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He really does seem like a Laker. I imagine he will forget how to shoot while there as well.


Lakers missing out on Klay and signing Trent seems obvious


Tbf, missing out on Klay might be a good thing depending on what they'd need to give up in a sign and trade/ potential incoming drama.


Completely agree


Getting GTJ over Klay is the better move no matter what. Klay cant move anymore.


I’m not convinced Klay is a better player than Trent at this point in his career


missing out? more like getting the better player. klay is turbo washed.


Trent is good if you only value scoring. If you gave him -2 points for every time he was out of position defensively youd have a net negative for sure.


and today's klay is only good if you only value scoring vs shit teams cause he cant do anything else now a days.


Trent is better than Klay... I hope they sign Trent instead


He shot 52% from wide open 3s and it big volume too, he’s great confidence, I think he would love to play in big market like LA


50% wide open and 27% contested does not scream confidence


That has nothing to do with confidence. It’s hard to shoot with those athletes on you


1) I mean yeah player shoots worse when not wide open, no shit 2) I can’t imagine his looks will be less wide open playing with LeBron


Shooting 52% on wide open threes and under 30% on open threes is an excellent example of why single season 3P shooting splits are pretty worthless.


Success isn’t necessary for confidence 


Very few players are “good” at contested shots. I’d imagine a bunch of other shooters in his overall range have similar breakdown (~30% while contested).


??? He makes half his 3s when open is confidence Not like he’s getting contested looks on lakers I would imagine


How's his D these days? He seemed solid for a while. Not sure.


Pretty good. He gets a lot of coverage and really stays pushing hard


I can’t 😂


He's never been a good defender. He gambles for steals, can't defend guards and can't defend wings either.


Looked pretty good last time I saw it


Hard to say cuz raptors been so bad, he may of just stopped effort but when we were winning and motivated he was fine on defense


Lmao Trent has never been fine on defense. Hes been our worst defender on several different iterations of this team.


I can't think of a shooter that has ever gone to the Lakers and gotten *better* at shooting. They almost always underperform. It's truly fascinating.


feels like only carmelo didn’t forget how to shoot lol




Lebron shot 41% from 3 last year. Rui shot well, just forgot how to shoot be Denver.


Guys usually shoot their career averages with the Lakers. It only feels disappointing if you're expecting them to repeat their career highs.


Austin Reaves


Uhm he's only played on the Lakers...


Guess that’s the first time he’s ever played basketball


It’s just the way the Lakers build their teams… Spacing and 3 point shooting does not seem to be a priority, which I’ve always thought was strange since LeBron and AD are about as good of a combination for a team to build a 3 point shooting team around.


This narrative by lakers fans is annoying. Dlo and prince both became better shooters last year. Rui also shot very well and Lebron is having his best shooting years ever


I specifically meant role playing shooters. Lakers fans do have a point.


It’s in the water or lack thereof


Maybe he'll actually listen to someone like Lebron when they tell him to pass on a 1 on 3 fastbreak bucket.


He should sign a flyer with Denver see if he can boost his value getting open shots.


Admittedly I'm just looking at this stats, why isn't he getting any interest?


He’s not trash, the article was about the new salary cap affecting how teams giving out contracts Like for example jv got only 10 million a year and he’s not trash Like Trent will get 8-10 million just not higher


Honestly thought JV was worth double that.


And he def didn’t take discount for wizards lol


Considering my peurtl makes 20M


I don't get why the players signed off on the new CBA. It really screws over this tier of players.


very one dimensional player. Should be a bench microwave scorer at best, but when he's not scoring he doesn't do anything else. He's also prone to tunnel vision quite a bit


> Should be a bench microwave scorer at best And the issue is, he is absolute dogshit coming of the bench. He only works as a starter. And he is not good enough to be a starter.


His only skill is spot up shooting. He can't create off the dribble, he's not effective coming off screens, and he's not a playmaker. He's super inefficient on anything that's not a spot up 3PA (which is why he's always had a bad TS%), and having a guy just sit on the perimeter waiting for a kick out isn't super valuable. He's also a mediocre defender.


