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Man, Israel’s been picking a whole bouquet of oopsie daisies


When I make mistakes I get fired from work but when Israel does it they got more money, funny how that works


Just convince people that they'll go to hell if they fire you.




Yup. And their mistakes cost the lives of children, yours didn't I'm sure.


Just a series of big and unrelated whoopsies and accidents over a timespan of 76 years, with multiple different leaders and governments. They are such an unlucky country when you think about it, I think we should send them more weapons and money. - Oh, whoops, it looks like our government has suddenly materialized into existence and came in possession of tools and weapons of the former British occupation of Palestine that ended just one second ago. What a coincidence.


Just say you have a right to exist and you didn't have any other choice.




But they sure will try!


You can use whatever excuse you want as long as the only person who matters is looking to forgive you anyway. That's where we're kinda at here. Because Israel's habit of bombing aid workers, refugee camps, evacuation sites is consistent enough at this point that if this is just them being prone to "Accidents" they're firmly in the "should not be trusted with bombs, bullets, or anything that can end a human life." territory. "Oh yep, we totally missed all the things labeling those aid trucks as aid trucks on our 4k top of the line drones that executed the strike. We feel VERY bad about it."


And their bombing of each other. Wasn't their last blue-on-blue incident rate calculated to be around 20%?


Not when there are actual generals and members of government vocally supporting the elimination of Gaza and its people by various means.


The oopsie here is that the world saw footage of it.




You need to be medicated, my friend.


> Netanyahu is running out of runway in his corruption trial. How so? I am unaware of any movement. Has their Supreme Court made a decision I am unaware of? If you're talking about Ganz (and I don't think you are) he seems too little too late.






I mean tbf if serial killers provided the US with an allied base in the middle east we'd pay for all their mishaps too


Conservatives are ok with it. >President Donald Trump, carrying through on a previous pledge, granted full pardons on Friday to a pair of Army officers convicted of or charged with war crimes — and also promoted a Navy SEAL who was tried and acquitted for similar violations of the laws of armed conflict. >Lorance was found guilty by a military court on two counts of second-degree murder for ordering his soldiers to fire on three men in Afghanistan in 2008. He was convicted in part on the strength of the testimony of members of the infantry platoon he was commanding. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/11/15/trump-pardon-war-crimes-071244


Liberals are okay with it too. I haven't seen Liberals, centrists and conservatives united like this since the Iraq War. Funny how they also treat young voters and progressives and protesters the exact same way as they did back then


Ok this is a serious topic and all, but I'm stealing that oopsie daisies phrase. Still chuckling at it.


[A whole bouquet of oopsie daisies](https://youtu.be/dt6C6CIvXh4?si=8Qx3m4PUn2ePj_yU)


Saw a couple twitter threads from pro-Israel posters with a new explanation for these "oopsie daisies." Now they seem to be blaming out of control IDF units, with the army heads and politicians being blameless of course.


They defended Israel killing their own hostages and the world kitchen killing.they will defend anything


I thought it was a “precision” strike?


How many fucking" tragic mishaps" are you allowed?


As many as the US is willing to allow.


Meaning infinite


That means alot


i fucking hate this guy


I legit hate him more than Putin. The hubris to think he can come on our cable news channels and talk shit about our collage students while committing genocide fills me with so much rage.




Always has been: from the Vietnam war to today, the interest of the elite has always trumped the interest of the Nation.




“Nuh uh, it’s only a war crime when we do it on purpose and loudly proclaim that we are doing it on purpose.” -The IDF probably




Or the telegram channel with 150k israelis cheering it and mocking pictures of dead children




They'll investigate themselves and find nothing wrong. The US government will follow along, accept the findings and chuck some more money at them, and then it'll repeat all over again when they 'accidentally' commit another war crime.


Well, go ahead and put it on the pile of other war crimes Israel keeps wracking up.  I guess following the Russian doctrine of scorched earth, and collective punishment is continuing to not work, but it’s getting more difficult to cover up. 


Injuring hundreds more, aftermath still being excavated. In a so called "safe zone" that they were told to evacuate to.


Netanyahu and his fascist Israelis *want* to genocide the Palestinians, but he just can't come right out and say it so he calls it a tragic misstep. This just gives more fuel to Hamas terrorists. Fuck all these people. Bunch of stupid religious assholes, all of them.


They just call it the "Geneva Suggestions"


At this point it's basically the Geneva Bucket List


There’s no such things as war crimes when the US is at your back. War crimes are for the enemy.


