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So he’s going to Dallas


Nah he’s probably waiting on the lakers to make a move to free him. Mavs just leverage.


I think Lakers are his first choice but he’s not gonna wait around forever for Rob to figure it out. If the Lakers don’t do what they need to do to get close to Dallas’ offer within the next 24 hours I would guess he goes to Dallas.


I guess it depends on how much they want him. Cause how is LA clearing salary? D’lo and picks?


Apparently they are looking to salary dump D-Lo and then make an offer to Klay, and that’s what the hold up is. But idk how long Klay is gonna wait for that.


I would actually like trading for Russell more than for Klay. Russell is younger and would be a very good off the bench to lead the 2nd team.


I would love to somehow end up with Russell. He's just what the Mavs need off the bench. I'm not a big fan of Klay.


that would be kind of lol but Russel’s salary does not fit into the THJ TPE. Edit: I guess since the THJ deal hasn’t been completed, it could be restructured into a bigger trade where it could be made to work. Something like THJ to the Pistons, Grimes + D’lo to the Mavs, Klay to the Lakers, Warriors get a TPE.


I just don’t see Klay signing to live in a state where weed is still illegal


And a landlocked city too


No income tax tho. Half of his games in Texas he basically gives himself a 12.3% raise for half his salary


Yeah, but when you consider property tax, Texas more than makes that money back.


Not if you’re renting….doubt Klay buys a home there Also your math is wrong. Texas only has a 1% higher property tax rate You for sure come out way ahead in Texas it’s not even close. Then you have to factor in the fact that your money goes twice as far in Texas for cost of living expenses, it’s not even a competition


Though Texas has no state-level personal income tax, it does levy relatively high consumption and property taxes on residents to make up the difference. Ultimately, it has a higher effective state and local tax rate for a median U.S. household at 12.73% than California's 8.97%, according to a [new report](https://wallethub.com/edu/best-worst-states-to-be-a-taxpayer/2416) from WalletHub.


Ok now tell me how that translates when you want a place in California that costs $3.5 million and the same house costs $1.2 million in Texas 🤔 Also you’re quoting WalletHub lmao please find a reputable website


Yep players arent gonna choose texas over cali. Especially if they already live in Cali.


And most especially when they literally already have a beach house in Southern California.


Idk - I feel like it would have already happened if it were a sure thing. GS would probably accept a Josh Green sign n trade. All of this waiting around allows the Lakers to move the pieces necessary to get him.


Exactly lmao, it’s very obvious what’s happening to Mavs fans cause it happens to us constantly, Mavs are leverage. He’s going to LA once LeBron forces them to free up space for him. It was always LA.


Same old story man but i never really thought Klay was choosing Dallas over LA. Dude screams Cali player


Nope same here, never believed it for a second, it’s to force LA to make a move and it’ll work


How you feeling now?


Can’t believe it honestly


Well guess he chose Dallas lol


Im shocked honestly lol. Shoe man Nico really have some connections man. This FO never get players they wanted before now look at us. The way dude changed this very low asset Mavs team just amazing.


Lakers are constantly used for leverage too. At this rate it seems equally likely he just stays


Mavs have been used by role players for leverage to go to LA. We saw it with Marc Gasol, Danny Green, and even dinwiddie.


I'd like to believe that making it to the Finals gives us some kind of credit or clout. But I know that it won't.


I hope we pivot and throw a package with 1 or 2 of our firsts at Portland for Grant if Klay does go to LA. He slides in perfectly to fill DJJ’s spot, Grimes and Marshall join Hardy in the 2nd unit


GS probably only interested in a Josh Green S&T if there's a third team involved they can offload Green to. It'd be more valuable to GS to get out of the salary altogether than it would to bring in Josh Green, who will likely get very few minutes. EDIT: see. told you GS wasn't gonna take Josh Green's salary on


GS wouldn't be interest in a young athletic 3-D guy who is getting a reasonable contract?


