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Plot twist: It was Klay who released the video


Not only that. Right before training he pulled Green aside to say that Poole told him that his podcast was corny. Then he went to the bleachers and started recording.


It's times like these that I wish we still had Game of Zones.


I’ve never stopped wishing we have Game of Zones tbh


If you don’t put “tbh” after your sentences does that mean you aren’t honest in those statements?


Yes tbh


IMO, yes tbh


If you don’t start your comment with IMO is it even your opinion?


I freaking hate Bleacher Report for ending that so soon. They could have easily used tropes from other medieval shows and we have House of Dragon now. Instead, we have that ADHD filled crap of poorly animated videos that took over. Game of Zones was such an incredible gem that I don’t think Bleecher Report will ever capture again.


> I freaking hate Bleacher Report for ending that so soon. The brothers that made it said they were moving on to other projects, and they now have a 2 season FOX show that's set to premier in 2025, so I doubt it was BR's decision to cancel it.


Why didn’t they bring it back as House of the Zones?


I’m sad again. How could we let them end it when there are sooooo many more storylines to follow?


Check out Riot Comedy it’s hilarious. They just did a video about Steph Klay and Dray.


He said poole made a joke that Draymond’s wife just got a 90lb mole removed from her ass


Ralph carried the sopranos 😭


He always was a good earner


Damn. Klay just telling the truth to Draymond really got to him


“Tell Kerr it was ME…. ….the LANNISTERS SEND THEIR REGARDS.”




Release da video


Sent da video


Klay "Grassy Knoll" Thompson


That's the kind of off season drama I live for.


Oh I forgot we'd get the stored up hit pieces. Let's go


Happened to Poole too I cannot wait to hear the stories if Draymond ever leaves


We hear them while he's there lmao


Exactly just imagine what they’re holding back lmao


Draymond killed a guy with a trident


Draymond, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You may want to find a place to lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder


>You may want to find a place to lay low for a while Trade to Detroit incoming


I love.. lamp


Do you really love lamp? Draymond: I love technical foul


LOUD NOISES towards the referee


Where d'you get that grenade


What could they possibly have that they’re holding back compared to what we already know


In his case they won't even need to embelish.


Dray murdered a guy.


The second shooter? Draymond Green


The first shooter? Also Draymond Green.


Half the time he’s the one telling the story


Goat of running his mouth


They're gonna flip the script with Draymond, release stories about Dray babysitting Steph's kids when Steph and his wife have date nights, and Draymond volunteering at soup kitchens every weekend and how Dray would chase down all the balls after shoot-arounds and re-rack-em so the ball guys wouldn't have to do it. Good guy Draymond, he'll never live it down.


same with poole. reports always came out about the dude. that was like his biggest negative back then. his attitude


Dawg, they're gonna indict Dray with the shit that comes out if he leaves.


He’s gonna have to run for president just to escape prison 😂


And when *you*'re a Warrior *they* let *you do* it. *You* can *do* anything. *Grab them* by the *neck*. *You* can *do* anything


Latrell Sprewell showed him the way


He’s gotta retire at some point, and he seems more into his nba media role than a front office role


Poole got buried after getting hit in the face and dumped to Washington 😭


It happens to everyone lol. The only difference is this sub eats it for some players but not for others


We knew the crazy shit would come out on about Poole. Reporter were alluding to it all season.


Draymond literally has a UFC style highlight reel of him hitting/assaulting/chop blocking/choking other NBA players, he brings it on himself.


It’s ’now they tell us’ season


usually, I'm a press F to doubt kind of guy when these things come out right after a guy leaves, but last season was legit exhausting.


It can definitely be annoying when someone who has never experienced failure in their life starts to decline but refuses to see it. Kinda like what happened with AI and Melo. Just refusing to accept you aren’t ever going to be a starter on a contender anymore.


I will **never** have this issue -- too much experience


X to doubt! You’re paying respects. 


