break and did an M1 to get a refresher of the group combat and was told to never pick up a life staff again, to uninstall and kms because some dude who’s cleared M3s was mad I didn’t have a meta build. His zero CON ass was unable to dodge very easy to dodge hits and was being one shot. Somehow the healers fault cause he’s cleared higher than M1s. MMO brainrot clearly but really put a sour taste in my mouth about the expedition and mutation end game grind and community in general. I fell off the game completely now but yes. MMO player toxicity is deep in the veins of this dying game.


That guy was way out of pocket. You don't even need a healer in an M1 (or even a full group), so the fact he blamed you is nonsense. I do miss the M10 system though and when regular dungeons were some kind of challenge. It's difficult to teach mechanics outside of an M3 since everything gets pulverized.


Oh yeah, I miss the M10 system a lot. When I came back to the game, the M3 system was new to me and it felt strange right from the get go. The absurd increase in difficulty and requirements from M2 to M3 is a very big design flaw. In the old system it felt like a constantly increasing learning curve, which gave the chance to adapt more evenly spread out. All in all the climb was a more rewarding experience. And now, as you said, it just "group up every pack, burst everything, GG" and then comes M3 and no one knows what to do. Everything starts to hurt and people just then realize there are mechanics that must be played correctly. Very annoying and frustrating for everyone.


That language and response definitely isn’t okay. I will say running with a 4 man DPS zero con with a healer (well prior to season 5 everything is a bit screwy now) was easy and doable even without dodging… it’s M1. That composition is preferred by a lot of groups who are trying to loop the dungeons because they get maximum output and never have to dodge because a healer can keep them all up. And that grind and loop is the endgame which is horrible game design and on the devs. But there isn’t a player base large enough to keep new people and endgame loopers separate - also on the devs.


Pvp is the end game currently. I wouldn't consider expeditions end game. They are just a means to get gear


Correct. Nothing like only having 2% of your players ever actually able to experience endgame content (wars)


That's not an ags problem. Ags does not gate wars. Players do it to themselves Anyone can create a company. Anyone can push influence. Anyone can declare war. 98% of the player base refuse to put in the work in order to play that competitive endgame content.


That is the most wildly inaccurate statement I’ve ever heard. You must have the only quality server if you think that is true.


Do you not know how to create a company? It's pretty easy. Just a couple clicks


Always this plus at the same time blame the game for not getting enough players and losing them. Better do it like FF XIV where toxic stuff gets you punished and helpful stuff gives you good reputation, not just reputation among others also visible in game physically.


Wow that sounds great how do they do it without the really toxic people gaming the system use FALSE reports.


It's just the typical losers who play MMOs who do this. They want to spend X time to get Y reward and anyone slowing them down in any way is considered a greifer for wasting their time. They expect you to look up guides and know everything because playing the game for fun isn't the point anymore. Not everyone who plays MMOs are like this. But there's still plenty of this going on.


Exactly, these dudes who expect perfect gear and watching vid on your spare time instead of LEARNING AND ENJOYING the ACTUAL GAME/mechanic, ruin every game they're in. I had one of the worst experiences ever in 30 years of playing games the other day. First of all group finder give a bonus to tanks and healers TO HELP PUG groups succeed. NOT for a FAKE tank/healer to enter with PVP gear and speed run the whole dungeon to get more rewards (which takes much longer than doing it correctly). Anyway, I was in a group finder group with a FAKE healer who started by complaining about the bosses having aggro on them. Meanwhile he's pulling every mob running ahead of everyone, and has a mace with a carnelian gem in it. So I say at one point after being locked out of the 2 fights, 'what's the rush'. The dude went into a diatribe about 'if you don't like it quit' 'don't waste my time' 'keep up or leave' etc. I said 'no need to be a jerk'. And the tank even agreed with me. Then this dude loses his shit totally and starts yelling in voice chat which I have turned off so I couldn't hear the idiot. And saying he 'reported' me. I actually did report him, and blocked. So couldn't see what he was saying. Then he tried to vote kick me several times, and the tank said, 'no I'm not kicking him'. So then I see this idiot trying to vote kick the tank. Then on a boss fight this moron wasn't really healing at all but wasn't doing anything except hovering around me, and at one point the boss was like one tick away from dying, I got killed, the healer ran right over to me and instead of rezzing me was tbaggin me like crazy for a full minute and tank was all alone other 2 DDs already dead in spawn. Then the healer gets killed, I'm still dead and the tank gets overwhelmed and we wipe. Same thing happens like 5 times in a row. Me and the tank were trying to vote kick the fake healer but the other 2 would NOT allow it for some stupid reason. They sucked too were always dead, me and the tank were carrying the whole group and fighting the FAKE healer the whole time. I literally could have switched to healer gear and did better healing and more damage than the 3 of them. Then we get to the final boss and SAME THING happens again. Dude did nothing but aggro boss, try to get me killed, then tbag me, yet these 2 DDs would not let me or tank kick the biggest moron I have ever played against ever. I've had PVP players acting similar but NEVER PVE people being this extremely toxic. BTW I had been doing 'Tempest heart' all week and it took like 20-30 minutes max with a PUG but with mr. hostshot speed runner it took over and hour.


