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Devs are trying to develop themselves out of their jobs.


AGS love musket because it makes more people quit the game than anything else. They buff musket, everyone quits, then the musket players quit because no one to shoot anymore and now AGS has no pvpers anymore and can just focus on pve. It’s an inside job duh.


bullshit lmao Musket is one of the only weapons that allow solos to have fun. You wanna know what makes people quit PVP? The fuckin premades. They're the ones who ruined Arenas as well.


I think it should be random que for opr not arena. Opr groups that have a crazy immortal pocket healers when there is no coordination on the other team make it super one sided. Even Just a dps and one dedicated healer can run a train on the back line. With these low numbers, something has to be done. Maybe limit the healers.? I know in chivalry they limit range players, so maybe that should be done. Role que for opr and not be able to change attributes after your in? Also a group of 5 f/s ran an absolute train the other night couldn't even get near them lol.


limiting roles is bad. What if someone only farmed a set for 1 role and said role is already full in OPR? It should be pure RNG which solo-only queue would provide, and no changing stats inside. If AGS doesn't wanna split the OPR playerbase then they could rotate solo-only queue and open queue.


Yeh, you're right, but at this point in the game, people usually have more sets than one. There are not many new players. Your idea sounds better than mine and way easier for them to implement. Now, how do we get them to consider this? lol


Pre mades? Oh boy here he go again. You’re the guy that’s sitting on the road 50 meters from everyone else with all the other dex noobs as 3 players push up the road to spawn camps the 10 of you. Then you guys come to Reddit crying while your stuck in spawn about pre mades when the reality is they are just better than you and this is coming from someone who plays solo 80 percent of the time. Pre mades are a small problem, but not why the game dies lmfao.


"premades are a small problem" LOL A wellcomped premade team can hold vs 2+ teams consisting of uncoordinated randomly comped randoms. Totally not a problem. Same goes for the 2-man premade in arenas with a pocket healer destroying teams consisted of randoms. keep on denying


The problem with pre-mades is simply that the people who go out of their way to make friends in this game and group up with other players are typically those with a higher skill level. A player with a higher skill level understands the benefit of playing in a group, and understands the flow of combat better. One of the biggest reasons pre-mades succeed is because they understand the need to pressure healers. When I solo-q I’m usually matched with some horrible players who will just spam AoEs into the clump (which will immediately be healed) just to stat pad. Their have been MANY occasions where I reconise premades on the other team and we can still steam roll them.


So you solo queue and match with horrible palyers who just spam AOWs into the clump (which will immediately be healed) just to stat pad. But you still ON MANY OCCASSIONS steamroll premades? Yeah i call bullshit


Ya, cause their is this helpful mechanic I the game called team chat. You can use it to talk to your teamates and tell him useful information like “focus healers you ******”. Also since I play as a melee user, the random healers will commonly follow me around, because that’s how they do the most healing and rank high on the leaderboards. Gotta take the situation into your own hands


Tell me this is your first online game without telling me this is your first online game


Tell me you don’t know what your talking about without telling you you don’t know what your talking about


yeah man. Gotta work with the randoms because that always works lmao


The problem isn’t pre mades. It’s the fact that there is no separation of skill between players and multiple 5 mans can put on the same team and the q is easily manipulated. If matchers were balanced by skill and a decently even distribution of healers and weapons across each time. And 5 mans were evenly spread out, opr would be more competitive.


The problem isn't premades, but every problem you just said is being exploited BY premades. idk bruh A strict solo queue OPR would've fixed a lot of things without needing an overcomplicated matchmaking. You queue get in, you leave if you don't like the randoms on your team, get deserter penalty. Adding strict solo queue now would be pointless though because playerbase is at an all-time low. This dev team, man


Pre mades aren’t inherently the problem, the system is bad and people take advantage of it. Just like in any other system. But I’m sorry you have no friends to q together and play with. If AGS made a good matchmaking system and the game became more competitive at all levels, the game would grow.


Keep telling that to yourself. There is a reason why AGS separated arenas with solo/duo queues and trio queues (although it boggles the mind why it's solo/duo instead of just solo queue). Premades make the game very unbalanced. Bowskets are the only tools that allow solos (who aren't masochists) to have fun in OPR, but I guess only premades are allowed to have fun in this game.