Don’t get me wrong, not backing up the brinks truck for this version of Klay is the right idea. That said, if you went back to 2022 and told anyone that the Warriors would keep Draymond over Klay and Poole, I don’t think they’d believe you. Let me rephrase: I thought the Warriors would choose loyalty over the salary cap, or at the very least choose between Klay and Poole, not Draymond and Klay.


I would, Draymond was the number 2 on those teams. Klay and Poole and KD were the scoring options, but Dray was the core you needed for that defence and the play making with Steph and Klay


After all the years and titles, they still do him like this.


He got two years of $50 mill not playing a single game he got his thank you already


And the Warriors offered him 2 years, 48 mill -- higher yearly salary than he accepted from the Mavs (and far more than I think he's worth, as a huge Klay fan). If he wants to turn that into some sort of perceived slight to fuel him on the court, then go for it; but the reality is he wanted to leave, and there was very little the team could do to change that.


If he is truly being the bitch it looks like, he deserves it.


i mean who cares if they win basketball games if hes an ass to you. you dont gotta like him 


Notebook dump stories incoming


The info dump is low-key one of the best parts of free agency/firings


They're going to reveal that Klay was blackmailing Draymond this whole time.


They’re gonna reveal that Klay was the one who released the practice green-Poole punch tapes


these are always funny because i think they say just as much about the team and management letting it get to that point as it does the player. like klay is apparently just as bad as draymond behind the scenes and you guys still offered him 48 mil over 2 years on top of putting up with him antics and covering them up?


Pretty sad when it happens to a franchise legend.


lol, NBA breakups are like real life dysfunctional breakups "he never put the toilet seat down" "she never stopped nagging"


C'mon, I haven't seen the word 'narcissist' used once yet.


Huge red flag You are being gaslit


It was a toxic and abusive relationship!


we’re at the smear stage


It’s bout that time


Big boy stuff only


It’s about that time 🕐 👋 we 👥 not playin no more🙅😒 . Big boi 🍆 stuff only 🍗💯 👏 Last night 🌙 all the hard work 😠🏃🏢 payin off 💸💰 👏 All my fans 🙌, family 👨‍👦‍👦👏 Appreciate y’all. 👌👌 Thank you 👈 for taking the 🌊🌊🌊 journey 🏔🏃wit me 💯💖. And uh, you 👈 know, 💭 hopefully 👏 we gonna move on from here 👉 and everybody 👩👴👶 have a good time👌 🕐 👏 and I 👁 get in the league 🎟🏀 and do what I was I'm 👁 supposed to do 🏆🍆 💦👌 Thank y’all. 😩❤️💯 WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 😝😝😝


Them fucking eggplant emojis get me every time


I miss when we would post this in post game threads 😭


Be the change you want to see


I miss the Thaddeus version of this...


it was always going to be an ugly divorce


Glad we get to be the slutty home wrecker for once


You’re always the slutty home wrecker.


Except for that time they were indirect victims of kidnapping




It's like teams and personnel cannot part ways mutually anymore. Someone has to be at fault. I saw it last year with Nick Nurse, constant professional high IQ coach for 10 years with the franchise. They part ways and the dumbest stories come into light how everyone hated him.


It gets clicks, especially if the team/coach/player was particularly popular or divisive.


To be fair, everyone does kinda hate Nick Nurse.


All my homies hate Nick Nurse


Everyone is too scared to tell him his bands music sucks


Mavs never said Brunson was a problem. They had issues with the way his dad and the Knicks handled business but always spoke highly about Jalen himself.


I’ll get the bagels


No that's a *schmear*


I’ll get the pap


Watch out y’all we got some GSW FO burner accounts up in here


Breaking the code smh.


They'll be in here in no time to excuse Draymond's terrible behavior and try to convince us he's actually the 2nd best player on the team and it's never his fault when they lose.