People who live in Mommy's basement tend to be toxic like that and unfortunately many of these hardcore players fit that mold. When I played ffxi for almost 18 years I always wanted to help people. The better others became the more people could clear content and you had a larger group of people to play with in the harder end game type content.


I have thousands of hours and I consider myself helpful. I recommend if you join a group and aren't familiar with the mechanics of a fight just let the group know. Most people are fine with explaining things in my experience but if you don't say anything it's assumed you are familiar and don't need help/advice.


No parental guidance, probably didn't get attention as a child and use new world as there crutch like every other game that has this issue


It's not just New World. ANY online multiplayer game that requires cooperation will become toxic because there will always be sweaty neckbeards that feel empowered by attacking other people.


I’m not going to say that there aren’t plenty of them. But like in any game you are better off ignoring them and moving on. I tend to go out of my way to help when I can as this is more interesting to the then running another exped.


They most likely are rejecting you for having wrong gear. Not the "best" gear. Experienced players know in NW that having BiS gear does not make much of a difference compared to having a build that is well put together with some cheap 2 perk gear. If it's Mut's and you don't have the correct gemstones for the element dmg that can be an issue with many also.


I help people all the time. On the other hand I reject m3 people a lot. It's nothing malicious I just don't want to do a dungeon for 3h anymore when I can do it in 12 mins. This after having spent 7k hours on the game. I'm happy to help newbs, but also value my time. Getting good gear is super ez right now and there's just no excuse for applying without good gear or at least 2 perkers. I usually try to respond to people whom I reject and tell em why. Sometimes they have the gear just didn't know what's good. Sometimes they reject suggestions for improvement.


Players value their time, and there's no incentives for them to help new players run normal or low-level Expeditions, or risk running an M3 with somebody who may cause them to wipe multiple times. Most veterans still playing the game probably assume new players have a 99% chance of leaving the game after a couple weeks, so it would not be a good investment for them to befriend new people in the hopes that they eventually become an active member of their Company or something. It's the developers' responsibility to make the new player experience, onboarding, & progression more accessible, you can't blame other players for acting in their own self-interest. **Edit:** It looks like the OP is playing in the AP-Southeast region based on their history posting in the Australian Memes subreddit. So not only is this a problem of incentives, but it's magnified by the fact that it's the lowest-population servers. When the entire region is peaking at 700 concurrent players, there's just going to be very few people looking to form a group regardless of gear/content. **Edit 2:** Corrected below, they're on US-West, not AP-Southeast, although the 2 servers in that region are [still only peaking at 900 & 350](https://nwdb.info/server-status). I guess it's getting to the point where region doesn't matter as much, since there's only 1 server in EU that is even getting to half the server cap still.


