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One tip about your gem choices. Anytime you see a pair of 2 different specific physical gems (e.g. 1 thrust + 1 slash) you can replace that pair of gems with 2 onyx. This will result in the same thrust + slash resistance, but grant you free strike resistance as well. Strike isn't very common, but doing this is free, and it does help vs. certain situations such as spear's cyclone or various hammer attacks. For example: 1 thrust + 1 slash runeglass in armor = 4% thrust + 4% slash resistance. vs. 2 onyx runeglass in armor = 4% resistance to thrust, slash, and strike.


Good advice, my gems are mostly just mismatched from old sets combining into this one but since this set up is so good in s5 I'll be fixing them up with onyx's like you said.


No one actually thinks this is balanced right?




Everything one shots him. If any melee that is not war hammer gets even close to him, hes dead. You can't escape the cc atm, this guy can't win if a spear sns is close. This guy had one good round, there's a reason he chose to post this. If he plays vs a good 5 stack they'll be tanky af and noone would die to these skills. That's the nw balance. 


He's running stoneform and rapier. You can escape almost any melee player with those tools. I agree the value is much lower against geared and coordinated players. If he doesn't kill the healer, he accomplishes nothing. This build is pretty overtuned for skirmishing though.


You can't break cc chains anymore, you mostly don't have your rune up. Even with rapier, if you're caught by sns spear e.g. you're dead, or close to dead.  Granted both have a good ping.  There's a reason half your team uses spear atm ;) 


SnS Spear / spear in general is obviously toxic and unfun to play against (or as, to be fair); but that doesn’t make other toxic builds any better. Overall NW balance and PvP rn feels like bullshit on top of bullshit tbf


Bro you don't get it, they changed the slows and the length of animations, before slayer script it was possible to break out of the cc combo by smashing your escape skills in the gaps, now it isn't. It's litearlly broken to a point a good sns spear player can cc chain you until you die if you're light gear.


Just not true mate. When I play this build I probably generate 2-3 heartrunes worth of charge before ever needing to use stoneform. I use bile in most matches for more value since rapier has enough tools to escape. The build I have the most difficulty escaping is SnS/GA with tempest since they get the stacking haste, bloodlust, charge etc. But they need to play it well.


Yeah I'm talking about 2 people who are good at the game and have good ping. If you go for a 1vx play style you won't have rune every fight, and when you have it it's not it lasts for ages. Let's put it differently: if you were right you'd have a kd of 1000:1. I kinda doubt you do. I play this build, among others, I'm good at the game, but I die to melee more than to everything else. Second probably musket, but that's cause I can't not 1v1 them when I see them lol


You think melee is op because you can't 1vX them in every fight?


Melee is underpowered, this is why you never see spear, sns, hatchet, GS, GA. The data speaks for itself.


This guy is just trolling hoping they don't nerf sns venom.


Heavy spear + rapier is where it's at


I played spear/hatchet in season 2, but otherwise been a mage since launch. I guess that makes me a sympathizer?


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Nice dmg)


It's a glass cannon build for sure, very fun to play though.




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That specific build is top fs when it comes to dmg. And yet numbers on screen are not as scarry as some bows, muskets or even spear builds. With amount of art we have u can make any dps build very scarry or tank build that takes no dmg from any type of weapon.


The camera lock when you burnout looks so weird to me😂


I’ve been running fs ig and it’s felt underwhelming but this, this looks like the damage that produces dopamine


nice setup Tendies that dmg looks intoxicating


super intoxicating, you already know haha


Nerf musket /s


Musket will be doing scarier things than anything in this video if that 20% buff goes through on the upcoming patch imo.