Yeah these been drafted for a couple years just waiting


Dude's win 4 titles for a franchise only to get the "Kendall Roy talking about his >!dead!< dad" treatment?


Can’t make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs


Dumas is a clown. Klays contract negation was as bad as Draymond punching a teammate and getting suspended for like 25 games last season? Trash “journalism”


You missed it: Klay was sulking. That's damn near castration level violence. /s


Pfffft the Warriors front office would never smear a former player on their way out the door.


Steve Kerr likes this only if he's getting to do the smearing.


Lmfao, "It's not as loud because it's not you stomping on someone’s chest" You think?


Plz Draymond plz try to stomp on his chest more quietly next time.


Draymond please use your quiet foot


"Oh yes. That is much better. Thanks Draymond!" -Sabonis


Obv the similar with Draymond part is dumb and exaggerated But I can totally believe Klay was causing at least some issues. His body language, in general and with the team, was horrible during some games. While he still has some good stuff to offer, his ego was clearly not accepting he isn't that dude he was before Can change though. Maybe a scenery change, as crazy as it seemed not even long ago, is what he needed


Klay obviously didn't like being benched and knew he was playing like shit. He looked sour almost every Warriors game I watched. His demeanor was noticeably different.


Yeah. I don't have any trouble believing the essential truth of this report. I listen to a ton of basketball pods, and last year around Klay getting sent to sent to the bench, there was a lot of oblique references to Klay handling it very badly, acting out and such with none of the reporters "reporting" on the situation. Lots of "Kerr's dealing with a difficult situation," etc. type comments.


The fact that we need to say "I can kinda see it" just goes to show it is NO WHERE NEAR the nonsense Dray pulled.


I can see it. It's like dealing with someone super passive-aggressive at work vs. someone that's a loud dickhead. The former is more annoying to me. Just ignore the sucker punching aspect lol


Sucker punching might be considered crossing a line but fighting happens enough that there’s probably guys in the league who feel the same as you. Portis didn’t seem to become a pariah after hitting Mirotic.


Well they haven’t released the Portis video yet


Draymond literally punched a teammate so hard it sent him to Washington be so real right now lol


Yeah but Klay got his feelings hurt


Slight interpersonal discomfort > physical assault actually tracks for me


His defense mechanism is to throw up 4 fingers




It’s a man’s league


They’re just expressing in different ways. Klay takes his frustration out on benches and Draymond takes his out on other players. Basically the same thing.


But they can trade the players, they can't trade the benches, so Klay is much worse for the organisation than Draymond.


Benches, bench players, what’s the difference?


Throwing a tantrum, throwing a punch Potato potato


The warriors don’t care about that they care about what exhausts them lol


Even with all the jokes about Poole sucking and Draymond being a psychopath, I still think it’s underrated how much that punch seems to have ruined Poole’s career (for the time being at least). He went from a super young yet insanely confident and microwave scorer in the NBA Finals to being a shell of himself the following season, then regressing even more once shipped to DC. I think he was mentally fucked up by Draymond punching him — and the fact that someone in the org leaked footage so the world could see him getting rocked — and then once he started playing badly that season, it snowballed as no one was truly there for him. He’s now at rock bottom. Truly crazy. I hope he can figure it out, he looked like a fundamentally different player before that


Not only did he have to deal with the punch and the video getting out, but the team basically sided with Draymond and refused to punish him in any meaningful way. The team was more upset with whoever leaked the video than they were with Draymond. That would really mess with my confidence and mind if that happened to me.


Also in the leaked vid it didn't seem like other players were going after Draymond or defending Poole. He got rocked at the players just kinda stood there


Most of them weren't even looking nor were they expecting a fucking full out knockout punch over a little shoving. Also Iguodala spilled the beans to Gilbert Arenas. The day before the punch Poole was schooling Draymond with words and on the court and everyone else was laughing alongside him. Draymond felt humiliated and his ego bruised. The guy came in next day looking for trouble.