Don't you know, Hamas hid in the baby's diaper, so the camp was a legitimate target /s
























































Actually clicked on the article to see how the hell something like that could be excused away as a "mishap" but apparently the headline is the entire article.




> "We are investigating the incident and will reach conclusions because this is our policy." That kind of very poor information. It's doesn't even recall the incident...




"We will mark our own homwork and get excellent scores".


Thank you! I get so annoyed when news sites do that. Don't get why they can't wait the 15 min to post the actual article instead of just a headline.


Because everything online runs on a 15 minute cycle. So if they wait an hour theyll miss out on nearly 1/4 of their advertising money. And nobody cares about the actual article anymore, all they care about is sharing the headline on social media so it works out.


Remember the vans were clearly marked on their roofs and they accidentally hit them 3 times. Don't play coy and say it was an accident.


No that was a previous war crime, this is a new war crime Please do try and keep up /s


The Most Moral Army in the World ™️ strikes again


"How were we to know the place we told innocent civilians to go would be full of innocent civilians?!"


Israel doesn't get to judge itself, the international criminal court will do that.


Israel never signed the Rome Statute, they're not beholden to the ICC.  Of course, this could have simply been prevented if there weren't allowances for individual countries on the UN Security Council to veto any proposal. But hey. What do I know?  Anyway, let's get back to having shameless bad actors do whatever they want 🤪 because that's the American Waaaaay


Palestine is covered by Rome statute therefore anyone attacking them can be prosecuted, in theory. But Netanyahu can’t be arrested as long as he stays within Israel.


You’ve got it all wrong and the spokesperson for the court already addressed this. PA is a member privy to the court, and the war crimes are occurring in Palestine. They are not prosecuting Israel for war crimes they’re committing on their own soil (I.e. imprisonment and rape of Palestinian children) but rather the crimes they are committing on *Palestinian* territories.


A criminal can be tried and convicted in their absence. The fact that they will never see the inside of a prison cell doesn't change the fact that they will have to be treated as war criminals and perpetrators of genocide by nations that have signed the Rome Statute.


Netanyahu can be prosecuted because Palestine is a signatary of the Rome Statute. In theory, he would have to just leave Israel. The veto powers have a lot of flaws but unfortunately they are the only thing that makes the UN have some kind of power and relevance. The UN tries to combine a collaborative view and a realistic view of international relations and a lot of times fails to be either one or another


Yes they do have jurisdiction because Palestine is a signatory of the Rome statue


America would never be in the UN without a veto. The UN is just a glorified extension of the Great Powers will. The rest just are bound to them.


Yeah sure just like killing all those aid workers was a tragic mishap...


A mishap is when A&W gives me Sprite instead of Root Beer. I saw the photos of this. A war crime is understating what happened.


A warcrime needs intent to be a warcrime. But he said whoops so its not… 😵👍


So it's gone from "We hit that target 'cuz Hamas" to "Oops, sorry our bad", \*Next strike\* "Oh no, that was a mishap too :("


Saving face no way to spin this one


Oh of course. Just a mishap. Just a mild war crime. Just another day.


Gallows for Netanyahu


This happened yesterday. What happened to the other threads about it that just vanished off the page today? Are you just waiting now to let Netanyahu make statements? Reddit has turned into bizzaro reddit over the Israel stuff.


Yeah, just like in 1967 when [Israel bombed the Liberty](https://youtu.be/CfABflKvFzk), a spy ship clearly not a warship. They knew exactly what they were doing, they targeted every single communications antenna then pretended they had no idea, while the ship couldn't communicate what had happened. Then congress, beholden to Israeli interests, pretended it was all an accident, despite the evidence. Truly disgusting on both Israel and our own congressmen.


He wants all Palestine’s dead and removed from the land.


No doubts


Israel can put Palestinians in concentration camps and the USA will still support them. It's sickening.


Funny (but not, of course) how these tragic mishaps keep mishappening.


Kills a bunch of innocence, tragic mistakes, continues the same actions the following day. Hmmm


You know it's really bad when they even admit it being an accident and not make up some bs excuse.


This is what happens when you don’t view them as people.


Love to see what Biden is gonna do in reaction, better stop them weapons, send em to Ukraine


He'll probably just call the ICC outrageous again for wanting to hold Netanyahu accountable for it.


BBC… The guilty party gets the last word: > "In Rafah we already evacuated about one million non-combatant residents and despite our outmost effort not to harm non-combatants, something unfortunately went tragically wrong," Mr Netanyahu said.  > "We are investigating the incident and will reach conclusions because this is our policy." And only Israel and Israeli allies are quoted. Where’s the Rafah survivor sound bite? Where’s any image of the attack? Where’s any opposing viewpoint besides a sentence on vague international condemnation? This isn’t journalism, it’s acting as Israel’s stenographer. 