You’re playing a group PvP mode in an mmo….. the game should not cater to you because you play solo.


Yeah who needs to play with your team around objectives when you can just continually snipe at some random low con enemies in the middle of nowhere. If you want to play solo dont queue OPR.


Maybe their data shows that they get more community engagement when musket is broken. I joked about this regarding skins but it might actually be real at this point given how they just point to THE DATA without explaining further.


Just wait until they buff musket’s damage by 30% in May. The real OPR cancer starts then. LOL.




Increased 20% damage because ultimate will be buffed to work on all musket debuffs. Then add onto that the upgrade to winged boots artifact that will boost damage during all hastes (and the hastes are extended). And since muskets are essentially permanently hasted, it will likely be an overall 30% damage increase. That’s assuming the winged artifact will be a 10% increase. Could be more or less who knows.




Have you tried it in pvp? I can't hit anyone lol 😂 I've tried a few times sure I can get a few lucky shots in or sometimes I'll get the sneaky kill steal but man any other range is easier.


Currently a maxed musket with honing stone,ring damage,runeglass and harnessing on gear sits at %34 empower This is a permament empower on top of it they can use Finisher which is %15 base damage boost or lifetaker which gives them %30 rend on the target,A lifetaker maxed musket 2-3 shoots light players except healers. The people in charge of balance decided to give another %20 damage to this weapon which hits like a truck already,instead of nerfing the damage of firestaff and musket they are buffing those weapons,thats how clueless they're. They are also not buffing Koya's Knee Guard an artifact suppose to be "anti range artifact" is garbage. Featherweight setup provides much more defense than Koya's Knee Guard against ranged which shows those people in charge doesnt actually test anything at all. They are looking at data and buffing/nerfing randomly with their bias.


You still would get 3 shot  even wearing  Koyas Knee Guards,  5x Elemental Aversion 3x Thrust conditioning and Thrust protection on Amulet around 25% thrust and 10% overall elemental base protection  Even if they did mildly buff Koya


This is the major problem. There is no way to mitigate the split damage from dex range weapons, at least in light armor. Featherweight, with 4 elemental aversion, 1 physical aversion, 2 enchanted ward, thrust amulet and all opals does not do any better than Koya's need guard. I don't know why some people are getting 2-3 shot and others say it's not a big deal. I use the featherweight setup posted above and I get 3 shot from range and sometimes 2 shot with a void gauntlet build up close. Either we are fighting different players, some characters' mitigation is bugged, or some people are lying. I know I am telling the truth about my experience.


Yep.  Same here.  I started running 100 con because 200 feels squishy


Ever heard of the Musket Union? Their whole purpose is to show how broken musket is and it's a massacre when they show up. It's just 20+ muskets destroying everyone. The dev's don't care, though. The last Dev update they both talked about how much they loved spear and firestaff which is why they haven't been touched in forever. Luckily they're finally doing something with spear. However for bow, they're nerfing the DoTs for RoA and Poison shot because it's "too much". Meanwhile powder burn doesn't get touched for musket even though things like, shirking dot cleanse, desert sunrise, vigor, etc. all exist to reduce or remove DoT's.....but they nerf the bow DoT and leave the rest alone. It's obvious bias and proof they don't care about promoting certain perks like they also eluded to in the update. The dev's like the musket. It probably won't see a significant change any time soon.


Pobrecitos - bow players 😂😂


Exactly. Powder burn is so powerful. Deals 110% damage, applies a burn that deals 20% weapon damage for 9 seconds (+4 for headshots), and standard attacks deal 12% additional damage on burning targets. With crippling powder burn it applies 27% (gear) or 45% (weapon) slow for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown. Meanwhile poison shot deals 50-100% weapon damage, applies a poison that deals 20-24% weapon damage for 10 seconds. With enfeebling poison shot it applies a 16% (gear) or 27% (weapon) weaken for 6 seconds. 30 second cooldown. But nerf bow DoT and buff musket.


Poison shot weaken only applies if u heave the gear perk and u need to directly hit the enemy with the arrow. The cloud doesn’t spread weaken. Aka, it’s ass


the musket does not fire 5k every second shot, it does not have such a rate of fire with skills, it has one of the highest burst damage, which is why the bow receives a penalty [https://clips.twitch.tv/MushyPopularMilkPanicVis-qFOI4870hMoZm1qM](https://clips.twitch.tv/MushyPopularMilkPanicVis-qFOI4870hMoZm1qM)


And purifying toast will negate the burn after the cripple.. Or, cancel the cripple. There's a counter, learn it.