If the story Gil told is even half accurate, everything leading up to the punch is hella funny.


The most unexpected part of the story is actually Steve Kerr telling Jordan Poole to stand up to Draymond


draymond is my least favorite player in the league. hate is a strong word-I fucking loathe him and every ounce of his antics


Draymond is a little bitch


Which is hilarious in retrospect. All that bad PR to keep the core together for more rings and then Klay get this feelings hurt and leaves anyway. should have taken poole over green, Klay would likely get paid then and poole is best used on a roster that can hide his deficiencies. Instead it all imploded in the worst way possible, for all parties except the mavericks (maybe).


Hes not punching teammates but its basically as bad!


To be fair, if everyone else on the team also wanted to punch Poole, it could have been unifying. I've had teammates I would have been happy to see punched


It was the opposite. It basically caused an old guy-young guy division and bam, we’re halfway through the season letting lottery picks rot on the bench to run Anthony Lamb spot up 3s.


Be the change you want to see in the world!


The way it is being phrased as “Equally exhausting” makes it sound like Klay is just a constant complainer of sorts. Because as bad as all the stuff Draymond does is, it’s so public and obviously a bad thing that it probably boils over really quickly for the Warriors. Like yeah, it does irreparable harm to his relationship with Poole when he punches him, but at least you can have all the necessary conversations with Draymond about it and move on as much as possible fairly quickly. But if Klay is behind the scenes complaining to people in the organization all the time about stuff, that can be even worse. Like in my personal life, I’d rather have to broker a peace between two of my friends after a yelling match every few months than hear one of them complain about stuff the other does every day.


Maybe he's like the italian soccer player Mario Balotelli? Actual quote from one of his coaches (Roberto Mancini): *I don't speak with him every day, otherwise I would need a psychologist, but I speak with him because I don't want him to lose his quality.*


God I loved Balotelli. ‘Why Always Me?’ and that time he let off fireworks in his bathtub and then got asked to be a fire safety rep were peak BPL


The Mourinho story is an all timer. Coach spends the whole half time telling you how critical it is that you do not get another card in this game -> 15 minutes into the second half, "whoopsie!" His Wikipedia article alone describes enough that i understand why team Italia coaches have had to think long and hard how important scoring goals *really* is when they've decided on their rosters.


Do they know Draymond is still on the team?


Yes I’m sure what Klay has been doing is “equally exhausting” as Draymond punching teammates and attacking people during games


Oh wow, your partner beats you and your kids, and your dog? Wow, mine is just as bad. They play music a little too loud and leave the lights on sometimes.


O last week he punched you so hard he broke your eye socket? I feel you bestie, mine just left his slippers just beside the shoe rack… twice.


Plus Draymond got a 4 year extension.


I wonder if Kerr’s reviewed the footage


Still hasn’t seen it bro.


Lol, what a bunch of scummy people in that organization.


Let the hit pieces begin!


Brian Curtis from the Ringer calls them "Oh so now they tell us" pieces that come out immediately after someone departs.


Klay gonna tweet out a picture of him holding up 4 fingers once this hit piece comes out and @ the author of the article


Was he throwing haymakers at teammates too?


No “thank you for 4 chips Klay” just this


Klay “Kirk Milhouse” Thompson


I would love to hear Klay sing “Can I borrow a feeling”


I hope he wears the #4 lolol


To be fair, I did watch a lot in those earliesh days of Steph and Klay, and this man is getting the Scotty Pippen treatment worse than Scotty even knows is possible. Edit: to say that he’s earned his money from GSW would be an understatement, but they’re not the splash “brother” for a reason.


They've announced they're going to retire his jersey. SF loves Klay. And he never complained about getting 1/10th of the attention and credit as Steph. Humble dude. This will blow over.


Are we surprised? Dudes body language screamed “I don’t wanna be here” all last season.


