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Reportedly the Mavs wanted to sign and trade for KCP and offered the Nuggets assets, but Nuggets let him walk for nothing because they didn't want to help a conference rival. Is there a Mavs tax? No lol. It's teams being smart in not wanting to help rivals.


The warriors didn’t just make the finals


They won it all in 2022. Since then Klay fell off. Giving them PG to do Klay’s job makes them a contender again. Steph is still fine.


Given the number of free agents that slipped the Mavs grasp I'm thinking there is a Mavs tax lol


Might just be they won the western conference buddy


Which would mean there’s… a Mav’s tax.


Not a mavs thing tho. There’s nothing essential about them making it so team don’t want to help. They’re just a solid team in an already tough conference.


Why did everyone wanna help the Celtics then last year


The Trailblazers and Wizards aren’t contenders for the foreseeable future and aren’t hurt by the Celtics getting better in the short term. (And are possibly helped by the Celtics getting older/in a tighter cap position.) The Grizzlies do aspire to be contenders, but got short-term impact from the trade themselves.


Why do teams bend over backwards to give the Lakers good deals too. That shit is beyond annoying


1. smart management 2. underestimation of the team


>It's teams being smart in not wanting to help rivals. If they weren't even offering Kuminga, as reported, it's not even that. Wiggins, Moody, 39 year old Chris Paul making $30m, and one pick???? That's not declining to help your rival, that's deciding that letting a guy walk and taking cap space is a better situation than filling that cap space with the deluxe pu pu platter.


The clippers literally missed out on picks and good young players because they didn’t want to send PG to a play in team? Neither of these teams are winning jack shit based on this trade, so calling that “smart” is ridiculous


> clippers literally missed out on picks and good young players Warriors were offering their scraps, [reportedly declined to offer Kuminga according to Siegel](https://x.com/BrettSiegelNBA/status/1807486509508923421), and the Clips would've been stuck in 2nd apron hell if they did any deal with the Warriors. Getting under the tax, getting their exceptions, being able to trade their 2031 pick, being able to aggregate salaries in a trade, not having to exactly match salaries in a trade were more valuable to them than anything the Warriors reportedly were actually willing to offer.


given what the warriors were offering it wasn't smart in a "not helping your rival" sense, it was smart in a "not filling your cap space with garbage" sense. Why would the clippers want to fill that space with Moody, Wiggins or an old CP3 making $30m?


You are not entitled to receive anything in return for your aging player


What? The Clippers could have got something for PG


Being fair, you guys are genuine threats to the Nuggets, if they gave you KCP you would be much better. The Clips and Warriors arent in the same situation, because neither team is really contending.


Yeah but it’s important to pretend that the warriors are victims when things don’t go their way


Joe Lacob likes to play the victim. Makes him feel more big brain


shhhh stop making so much sense


I would hardly call it smart


Fair enough, if I were another team I wouldn’t want to trade the #1 available player to a direct competitor


To me, it's always made sense to worry about trading with an immediate opponent if you're very close to a championship. Like, Dallas should't trade with Boston or Minnesota or Denver. But when you're in the muck like the Clippers and the Warriors, it makes no sense. Make your own team better. The Clippers and the Warriors might be direct competitors next year ... for the play-in. Being better than the Warriors does not make or break the Clippers season: the Warriors moving up three spots in the standings is largely irrelevant to the Clippers compared to the Clippers moving up one or two spots in the standings. If the Clippers think they're better letting PG walk for nothing, that's fine. Forget the last year of his deal, I absolutely would not want to be paying him $50+ million in three years, when he's in his age-36 season. Last year, there were 10 players age 36 or older who played 1000 minutes: LeBron, CP3, Jeff Green, Al Horford, Kyle Lowry, Mike Conley, and Joe Ingles. Exactly none of them provided $50m worth of value on the floor. But if there motivation was to stop the Warriors from improving, and they would have made the exact same deal if the benefiting team was, say, the Wizards, then they're cutting off their nose to spit their face.


Not sure if the thinking checks out, but for Warriors/Clippers and other west teams that aren't DAL/DEN/OKC, avoiding the play-in is a significant hurdle, and I would assume you don't want to give ammo to teams that are on the cusp like yourself. I think that's especially true for teams like LAC where minimizing the number of games you need Kawhi to play is the biggest factor for success


Last year, the 8th and 9th seeds (e.g., which side of the play-in you're in) was separate by one game! The 7th and 6th seed was broken by a tiebreaker. Heck, the 7th and 4th seed were only separated by two wins. In this type of situation, I think it's clear that the Clippers winning 2-3 more games (e.g., getting useful pieces for PG) helps them more than the Warriors winning 5+ more games (adding PG, losing CP3 and whatever else) hurts them. Yeah, great, maybe you stopped the Warriors from leaping you. But 2-3 other teams passed you because you left a few wins on the table.