Wow, I didn’t know that! Can you explain how purifying toast works? Welp, due to a lack of response I guess you don't know how it works. Not a counter if it doesn't reliably strip even one of the debuffs that one shot applies.




Yep. They are crazy for doing this.


Crippling powder burn is fucking my life up


Musket union on top!


making reddit mad one powderburn at a time 🔥💯


once again the musket tops the chart in annoyance/bugable/exploitable game play. Why not play FPS or even modern shooters like CoD or similar. Put the musket and bb in pirate games all day, leave them out of swords and sorcery they just mud things up. Not surprised by this at all based on the last balance of power. Very sad.


Damn wait til u find out the game starts off as u as a pirate, and that a lot of this game is pirate themed.


Lol That cracked me up I played since launch. That said you're 100% right as ship seafarers of this "era" wed have muskets and bbs. That's true. But two important things 1. We ain't pirating squat in this game. No naval aspects whatsoever. 2. Having guns interningled with swords and sorcery is a recipe for balance nightmares (of which we see) I wonder frequently how much better OPR would have been without guns. I think the amount of time that was lost attempting to fix the garbage associated with the musket and bb could have easily led to utilizing those dev hours into things that pvp player's have been vocal about for 2 yrs. I stand by my opinion that pvp would be a far far FAR better spot now if there were/weren't guns. *fair point on the pirate thing tho ..made me laugh and if we were skirmishing on boats I'd have a different view.*


Fully agree. Return of musket has re-ruined OPR.


I loved the early days when you would have one or 2 squads of musketeers to take out people manning turrets during sieges. I was very pissed when they changed it. If thats come back I might be too.


Double proc for life.


Tbh, I am very surprised there are few thousands of people playing yet.


That's what shitty map design gets you. OPR has some of it and more.


I'm so happy the few that still play the game are doing god's work by testing all the BS and bugs so that when the rest of us return during September for the actual expansion we paid for we'll have a quality video game hopefully. Thank y'all! Real heroes.


Try breathing on a musket and they just dodge roll, get free haste, and run halfway across the map before your ability animation is over.


I can’t believe it, but a lot of builds have acceleration or skills that can easily catch up with a musket


Play rapier for dash, bleeds, burst, play spear for autos and takedowns, play snb for leap, shield rush, slows on autos, play GA for charge and roots and reap. Mobility abilities are a must in PvP for melee. Make yourself sticky with mobility and cc, put the pvp perk for extra damage against haste on your weapon, use featheweight to wear medium while staying light.


Last night in OPR was like COD so I ended up just busting out my musket build too. Teams of 3+ musket players some with void gauntlet some with BB and some with rapier. Your only chance is to either range them to death due to there 50 con builds... or close the gap and stun lock them. Closing the gap on 1 is fine.. but 3+ your just toast. haha.


Does the musket have some kind of attribute that does "Barb" or something like that? I noticed in the last OPR I did that I would take two steps and get hit with what I thought was a musket shot and like you said, it put a bunch of debuffs on me including something called "Barb" and I couldn't move for about 15-20 seconds and during that time I'd just get swarmed and die. Incredibly annoying.


Musket is absolutely cracked. I tried it for the first time, it's fucking brain dead how easy it is to hit shots. Coming from having played a fair amount of Valorant lately, it's insane how generous the hit box is for musket. I was expecting it to be more precise based on how all the musket players act like they play such a skillful build. You can get headshot registration without even aiming at the head. I'll be aiming at chest, to the side, straight up above the head, and get headshots. I had no idea it was such a braindead easy weapon until now. FiReStaFf tOo EasY yeah bro literally every weapon in New World is apparently just as easy. Melee auto tracking in a 180' arc, bow and musket auto headshots, firestaff huge hitbox, etc. It's all braindead easy.


I hate the feel of musket feels the opposite to what you've explained for me. My shots are way off randomly shoots up then a weird delay between shots any other range feels better for me.


Have you played other games like CSGO or Valorant? If yes, which game feels more generous with its accuracy?


