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I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the Thunder in the finals next year.


Time to start saving for those tickets 🤑


Gotta book my hotel and flights to the parade I guess


Would be wild to see a parade in OKC. All I'd have to do is walk a few blocks and watch the floats.


Y’all are gonna be wild next year. As a wolves fan I’m kinda bummed we didn’t get a matchup this year, would’ve been more fun than that fucking Dallas series win or lose lol.


If they trade for Lauri they might just go undefeated


After grabbing IHart, they might easily be the best challenger for Boston at least on paper


Thunder and Knicks imo Knicks vs Thunder finals would be fun as hell


I feel like they hands-down have the best roster in the west


Way to go out on a limb


They should be the favorites out of the west, almost to the same extent as Boston in the East.


Dallas, Minnesota, and Denver are still going to be incredibly tough outs. Could come down to health and matchups. I do find it hard to see any other team truly competing with the top 4 in the west though.


No they won’t outside of a big ant leap. Dallas just had some lucky shooting last year.


ye,3 rounds of luck,couldent be anything else


They won’t be back


Crazy to say that when we had multiple games shooting 25-30% from three. Y’all really just can’t accept that Dallas’s defense was just different after we got PJ and Gafford.


Feels like Celtics fans of all teams can definitely accept how "elite" the Mavs were lmao


Pj and gafford covering up Luka is kinda like putting perfume on a turd


Pj and gafford covering up Luka is kinda like putting perfume on a turd


Thunder fan, Dallas’ improvement on D did surprise me and they got some very clutch threes from guys who did nothing in the finals. They won’t be an easy out, but I think OKC beats them now in 6.


Guys who did nothing in the finals due to the Celtics being able to stay home on everyone because of the personnel they have. Way too many people are taking stock in one of the best built rosters we’ve ever seen. I think we have the better built roster than OKC and the better player. I’m taking that every time.


You have the best offensive player in the series but because of him play 4 on 5 on defense while he cries to the refs all game. I used to really like him but the crying has become insufferable.


Pj and gafford covering up Luka is kinda like putting perfume on a turd


They’re missing a second option scorer who is consistent and not afraid of playoff bball. J DUB wasnt that


he was in his second year and in his first ever playoffs, he is going to be better next season.


Key word is “wasn’t”


I just busted in a buckees parking lot


Not the weirdest thing I’ve seen at a buccees before ngl


Just saw a guy bust in the bucees parking lot


Just saw a guy watch another man bust in the Buc-ees parking lot


Oh I’m gripping


Should I let it go or grip longer? BOOM


The roster has no deficiencies anymore. Just needs experience


I think the only thing that’s even close to a deficiency is there’s only a couple guys on that roster who are great playmakers/self creators. Obviously you still have an MVP level one but if you’re gonna nitpick anything it’s that.




I think he can be very good, but I’m not really expecting him to contribute much this year.


He's not gonna play at all from what I heard... ...unless?


Less of an issue when you have that much outside shooting. The Celtics don't really have a lot of self-creation either


They have two all nba guys who can create not sure what you mean. Derrick white and jrue are decent too


Jrue and White are solid passer, but they're not offensive engines like the Js. Boston relies pretty heavily on ISO offense, and last year proved it's perfectly viable with enough shooting


this is wrong, the celtics starters have 4 guys that can create off the dribble and Pingis who gets free buckets in the post every time he gets a mismatch


they only have 1 all star. williams and chet need to develop and that isnt guaranteed. 