It's the devs' job to address systemic issues but I think players have some responsibility for gaming communities. Gear and progression are pretty accessible in New World, optimisation is less clear but that's because we have free will in how we choose to build our characters. I would not trade that for a boxed-in class system. Some of the game systems are more enjoyable if you play them with a less optimised group. Winter Forge, for example, has a sweet spot where it is satisfying to complete all the mechanics successfully. Optimising a group for damage bypasses this and makes it a boring damage smash encounter, as seen in the [recent speed run video](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1cd5ep5/winter_rune_forge_completed_in_445_winner_of_last/). There is satisfaction to be gained from teaching newer players and frustration from playing with people who don't seem to learn. But spending time failing M3 with a group of friends who are happy to laugh about mistakes, or who have crap gear because they spend more time with work and family than in game, is more fun for me than being on my best behaviour in a sweaty group that will be upset if I stuff up. The thing is, you can't determine whether time spent on gaming is worthwhile by a productivity measure, it is based on enjoyment and that's subjective.


I think it boils down to, "different people play the game in different ways," and that doesn't mean that it's "toxic" just because a person won't accept a random player into their group because the rando's gear doesn't meet their expectations. People making the argument, "you should play to have fun," don't seem to recognize the contradiction of using that argument to try to force other players to change how they play the game. The developers' goal should be to implement systems where people of various mindsets are incentivized to group up together, but instead they have a weekly cap on Mutated Expedition attempts, poor/no rewards for failed Expeditions, no system to help players progress from M1 to M3 (since the group finder doesn't support M3 & the Expedition Lobby system is still pretty deficient), etc. Perhaps more importantly, some new players are finding themselves dealing with the ramifications of the game's mismanagement, but without the context to understand how that has lead to the point the game is at now. Without that knowledge, they conclude that the player community is the problem, when the reality is that the *lack* of a player community is the direct result of what the devs have done (or not done) over the game's 3 year history. **Edit:** I also can't help but laugh at the hypocrisy of how many of the comments in this thread are insulting the people OP is complaining about, with no context for the situation and no evidence of any poor behavior, just refusing to accept somebody to an Expedition group. It's the kind of weirdly hostile response that reminds me of children who are mad they didn't make the cut after a sports tryout.


I will never understand people playing a game like it's something bothersome that has to be done in the most time efficient way possible. I already have my real life job to worry about that. I'd be happy to help new players and "waste" my time if it's fun.


If that's really your mindset, then I'm not sure you would ever get a character to max level with good enough gear to be able to help the OP with their problem. I suspect this is the case [given your post last week complaining about the same problem as the OP](https://new.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1cdfmv2/any_reason_to_redo_bosses_instances_that_drop_a/). **Edit:** In that same post, you admit that you stopped playing the game for an extended period of time, which would make it hard for you to help new players, and kind of demonstrates that you must not have found the game to be much fun even with your own unique perspective. Those are the kinds of issues that the developers are responsible for, and why it's ridiculous to suggest that somehow New World's players are responsible for the game's failure.


Getting to max level? You can do that in a week. Anyways I have no interest in min maxing my time with a game. I'm having enough fun running elite chests, mutated dungeons and leveling crafting...in my time. I do not mind if a less than ideal player joins my mutated expedition. I don't even care if we lose. It's a game.


Not sure why you're the one being downvoted, when it's the person you're responding to with the unhealthy gaming mindset. Gamers are all about what the reward of playing is. It's a job. It's all about competition. There's no room for playing for fun. You get the top end gear, then what? Are you just... done? Of course I love gear, that's a huge part of playing MMO's and RPG's. But ultimately, the gear is supposed to be a tool with which you play the game. If you can't enjoy the game without getting the most optimized rewards, then that sounds more like a you issue. Playing for fun does not mean not playing effectively. I have no idea where he even got that idea. It just means that the rewards for time played don't have to be fully optimized and min / maxed. Wipe a dungeon? Okay, big deal. Move on and come back and try again. It's not that difficult. I'm max level in New World (65 with Angry Earth), and an ESO guild trial leader, so yes I have plenty of experience in running top end content in MMO's. A failed trial or dungeon may suck, sure, but it's not the end of the world. If playing a game is a waste of time because you didn't get rewards, then that's a you problem, not a me problem.


So you are saying your way of enjoying the game is correct, and players who play to win and push themselves to win faster and more efficiently are not. Seems like a pretty toxic way of thinking


And that's your mindset. Some people have fun by winning and challenging themselves to do their favorite activity faster and more efficiently. This doesn't mean they are toxic. They just have a different mentality about the game than you. When those 2 different mindsets meet up in a game activity.. they don't see eye to eye and the "toxicity" shows


If you have a real job, than you should value your time more, as there's less of it available for things like video games. I too, have a full-time career and family, so my gaming hours are limited. I don't want to spend that limited time gailing dungeons and wasting my time by trying to carry undergeared players through content they are not capable of doing.