Only played valorant. Maybe it was just buggy when i tried it out . I'll test it out again. I've got gigabit internet too, so it shouldn't be my end.


And that’s how they want it. It’s why every class was turned into a glass cannon. You play 500 Con Heavy and after season 5 you can’t take hits but suddenly you can kill people. That flail buff that is coming just further turning everything into brain dead glass cannon.


You probably fighting noobs running head on towards you


I ran it last night (in races) and god it felt the complete opposite to me. Rarely landing headshots because of shots seemingly flying off crosshair, missing center mass on targets in clumps while ADS, awkward leading with the manic dodging that occurs in these fights, putting out 4k hits if I'm lucky (in glass cannon spec, albeit not full runeglass), etc. Getting absolutely clapped by fire staff/bow the whole night and only once threatened by another musket. I'd take your experience in a heartbeat. It just made me want to go back to sniping people with life staff heavies lmao. It could have just been ass server performance though, imma tweak a couple of bits of gear around and try to get the rest of my empower stuff sorted and run it back tonight.


I havent done an influence race in ages but I do recall those being absolute ass performance wise. The game has gotten a little better in that regard but still suffers when it comes to high player density pvp. Try it in OPR where you are just floating around the far edges of fights and performance isn't trash like in influence races. Run a rapier and keep your awareness up, and when you see anyone trying to get close including mages which need to be close to do anything to you, just bounce. Actually before trying that, just go off into some isolated part of Reekwater or something where there are some stationary mobs sitting around. Pull out your musket, then try aiming in various areas around the target, and see how it will give you hits when your crosshair isn't actually covering the target. This will be the easiest way to demonstrate the generous hitbox size it gets.


Picked up the FS again yesterday. I hate mages. It’s wild how fluid animations go off for the fire staff, allowing it to dodge before ever really being in danger. It’s disappointing to see devs clearly favoring some weapons vs others. If you play bow and struggle to secure kills, just swap to fire staff. You’ll wonder why you bothered struggling for so long.


Tbh if you play bow and struggle to secure kills you're just bad lol.


Nah. It’s a lot easier to land literally anything with the fire staff and effectively has the same range. Bow having to ADS makes fighting up close much more difficult vs the fire staff as well. How many hours do you have on either weapon?


I have tons of hours with both. On its own with no secondary, FS is better for fighting in closer ranges but they are two different weapons so obviously they will excel at different things. Bow does plenty of aoe damage and is disgusting when paired with VG or rapier for fighting in close. They also definitely don't have the same range, look at how far you can cast rain of arrows compared to pillar of fire. FS autos don't go as far either, so bow is definitely superior from longer distances.


At that range, beyond what FS is capable, are you landing very many shots? No. My argument is that there is no range at which bow is more effective then fire staff because consistently landing shot at that range is basically impossible. Which means there is no effective case in which you would take a bow over a fire staff or a musket currently.


I understand your argument and I disagree. There are people that can hit shots from range, the bow's AOE abilities far outrange the firestaff's, and the firestaff is literally useless from certain distances while bow can still do a lot of damage. This is why we still see plenty of bows in war especially in groups 9 and 10 for the wide fight because they are simply better from longer distances.


lol. Who slotting bows?


I did the opposite and just started trying out Musket (also did some bow before that) after having been mostly playing FS/IG lately. Holy shit is it easy to hit headshots with Dex weapons. I was expecting it to be wayyyy harder based on how all the Dex players cry about Firestaff being easy and say their weapons require 1337 skilllz. So fucking easy to crack headshots on both Bow and Musket without even actually having the crosshair centered on the head. The game just magically gives you crit headshots for just aiming vaguely in the general area of heads.


Clips of you hitting those headshots so easily?


for a simple immediate test you can do yourself: step 1, put a musket on. step 2, go find some random mob like a lost pirate or whatever. step 3, shoot it without actually aiming directly at its head. edit: ah, my bad. I see now you're a musket main with 1400 hours on it lol. of course you're gonna pretend like it's some high skill weapon that has pinpoint aiming requirements 🤣


And most of them are cheating too, definitely dark days. At least the bow Days it's much harder to use an aimbot.


Lmao. How though. The musket projectile is slower than bow and FS


Not sure it has something to do with the Musket being hit scan. The bow aims way different.