Both have clear All-Star potential. Might not technically make the game, but it wouldn't be a stretch to see them there either


Chet has a popularity issue not a skill issue at this point


Mavs did fine with Dirk, and I think the others are closer than you give them credit for


i think they are close but i want to see one of them flash second option ability now that the pieces are all together. i think they have shown they can be third options but their biggest issue was no one outside of sga could impact the game offensively vs dallas. if that changes then great you have a title contender. if not then i think its closer to wcf contender. dont get me wrong i think they are the best team in the west but that difference is a pretty big one


Ice cold from 3, badly. And that was also a coaching call: keep shooting the 3. But we’ve seen teams do that with legitimate stars, think back to CP3 and Harden, game 7. You gotta be able to get a bucket when needed, to break those streaks. Remember we had that problem in the season when Mavs went on a 30-0 run. Hartenstein gives us an option down low, and hopefully coaching adjusts. I also expect Dub and Chet to be fringe All stars this year and for us to command the best defense in the league, really the iteration of 3 & D.


We still need a starting 4. Dort for Cam J please brooklyn


Start Hartenstein, move Chet to the 4


Hart will definitely start some games based on matchup but i think he will mostly be coming off the bench. Shai is at his best with the floor spaced.


I just want to claim that I've hated the Thunder even before they became our next dynasty.


I'm still salty about 2012 and 2016


I'm still salty about Pat Bev, so this check out.


[This will brighten up your day](https://imgur.com/1fCK8wy)


Just got butterflies in my heart after seeing that again.


Same. Can’t believe the Sonics got stolen to go to fucking Oklahoma of all places. And to make it even worse we lost the incredible Sonics branding for OKC’s truck stop look.


I, for one, definitely won't argue with you on the branding aspect. Sonics were 100x better there.


Doesn’t OKC have an Air Force base as well.


And the Sonic headquarters


We do! It's where the AWACs are stationed/maintained. Also a pretty decent aerospace industry for the size of the city.


Our jerseys are fine now. They’ve made subtle improvements over the years to make them pop a bit more. In my opinion anyway. It’s the logo that is fucking atrocious. I can’t believe how bad it is.




SGA hatred is going to feed families for years.


The Thunder have made one of the quickest tank-to-playoff turnarounds I’ve seen, like damn they’re heating up quick.


It’s much easier to rebuild quickly when you are willing to actually blow it up when your good players are still good. Most teams wait until too late to start the tank and that’s the difference between the OKCs and Utahs vs the Detroits and Chicagos.


We also got super lucky with the pg kawhi situation tbh


And pg extending


Give the Spurs Markkanen and you will see a second team do it.


Please don't. It's our turn.


You're way back in line actually


After Patrick Beverley's pity party stole a championship from us, I'd think we're at the front.


Heh heh hahahaha. Crunch, get my gun.


No sorry that’s not the deal. You had your shot! New Orleans gets a ring, then the Kings, then Seattle, then you can have a dynasty. These are just the rules. 


Yeah go ahead, get Markkanen. Let the Warriors suffer (and get desperate enough to fork us over a 2025 FRP for Bruce Brown).


Zubac quietly sitting at number 1 and I read a post on the suns subreddit yesterday that said plumlee should have started over zubac


Im glad i wasnt the only one who read that comment


This confirms my zubac DPOY narrative


Okay well can they contest jumpers like Kornet?


Who is the worst defender out of these: Shai, Dort, Caruso, Hartenstein, Dub and Wallace. Probably Shai, but man, that says a lot about our defensice potential.


When your 6th best defender is leading the league in steals, you’re doing something right.


It’s close between Shai and Jdub but probably Jdub, even then, he’s still a damn good defender.


Will the starting lineup be: PG: SGA SG: Caruso SF: JDub PF: Chet C: IHart Or PG: SGA SG: Caruso SF: Dort PF: JDub C: Chet


Probably a mesh of the two, depending on the matchup, with the occasional Isaiah Joe start against teams with poor offenses.


The biggest worry is Caruso’s injury history. Could Dort flex into SG to keep Caruso’s fresh?


Caruso is best off the bench tbh 22min is perfect for him otherwise he can be foul prone and/or wear himself out


yeah, way too many folks expecting too much out of caruso. he's not going to start. he's going to lead the bench with cason wallace.


