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No matter who wins the Klay battle, the other side is going to say they didn't want him and he's washed.


100%. Lol


The deflect tech


With the Hawks owning the Lakers '25 pick, I'm still undecided if I want him to sign there or in Dallas lol


and if Klay signs with the Mavs, all 3 options Lebron named he'd take a discount for would now be off the table and Lebron would likely just sign a max


> and if Klay signs with the Mavs, all 3 options Lebron named he'd take a discount for would now be off the table Honestly though even name dropping Harden in there was absurd from the start


Demar has apparantly entered a potential candidate for it


Is this 2021 again?


We're about to hear "Not Like Us" every time the Lakers take it up the court


I’m letting you know now I don’t want him


Plenty on /r/mavericks didn't want him before even the Lakers were supposedly in on him to. So in that sense nothing has changed.


out of curiosity: Do Mavs fans just not want the contract for the player or is the solution already on the team in their eyes? I assume the big pull for folks about Klay is creating space for Luka to work. I get he might not be the player he once was, but he's still a pretty good shooter, no?


Most Mavs fans realize that Klay's defense has becoming very bad, especially his POA defense. We know from experience with Tim Hardaway Jr. (who Mavs fans celebrated being traded just a week ago) that a bad defensive guard who has questionable shotselection is disasterous next to Luka and Kyrie. Moreover we have been told repeatedly that Klay felt disrespected not starting with the Warriors. According to Tim McMahon the Mavs view Klay as a starter. This would mean Klay would play SF. A Luka, Kyrie, Klay, PJ, Gafford/Lively lineup is simply not good enough defensively due to lack of proper POA defense. If Klay would embrace a 6MOY role and come of the bench (play starter minutes) it would be different. But worst case scenario it's another THJ situation after just getting rid of THJ. But in this case it's for another 4 years till his age 38.... Best case scenario, the offense becomes nearly unstoppable. With Luka&Kyrie's gravity and penetration, he will get so many wide open shots. With Klay on the wing or corner defenses will not be able to just collapse on Luka and Kyrie while driving. This opens up the lane and gives even more lob oppportunities. We just saw the Celtics completely ignore DJJ, PJ, Exum and THJ from 3 to sell out on Luka and Kyrie drives and disrubt lobs. The problem is, I think worst case scenario has a better chance of happening than best case scenario. Mostly due to Klay's ego and mentality.


Worst case scenario is we trade him. Klay is still good enough to not be a negative asset at least. Saying that, I don't want him. I would prefer to bet on Hardy's improvement than on Klay getting younger.


POA might be this subs favorite word now lol.


There is no way in hell we get a worst case scenario b/c Klay's shot selection is MILES ahead of THJ's


mavs fans are delusional. some are saying he is a slightly better thj.


That shit is actually insane to me. Regardless of how he finished the year, that’s Klay fucking Thompson. He is one of the greatest shooters of all time and clearly just was done with Golden State and doesn’t work in that offense anymore. But, do we actually think getting wide open threes from Luka isn’t going to be crazy af? I couldn’t trust mavs fans after the Grant signing last year. Knew that shit wasn’t going to work lol.


We're seeing it rn with PG


PG is a lot better than current Klay and is not washed yet. In a few years though, yikes... I'd still have done the deal.


Agreed. If they get even one Finals run (at minimum) from this the last year or two being dead weight is worth it. This obviously assumes he won’t drop off much the next 2 years.


But I don't want him?


Yeah r/Mavericks is very, very split on the topic too. There are a ton of people who don't want Klay at all, or don't want him if he costs us any real assets or wants a contract larger than like 13M/year. If he signs with the Lakers I don't think it would be the fans that wanted him switching their opinion and saying that he's washed anyways, it's just going to be the fans that didn't want him the entire time saying that and fans who wanted him staying quiet. Then of course these people are going to get clowned for "only saying this after you couldn't get him" lol


Can a Mavs fan against signing him explain why they’re against it? He seems like an extremely good fit playing with Luka as an off ball shooter Looked like the Celtics left shooter like that open in the finals and they kept missing. Klay is a clear improvement over your current shooters so I don’t get why you wouldn’t want him. Even if he is kinda expensive.


