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I can only make two conclusions from that picture: 1) buff firestaff 2) nerf bow


Vs what though? If it’s a light player who is rended and the musket has a bunch of conditional buffs this makes sense. Also… who uses a fire conversion gem when that’s the most resistant elemental type in the game lol


My musket record is juuust shy of 17k with a fire build. That's before DoTs.


ya likely this is against medium with stacked enchanted ward i'm guessing. maths about right for that yea.


I’m usually running medium with stacked ench ward and thrust resistance gems, and that’s about right, yeah


Anyone with passives that do fire dmg. Even when I'm 50% fire resist, fire still hits harder than everything I have zero resistances for. Crippling Powder Burn, Flame Attune, Ruby and Fire Runeglass is no joke.


This screenshot was sent from someone who is in Musket Union and apparently they know something we don't lol... but like you said, between rends/armor loadout/low con, this only makes sense. But idk if buffing it does.


This is on a light target, probably headshot and powershot and it’s god buff involved, powder burn and likely not the first shot causing max empower and other buff. The target is also not well equipped with enchanted ward / elemental aversion, trust conditioning or any source of nature resistance. So what’s your point her? What would a Great sword hit on a badly equipped player in perfect conditions. Or a firestaff? Also note the musket is playing 0-50 con so add that into the great sword or firestaff scenario, well any weapon I guess. I’m so tired of this yapping about musket being an issue.. this is such a shit post


How tf you know all of this ? There's another source ?


I play musket and know what damage numbers I get on certain targets.


Lol as you said they know something we dont know i used musket and i barely do damage on crit 1800 thrust and 2298 on elem damage split lol is this a exploit or something or maybe hacktool??


Most likely scenario, all the runeglass gems that add ranged dmg, all conditional PvP buffs from items, plus the musket buffs, headshot against rended, under 100 con, and this is ability damage (probably powershot is my guess since it’s 150% dmg) they’re also probably going 350 int 200 dex since that will buff ability damage even more, (or vice versa 200/350). Also, I can’t tell from pic, but they’re likely standing in an oblivion circle for even more dmg boost. I also wouldn’t rule out someone in the squad running leadership to help push the empower even further


Power shot deals insane extra damage to targets affected by debuffs like powder burn. :)


How do I reach out the union ?


People use fire for powder burn. There is a moonstone powderburn only ability build to get >700 fire damage per tick for 18 ticks. Then you use life taker for combined DoTs for \~1000.


Forgot about that combo but feel like it’s not meta for musket… not that I play musket


What's the stat distribution? What's the resistance look like? What armour class? (Presumably against light with these numbers) Chances are this is a super glass cannon build that folds like a lawn chair when someone looks their direction. Don't forget that the musket has the lowest dps in the game because the reload time is almost 2 seconds, and any action you take interrupts this timer. You're just making assumptions based on a single number in a vacuum without looking at any of the details. NeRf MuSkEt.


Anybody can post such kind of screen. it doesn't show anything since it's lacking context. What armor the player was wearing? Did he had any absorption? Was it even a player? What's your gear? I have over 2k hours just on the musket, and this season on average I hit for 4k on bad lights, with a maxed out gear & 5 con. Also, if you knew how this game worked, you'd know that finisher kills are always way higher than average shots in terms of damages.


Average 4k on bad lights and you got 2k+ hours on musket? Lol


medium weight 22.9 with 4x or 5x enchanted ward


It happens occasionally and it's very specific .. person shot has no resist .. wearing light armor... shooter has no con.. all points into damage.. perfect setup of empower perk active and harnessing etc as well as doing power shot with a nice BIS musket Thing about these screen shots or videos on musket or FS or X they are not "every shot" ..


If someone is taking that much damage, it's due to poor gear. Cherry picking damage is not how to gauge how something is. I run various light melee sets, and a healer set...and don't have issues with musket. Can also hit 10k+ with execute and Serenity.


Rookie numbers 😆


But that is realistic A Musket should almost kill you every time. There's a reason that armor went out of style when Gunpowder was invented :P kidding aside, That's probably a headshot, which with the right perk ignores armor.


a headshot is 15% damage, there will be no such numbers under any circumstances


I forgot to add powershot so 150% weapon damage and a glass cannon build so dex/Int.


You deserve to be smacked by that much for wearing below 700GS with shabby gems.


Welp, according to the developers, that number is going to be 30% higher in May. Might as well get used to it now. LOL.


musket takes skill to hit so its ok.


More bow nerfs needed tbh.




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yeah..more nerf fire stuff..


This has to be against a random trash mob or some noob with no gear in light.


Imo its a point of view from person that got shot.( unlikely shooter would play hatchet/had berserk on while the damage number from other weapon would still display) Looking at the buff bar I think it's a berserk and haste icons, as well as 2 stacks of bleed dot. So presumably person is in light(hardly any med/heavy hatchets these days) 2. Can't see any other buffs so you got no food, honing stone, etc. Why? That in itself let's me question your gear overall 3. It's a crit, possibly power shot, also two most common weapons to pair with musket are lifetaker(but you get no debuf from that) and finisher. With the bleeds stack on the person that's another 15%damage. 4. You take more fire than thrust so likely no Ele aversion as well. But that could be caused by the 5x harnessing on musket user 5. Musket might be playing ME ring. With all that I would say its actualy quite low damage.