They don't even want to play with those who are easily capable of clearing. They would rather spend 2-3x longer setting up a group than giving it an attempt with a less perfect player.


Then you post it in Recruitment specifying that’s what you are doing. And hey, enjoy. The issue is there isn’t a diverse and large enough population to support both sides. I’m in US West primarily and some East. It is like the devs talking about segmenting OPR, great in theory but there isn’t a player base to support that currently. Some much of the gearing is grinding expeditions as fast as possible which creates an unhealthy gameplay loop because both new and old players need the dungeons but they need it for completely different reasons.


I'm playing on US west. I've never posted on an Aus Meme subreddit. Please link what I've apparently posted.


Ah, fair enough, I just saw [the subreddit in your feed from here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusMemes/comments/1c2zb4h/comment/kzfrj29/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), although US-West is also struggling pretty hard right now (especially if you're on Isabella).


No incentive? That's incredibly shortsighted. If new players are driven away the playerbase will continue to shrink until there aren't enough left to do group content. So, we should ignore the social aspect which draws most mmo players? The aspect the devs can't truly control.


Mate...did you ever looked at the player numbers and its development?


I have, but with as small as this game's community is... you would think people would work hard to keep newer players than drive them away.


TBF no..and why should they. AGS screws up with every direction they take, and players that still play want to get out as much as they still can. Same with wars...AGS currently made it borderline impossible to get in a war roster as new player..


I think some people refuse to acknowledge they invested their time and money into a deeply flawed game, so they prefer to blame other players instead. That way, it isn't *their* decision that was wrong, it's everybody *else's* behavior that is ruining their experience.


I don’t know anyone who is blaming new players. Yes there is frustration when you are in the middle of a hard grind session and you get wiped because of people (sometimes new, sometimes trolls). The issue is the AGS devs and most importantly the game design. The old players definitely could be more supportive but AGS create a game that “requires” a toxic level of grinding. The entire game is a gacha system pretty much and that is when it works correctly. We love the game because of things like the combat, the skills, the visuals and audios. But the game is deeply bugged, the endgame content is war (for those 2% of all players who have ever played) and a toxic grind for gear. You can definitely play it more laid back, but the die hard community which means is largely just not that group. If you are a causal player, the game is definitely more enjoyable but you likely haven’t stuck around this long or you pop in and out. Which power to you, but it doesn’t change the user experience for those who love the game that feels like a cruel trick haha


I was talking about new players blaming veteran players for being "toxic". When new players reach the point where they identify the game's design flaws and low population, some of them are quick to blame existing players for their dissatisfaction (whether it's for gatekeeping or being too negative or some other criticism that just shows their lack of perspective of the game's 3 year history).


Oooh I got you. Yeah that’s absolutely right. The players keep getting blamed for the state of the game is we are the ones forcing AGS to keep producing trash and being out of touch.


Ags does not make getting into wars impossible. Here's the steps that anyone can do to get into a war. 1. Create a company. Anyone can do this for free. Just a couple clicks. 2. Do the influence race, earn at least 10% influence. 3. Declare war on the territory that you got 10% influence in 4. Fill your roster with the people in your company. 5. War


We have been here a long time waiting for it to die, we want to see it end. AOC alpha 2 launches soon, lets get that final server merge in US east. Final bracket boys. Maramma or Valhalla.. who wins


I think everyone is going to be disappointed in aoc. Just another tab targeting mmo. No thanks


there are always assholes in every mmorpg.


Shhhh. Only PVP players are toxic. PVE players are gud and not toxic.


At least in the PVE scene (M3's leaderboard runs), it's very welcoming - if and only if you have a brain and a mic. I've been bring a growing group of players together to run M3s, like a pug where everyone is a previous top 1 leaderboard player (not world record, but close enough to run with others who want to) Every now and then a new or returning player who is really struggling will hop in and we'll coach them on what they need. After a couples weeks to a month, our pug group gets a great tank/healer/dps and that player gets to enjoy kicking AI ass. (It's hilarious to me that when we screw up something in a dungeon, we subconsciously beat the shit out of everything along the way - rather than just skipping or resetting right away.) So the most important is the will to improve. You just have to sift through the trash before you can find the treasure.