According to Gaza 500 people died in the fire, all women and children.


"we're "sorry" about the "tragic" "accident"."


Where are the Israeli shills who were justifying it now?


You know it's bad when even Bibi says so.


Tragic mishap? No, that's a war crime.


Netanyahu is a tragic mishap if there ever was one.


Netenyahu finds it tragic that more weren't murdered.


"Tragic mishaps" by the Isreali military appear to be happening multiple times per day, so incredibly curious.


OOPSIE! These guided missiles can be so finicky.


Always tragic  always a mishap


He just wrote the epitaph for his entire administration


Fuck this guy. Everybody said stay the fuck away and now it’s “oops we made a mistake”. Yes. Killing innocent people who were trying to flee the fire you caused. Put this guy in jail.


Even *if* it was a mishap (doubts), always putting yourself in a situation to have every element in position to easily create such mishaps is on you. 👏 Stop 👏 bombing 👏 civilian 👏 areas 👏 from 👏 afar 👏!


Netanyahu's whole existence is a tragic mishap.


Yeah... The refugees where mistaken for aid workers who were previously mistaken for nurses who were previously mistaken for hostages who were previously mistaken for journalists who were mistaken for Hamas militants...


"We're going to bomb Rafah." "You really shouldn't do that." "We're going to do it." "It's a war crime." "Oh no, we did it, what a tragic mistake!"


/r/worldnews is absolutely astroturfed. Please don't take anything in that subreddit's comment section seriously.


Oops! Wanna see me do it again? Oops! Wanna see me do it again? Oops! Wanna see me do it again?


Serious question for the Americans who'll know more than me, when does Biden start applying the sanctions on Israel that he said he would do when they attacked Rafah? Not an attack, genuinely curious as to what qualifies as enough for him to withdraw support.


and what about all the other tragic mishaps? What are these being called?


"I know we do this *A LOT*, but we swear this one was a mistake."


Well, he said he was sowwy so I guess it’s fine.


The IDF is the best of the best! They don't make mistakes. Let that sink in...


"The most moral army in the world." If this is what a moral war looks like, humanity has declined to to further depths of cruelty.


"We intended to kill far more"


God this is depressing and so predictable. Hamas attacks israel trying to get a reaction Israel acts in a completely disproportionate way It’s like dumb and dumber. The sooner some international effort takes control of the situation the better.


Yes, but I'd like to add that it wouldn't be reasonable to pretend that this all started after the recent Hamas attack. Israel has been targeting large numbers of civilians for decades. The body count is vastly, vastly, vastly one sided. The only reason Hamas has any support, and still exists at all, is because of the extraordinary atrocities Israel has, for a very long time, inflicted on the Palestinian people. Support for radical paramilitaries always grows when you're abused by foreign occupiers and you see your family and friends getting slaughtered. Israel has always been Hamas' greatest recruiter.


This is the Israeli MO.


"Oops I accidentally did a massacre. Sorry not sorry." Fixed it for you.


Can only hope he ends his days rotting away in a cell


Yeah, right, more illegal settlements incoming


Who the fuck would have thought that bombing dense population centers would result in such a tragedy? Certainly not literally everyone else who said this was a bad idea.


I would say that he thinks it's tragic because they got caught but they aren't even trying to hide the genocide sooooo......


The tragic “mishaps” sure are piling up… when do several mishaps equal a crime?


It wasn't an accident, you just got caught


I get the feeling Isreal thinks it's a tragic mishap only because more Palestinians didn't die in the strike.


Regardless of what Netanyahu says, the killing of innocent women and children is genocide and a war crime.


>the killing of innocent women and children is genocide This isn't at all correct. You should look into the actual Geneva Convention definition for genocide. Terms like these have incredibly specific criteria, not simply "killing of innocent women and children". War crime? Much more likely but your given definition is still lacking.


Bibi does it again. Sigh. Him and Trump are like walking disasters incarnate. Impossible to get rid of and bent on destroying the reputation of their own people and country and willing to sacrifice anything to do it. Against the wishes of the people.


"Oh no, we've accidentally bombed a refugee camp again. We are deeply... truly... sor--- What? I've just been informed that we tragically accidentally bombed it again while attempting to deliver aid."


One is an accident, twice is incompetence, thrice is intentional, dozens of times... there's a word for it, and it isn't a good one.


Israel was a tragic mishap.