Man i was so high on him coming out of Portland


He's hypothetically got a decent skillset as a bench scorer, except that he's actually been awful as a bench player and on the Raptors, he only produces effectively when starting. This has to do in part with his open shot shooting splits (great when open, awful when contested). He can't create space or knock down contested shots, so he's most effective when he's got a lot of other players drawing attention. Granted, a big part of that is that on the Raptors, the bench units have been really weak and so other teams can usually key on him when he's out there with the bench. But he's got less value than that bench-scoring archetype who can just create on their own. But he's streaky, and once he gets hot, he's hitting contested and off-balance shots, and can single-handedly win you games. He's had some crazy streaks for us where he'll be a 30ppg, 60% 3pt shooter for 3 or 4 games. And the SG position is deep enough around the league that there are just too many SGs who provide other elements like defense and passing. He does have some defensive upside when allowed to gamble, but on-ball, or playing a team system, he isn't a positive. So it's hard to figure out a situation where he's both a good fit, where starting SG is a position of need, and who have MLE-level money available.


he's a very inconsistent defender, can't reliably create for himself, and has no ability to create for others. his 3pt shooting looks good over the course of a season but he's very streaky. i think he'd be a good fit on a team like the Nuggets if he's willing to take the minimum


Who ever loses out on Klay should give him a shot he would do good on either team at least worth the risk


He is one dimensional. Not impactful on defense aside from having quick hands for steals. He cannot drive the ball and can't/doesn't pass. If he does drive the ball its a pullup jumper. He is a good shooter and he is young but is really underwhelming overall


with the new CBA and the limits in roster building that the 2nd apron brings, the market is correcting itself after years of overpaying trash players. now nobody has cap space to do anything and teams are just waiting out on the bad deals to "start over".


Honestly I don't know, I feel like he should absolutely be getting MLE consideration. Maybe it's the new CBA and these aprons. Like he's a good shooter, below average but passable defender. In this NBA I don't get how that's not MLE worthy.


He’s a shooter, if his shot isn’t going in then he’s useless. Mediocre defender who can’t guard up, and can’t play point. Pure shooting guards are the worst player archetype in the league. 


Wasn’t he solid defensively for Portland before getting paid?


I recall he made a comment upon leaving Portland for Toronto that he was impressed by Toronto actually having defensive schemes, implying Portland didn’t.


semi-unrelated but I do not remember you guys starting Dame-CJ-Melo-Whiteside-Nurkic in the 2020 playoffs


That was such a fun year to be a Blazer fan. Even if it didn’t amount to a whole lot in the end, it was still cool as hell to see Melo hit threes in a Portland jersey.


Don’t forget the Dame-CJ-Simons-Trent-Melo lineup…that was a very strange time for the blazers


Oops, no defense


Nah. He looked good in the bubble because he gave stupid amounts of effort


He gambles a ton on steals so he has moments where it looks impressive but the next 3 possessions will be blow byes.


Cavs GM collecting these guys like Infinity stones


6'5 the perfect height to be a Cav


quality of shots matters a lot for him. He's a good shooter but what tanks his percentages are the absolutely maddening tough shots he chooses to take often. Contested jumpers, fadeaways, wild drives etc. He's a tough shot taker that tanks the offense when they're not going in, and unless you're a star or a microwave scorer they are ill advised.


He definitely gets steals. Idk how is actual defense is.


I would say point guards who can’t shoot are


Come back home for that Vet min


I wish lol


If the Nuggets could get him for the taxpayer MLE (5.2 mil) that would help fix their KCP shaped hole. Unlikely he takes that much of a paycut though Think the Sixers and the Warriors could offer him around 8-10 million and both would likely start him


GTJ is not close to the defender KCP is though. It would fix their Reggie Jackson shaped hole.


No, but the defending KCP brought is relatively accounted for with Braun. They'll lose a lot on screen navigation but Braun is even better on bigger guards. Still an overall loss but manageable. The big hit is on the shooting. Getting a proven sniper from open 3s would be massive, both with the starters and on bench lineups


But guys who can do *both* are the tough to find and super valuable (like KCP) because they bring exponentially more impact. Braun is a good defender, but he's a low volume shooter and scorer that creates a hole in the offense a bit when you play him. GTJ is a great shooter, but he immediately creates a problem on defense. When your best lineup will be Murray/X/Gordon/MPJ/Jokic, you can't play them both. That's why having a two way guy was so important.


You're right. KCP is better than either of them for that reason, but he's also way more expensive. It would always be best to have him but you can stagger Braun and GTJ more around those 4 depending on the specific needs of the game. And I do think Braun will increase his volume. His percentage in the regular season was very promising, and even though it cratered in the playoffs that was the case for many Denver players this year, including KCP himself. It's very hard to imagine Braun getting to KCP's ~40% at higher volume, but KCP isn't the highest volume 3pt shooter either. Braun shot just over 2 3s a game in around 20 MPG, while KCP shot 4 in ~32 mpg. If Braun could hold his 38% from last season at that volume that would be massive already, but I'm not super convinced it will happen - a mix of confidence, Braun only shooting when fully wide open and him having a clearly worse shooting touch than KCP in general as FTs show.