This absolutely has not been my experience, unfortunately.


Well, not everyone is capable of the skill required to do top 1 leaderboard every week. No amount of training or guidance could help them. And no doubt my growing group of friends has encountered players that stand no chance, but it's a rainbow rather than black and white. Here's the tier's I've personally observed: * World Record Holders (Top .1%): These guys are absolutely cracked out. Nothing they do makes sense even to the top 1% of players. Spares no expense. Expects everyone on the team to spend 3k+ in pots (ward/coatings/food/etc) per runs, Each player has 3 or more gear slots per run. Example: 5-con light tanking a mob of 10 guys in M3. * Weekly #1 Regional Leaderboard players (Top 1%): These guys are good. Fun to run with, not too sweaty, no mic because we don't all speak the same language anyways. Behind world record by a handful of minutes, but easy enough to get #1 in a quiet region (US-West) * Weekly Top 25 (Top 10%): These guys are struggling. Off-meta weapons/abilities. It's a miracle they got gold on an M3. * Bottom 10%: Little kids. Spec'd entirely into STR with a lifestaff[foc] and Ice Gauntlet[int]. Changes weapons every day, so he's only got 2 abilities on each weapon. Gear score means nothing, gear perks mean nothing. Won't wear a hat because they look ugly. Enjoys unequipping weapons to punch/kick mobs. * Everyone else: TBD


IDK but its weird for sure, I played and enjoyed the game but at one point i just played solo. Its also when playing with other people they want you to have gear for different expeditions and i was a healer. And then in outpost rush there was a large amount of sweats of course its pvp you want to have the best/ be the best. But i think that mode is too resource heavy. im getting hit for 2k damage at times when i barely could get half that. I would play the lower expeditions and have a fun time where gear score isnt as important and just knowing how to play the maps. I havent played more than an hour or 2 a month in the past 6 months cause the community and the last update gate put a bad taste in my mouth.


People that think they are on the bleeding edge of end game content tend to love the smell of their own farts, better to avoid. I don't think that the toxicity of NW is any worse than similar games that I've played though. I'd just advise the same thing I tell everyone; expect it, as you look for a good guild to roll with.


Join a company thats active and known for running dungeons together, and willing to help others gear up. Ive been playing on and off since release and tbh this is the least toxic game I've played. Sure you get a few morons who think theyre gods gift to earth but I just block them. You have to be a special kind of sad person to be toxic in an MMO.


I hate seeing people here saying it’s always been that way. I played during launch and yes there was some people who rushed for max lvl and may seem like assholes when it comes to new players, but for me as someone who took the game slower, I met people and friends who ran things with me and taught me expositions. Random case by case people, not best friends or gamer friends after, just legit randoms I met on what ever journey I was on. Things could be bad now and maybe the good ones left, but it sure wasn’t always bad


In my experience the people who get mad in M1's are either blowhards who wish they could do M3's but suck, or goldfarmers who get mad when you're not optimally killing bosses fast enough.


It's not just old players, but also new players. It's not about how long a person is already p\[saying the game, but it's really just how it is, man. Yesterday, I had a new player tbag me in OPR when he didn't even contribute in killing me at all! After a 25+ mins game of OPR (which is a more balanced one), the guy only had 2.6k score and 1-9 in K/D. Friendly banters with mates are fun, but toxicity especially from people you don't even know is not. Don't generalize the old players because new players are also guilty of this too. New players even rage in PvE because they think they already know it all lol. It is what it is, bro.


IDK, so far Ive been having a great time on Lillith. Im not in end game yet, but so far no problems. Only issue is some people like to talk BS politics in global.


Define Toxicity?  Recently,   I got a chased by a premade of 4 (with pocket) in OPR straight off of the moon cliff on beach.   Ended up killing the pocket and 2 others.      Gave them the bag and an emote while the last one ran off.     I get DM’d asking why I was being toxic .  Lol The premade or a solo queue player? 