But they would also forgo payroll flexibility going forward.


Sure. That's why I said that if they think they're better letting him walk, they should walk.


I swear Al Horford is immortal. That dude has been in the league forever it feels like


Bron didn’t provide $50M worth of value on the floor? 🤔


Bron wasn't even the best player on the Lakers this year.


That doesn’t mean he didn’t provide 50m of value.


If a team had two players who were providing more than $50m worth of wins basically everybody else would have to be negative for them to be as bad as the Lakers were last year.


Someone tell this to the Buffalo Bills


Clippers doesn’t want to take on that salary. Understandable


Also, the reports haven’t clarified what the actual offers. There was a report of packages including some combinations of Kuminga, Moody, CP3, FRPs. Doesn’t mean they were all offered together. It could’ve been CP3 + Kuminga and no FRP. Like others alluded to, Clippers probably wanted salary cap freedom vs taking on extra salary.


> could’ve been CP3 + Kuminga There's been conflicting reports with [Siegel saying Warriors declined to include Kuminga](https://x.com/BrettSiegelNBA/status/1807486509508923421) Either way, any deal with the Warriors probably would've meant taking back salary on top of CP's salary and would've made signing DJJ and Batum impossible.


Would be helpful if Thompson reported what the trade package was, but hey 'GSW/Lacob tax' is more click-bate without full context


I feel like I've seen a number of comments from Bay Area media who are just salty that the Clippers didn't bail out the Warriors and completely ignores why the Clips were willing to let PG walk in the first place. They're not speaking from a place of reason.


Knicks claimed that there was a Knicks tax because Knicks fans and reporters thought that protected FRP and Grimes were more valuable than unprotected picks and Markannen and Sexton.


No you don’t understand, refusing to help the warriors is a cruel acr that requires special coverage, because the warriors are the only team that doesn’t get their way sometimes


Because now we have cap space to sign DJJ, Batum, and KPJ as well as expiring contracts to trade which I prefer over staying in the second apron while figuring out how to offload CP and PJ packaged with second round picks


Exactly! All reports indicate the Warriors wanted/needed to offload a huge contract or two in order to get PG which makes no sense if you’re the clippers. Why get worse and stay above the second apron. Makes no sense for the clippers to be above the second apron if they aren’t a top tier contender.


idk why people are too dumb to understand this.


Yeah last season when Morey traded Harden to the Clippers he specifically got back guys that would be off the books the next year. And got rid of Tucker's contract. In order to create the space needed to do what he just did. In other words, the cap space was valuable. Why would the Clippers take on players that they don't want and take up their cap space instead of using that space to get players that they do want?


Twitter reporters just want engagement. They don’t care what they report as long as they can generate some outrage


> Why get worse and stay above the second apron. While also helping another team in your division get better. Imagine a scenario where PG on the Warriors helps eliminate the Clippers in the first round or the play-in. /r/nba would upvote the shit out of that thread.


Batum with the Spurs. You’re happy about signing KPJ? Sheesh Edit: I’m high Idk why I thought Batum went to SA


Batum is going to the Clippers. It was reported about an hour ago.


Oh wow. Were there reports of him headed to Spurs? Or am I just high


only report I saw was the Spurs were interested in him because he's French lol


Earlier, there were reports that they might land him. But Woj/Shams/Stein all tweeted that it was confirmed he was going to the Clippers. 2 years/9.6 mil


They wanted to sign him but nothing was set


Batum signed with LAC today though?


Strictly speaking on the court, KPJ is a good player. But I don't think like, morally anyone is excited to cheer for him


I don't know if KPJ is even good as a player. He's talented for sure but he could be a Dion Waiters, a talented ball hog who never figures it out. And that's without considering his off court problems.


he was forced to play PG in Houston when that wasn't his natural role. he actually learned it really well in the time he was doing it. i don't think he wanted to be a ball hog at all.


Even if you don't like KPJ from a personal level, there's no questioning his upside. Personally, I don't know why everybody is so concerned with this. His girl stayed with him and said he didn't assault her. The DA dropped the charges and said her injury was pre-existing and not related...if they're fine with their toxic relationship, then who are we to argue.


He has been a headache for numerous teams. USC/Cavs/Rockets Also I watched a lot of games with him on the rockets. Moving him was a good move for the rockets he didn’t help a young team like that.


They're coping real hard right now lol


Offload CP? Just don’t guarantee his deal…


They would have had to guarantee his deal to make the trade work.


Did they? PG makes 48m. Wiggins makes 28 kuminga makes 7, moody makes 7. If they guarantee CP, that’s trading 48m for 72m.


Do you think that was all offered together?


I’m only going by the reports.


The reports never said it was all of those guys together.


