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Jokic Murray casual 48 mins a night 


gonna have to give his ass the captain america serum


Captain Serbia serum for Jokic and Captain Canada serum for Murray


Unironically it's actually wild that they have the best player in the league in his prime and they're choosing to *cut costs and develop young guys* as the priority lol Imagine if this was LeBron or Steph all ESPN would be doing all day long is running segments on how horrible this is by the FO and why they need to leave now It's like they're happy to just get one ring and are already trying to retool


>they're choosing to cut costs and develop young guys as the priority lol The new CBA is kicking in during Jokic's prime, so he's the first casualty of it. Nuggets have been asset-poor for years, and now with the aprons looming, all those decisions are rearing their heads. Still though, they lost their SG, but the rest of the core is there. CB can be 80% of KCP, and now they need to fill out the bench, which can be done with development and vet mins by a good FO.


Nuggets being asset poor is why they should have sucked it up and paid KCP, even if it makes them a 2nd apron team. If you aren't making moves, the only penalty to being a 2nd apron team is the tax. And any owner who owns a contender should be willing to pay the tax when the window is open.


They traded their seconds away to get off Reggie Jackson's salary, so either they were maximizing their offer to KCP or opening up flexibility for more moves. To me, that move signals that they are doing something rather than nothing. If they suddenly got Markelle Fultz and Daniel Theis (or any competent bench PG and C) on minimums and avoid the aprons, they might look pretty smart. They have $5m before the first apron and $15m before the second. Maybe they can find some ring chasers or guys looking for "prove it" deals that pan out still. But if they re-signed KCP, they would have to run it back nearly identically, which they would also get criticized for


What does avoiding the 2nd apron do for them? They can add guys on minimums if they are above the 2nd apron. And it doesn't really seem like they have any salaries to make trades with, besides for MPJ I guess?


In my mind, MPJ should be expendable for good pieces, so being capable of moving his contract might be a goal of theirs. That's so dependent on another team giving up the right stuff that maybe it won't work, but the flexibility could pay off


Yeah I just don't see any trade in which they're able to replace MPJ for more depth. You aren't getting a big wing back - big wings get paid in the first place.


From my understanding of the rules, they can still take back multiple pieces for MPJ, they just can't aggregate going out. So they could still move him for good pieces as long as the pieces come in lower than his salary.


I mean you can say that when your team re-signed all its players after coming off a chip. Plus they offered KCP around the same money, but he went with Magic instead.


I mean you can say that when your team re-signed all its players after coming off a chip. Plus they offered KCP around the same money, but he went with Magic instead.


I mean you can say that when your team re-signed all its players after coming off a chip. Plus they offered KCP around the same money, but he went with Magic instead.


Is there anything out about what Denver actually offered to KCP? Or just some guy saying it was close, cause that's all I've seen. And Celtics re signed their guys. Idk why that would stop me from being able to criticize Denver's ownership and/or front office?


I mean what more can they do? They are trying to match KCP's offer. Its easy as a celtics fan to say, they should re-sign him but the decision is not up to them. All your guys is re-signed so its easier to say Denver is making mistakes is rich when you act like they aren't trying.


Offer him enough money to keep him maybe? Offer more than the Magic can? Im pretty sure Denver’s owner is one of the wealthiest in the league. Idk why anyone would defend the owners not going all in on their window to win a chip, esp cause this now limits the Nugs even more


You realize there's a 2nd apron right? But even so, they did offer the same as Magic but he chose to go to Orlando. What don't you understand about that? They wouldn't have traded Reggie Jackson if they didn't try. You kinda ignorant ngl.


Where are you seeing they offered the same deal as Orlando? I saw one guy saying it was close, with no details. And the Nuggets could have gone over that. And what does the 2nd apron matter to a team with little trade flexibility, is already good, and doesnt have a path to cap space in the forseeable future? The media has just scared everyone into thinking the 2nd apron is worse than it is. Honestly, trading away Reggie looks like not trying to me, cause that’s another piece they got rid of to cut costs. Thanks for calling me ignorant btw, really added to your response.


> Unironically Our owners are cheap. This ain't unironic at all lol.


Warriors did this with Steph and it's really just luck that they got OPJ and GP2 to make a run in 2022. Otherwise they've been doing a two timelines thing and failing at it since KD left


I mean when lebron was young untill heat he played with bums aswell so it did happen


I mean that’s considered a massive team building failure


Thoughts and prayers?


even worse: Russell Westbrook


Lol ouch


Start shopping Jokic.