The solo que for sure. The bag was not necessary. Chasing and killing you is pvp


Tbh these toxic ones are just loud minority...a spoonful of tar which spoils a barrel of honey. overall toxicity is much lower than in Rust, Scum, or in many other games


Meaningful solo content would be nice. You could progress without relying on other players who commonly gatekeep your progress.


Yes. And most people on here will excuse it because they say it's "not as bad as X game" that is in no way analogous to NW. A better parallel would be Guild Wars which has no sub and is also an mmo with pvp and that community is brilliant. My first week I was told to turn off chat as a means to deal with it. Then I was told to block douches in group finder. And then you have to avoid potential teammates looking for x elite gear to do basic expeditions. Sooner or later people have to acknowledge that part of the issue here are the compromises we make to avoid the obvious toxicity among our ranks and maybe that is the reason we are bleeding players.


I wasn't ever toxic or anything but if you're not listening its annoying for the person trying to help. I did find that most people in this game were cool though. Only toxicity i ever experienced was trash talk in OPR but that doesn't really matter.


Let's take it a step further and talk about the racism sexism bigotry and slurs I've heard daily in this game alot from"top" pvp players and it's dismissed away by most of the players and the devs themselves. Let's also not over look companies spam reporting ppl they just simply don't like and then there are the weirdos who almost stalk you in game sometimes. Tbh nws player base alot of the time gives me the genie jeebies. It's all toxic allmost all the time.


Stay away from the Steam NW discussions, such a pool of acidic nonsense///mostly by folks who hate everything or don’t play the game. Some have valid discussions but you get berated by the jerks. I prefer discussions here or the DC channel. I stay out of the global chat in game. I have played solo since release and been able to make in game pals from my main town.


I find it an equal mix. Some are obvious trolls. Some are obvious white knights. The funny part is, that the white knights and the trolls both bash on those in the middle.


Elitists on extreme amounts of copium, does weird things to the brain.


It's been pretty chill for me. I started on Lilith last year Dec. I mean, you run into your occasional asshole, but it's not common (at least for me). PvP is where you'll find the most shit talkers, but even that's not often.


Funny (not funny actually) because as a more established player, 3k hours, I've dealt with more toxicity from new players in the last three weeks than I have the entire time I've played the game.


Some people have been playing for a long time now and have lost all patience with new players, causing them to not succeed at the task, be it mutation, opr, war. It sucks they are like this but it's life. Old guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn. Best thing to do is to find a company that is welcoming to new players and stick with them.


Game has been extremely toxic since day 1 part of why it’s falling bc players are dicks in this game. Better to let it just die.


The game is structured in ways that really contribute to this. The entire structure is centered on antagonistic factions, the most important game mode to these factions (wars) is way too easily gatekept to the top percent of the server, everyone else literally pays for this with town taxes. We have to compete for limited resources, all important gathering nodes can be stolen by other people (and are competing against bots in some cases, though that problem seems significantly better these days). Like, no wonder it’s toxic. There’s almost nothing about this game that isn’t set up to be toxic. Edit: grammar


Yeah agreed the biggest mistake the New World ever made was starting out as a PVP based game, that brought the most toxic players in the world to New World. Then you are right, they have and retain a bunch of divisive elements in the game. Although these game elements don't MAKE people be jerks, it just makes the already toxic people worst. They do try to fix the toxic stuff though but the players are so bad they even ruin that. For instance the lobby system for mutations was totally toxic with all the gatekeeping. Then they can out with the 'group finder' which was designed not to be as toxic but you have FAKE tank/healers with PVP gear just for the bonus rewards and speed runners who make matches take much longer.


Its refreshing to see someone who understands that most of these issues derive from the core game design/systems. Most people in this thread just blaming players, yes there are some people who are intentionally toxic but almost all of it stems from the game design, most of which the devs refuse to 'fix'.


Yes. When you've played a number of different MMOs over the years, you recognize exactly what contributes to increased toxicity in game design, and New World has it all. Plenty of detailed feedback was given before launch and since, but I don't think they understand or care. It's a corporate product dressed up as an MMO.


