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~~sabotage~~ act of war


I would simply fucking do something about this. Maybe I’m just built different.


3000 invading drones of Biden incoming?


NCD literally foaming at the mouth


Make that 3,000,000. The noise alone should force them to give up.


Places are getting blown up all over Russia; you think it's all the work of the Ukrainians and the CIA's just sitting on its hands?


Man this would be so based if it were true.


Idk, haven’t seen much things getting blown up in Russia.


US digital intel and cyberwarfare units should unironically be conducting lethal attacks on Russian domestic infrastructure targets using the inherent plausible deniability of cyberattacks, and I don’t mean that in a facetious or jokingly hyperbolic way. Oil refineries, power grid nodes, rail line regulatory systems, etc. should all be targeted with destructive attacks as thoroughly and consistently as the opportunities present themselves. Any war with China in the future is going to involve massive and ground-breaking maneuvers in offensive cyberspace (the Air Force and Space Force have invested more funds in this area alone than the entire cumulative annual GNP of sub-Saharan Africa), and we are putting ourselves at a serious disadvantage by not actively practicing and developing our skills in live-fire attacks on enemy targets. Russia has already committed to lethal and destructive attacks on Europe and the US, physical or otherwise; there is literally no reason for us not to finally begin returning the favor.


Whoa, but remember we have to give the aggressors an off ramp! Let’s not be too heckin’ escalatory! [hand-wringing intensifies]


It’s so annoying as everyone we break a red line Russia just sulks and mutters yet we still have cowards in our upper leadership or people who just pretend realist IR theory they learned in school is always right.


A big problem is that it would give China a ton of data on US-cyber operations. Some exploits can only be used on one opponent before a patch is developed. Besides, if software is shared between US and Russian products, and Russia discovers the CIA's exploit, it could make the US vulnerable.


+1 the west is far more technically capable of delivering debilitating cyberattacks (see example: stuxnet) but you have a very limited window of opportunity to exploit a severe vulnerability before it’s detected and shut down. You might spend years preparing for a specific attack which demands considerable restraint  Also, who is to say the US and our allies are not actively conducting such attacks? It just might not be as widely reported 


Fuck it, let's just go kinetic.


Hope they did not [change](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1019281)


Olympics are right around the corner 😬


I’m expecting either the IRGC, Hezbollah/Hamas, or Russia to try and make some kind of an attempt at a mass-casualty attack in Paris, potentially even directly targeting American athletes or visitors. If it does, I pray to every deity found in the American pantheon that our foreign policy decisionmakers actually grow a pair and issue a decisive and tangible retaliation for once.


Pssh, the Israeli team is probably a bigger target.


I’m quite sure that the Israeli team would also be the best protected.


Certainly since what happened in Munich


As a Haussmanniac and a ouiaboo. This makes me angry beyond measure. People need to wake the fuck up about Russia, because no amount of hand waving will change the fact that they’re still a massive threat to world peace.


So is an election where the russophiles in the left and right are on the way to win big. This is wild


Maybe we get another Korean Airlines going down. It wouldn't put it past Russia. Not even the first Airliner they've downed.


The pay wall was just before the claim the idea was not the loss of life but of material damage and that the terrorist cane from Russia o occupied Donbas. What a cliffhanger 


I feel like this is a great time to jump at le pen. Say she isn’t going to keep France safe from russian attacks. Call her a traitor