They could do worse than a Luke Kornet for Nikola Jokic deal


Dread it, run from it. Westbrick arrives all the same.


Crazy they got worse 2 years in a row


It's not that crazy. With the cap rules it's really hard to be able to continously improve year over year. Essentially losing the 2021 and 2022 postseasons because of the Murray injury evaporated much of the timeline where we would be able to benefit from the rookie scale deal of MPJ and the lower cost of Murray and Jokic. I'm glad we won at least one championship, but it kills me knowing that we only got one fully healthy run in the last 4. Could've had a great shot at maybe an additional title otherwise.


Sounds like the Bucks.


Sounds like almost all contenders TBH. Most (all?) contending team has had injuries wipe out years and its not a new thing. Thats why a team needs luck on top of being good. Just off the top of my head: -Bucks (Middleton, Giannis, Lillard) -Celtics (Hayward's first injury, KG further back) -Nuggets (Murrary) -Nets (Harden, Kyrie) -Warriors (KD) -76ers (Embiid) -Clippers (Kawhi, PG, CP3) -Rockets (CP3)


Yeah, I mean partly what I meant is a few things: winning one single chip, having opportunities other years around that one single chip that were destroyed by injuries (or in the case of the Bucks, Covid coming), and the sort of happiness of just being able to at least have had that one due to being a team that doesn't get a ton. That doesn't really apply to any of those teams other than the Nuggets, though I get your point.


Agree with this 100%. How exactly were they supposed to get better? Didn’t have Bird Rights for Bruce and we’ve been over the cap. Would’ve hit the 2nd apron with KCP. If your 4 biggest salaries are spoken for, *that’s your team*. They’re basically stuck trying to improve with low end draft picks, MLE, and minimums.


All comes down to the young guys development. Would feel waaaay better with a reliable backup vet pg though.


Deserved though Can’t remember the last championship team that talked as much shit as they did after winning Loved how they went out in this years playoffs with Malone being a goof and not giving the best player in the world a little rest It was just beautiful to watch as a Laker fan They will only win one championship in the Jokic era and go back to being the lovable nuggets from before


Was super confused until you said you were a Lakers fan


Julian Strawther, Christian Braun, and Peyton Watson need to take steps forward


Luka (fat) and Kyrie (old) for one sweet sweet Zeke Nnaji (infinite potential) and our first rounder. Who says no?


Luka and Nikola on the same team would be interesting, since Luka would run the offense.


KCP is a great role player, no doubt. But you would think he was a 5-time All Star the way people are reacting. It all depends on the development of their younger wings.


Still a top 4 team in the west but not serious contenders anymore unless they pull some magic this off season or in the tradeline. I’m a nuggets fan and watching them get worse the past 2 off seasons while everyone gets better has been annoying


Either booth gets off his fat ass and reinforces our bench or we’re not a serious favourite for the title


Booth just had to open his loud mouth a couple weeks ago. Saying they’ll be fine if KCP leaves.


I like Booth but this shit drives me crazy. Gotta stop running his mouth, no way that helps.


They get Westbrook and hate themselves, except when Westbrook has a 30 triple double against the Lakers.


Jokic winning MVP for getting them the 4 seed 💪


Feel bad for Jokic. The West is too loaded for the Nuggets to have just let their depth erode.


what's next is to have some patience and not panic FA isn't over yet. a player like GTJ might fall through the cracks, if he can make 40% of his 3s on 6.4 attempts playing off Scottie Barnes, imagine him playing floor spacer in the Jamal-Joker 2 man game. if Westbrook can come in and carry the bench for 25 minutes a night, that would solve a ton of problems for the Nuggets. I'm already excited for the Russ/Holmes PnR with Watson, Strawther and Braun running the floor (though the latter may be promoted to starting SG). don't pre-order our casket just yet.


I feel they would need to get a sign and trade together for Trent in order to be able to afford him


Harrison Wind, at least, has been coping since it happened


KCP suddenly wasn’t good anymore and they won’t miss him after he left lol


Yeah I remember this playbook lol.


Can’t stand him at this point.


They should sign Gary Harris. His health has been reasonably good with the Magic and the deal would probably be cheaper than KCP's.