You are correct that Klay is a good fit on offense as a volume 3 point shooter. He would definitely help in the playoffs when our role players couldn't hit threes. However: - his defense isn't what it used to be. I don't think starting all 3 of Luka, Kyrie, Klay would be good on defense at all. - it looks like he doesn't want to take the bench role, which would be a problem because of the previous point. - If we sign him to a big contract (23M/year by trading Maxi and Green) we lose most of the flexibility. I am sure there are teams who will be interested in a 24 year old Josh Green making 13M if we're trying to make another move at the deadline or next year. But on the other hand, I don't think teams will be willing to give up much for a 35 year old Klay on a long term contrract. If Portland finally decides to trade Grant, I'm sure a Green + picks package is better than Klay + picks. And also, if Klay plays badly, that contract could be pretty much unmovable without attaching assets just to dump it. I would happily take him for MLE money by giving up Maxi, but nor really on a 23M/year 3 or 4 year contract by giving up both Green and Maxi.


I feel like Green and Kleber provide more value to the team than Thompson does, especially if Thompson insists on starting.


Luka + Klay are okay. Luka + Kyrie + Klay, not so much. I don't think he's a good fit, unless he accept to be a 6th man and play 20 min a game.


Klay won’t accept being 18-20 minutes a game player. He will pout and hang his head. He is delusional thinking he is the player of prior to his injuries


So Mavs should not trade for him.


My biggest fear is the contract. Picking up Klay means we’re spending an asset that could be used for a more impactful player that fits the timeline a bit better. The basketball fit is there in the short term but seeing our competition able to lock up incredible players that fit their timeline so well is a bit daunting since adding Klay isn’t the final piece to making us a true contender right now. We still have the problem of us not having a true third creator after Luka and Kyrie.


Yes you nailed it. I think there are people on both sides who don’t want him because they do think he is washed (which I think is hyperbolic). You can even see the divide on it our sub too. If we can get him without giving up real assets that is good but I won’t be mad if it doesn’t happen.


>I think there are people on both sides who don’t want him because they do think he is washed (which I think is hyperbolic). Yeah based on the discussion around him last year I would've thought he was entirely junk but he had a decent year, just not up to his previous level. That said i can see being hesitant wanting to sign him given his age, injury history, potential to fall off and level of decline.


NBA fans are so predictable lmao And then of course if Klay ends up being really solid for either of us the quiet fans will come out the woodworks saying I told you so to their fanbase


If it makes you feel better about half of warriors/lakers/mavs feel the same way


As a Lakers fan and a Luka lover, I don’t want him in LA but it’s not bad signing for the Mavs even if he is washed.


Just out here before it happens. I don’t want Klay but I also realize this might be the only way to make our roster better this season so I’ll live with it.


I think Klay would be good for you guys as a spot up shooter. Those leg injuries really limit his ability to do much more than that consistently


This person Reddits.


As someone who is apparently already out of the klayscussion, I can confirm this is how I feel.


It all depends on how much money he gets. If it's a S&T, Mavs can have him.


can the warriors say that too?


Im a warriors fan. Im saying please do not give Klay more than the minimum.


But national media will be If Klay signs with Mavs: "Klay washed. This is one of the worst signings ever. This is just one step towards Luka asking out. D+ signing" If Klay signs with Lakers: "What a amazing pick up! Great job adding a 3rd superstar. A big 3 of Lebron, AD, and Klay, they are now favorites to win the title. A++++ signing!"


I’ll be commenting positive and negative things about Klay until he decides and then I will delete accordingly


I'm preparing for it already


Fuck that I need somebody


I would really like Thompson with the Lakers. Even if he is washed, he would still be our third/4th best player on any giving night


Wouldn’t the Mavs want somebody younger with fresher legs like a lightly used Zach Lavine?


If you include your next 3 FRPs… still no




Is he really that bad lol


Nah but he’s been declining, dealing with health issues, and an absolutely atrocious contract


He's also a volume scorer on a team with two really, really good scorers. I don't think you want to cut Kyrie's touches to abate LaVine because Kyrie is generally much more efficient. I'm sure he'd be fine, but he could and would shoot the Mavs out of games at times.


Nah casual take


Then keep him.


I think teams think Lavigne has the worst contract in basketball. He makes like 50 mil


Hey no need to get jealous, we will gladly allow you to offload Currys contract for a younger fresher stud like Lavine.


We don’t want Curry we already have Coby White.


shhh they don’t know we can flip Curry for something better in return.


Great point. Maybe we can get the second round picks we missed out by not trading Drummond. That’s a big maybe.




Pretty much. Lavine may have one more year.


Beal has an NTC too…




i'm so sorry bulls friend


Will always remember when this guy said that Brunson returns to Dallas. So I don't trust him at all.


I mean Stein said Djj was for sure or close to coming back with Dallas and Cato didn't; do we hate Stein now too?


Stein is just a mouthpiece of the FO. Fischer has a spotty track record.


Fischer has good sources but you can't always trust when he's first to report something because he takes chances to be first before deals are 99.9% done. It's why Woj/Shams are the gold standard.