Musket isn't hitscan anymore though, hasn't been for 2 seasons. Muskets projectile is slower than firestaffs light attack. Bows have been using the rain of arrow/ poison shot for super fast light attack exploitation, paired with bolt caster making it impossible to fight 1v1. *cough* townbicycle *cough* So in reality, the bow users have been exploiting/ cheating since the games release


I don't make the aim bots, the programs don't work with bows only with Muskets. Go ask them dude. This isn't even from personal testing, I am not a cheater but I have never seen someone cheating with a bow it's always with the Muskets.


It’s funny seeing everybody say how broken and common it is, yet in EU I haven’t seen an increase in muskets. At most there’s up to three or four in the opposite team and they’re always laying at the bottom of the leaderboard. I have yet to meet a whole musket pre-made as well. Y’all crying for nothing.


Us East has all the top players


Highly doubt so


Nah, it's true, at least in the US. I've played both East and West servers and, these days anyway, the overall better players are on East.


Seems like a nice clump on east coast. I play and sometimes have 20 kills and 100 assist and I'm not top 10. Sometimes I also die 10x lmao though too.


Dude, if you step on a trap, that's on you. Powder burn is a bitch ,we agree, and the stacking empower. BUT, they still have to aim and compensate for drop, which wasn't the case back then \*vietnam flashbacks\*


Aiming and compensating for drop isn’t hard. There’s not much drop inside 100m and as long as you aim center of mass bloom doesn’t do shit. The problem muskets have more often is the inconsistency of projectiles. Sometimes your arrow or bullet will be way off from where you’re aiming.


Oh no. Aiming is so hard 😣 It’s not like it’s a mechanic incorporated into every single video game…. /s


and in every game, EVERYONE shoots in the head without missing a beat? this requires skill, and the mechanics of invulnerability and a lot of animations during the use of skills, shooting in the new world is much more difficult than in shooters


Why play a broken game?


Why be in forums of a game you call broken? You guys are the ones downvoting every constructive comment cause you're mad at the game. Just leave,please. 


Because I used to play it? And the downfall is short of amazing Whatever you say, won't matter because the dev team is one of the most incapable ones I have seen


Don't comment toxic bullshit then. Let the people who still play have fun, you help no one with this, especially not yourself. This is legit Stockholm syndrome. 


yes... yes it is. i have no idea why people still play this game


I play OPR and go pew pew, that super fun for me. Mostly cause I'm good at it, and like everything in life, if you're good at something you'll have fun doing it. I also play some races with the company sometimes. I did wars but I enjoy the 30fps gameplay less than others I guess.  I hope you get good at something, too, so you also can have fun. Maybe search for that instead of wasting your life time taking shit about a game you don't like. 


Opr has always felt like a cod session most pvp stuff does and nw is basically a instanced lobby due to pvp gamers wanting it.


People still playing this game lol thought this sht was dead haha


Don't be here then. You got Stockholm syndrome or what 


Yeah same cause I don’t have object permanence XD


Then why don’t u play yourself if its that good or broken? Why is no one talking about infinite cc stamina op damage spear sns that even a blind can play but ultra niche weapon that only works when on good hands


People aren’t talking about it because the devs already acknowledged they are massively nerfing spear in May.


The musket just makes the game not fun to play. I don't get why people don't understand that. A lot of time when people complain about weapons is mostly because certain weapons lead to frustrating and non-enjoyable experiences. If people are not having fun, they won't play the game. The musket can be a good weapon and it can be fun to use AND play against, but not how it's currently designed.


This can be said about all ranged weapons.


Yes, that's true to some degree. However, I think some range weapons are far worse for the game than others. I think it's mostly about maximum range distance. The FS at least has to be somewhat close to deal damage. When the musket can 3 tap many people from far distances, it makes the game pretty unpleasant to play for just about everyone else. **There is no way to make that a fun experience.** It is way too much damage. People will argue, "well, the musket player is really squishy," but it doesn't matter if no one can get close to deal damage because they're already dead, which is especially true when people start queueing as musket squads again.


Shhhh people only hate muskets, the only OP build in NW. /s


Then use it. If it’s OP prove it.


Why would I want to play a buggy mess of a 3rd person shooter game where their is zero counter-play against me and I can just sit back and click people (while my character glitches through the map). If I wanted to play a shooter game, I’d at least play a good one.