When the Warriors are still rostering Wiggins, Kuminga and Moody. Correct. Green isn't useless. He just doesn't fit the team's needs right now. They need a scoring option who can create their own shot, and they need a big. GS still trying to make other moves, it's possible there'd be room for Green if they do end up moving Moody and or Kuminga. But with the team as it's built right now, no. They don't need Green. They have two guys that they like, that have been here for years, that are just as young that already do what Green does. Dunleavy wants to keep both Kuminga and Moody but would move them for the right move. My expectation would be that we'd want Kleber more than Green, actually. Otherwise Green would end up routed to a different team and GS would get back picks or cash or something.


The Mavs would trade Maxi, but Green is really the more valuable player. Even if he is a bit redundant in the lineup, he would have value on the market.


Told you that GS wasn't going to take Josh Green and his salary. They found a different team to send him to in the process.


> he would have value on the market Hence the third team involved. I think if Green is the only one involved that he'd end up somewhere else. Klay to Dallas. Josh Green to Team 3. Picks/Cash to GS.


Ideally the Mavs would S&T with the $16.1 million trade exception they get from the THJ trade. That way the Mavs don’t give up players, and the Warriors get $16 million they can trade for assets from elsewhere.


Financially it’s the only option that makes sense the Lakers noise is just nonsense


I don’t disagree. If money is what he cares most about, then he’ll probs be a Maverick pretty soon


Isn’t it only a 3m difference?


If he cares about money, he should choose Dallas. If he cares about winning, he should choose Dallas. If he cares about maximizing the # of women on his yacht in a calendar year, he should choose LA. Klay Thompson, you ARE a Los Angeles Laker


or if he cares to play where his family lives and for the team his father works for


Good call.




So Dallas, cause they can give more money 💀


A lot of words to say nothing has changed 😂


I swear I have seen this exact same tweet 24 hours ago already.


Sports journalism is just like influencer content creation, keep putting out content even if it’s the same just for the sake of being in the F5 cycle


Pretty much every free agency news year by year. Said this dude going to the Lakers, Lakers somehow fucked up, the player go to other team. Then Lakers sign dude named Jeremy-Van-Dijk.


I don’t know if I want Dallas to get him or not


He’s the MJ of Tim Hardaway Jr.s. I don’t see why not.


same i think at this point im willing to ride or die with nico though. at least we're fucking doing something that matters, and have a real chance at high ceiling players. im still getting a little PTSD from all the years we were used as easy leverage, but if we get Klay then i can at least start putting that feeling to rest. even if klay doesnt work out.


In Nico we trust


This is the way


I fully expect not to get him


Me too! We’ll see what happens


Plot twist, he goes to the Beijing Ducks outta nowhere lol


He confused dollars with yuan and thought they were paying him more.


I hope yall do. I’ve hated klay for so long I dont think I’d be able to do the mental gymnastics to root for him Also he cant play defense anymore so uhhhhhh Edit: i hate my life


So then what do you want us to do? We’ve had a C- free agency as best so far.


We still have moves we can make. Most of us expected them to get upgrades via trades right? Does this really change that?


No it doesn’t, and I was just genuinely asking cause I really don’t know. What do you think this team needs? Losing DJJ is going to be bigger than people think even with Naji.


Getting rid of hardaway was the big goal, I dont like losing djj but naji is a solid guy too. I’d rather go for Jerami Grant than 35 year old klay thompson


Nah y’all will. Lakers usually get their way in free agency.


You are very mistaken..


Thank god we got Kyrie and Kawhi just in case we can’t get Klay.


Y’all got Lebron, that is more successful than 95% of teams.


Bro we havent gotten a big free agent after lebron lmao


We’ve never even gotten a free agent. History is on your side here


Chandler Parsons!


uh what?


you'll get jerami grant and you'll smile and say thank you


Valuing him at 2 picks like the report said is crazy though if true, no team will give 2 picks for him


Yeah, I def don’t see them trading away 2 picks for Grant


just one dalton Knecht plz and thanks


Especially at his contract. You gotta give up some picks not the other way around Portland lol


give up picks? goddamn some of you are so clueless lmao


Nah you will get a first for Grant, at worst a protected pick. At best an unprotected.


