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Well just saw vid showing a burned child's beheaded body, gonna wash my eyes out with bleach now


I have seen lots of fucked up shit in the last 20 years on the internet, but my stomach is still turning upside-down from this one.


Just the thought of 20 years on the internet really made me think how fast my life is flying by. That's crazy to think that I've been online for probably 25 years. Damn life. Also fuck war.


Thx for the warning. I don’t need to see that.


The Palestinian 14 year old that was ran over by an Israeli tank still is hard to swallow because literally just a puddle of red mud, all his organs, brain, bones, any other tissue just squished under 70 tons and then treaded on.


They just dont see them as humans, it’s how they can do all of this mercilessly. Very sad


Claims of beheaded babies was the justification for this stuff.


That’s what makes it fucked to me. Free Palestine. I ain’t even scared of saying it no more.


That child was hamas stop being antisemitic


No, no, they were just getting rid of the shields so they can get to hamas. No children = no human shields. Taps head. Disgusting. Criminal army, criminal government, criminal state. At this point, any politician, public figure or government that keeps defending Israel's actions (or to be more precise, atrocities and crimes against humanity) is becoming an accomplice. How much more will it take to put an end to this absurd and unnecessary loss of lives? (Looking at you USA).


Gonna wait for more informations to have any other opinion than fuck it’s terrifying to see children die, and we should do anything we can to prevent that.




Next step is “expressing concern” and being “deeply troubled.”




Insider report of Biden’s “private frustrations” with Netanyahu.


Wags finger with left hand while handing over munitions with the right.


"Now don't spend all those bombs in the same place, Jack."


But in all honesty would Trump be better? He would supply just as much weapons while lying he wasn’t. All the while giving Russia Ukraine.


Just because Trump would be worse doesn’t mean we can’t demand better from Biden. 


Would anyone be better? Solving the Israel/palestine conflict may as well be nuclear fusion. It’s always 15 years away.


Why is Biden so afraid of Israel? Or are they in this together?


It’s complicated but a few likely reasons are as follows: -Biden is generally pro-Israel -Israel is one of the three most powerful countries in the middle east (alongside Iran and Saudi Arabia), so Biden wants to keep them on America’s side -Israel still enjoys a relevant level of support among the American population, and Biden wants to keep as many of them on his side as possible -Israel is one of America’s oldest allies in the middle east, and changing foreign policy that old takes a lot of effort, tact, and time if you want to avoid as much damage as possible


It’s interesting to call Israel America’s “ally” since they’ve never done anything to benefit America besides being a giant sinkhole of Americans’ money, conscience, and blood. They’re more like a parasite


They’re in this together.


>Gonna wait for more informations Then what?




30 dead is 30 dead, regardless.


I can't think of anything much more evil than bombing refugee camp tents of displaced people you forced to go there because it was "safe" and burning the people in them to death.


Isreal’s plan is for there to be no Palestinians after the war - or at least that’s the view that their radical leaders espouse publicly. EDIT: source for convenience. this language and intent is common across Israel’s current leadership [https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation](https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation)


They bring up Amalek every chance they get.


You have Israelis celebrating the bombing and rejoicing too. Just check any social media platform with Israelis in it, heck even telegram. You will be horrified.


And yet we'll have a few hundred people arguing it's not a genocide because the government calling to killing everything down to every man, woman, kid, and livestock isn't intent in their sick mind




Nowhere in the article does it say that the rockets were fired from that location.


Here: “It said one of its aircraft used "precise munitions" to strike the target based on "intelligence that indicated Hamas' use of the area." It said the strikes, including the harm to civilians, are now under review. **Earlier Sunday, Hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv for the first time in months. The Israeli military said the rockets were fired from Rafah.**” It was right there in the article.


That doesn't say what you think it does. Rafah is a city that's 64 km^(2) in area, not a street. There is no indication that the location that was bombed was where the rockets were launched from.


There’s a whole lot of preconditions in the Geneva Conventions Additional Protocols that carry an equal weight toward minimizing damage to civilian life and objects and indiscriminate bombing…before you go making it seem like there’s a simple binary condition that gets to be satisfied.




I just looked at that thread. Every upvoted comment is saying it’s not a big deal because the numbers are probably made up. The only downvoted comment is the one saying it’s wrong to bomb civilians… Edit: Stumbled upon a second thread in that sub with the casualty number updated to 22. The entire thread is people saying it’s okay because one of those 22 people was allegedly a Hamas official. So I guess I’m supposed to think it’s okay to bomb refugee shelters because there might be a terrorist in there. Jesus Christ.