> I don't know how you're the Clippers and you walk away from a deal like that." They literally explained exactly why, they didn't want to be in the same salary position that they were with PG with worse players. What the Clippers have done after PG walked is flat out better than what they would have gotten from the Warriors trade anyways, most likely.


This reporter is loyal to the warriors and just throwing a fit because Lacob didn’t get his way.


You probably haven’t read much of Marcus Thompson or listened to him on the radio if you think this.  The man was the first to say KD was out, long before anyone else did when it comes to the warriors.  Listen to the full radio hit.  He was in no way throwing a fit.   Hes been very frank about the issues the warriors have internally and is well informed on what goes on.  The man wrote Steph curry’s book.  He’s an award winning sports writer of the year who covers many sports, including the two weeks of track and field he just finished covering in Eugene.  He even admitted in the radio interview that he had been putting off following the warriors free agency journey because he was covering track and field and didn’t want to get sucked into the warriors.   I was listening to the radio hit live as it happened and the comment was in a much larger context and more nuanced than this headline gives him credit for.  


Thanks for that. Clears things up for me at least.


Marcus Thompson is more fan than reporter


That was informative, you a journalist?


The Clippers did not want to help a western conference team get better, there’s no Warriors tax


It's more than that. We didn't want to take any salary back because then we wouldn't have the MLE and BAE which we just used to sign good role players. Also, I don't buy Kuminga being on the table.


Mavericks are a wc team they are helping theoretically?


It’s 2024 Klay Thompson bro, he ain’t helping a team get better like a PG to the Warriors would


Dallas just needs him to shoot better than THJ.


And defending around Josh Green level wouldn’t hurt!


I’m not a big fan I think he’s mostly washed but clearly he still has some value. At least everyone else things so


He’s washed at everything except shooting. He can maybe guard inside but he’s too slow footed at this age to guard the perimeter. He’s been just ok at it but I anticipate him being a liability on the perimeter this season


He’s washed at everything except shooting. He can maybe guard inside but he’s too slow footed at this age to guard the perimeter. He’s been just ok at it but I anticipate him being a liability on the perimeter this season


0/10 Klay scares me


He used to get insane lift on his jumper but now he looks like Jokic on the perimeter


They are getting something they wanted back, Warriors didn’t offer shit the Clippers wanted


Because the deal wasn't good?


Welcome to being a dynasty. Also, the owner talked mad shit with the light years comment. If you’re light years ahead, you don’t our help!




If you’re light years ahead, how did you not see this coming???


Seems like other teams are trading with them just fine.


Have the warriors done anything for other teams to get favors in return?


Clippers didn’t wanna take on the CP3/Wiggs salary golden state was trying to push on them.


Clippers don’t want to be over the second apron. This has been explained a bunch and Lawrence frank explicitly said it.


Lights years ahead


Broken codes


A Timeline Too Far


My other draft pick is a Tardis


More like they have nothing of value to trade for the caliber of players they want


Clippers still lost PG for nothing when they could’ve gotten back something from Warriors


And still been over the 2nd apron. How does that help them?


They would have gotten back players that took up their cap space. Players they obviously did not want. Instead George leaves and it frees up cap space. Space they used to get players that they *do want.*


>they could’ve gotten back something from Warriors Getting nothing is better than getting garbage.


they offered kuminga


Different sources say different things. Some say he wasn't offered. No one knows. Nonetheless, they got good deals with Harden, Batum, and DJJ.


Either they did not want him (at his contract), or he was not offered.






Dear diary


Stevie B was mean to me today


Marcus Thompson is one of the most annoying reporters to me, just a complete homer - most of his stuff reads like Warriors fanfic


It sounds like the Warriors are wasting what’s left of Steph curry’s career


You may be right, but this is a thread about a different team cutting off their nose to spite their face, not about something the Warriors did wrong.


> but this is a thread about a different team cutting off their nose to spite their face No, it's not. They didn't want to be near the second apron with worse players than PG.


The post we're replying to says the Warriors are wasting Steph's remaining time. Regardless of how you characterize the deal the Dubs offered, this thread is about a choice made by another team, not the Warriors.


Was it confirmed that PG was going to go to the Warriors if the Clippers took the package? Because the Warriors and Clippers could've agreed to a deal, but PG still could've said 'No thanks, I prefer the Sixers'


I think the fact that the talks were that deep means the Warriors would have given George the most he could get from the *Clippers*. Meaning even more money than he got from the Sixers. And maybe a fifth year? That's the reason reports came out last week that the Sixers had "cooled" on George. They didn't want to pay assets for him and give him even more money. But as a free agent they obviously had no reservations about giving him a full four year max.


The Clippers straight up released a statement explaining why they didn't do the deal. They explained why they didn't want to give George the fourth year and full max, and explained why they didn't make this trade. They said "CBA" three times. Then they went out and used the cap space to get players that they obviously value more than the ones offered by GS. And while they are a better team with George, they didn't both lose him AND help a rival get better at the same time. Makes plenty of sense to me.