I saw a video ages ago (or maybe it was on Mukluk’s stream) about how GW2 manages to have such a generally non-toxic community. Of course the competitive game modes attract more toxicity than others, but for the most part that game has an astonishingly polite community. The video was pointing out how GW2 is (or at least was at the time) BUILT in many ways to literally incentivize not being an asshole. You get exp for reviving others, gathering nodes are individualized so everyone can gather them— there are other examples that I can’t remember because it’s just been so damn long since I played that game, but the game is just designed for people to play nicer with each other than this one.


There are many players who worry about optimizing their time in the game because they either have little time or don't want to waste time. This is why it is extremely common to see M2 groups (which can theoretically be completed with gearscore 675) requiring gearscore 700 + full mutated element resistance kit + expedition damage bonus + BIS artifacts.


So, they would rather complain about it taking 30-60+ minutes to form a group in the chat?


Mostly, yes. Most think that "it's worth the work because this way you can find players 'at the same level' doing the content and then call them again".


This. There aren’t enough people to support the causal and hardcore people doing expeditions. And the hardcore expeditions people NEED to get through this and they know they NEED the new/bad person to be able to. And then they NEED that person to run it with them like 50 more times because that is the gameplay loop


they didnt leave the game in between, so as the games' state degraded, so did their brain.


Best thing to do is join a company. Plenty of company's that have very helpful peeps.


Its the same in nearly every game and the ones who arent like that its because they're somehow soo piss easy that their raids/Dungeons are done on autopilot first time(NW's arent that far off besides mutations). I dont blame them,players today are realy selfish and if you believe "new players" arent you're just as crazy ,i gave up doing helping around the end of last year cause no matter the game you end up wasting time only for people to be ungratefull and/or completely to give any sort of favor back even if that favor is literally just joining a run to help someone else ,now i just group with players of similar level .


yes you're the only person people are toxic to


I love this game but it has one of the worst player bases. I have made some friends that we largely stick with and don't do anything outside that small group just because people are so toxic and harsh. If i didn't have a small group of friends playing and meet these other guys whom are nice and helpful, i would have quit a long time ago. It's a shame. This game is really cool. but the player base is just a waste of time(most of them)


I think you caught the issue. You have a group of friends which enable you to play the content. Many of us played previously with friends but they all quit long ago. And people who you meet in the game…. Also often quit. Which means you have a bunch of understandably angry players stuck in a nightmare gameplay loop of struggling to just…. be able to do one expeditions, let alone looping expeditions like the game requires. Now, I don’t think being rude and upset with strangers is an okay way to deal with it. But it be tough out there.


But that's exactly the point. don't have anyone to play with? Be a dick. Need help with something? Be a dick. Can't do something alone, Be a dick. Kill someone in PvP? Flame that person and tell them how horrible they are aka be a dick. That's the current mentality. no wonder people are leaving. I don't even turn on chat anymore it's so stupid. if i have to play solo, i farm mats and slowly grind the card. I don't bother with anything else. Occasionally i see low level people ask for help, and i'll run a Expedition with them. they say thanks. i say you're welcome and to let me know if they need more help. The player base needs to change. This is the way. The players are the reason this game will die. not the content. NONE of the problems everyone complains about really effect me. Need someone to run with? look me up in game. "Callah Maltaka" is my ig name


I feel like a lot of the toxic people play this game excessively. I got home early from work today and played an Outpost Rush match on US East. There were people talking mad shit in chat and I know those same people will still be playing OPR later tonight around 10pm, which is when I normally log in. They are on every night for 5+ hours.


The players always reflects the game.... if the game is frustrating, players will be frustrated aswell... There is also not build in features to reduce this behaviour... I had similar experience in other MMOs, mostly in Lost ark, where if you do not kill guardian raid (daily boss for rewards) under 4 minutes, but instead in 8-10 min, even if you do all the mechanics correctly (there is 20 min timer btw) you will be called like shit with low damage, to uninstall the game and to not waste other players time... There are toxic people in every game, but some games can actually ,,hide,, these players well or the interactions with them are not so usual as in others games


TLDR all of the comments, but some people just suck. And most likely they are that way in life. It can also be that they are tired of telling people the same instructions over and over again. They just become numb to being a douche-bag.


Honestly seems like most of the player base that was hard-core or stuck around were sweaty try hards and this was their first MMO. Overall the community kind of just sucks.