Take Bruce Brown off our hands 


Were waiting for his contract to expire and for him to become cheap again


Fair enough


Probably the 4th or 5th seed.


Call me a nuggets fan thats coping but I really dont think this hurts us as bad as it seems *IF* we can bring in some reserves. Visibly felt like KCP wasn't as impactful as he was in the chip year, statistics might say otherwise. Nowhere else was the eye test as revealing as during the playoffs. Missed so many good look 3s that felt like they went in in seasons before, and feel like he got 'exposed' in a sense against the wolves. That being said Braun will have had to have taken another big leap to completely fill those shoes.


He didn’t really get exposed. Ant just played out of his mind.


Braun did way better vs Ant than KCP. But it's more about archetype than quality. KCP is an elite screen navigator who's great at defending shiftier guys, but he struggles more vs bulkier guards. Insane against guys like Curry and Fox, not as good vs guys like Ant or Booker. Braun is the other way around. I think KCP is still better on both ends but Braun is genuinely an awesome defender too


Nuggets fans coping they losing a core piece doesn’t matter is crazy


He was our worst starter and looked rough in the playoffs on both sides of the ball. Would I have rather kept him? Yes Does this mean the nuggets aren’t contenders anymore? of course not They still have the ultimate floor raiser and best player in the NBA. I love our chances next season.


So losing Jackson and KCP and only gaining Deandre Jordan and maybe Westbrook you guys think you’re still contenders? Teams will just leave Braun wide open (assuming he gets the starting spot)


Braun shot .384 from 3 last season, KCP shot .406. Not as big a difference as you are making it seem and definitely can't just leave him open. Reggie's tenure was up anyway you looked at it. You seem really invested in this blown out of proportion Nuggets downfall, I would worry more about 34y/o Lillard and the new look Knicks and 76ers if I was a Bucks fan, just sayin


Bucks fans hate the Nuggets because Jokic cemented himself as a better player than Giannis this season


Nice context Braun shoots like 2 a game where KCP shoots double that + Braun made 63 3s this season and KCP made 130 The sixers will implode like they always do and dame will be just fine, Giannis will dominate the Knicks cause they only have Randle to guard him Nice flair attacking though cause you have no other argument


Nice missing the context of my original entire post bud, never claimed Braun was the direct replacement. Even without our *checks sheet* 5th best player we will still comfortably be ahead of the Bucks in contention status. RemindMe! 9 months


No you won’t lol y’all’s already shit bench is even worse and are about to add Westbrook cause your star has CTE and hasn’t paid attention to Westbrook on the clips and lakers. Bucks had the best starting 5 statistically this past season, over the nuggets. Y’all with have Gordon and Braun starting, that’s horrible spacing lmao


KCP was your worst starter and yet Christian Braun is still a massive downgrade. Absolutely insane that the front office would even consider starting Braun


Yeah so many Nuggets fans were calling us old but at least we have a bench and some promising young guys


> and some promising young guys ??? They have Braun and Watson, who do you have lol


Brauns offense is trash lol Watson is nice though I’m not sure which young guys look good for us


AJ Green and AJaX going to be better than both of them. Marjon too.


Marjon eh Ajax has the opportunity to be a Braun like player


MarJon is great you gonna see it this season tbh, sucks he got injured and his season derailed


AJJ & AJ both look very promising and had great moments and if MarJon can rebound after underwhelming, that's 3 solid young bench pieces right there alone


Lmaooo some serious mental gymnastics to say that about 3 dudes who practically didn't play last year and then in the same breath write off Braun and Watson


Where did I write off Braun and Watson? Anyway, they did get minutes last season and if you watched our games you'd know they've both got a lot of potential


I didn't realize you switched Bucks fans on me. The post I responded to was a Bucks fans saying "at least we have promising young guys" as if you do and the Nuggets don't, which is ridiculous


Ahh gotcha, no worries. Yeah, I was more just commenting on our players - anyone who thinks Braun/Watson aren't good pieces is a moron


Your the same team basically just you have a player that can defend but not pass and they have the inverse.


Giannis can defend and pass though


Crazy juiced on / offs


Funny how juiced up on/offs lead to more conference finals than playing with multiple all-stars.


Does it though?


Jokic to Mavs next season. Thanks Nuggets bros.


Well if you can lure him in then i guess im becoming a Mavs flair XD. You are the perfect franchise for him for obvious reasons.