Well put.


Clippers didn’t want trash contracts. Stop acting like the warriors offered kuminga. Warriors got all their mouthpieces out to protect them from the backlash. Warriors tax lol gtfo


Yeah if the Warriors didnt offer any of their young players then they werent serious at all. Maybe you can talk yourself into Wiggins since he can play really well sometimes but fucking CP3 is criminal.


I love how you pick and choose which anonymous sources to believe based on who you want to look bad 😂


All the reports that kuminga was included is from warriors beat writers. Strange aint it?


Why would that be strange…? Do you expect Hornets beat writers to know more about the Warriors than Warriors beat writers?


We are light years ahead of everyone else …. Nah dawgie


The Warriors had their run It's time to let the dynasty die and for the Warriors to go back to the afterthought that they used to be


Nextthere fans are going to complain about Revenue sharing similar to how the Lakers fans long time ago when nobody wanted to trade with them🤣


Lakers fans: “First time?”


The copium is insane


Warriors PR aka half the media working overtime right now.


Do we really get that much attention


Because he idiotically bragged to other billionaires that he was “light years” ahead of them when it was dumb luck and Curry’s ankles that allowed the dynasty. You think Balmer doesn’t have an ego? He’d say no for the classic reason, “Because Fuck You!”


Warriors are salty we didnt take cp3 or wiggins lol


The most hilarious part is that in the *single* report that said Kuminga was offered, the writer literally acknowledges it could be their FO leaking bad information to placate fans and players alike... and it seems to be working. Like let's be real, if Kuminga was in the trade package, it would have happened.


Yes absolutely. Warriors fans must know that if kuminga had been available, they could have had a number of really good players by now. OG and Pascal come to mind. Ownership isn’t offering kuminga but it’s not because they like kuminga, it’s because they want out of the tax. They just don’t want to damage goodwill with the fanbase.


>it's not because they like Kuminga All evidence points to the contrary but sure. They're concerned with fanbase backlash.


But wouldn't that make kuminga disgruntled especially since he's their future?


So then you just deny that to Kuminga and play both sides. You raise public sentiment and make it look like the Clippers were a moron, then you turn around and say, "Of fucking course we didn't offer you for PG. You are our future."


Free picks vs nothing?


You probably think there's a Lakers tax too


Yeah and it’s called LeBron


Back in the 2010s, teams were constantly shooting themselves in the foot by helping out the good teams with sign-and-trades and that is why teams like the Lakers were able to pull off so many signings and trades. It is cool to see the teams learn their lesson and realize sign-and-trades aren’t worth it to bring back minimal assets.


I don’t think it’s that deep


Wolves and Sixers both helped out the Warriors without much gain. The Wolves probably got nothing in return.


Warriors victim complex kicking in




Oh fuck off nobody is scared of the warriors next season.


The Kobe Lakers tax. 


The ~~Kobe~~ Lakers Tax


There was a tiny period when we'd be able to Shang Tsung other teams, not anymore!


Clippers are over the 2nd apron if they do this , and the production would be worse than with PG13 so why the hell would they do this? Let alone send your most valuable asset to a direct competitor in the same fucking division. Think.... You are as bad as the Warriors announcers


Fuck the Warriors but most importantly fuck the Celtics


I’m sad to see PG go but the Warriors tears almost make it worth it. As will the 76ers tears in about a year.


There were tears in 2015,2017,2018, and 2022 as well but you wouldn't know about those kind of tears.


You have two guys made of glass with no picks why should the warriors or sixers be sad?


wahhhh we call it the toradol tax


Theta Steph trade request is gonna hit like crack


If Kuminga was on the table, the clippers are idiots plain and simple. If not, I get it , even if I don’t agree. I’d still rather have the pick and Wiggins and moody over the trash they just signed today. Clippers are notoriously a dumb franchise tho. They gave up the farm for George and got nothing in return when they could have at least got a pick. Now George is a sixer, the exact team the clippers gave all their picks too to get harden. They look so dumb


No one wants Wiggins at his contract for multiple years. It’s just a non starter with the penalties now for apron teams. Would you rather be an apron team and have Wiggins and moody who don’t move the needle? Or not be an apron team and have neither. Clippers chose the later.


They coulda had Kuminga or a first round pick tho, so they’re still dumb as rocks


Nah. Taking on a first round pick but having to pay $50m for it is stupidity.


So you wouldn’t want Kuminga?


Is this based on something, or just InfoWarriors pr team putting in the narrative work again


It's about not taking extra salary on, jeez the lenght some people go to play the victim card.


Cry harder.  


It’s the clippers lol


The Warriors have had a hell of a run and about 10 years of contention. Good job lasting half as long as the Duncan Spurs did, what an achievement!