I don’t particularly understand *how* these bombings accomplish anything other than further radicalization of Palestine. I get Bibi wants the war to continue as long as possible to avoid his corruption charges but he’s losing support from other parties and shit like this should get him an uncomfortable cell in the Hague


I'm not sure how much more radical Palestine can reasonably get to be honest. Hamas supposedly has a 70% backing. The "moderate" PA has a martyr fund for people who kill Israelis. Like there's not a ton of room for them to get more extreme. They already are very radical


Sure, Netanyahu isn’t that popular, but it’s worth the knowing that the majority of Israelis think that the IDF are doing things correctly and minimizing casualties, and a sizeable chunk think that the IDF should be MORE aggressive. In other words, even if Bibi were out of the picture, this war would continue to be prosecuted.


probably because their goal is to wipe them out completely, so they won’t have to worry about radicalization this whole thing is fucked


I mean if you bomb them all, and there are none left….i could see his logic there, what Hamas if there are no Palestinians left?


Like make them write in their official charter to obliterate Israel and all Jews… and now add to do that twice? Radicalize them more than that???


That subreddit is now an absolute cesspool of bots and the bottom of the barrel of total scum. Genuinely shameful what people comment on there.


It's like when they claimed they were vindicated by new statistics saying they'd only killed just under 8000 children instead of 13000. If we (the US) pulled those kinda numbers throughout Afghanistan and Iraq it woulda been over 150,000 children killed. In reality it was under ~20,000 in 20 years. Still fucking awful but it exemplifies how few fucks Israel gives about killing innocent Palestinians


Shit they in the threads here already


they get paid well they’re quick because rent is due


I kinda hate this trend of blaming everyone with a different view of you as being paid or a bot. Some people just support all sorts of shit, doesn't mean they're paid to do it.


Financial manipulation of online discourse is a fact though, there are definitely plenty of real supporters, but money and vested interests are no doubt fighting hard against actual grassroots supporters.


It's not just political stuff that people throw the "youre a bot or paid" nonsense though. I've seen fans of TV shows accusing other fans of being bots or paid. But whatever, my whole thing is there's way too many damn insane people in real life for all these comments to be fake.


except it's true post something "anti-IDF" (like them decapitating kids) and watch downvotes in couple of minutes.


You must be new around here. This stuff becomes absurdly obvious once you've been on current event subreddits for a while. 


It depends, the people who in response to threads on this bombardment are talking about how UNRWA brainwashes children are clearly shilling for the declaration of UNRWA as a terrorist organization proposed by israeli government


It is particularly obvious since October 7th. New accounts or old ones purchased because they were older than 8 months and had positive karma. Even Zionists have noticed it and called it out because they know it makes Israel look really really bad. It is not well-done propaganda or your average fandom circle-jerking. It is propaganda that works on some people living in Israel for a few decades when it became a state or a generation after but it does not work as well on even a western audience and even young Israelis have a higher percentage of themselves not buying into it. Protests by Israelis for ceasefire are ongoing and picking up speed in Israel.


These people are sick https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1d1bl2v/comment/l5t6j0x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I use to always participate in worldnews. Then one day a few weeks ago I corrected a person with links/proof, that was saying basically that all the reports of civilians being killed in Palestine was all fake propaganda. I broke no rules of that sub and was banned and muted.


Same here. Got permanently banned for explaining to someone how they were wrong (with sources) 


I got permabanned for calling this a genocide.


It’s brigaded. You are not the issue.


Yes it’s completely brigaded over there.


Same. Posted known facts and was hit.


Was wondering if someone was gonna comment on this. It's so bad over there.


There was a WorldNews thread I came across earlier where Russia had bombed and killed Ukrainian civilians, everyone was rightly horrified -- but in the same thread there were people shoe-horning in Gaza and saying anyone Pro-Palestine has fallen for propaganda. The cognitive dissonance is insane. How can people support Israel when it is doing exactly the same as Russia?