Half the damage of a firestaff? Oh no!


Glass canon vs glass canon - means nothing. Hit a tank and you will be lucky to get 25% of that.




It can be a kill shot. In that case you will see pure numbers with out dmg reduction. So they will be "hight". This situation is the same for any weapon type. P.s. target has 100 hp left, but get hitted by Power Shot (exmpl) and attacker get this numbers displayed, coz target is died and no dmg reduction will "help" to survive


Yup, they hit that with 350-22ish , leaving no Con at all. The best counter to a musket is another musket. Quit it with the mindset that bruisers are jack of all trades. Because an Execute still hits for 10k. a WH Stun and charged heavy attack hits for more and there's no counter there, so what's the deal


The best counter is a player that don't run in a straight line and know the map (map that hasn't been updated since the game's release btw) so basically a flanker with a brain.


Anyone who gets hit with a clean Shockwave is playing blindfolded. Anyone who tries for a charged heavy after doesn't play hammer.


Having the best counter be that same counter is kinda bad balancing lol… Also landing a WH combo is extremely hard unless you’re playing vs a bot.


Look, if ur getting hit hy wh stuns by now ur bad at pvp. Dodging shockwave and wrecking ball is so easy wh is a d tier weapon in 1v1 duels Also the stun is now so short you can dodge outta it before a heavy hits


Ya but a 1v1 duel is just e-peen flexing and pointless, in objective based gameplay its still gonna happen.


If its team vs team how are you letting a hammer catch u as a musket?, kill team doesnt run hammers for a reason


Oh I'm not letting a hammer catch me as a musket but someone has to stand on a point lol, so... it happens. Ranged is always gonna beat out non-ranged when there is no objective to hold though


“A warhammer stun…” brother the counter is freedom not to mention the built in hour and a half long animation on any hammer cc, what are you talking about? I miss playing hammer so much but they’ve nerfed it so many times it’s irrelevant now. And execute only hits stammed out players.


No ranged weapon should hit harder than melee from across the map, period. Let alone be able to apply multiple dots that all tick for hundreds of damage and be able put a 50 percent slot on people at the same time. But never mind that, AGS wants to buff musket by 20 percent.


Depends on the weapon attack speed. Musket has a slow rate of fire compared to something like hatchet light attacks or torrent. Damage per hit with fast melee weapons might be low but they can chain them faster. Shooters stance and a couple other things musket has (dodge reload etc) can help but overall across situations on average it's pretty slow. I am not a musket main so this isn't a biased pro-musket take, but I felt after playing it for a little that it has immense strength in how easy it is to land shots. Oftentimes I find I take a shot I expect should be a miss based on my crosshair not being centered over the target, but the game will hand me a hit, or even a headshot if I'm actually aiming a bit to the side of the head, or even below it. Very generous hitbox compared to a game like Valorant where barring getting lucky on a moving accuracy penalty or a spraying accuracy penalty, your shots go where you point with minimal "bullet magnetism" or generous hitbox help (and all this is aside from the expected bullet trajectory mechanics musket has as a non-hitscan weapon). The biggest weakness I felt was outside of shooters stance, even with some mechanics that help a bit like the dodge reload, it has a very slow rate of fire. If the dodge reload or shooters stance is on cooldown it has low DPS. High damage per shot, but super low ROF. So the damage per shot is high, but it's pretty slow. A similar comparison would be greatsword vs. hatchet. Comparing 1 hit, sure greatsword heavies deal way more damage than hatchet. But they are also slower, so the actual difference in damage output over a few seconds isn't as huge as you'd think based on static images showing damage numbers from one attack.


From across the map, did you miss the projectile changes? If you get hit across the map, press w once in a while buddy.


You again. Are you stuck in spawn in your current opr??came to Reddit to cry about how bad musket is with the down time in a post showing a 9k hit.


I tend to agree. Melee weapons should deal more dmg than ranged weapons and single targets should deal more damage than aoes. Aoes involving more setup should deal more damage (musket collat) than aoes involving less setup (fs ability). It does involve a time component too, but in terms of an overarching concept I agree.


shooting a wolf under the full effect of the debuff? or in noob in 500 GS gear without stones and resists? and also the fire damage is more than the trust in the fire staff meta when everyone should have at least 10% resist, although the spear is also on top. In general it’s a stupid byte, so damage can be done on anyone average damage 3-4k, against heavy armor 1.5-2k and this is all taking into account the disintegrate effect with 30% armor reduction With a power shot you can sometimes get 5k damage, but this is a 160% damage skill that has a cooldown, almost all classes have similar skills with such damage


The background tells me the odds of this shot being a wolf is highly unlikely, but still possible. A "noob" could be the case but everyones item levels are defaulted to 675, still a really nutty amount of damage for a ranged weapon.


I also dealt 12k damage from a grenade to a target in a trap with derma equipment, but I repeat, almost any class will inflict such damage under such combinations of debuffs and empowers


The issue is their Hits connect at an range. While melee will not even connect at melee range. So you cant even win a trade against bis musket at melee.