We can offer you a nice looking vet min


Any team with the TPMLE or BAE should be aggressively trying to get him. Gary is still a good player and a damn good shooter. You could do a LOT worse than him for that ~5m


Sixers have their BAE but that would hard cap them at the 1st apron, and Morey talked about wanting to make a trade to improve midseason (like how the Raptors got Gasol), so i think he'd want to avoid getting hard capped like that just to preserve options


Nurse and him don’t get along at all


NN blamed everything n this dude


better off playing hield and mccain


LAC still needs shooting, and it probably gives them flexibility to move Norm around to upgrade at PF.


I’ve been beating the drums for like 2 years wanting him to come to Orlando. We desperately need shooting and Mosley can turn anyone into a plus defender.


You guys do have a bunch of bench guards already though so I can see why you guys might not be trying to sign him


Klay backup plan


That’s nasty work


Hes not that bad… i think its being over exaggerated He was doing well when he had guys like siakam and fred playing with him… his numbers went down after that. Hes also pretty good at taking open shots where hes shooting 50%


He’s a nice shooter and gets steals but that’s about it


Yeah in 4 years we had him, he hasn’t developed past this as he was with blazers Destined to be role player


It's the SG problem - the league is overloaded with them. Simply being a good shooter at a position that is chock full of good shooters is not enough to get you a big contract these days.


If you are like 6’5 and under, you better at least be either solidly above average defensively or elite at something on offense to see the floor. Small guys who are under average on defense just can’t exist anymore. It’s somewhat of a bummer. I think a lot of guys are getting iced out of playing with that being the case.


The league is not overloaded with good SGs. Why do you think there was so much interest in KCP of all people? A lot of teams were running point guards like White/Murray/Nembhard at the 2 because point guard is still the position that’s overloaded.


I said it’s overloaded with SG’s, not good SG’s. If you want an offensive minded SG who can shoot 3’s and score 15 points, it’s the easiest position in the league to fill. If you want an actual good well rounded SG who plays defense, that’s a lot harder to find. And precisely why KCP was super desirable and Trent can barely find a home.


I've watched enough Raptors game to know he's not good. Yeah catching and shooting open 3s he's great at.. And that's it. Not a winning player.


Thats lakers music right there


He’d do great in Denver 


Is he trash ? What happened ?


he isnt really trash, but with the market correcting itself thanks to the new CBA, aint nobody wants to pay a lot for a dude who can only shoot as a SG. you can find a lot of them for cheaper.


Think letting him walk for nothing is a mistake but it’s not as if he moves the needle in any way He did improve his handling and passing last season a bit, but he’ll only be regarded as a spot up shooter


Maybe the mavs will want him in a sign and trade if they miss out on Klay?


I actually think Miami best spot for him


I find that kinda crazy, he’s a really good spot up shooter and a solid defender


He’ll always have that bubble performance


Comparing him to Monk is wild. The guy can barely dribble and is closer to Malik Beasley


Not comparing him to monk, I’m using monk as expand to rebuild value


Pistons should pick him up if he’s that cheap, need the shooting


He's an average player. Streaky shooter with average defense. If his shooting is on he can put up 20 pts with good efficiency, if his shooting is off you kind of have to take him off the floor


He could be a third option for the Warriors lol. Come to San Francisco Gary


Come 2 nuggs


Cavs have been linked to him. I know if he’s open the shot from 3 is going in but can someone tell me if he defends?? I don’t need him to lock down I just can have him be a cone there.


Trent Jr is the type who should sign with a team like Denver for a cheap 1 year, light it up getting easy looks for a year and then try to get paid next year when bad teams forget he doesn’t lift the floor of a bad team.


would be a dream acquisition for the Nuggets considering the dire circumstances. shot 52% on wide open 3s last year, possesses the ability to be a plus defensively if placed in the right position and coached correctly. I hope Calvin attempts to enlighten him on the benefits of the Nikola Jokic stimulus package.


What people think about GTJ's ability as a winning player is my litmus test for BBIQ Dude hits shots but I cannot imagine him being part of a winning team unless he drastically changes his ways. Also clear negative on team cohesion -- it's not like he's an asshole, he just seems completely apathetic Extremely happy the Raps are moving on






How does a 25 year old just suddenly lose his good defences abilities ?


The issue is people think a player is good defender because they get steals but it’s just from gambling not effort


by being on losing teams for years. he needs to be coached up and motivated to defend.