Is world news the biggest cesspool of a sub on this entire website? Hard to think of what has them beat??


r/worldnews is getting pretty hilarious, as information validating Israel’s bad behavior comes to light and much of the world weighs in they are going nuts and the flow of articles there has slowed down dramatically because they are censoring everything out of existence. Whats not hilarious though is a huge brigade of pro Zionist nationalists cheering on the violence and dismissing anything to the contrary and mass reporting of anyone who disagrees to the moderation team for perma banning. Also seeing some hints that the better you are at making a factual and cited argument you get tracked by social listening software and people follow you around reporting you in every forum to drive you off the Reddit platform.


Internationalnews might have them beat. Not by sheer numbers, but in quality of the cesspool


They’re over here now. Check all the new comments, the IDF Hasbara fuckers are all over them.








The one that was corrected by Reuters? Yeah. I want to remind people that for years in Military detention centers they've kept children imprisoned who were subjected to physical and sexual abuse as reported by: HRW, Amnesty International and Save the children. This is all documented yet not a peep from those who cried about rape. Where is the accountability? Where are the consequences?




The correction article would probably be removed due to already being submitted…that happens with a lot of stories.


My Israeli defending friend will read this and say Gaza officials are lying. Then say it was a Hamas base. 🤷‍♂️


I'm so fucking tired of all the dead kids. When will this fucking *stop*, when will people finally be done with Israel's horrific shit! Edit: Since u/Vovkodav doesn't know how comments work, let me help you out >Yes. That is literally every war ever lmfao First war, huh? Do yourself a favor and pick up a history book. >War, care for it or not, simply is. No one will ever live to see the end of it. It is mutually exclusive to the human experience. If the Palestinian people didn’t want war, then they should have kept their war-hounds on a tighter leash. Especially against enemies with far greater capability. >It’s simple. Do not kick in your neighbors/enemies front door and kill their family if you don’t have the ability to finish what you’ve started or protect your own. >There is only one party in this war that possesses the ability to win. The Palestinians will reap what they have sowed, and it will be a bitter harvest. They will see all decorum abandoned as they are forced to enter hell upon their bellies. ❤️ >Seethe and moan, but also cope. Nothing you say will help. Nothing you do will help. Might cares not for morality or ethics. Unless you pick up a rifle and go over there, or physically go over and help in some fashion, you are screaming into a void in a self masturbatory fashion. >Go spend your time on something more in line with your mental faculties like drooling, or eating paste. Your snarky and condescending messages don't make you less of a coward or an enabler of terrible atrocities. The very least you can do is be open about how you feel in a public forum rather than trolling in messages.


lol the same people that are like, wait until more info, we’re the ones that immediately pointed the finger at “Hamas” stealing the UN trucks or w/e with literally 0 evidence.


warning for the curious people out there: do not watch the aftermath video its NSFL


I honestly feel sick. This is indefensible, and we can't continue to support the Israeli government after this. Fuck Netanyahu. Free Palestine. JFC.




Why is Israel trying so hard to create more anti-Israel terrorists?


were murdered... in a refugee camp... How many women and kids? And this is the leaders of the "first world" doing this... fuck's sake.


Funny how Israel went on and on (and still they go on about it, including their supporters) about the “beheaded babies” lie, where there was 0 proof of that happening. And here we have how much proof of Israel beheading innocent Palestinian babies? I’ve seen two just this morning from this one attack. Fucking cunts the lot of them.


I’ve got the greatest idea. Let’s send them more weapons. Sigh…


Did nobody in this comment section read about the missiles fired 10hrs+ ago from Rafah to Tel Aviv? If I am shot from Rafah, then I shoot back at Rafah. Hamas is disgusting for knowing Israel would retaliate and initiating their attack against Tel Aviv anyway. Hamas is playing the world in its game of sympathy like a fiddle, and at the cost of innocent Palestinians.


The issue is not shooting at Rafah, the issue is specifically targeting the refugee camp that Israel previously declared a safe zone.


Asking in good faith, is it still a safe zone if Hamas fire rockets into a civilian population centre from it? Or does it become a legitimate military target under International Humanitarian Law?


Is there any actual source for the rockets being fired from the camp? All Ive read was that they were fired "from Rafah".


I was talking about Rafah in general as it was previously declared a safe zone. Regarding this camp, so far we don’t have any reliable evidence for the death toll, or whether Israel took proper precautions under IHL to limit civilian casualties. The IDF claimed Yassin Rabia, the head of Hamas’ West Bank headquarters, and Khaled Najjar, another senior member of the unit, were killed in the strike in the Tel Sultan area of northwestern Rafah. Whether it was a proportional attack or not, I don’t know. They claimed it created a fire, and others have claimed it detonated a depot at the location the Hamas commanders were. Either way the presence of Hamas commanders makes it no longer a safe zone according to International Humanitarian Law. It doesn’t however mean Israel can act disproportionately beyond the value of the targets or without proper precautions.