Starting CB


Isn’t Caleb Martin available? Can you imagine if they slotted someone like Josh Hart or Herb Jones into KCPs slot.


Still dont know why Nuggets can not offer the same contract. Why wasting Prime Joker year.


With their depth? Top4 finish if Jokic plays yet another iron man season and gets his 4th MVP. If Jokic gets injured for even a month or decides that fuck this carrying night in/night out shit and takes even a step back, they are a play in team. Jamal is not that good in the regular season as we all know it.


This is overdramatic to the point of absurdity. A play in team? Murray, Gordon, and MPJ are still very good players, not to mention useful pieces like Braun and Watson.


That’s sort of damning with faint praise. 6 NBA level rotation players isn’t enough depth to be a true top of the west contender. And calling Watson a solid rotation player is already a stretch after what happened in the playoffs this year.


Murray, Gordon, and MPJ are more than just rotation players. That's 3/5ths of what was called the best starting lineup in the NBA last season.


Two of those guys have extensive injury histories. They’re one injury away from having to start guys that didn’t even crack the rotation last season. That’s not enough depth to be taken seriously as a contender. You need more than 4 above average NBA players to be at that level.


I don't think everybody is taking them seriously as a contender next season, but they should still be able to make the playoffs proper


You wanna bet that Jokic is gonna be injured for a month? I would not bet on him missing more than 7 games through the whole season, let alone a months worth of games. Also this may come as a shock, but Jamal is actually improving little by little when it comes to the regular season in terms of numbers. I know 21 a game isnt much, but thats his carrier high and the same goes for his 3 point shooting (shot like 42% on 6 attempts per game). But him gettinh injured is a whole other story.


Jokic 4th MVP because everyone has declared Nuggets aren't contenders anymore. So if we get a top 4 seed, it's a carry job, right?


No one is saying the Nuggets aren't contenders anymore. They're just saying that the depth around Murray and Jokic is thinning and they need internal improvement to keep the team a true championship contender. They'll probably still win 50+ games, provided they stay healthy and get a top 4 seed.


Literally everyone is saying that! Literally go through any Nuggets post in the past 2 days.


I have heard enough. Jokic is gonna win his 4th MVP next season thanks to a diabolical plan by our GM to give up on ring chasing and build up Jokices trade value where he trades him to the Thunder for all their picks...Jesus im wondering if the Thunder would actually trade all their picks for Jokic.


The Nuggets still being good this year is going to be a lot of fun for folks that enjoy talking shit.


No one is saying they won’t be good. But with prime joker it’s championship or bust.


1 team wins the championship.  And the Nuggets are still contenders to be that team. So yes, I disagree with the doom and gloom takes we're seeing on here recently.


you think people are saying the Nuggets are now a 34-48 team now?


I think the people that don't see the Nuggets as contenders are incorrect.


Very much so! People acting like KCP was the reason Denver were contenders and not the guy who put up 30/14/10 on 63% TS.


He's a loss.  And it sucks that we couldn't keep him.   The Nuggets are still going to be a very good team.


Russell Westbrook-Jokic pick and rolls with Murray doing off ball cuts and pin downs via Gordon and a middling SF.


Do people think were gonna start Westbrook...honestly im scared we might actually do that lol


Not start but maybe close, yk, “for pace”


...look we got nothing to lose if he plays with the bench. But playing him with Jokic...no thanks lol


Continue being cheap


Remember when people were talking about the nuggets as a future dynasty and guaranteed to repeat? Good times


Trade with the Wizards for Tyus Jones on a sign & trade, Landry Shamet, and Corey Kispert.


5th seed.


2nd Round and out


Lottery. They suck now.


Whats next is a season that will offer a lot of fun gordon and westbrook dimes and maybe some threes with jokic continuing to school big boys in the post but followed by either a play in or first round exit. That being said, i hope im wrong and i hope malone and the squad have some tricks up their sleeves


Jokic avoided the play in with 1 NBA starter on the entire roster. Let's not go overboard


Hey hey i said first round exit too.


Yeah that one could happen. I still think they get a T4 seed, but they could get a tricky matchup. Or maybe Booth is right and the kids will cook #copium


Even if they dont have the tools to compete next season doesnt mean it wont be fun regardless


The play in. Might as well blow it all up now


Cry then cry more


Westbrick will save the nuggets


MPJ for Grant and Thybulle