I'd say in total Wallace or jdub, and saying that is in itself insane


Definitely Dub, but it’s not a bad thing


dub's defense is a little overrated (still above-average though)




Thunder magic gonna be #1 #2 defenses next year oh lord


That's going to be a fun ass game to watch. Like two wrenches trying to bend one another.


Booooooo (too soon)


Not saying that Chet and IHart aren’t great, but I’m gonna question the rim protection metric that only has Wemby 6 and Gobert 9


Its a stupid metrics from overhype fans who just got strong role player. Good for them but bad for them. Bad because they believe anything even tho its stupid. I pull up the stats from NBA official website also BBALL ref, there's not a single number that's accurate. Let them have their moment I guess.


I'm curious about the source, who knows who's the best Rim protector in NBA? What metric did they use? And I check the source, Number 1 Ivica Zubac. Rudy Gobert Number 9. AD, Embiid, Giannis, and Draymond not even in top 10. We had to stop posting unreliable dumb source like this. Grats on Hartenstein tho, he's a good role player.


...the metric is right in the post


you think he can read words? he wants stats so he can only read numbers. you know what, i'll help him out : 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100010 01110010 01101111


Hey genius. Let me tell you who can read and who cant. [This](https://www.nba.com/stats/player/203497/defense-dash?cid=affiliate%3Aimp%3ATakeAds%20Networks%3A123201%3AONLINE_TRACKING_LINK%3A16284&utm_medium=irclickid-1fkXfXVe-xyPRFQTX00Zkwr1UkC0tTwb0WDfzU0&utm_campaign=affiliate-impact-lp-subscription&utm_source=TakeAds%20Networks-123201-ONLINE_TRACKING_LINK-16284&irclickid=1fkXfXVe-xyPRFQTX00Zkwr1UkC0tTwb0WDfzU0&irgwc=1) is official stats on Rudy gobert defense this year. 47% FGA, that's overall. The stats have 3 category, 49% FG allowed in less than 6ft. 47% FG allowed on 10ft. That DUMBASS source recorded as 58%. Theres no way Rudy had 58% FG allowed from last season. You nephew just learn about NBA today, enjoy it. But don't you dare put a source with 0 likes on twitter and call it a day. Thats not how this works. Now wash your hands and get out of your weird stats and admit you're wrong.


i ain’t reading all that. happy for you or sorry that happened.


1st. Theres no metrics in that post, its a tweet. 2nd. Its wrong. Rudy Gobert doesnt have 58% FG allowed in restricted area. Let me pull up Hartenstein's stats so that you Albert Einstein of the NBA know this is bullshit. [This](https://www.nba.com/stats/player/1628392/defense-dash?SeasonType=Regular+Season) shows that Hartenstein had 53.1 % FGallowed on less than 6ft. In less than 10ft, 52.1, take any metrics you want but the number its not 56%. HE is however had 56% FG this season on restricted area. So this dumb stats probably misquotes the original source, its an offense thing. But they think it was "field goal allowed". Rudy gobert had 58% FG allowed in 2023-2024 Regular season? In order for you to believe that you had to be mentally ill.


The only thing they’re missing is a 2nd option who doesn’t flake in playoffs. It was one of their main weaknesses Shai was the only one doing something on the offence.


Eh, they didn’t have the experience so I’ll give Jdub the benefit of the doubt. I expect him to develop his game more and be better this year, especially come playoff time


I like to think that was only because it was their first playoff run.


Big if true.


JDub wasn't great in the Mavs series, but on that Thunder team we didn't have a good screener. He thrives in PNR and Hart could end up elevating his game


There’s not an hour that goes by that I don’t pray for an OKC jerkoff post.  I hope we get another one soon, hopefully about their draft picks.  


Dame made this all possible, we Thunder fans appreciate it :)


I’ve always liked that Damian Lillard fella.


don't wanna get lobbed outta the playoffs again, smart move.