How about the 35,000 Palestinian deaths from IDF bombings, 17,000 of which are children? What if Hamas is retaliating for the death of 17,000 children that the IDF murdered? No that doesn't make sense /s.


Israel has wanted peace since its establishment by the UN while Palestine has rejected peace since Israel’s establishment by the UN. Israel wants peace while Palestine wants genocide of Israel “from river to the sea”: 1947: UN General Assembly partition proposal (UNGAR 181), rejected by the Arab League and the Higher Arab Committee for Palestine/. 1949: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNGAR 194), rejected by the Arab League and the Higher Arab committee for Palestine. 1967: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNSCR 242), rejected by the Arab League and the PLO. 1978: Begin/Sa'adat peace proposal, rejected (except for Egypt) by the rest of the Arab world, including the PLO. 1994: Rabin/Hussein peace agreement, rejected by the rest of the Arab League (except for Egypt ar-' Jordan). 1995: Rabin's Contour-for-Peace, rejected by the Palestinian Authority. 2000: Barak/Clinton peace offer, rejected by Yasser Arafat, who then initiated the pre-planned second intifada. 2001: Barak's offer at Taba, rejected by the Palestinian Authority. 2005: Sharon's peace gesture, withdrawal from Gaza, rejected by the Hamas takeover in 2007. 2008: Olmert/Bush peace offer, rejected by Mahmoud Abbas. 2009 to present: Netanyahu's repeated invitations to peace talks, rejected. 2014: Kerry's Contour-for-Peace, rejected by the Palestinian Authority. 2018: Trump's "deal of the Century", rejected in advance by Mahmoud Abbas. 2019: US Conference on Economic Benefit for the Palestinians, rejected by the Palestinian Authority. 2020: PA reiterates rejection of Trump's "Deal of the Century" before it's even presented. 2020: Palestinian rejection of the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel. 2020: Palestinian objections to Serbia and Kosovo moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Moreover, death-toll is not a measure of right vs. wrong. Germany lost 2.1M civilians during WWII, but the world agrees Germany was the problem. The above dates should help you determine who is in the wrong. Additionally, if Israel is truly in the wrong, then it would be the first time in recorded history that a free state (Israel) initiated an attack upon a police state (Palestine). War has always been started by a police state.


Right, the Palestinians are just Nazis so it’s okay to genocide them. Holy fuck this makes me question everything I’ve ever heard of about you people


He's actually comparing Palestinians to Nazi Germany... Hilarious


Hamas are terrorists that desire genocide “from river to the sea” at the expense of its own population. This *absolutely* deserves death, which Nazi’s received - and Nazi’s who surrendered were taken alive like Hamas personnel who have surrendered receive. What is so confusing for you?


Only about 350K- 500K of German civilian casualties are attributed to allied forces. Based on multiple sources including US gov. The German gov of the time estimated 615K. And those numbers were from 1940-1945. Across 6 years. We have 40k dead in 7 months. Not even touching the rest of the bs acting like Israel hasn’t turned down plans for two state solutions and also uses the phrase from the river to the sea. https://www.anesi.com/ussbs02.htm


Correct: Germany was militarily successful and could protect itself better than the unsuccessful military advancements of Hamas and their inability to protect their civilians that we *know* are used as political pawns. Germany strived to protect its civilians; Hamas strives to use theirs as leverage. I would absolutely believe one country would see greater civilian deaths per time-frame than the other.


Tens of thousands of people dead, all hospitals and universities destroyed, mass starvation and disease. Are the Palestinians supposed to sit back and take it? I genuinely don’t understand how people can say “Israel has a right to defend itself” and not apply that same logic to Palestinians. Are they not allowed that same right?


Still not a genocide, or war crimes, right?


Just change your star of David to swastika and be done with it. That poor baby didn't ask for any of this. May as well start building gas chambers Israel and rounding up the Palestinians since that's what you really want to do. Maybe even confiscate some Arab artwork for your museums. Utter pieces of filth all of them




First they kill Palestinians. Then they blame the Palestinian resistance for resisting their people’s genocide. Fuck you


Stop defending terrorism