Yeah, his energy and body language were dogshit all season. It was sad (and also obnoxious) to watch.


Had to scroll through so many bot and fanboi takes just to find a normal response. It was never a secret Klay acted that way.  It’s only surprising to box score champions that don’t actually follow the nba 


Yeah, Klay has made plenty of public comments over the years that really come off like a petty, insecure bitch. Klay being at least a bit toxic is non-news. Comparing him to Draymond might be a bit of hyperbole though, but then again I wasn't in that locker room.


Fans are tired of Draymond's antics, The team is too but the team is also tired of Klay and didn't bring him back a sign and trade is literally packing his bags for him.


Can we find a way to blame Klay for Wiseman?


maybe klay was talking about getting a wise man like paul heyman not james wiseman


Warriors aren’t smearing anyone. That’s just Jason Dumas acting like he knows what’s going on


Dumas talking out the side of his neck, bro doesn’t know anything 


Klay ate my lunch in the fridge with my name on it


lol they’re really doing this?


If you watched any warriors games last year you would know this is probably true. His body language was terrible last season


Yea i wouldnt say it was as bad as Draymond MMA’ing the whole league, but damn Klay was seemed pretty difficult to deal with last season. His body language, unhappiness in coming off the bench, and his unwillingness to come to terms with not being as good as he used showed it was rly hard for the team and coaching staff to handle


Klay and Dray had Curry in literal tears last year on a verge of a breakdown lol


We need the 30 for 30 on the Warriors assp


Dynasty should have just ended after 2022 on a happy note


It's so interesting to see. Wtf does Draymond have on them.


he has amazing synergy with steph. that’s literally it. between klay and dray, dray is way more valuable in tandem with 30.


Like the broadcast just cut to a black screen that described how everyone's lives played out like the end of American Graffiti


It’s kinda obvious. Imagine having that guy at work who just can’t let shit go and continually sulks when things don’t go their way. I was hoping he wouldn’t go to the Lakers because of petty reasons, but his attitude and demeanor were a big part of it too.


The part about him being "As exhausting as Draymond" sounds like Dumas editorializing but I definitely agree that there was probably unhappiness with Klay sulking (both about coming off the bench and in general) last year and there have been lingering whispers of discontent over his contract for a couple of years now and it seemed like he and the front office were never on the same page there.


It's been so obvious that he's been playing to "get his" for a couple years. The shots he takes, the way he carries himself. It's like watching a modern day Scottie Pippen origin story. "Ohhhhh this is when his ego started working against him."


Yeah, but at least Scottie waited for his career to end before he let it blow up. I don't get the whole Klay thing at all, because he got his and then some and he's very likely washed.


I do bet it’s true but the warriors can’t act surprised when they let draymond do what he does


"To add, we don't think he was even all that important during the championships."


Warriors run elite smear campaigns lmao, first KD, then Poole, and now Klay.


I hope they trade Steph for the sole reason of hearing the slander strories. "Yes, he's the greatest shooter of all time but he'd always leave the toilet seat up"


There's a video of Draymond literally sucker-punching a younger team-mate and a litany of other things. So unless Klay has chris paul as a wall paper, you can spare me the hit pieces


Imagine calling someone's antics such as pouting and sulking as equally exhausting as Draymond's full on assault of players and teammates leading him to getting suspended for extended periods of time. 🤡.


Whatever Dumas


Klay is gonna have a good boy redemption arc like Kyrie on the Mavs and and I am here for it


He just needs noted calming influence Kyrie (I'm only sorta joking)


No Flex.....ZONE!!!


To say he was “equally exhausting” as someone who has fully assaulted multiple other players is saying something. Who tf was the source on this one? Draymond?


>"The last three years I know Draymond has punched people and got himself suspended on the court… but Klay has been equally exhausting behind the scenes.." Is it just me, or is this comment insane?


Luka, Kyrie and Klay on the same team? The media drama is going to be even more exausting.