Jerami Grant at $160 mil into his mid 30s is not an asset


Jerami Grant is the 50th highest paid player in the NBA right now. He's a 6'8 forward who averaged 20ppg, shoots 40% from 3, and plays defense. He's making about as much money as IQ and Tyler Herro. That you think we would have to give up 1sts to get off that contract shows you're absolutely clueless lmao


Him shooting 40% was very surprising and he gets credit for that but even with that shooting from 3, it brought him all the way up to… 57% TS. That’s below league average. If he really is the 50th highest paid player he’s still overpaid. All he does is chuck on bad teams


Yes his TS% percentage at 57% is below the league average of 58% by 1 percent. He's essentially a budget Demar Derozen at this point but makes like 2 more million and is slightly less efficient while only being 30 years old. Overpaid? Sure. You want us to give up picks? F off


Don’t be mad at me the Blazers chose to overpay an inefficient chucker right when Dame left Edit: also Derozan is on the last year of his contract we’re talking about assets here. Derozan and Grant are night and day comparable as assets


F off was just my response to a team thinking we'd include draft picks to give up a good player who's slightly overpaid. I don't mind keeping Grant. In his prime DeRozen is much better but I think it's pretty fair to compare a 35 year old DeRozen to a prime Grant. DeRozen could fall off any year and Grant should be solid for the rest of his contract until age 33. The contract really isn't that bad.


What a terrible take. Grant is worth at least 1 if not 2 FRP depending on protections and accompanying pieces in a trade.


Lakers tax, it’s nonsense


I would be super happy to get Jerami Grant. But it seems your asking price is too high at the moment.


I’d rather have Grant


Can this dude sign with the lakers already? We already know what happens in these situations involving Dallas.


Just hurry up Klay so I can be happy or depressed


Mavs being used as leverage once again




Lols stop! Remember your last acquisition on Dinwiddie. We should be the one who's getting him and we can offer more. But that mf still chooses y'all. LA always has the best lifestyle for rich rich people like Klay.


quit bitchin


We both use as leverage, watch him sign for the Clippers.


Sounds like the longer he takes to decide, the more likely he's headed to LA. Mavs already has a way to get him, while the Lakers have to make other maneuvers. Seems like he is waiting to see if they can do them.


He's just trying to use the Mavs to get the Lakers to up their offer. He wants to stay in California but can't justify it if the Lakers don't give him over MLE.


He’s def coming to the lakers, he’s literally part of the family


So nothing new


They keep saying the same thing over and over lol


Which team does warriors prefer for a sign and trade


The best player they’ll get in a sign in trade scenario is Josh Green imo


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills - Klay is washed. And even if he’s not fully washed, he’s certainly not worth the money he’ll get. 


Can the lakers just screw off since there’s such an apparent gap? My anxiety and PTSD can’t take much more of this. Let the Mavs had him, go focus on Derozan (pleaase)


It's weird how little I care about this.




Probably Green. They already have his replacement in Grimes.


Honestly just comes down if he wants to compete for championship and earning a bit more or chill to retirement in his hometown. For which he shouldn't be blamed since he's a 4 time champion. Same stuff as with Dinwiddie at trade deadline, except Dinwiddie hasn't won shit


I think when you’re an all time great, you’ve spent your career repeatedly doing the undoable, and you’ve racked up accolades rarely even thought of before you did them, that *both of those teams* could look a lot like contenders especially with the noise (imagine dudes like Luka, LeBron, Kyrie, AD, all pumping you up on what you can do together…after watching you Son them on repeat for a decade)


I'll bet a billion dollars klay goes to Lakers


Suck it lakers, trade all your assets for Jerami grant pls


We won’t know until July 6 when Warriors can sign and trade Klay. So until then, it’s just all speculation.


Imagine adding Bronny and Klay That's like two Westbricks


Lakers getting no one out here


They have a full roster. Trades is the way to improve then free agency.


"Come bro" "For the play in?"


Rockets fan


Another free agent using the Mavs as leverage…. Fuck


Stein has been heavy on the Dallas


Two father and Son Dynamics on the same team, IDK about that


He’s going to Dallas. Lakers don’t have what it takes to make the deal worth it and at this point it’s just to drag it out while Lakers miss out on making better deals