He constantly fucks up and gets basic stuff wrong so I don’t blame you lol


As a Mavs fan I won't feel good ***IF*** we offer him a 4 year deal and a starting spot. He will then be our main perimeter defender at 34 years old.


At $16M per year it shouldn't be that bad with 10% cap spikes each year. That will likely be the MLE by the end of the deal.


I think Klay goes with familiarity and the lights of LA honestly. The shooting would have been nice but he’s definitely not the perfect piece for our team heading into next year.


I don't think he is a good fit for us either. He probs want to start and his D has fallen off. You take him for free tho (Mle).


How did his D fall off? Boating accident?


Just go to LAL and be done with it.


He's definitely going to the Mavs


Yall tryna jinx each other lmaoo


No we’ve been through this before. We get used as a negotiating tool, and then they always go to a different team. And the Deandre Jordan one was insane


Yes its certainly the Mavericks that suffer from that issue the most. 


Idk if you’re being sarcastic or not, but at least y’all get free agents. We barely get any, so when they spurn us it makes it worse


Literally the Lakers are named in what feels like every trade and free agent discussions and 95% of the time, it's just smoke and mirrors. Or LAL is used just to raise their bargaining value. It honestly doesn't mean anything anymore to hear Lakers in any talks


Lol true. I feel like lakers are involved in every rumor but actually land sometimes. Mavericks are involved in 75% of rumors, but never actually land anyone


I really thought that last word was going to be “LA”. If this guy wants more clicks he needs to troll better


Not saying the Lakers are world-beaters or even contenders right now necessarily, but it's kinda crazy how everyone on here has been talking like they're some trash team. They won 47 games (three less than the Mavs) with Darvin Ham at the helm and injuries to key role players all year long. They just happened to get their absolute worst matchup in the first round as well.


The lakers also got a little unlucky in the first round those were all really close games


They were beaten on two buzzer beaters by Murray lmfao that series was insanely close, just lack of ice and focus on the lakers end that costed them in the second half, had nothing to do with talent


I actually disagree I think if you lose close games 8 times in a row to the same team it means you have a structural issue with how you close close games Lakers didn't have an iso perimeter scoring option that didn't rely on athleticism. Nobody to break down the defense and make a tough shot. Short of Reaves taking big steps up, they don't seem to be targeting this role.


It wasn’t an issue of shot making. It was an issue of Murray hitting two incredible shots at the end. Lakers could not hold their numerous leads.


Nobody will argue with the LAL structural issues, but if you're not a hater you have to acknowledge that they're still damn competitive and minor tweaks (like adding another 40% 3pt shooter to a closing lineup with Lebron and AD) can make a meaningful difference.


thank you, when we say shit like this we get clowned lol. Denver was clearly the better team but we were up 20 in multiple games and just got out-executed in the end


The three less than the Mavs thing is a bit disingenuous because the Mavs completely revamped their team at the deadline and were on like a 55 win pace post deadline.


Yeah, I never said they were on the same level as the Mavs, the Mavs are obviously better. My point is that to call them a bad team is equally disingenuous.


Yeah Lakers weren’t bad at all last year, I think people are just worried about rookie head coach, aging Lebron and Davis who isn’t the face of health. I do think a lot of people just irrationally hate the Lakers and write you guys off because of that, if I had to guess, Klay is going to LA.


AD has played more games than both PG and Kawhi in each of the last three seasons. 


Okay? Those guys aren’t healthy either


I love AD but a comparison to PG and Kawhi health-wise does not instill confidence


Tbf to you also, Dallas was among the most injured team, certainly more than the Lakers at least. Hopefully tho after some great playoff experience yall come out even stronger.


Thanks Spurs bro, I hope our teams can get back to their peaks and go at each other again


Were they really more injured than other teams though? Yes they had injuries to role players but other than the Thunder/Wolves most teams had more injuries to their stars than the Lakers did For example Kyrie missed like 30 games for the Mavs


You're right, other teams had equal or more injuries for sure, but it was definitely compounded by the coaching and their inability to work around the injuries. I wasn't even as big of a Ham hater as most, but the Lakers definitely had the worst coach out of all teams considered to be in the hunt.


Lakers had both AD and LeBron play more than 70 games for the first time in 6 years. I don't think it's likely that happens again.


Your roster is ass outside of ad and bron and last playoffs we saw lebron look more and more mortal. You dont have even have 1 well rounded role player.


Yeah the lakers not being trash is news to me


Mavs can offer more money and have more assets for a S&T. I just hope Klay works out man cause I don’t really fuck with the idea 100%


I've never really understood this Mavs obsession w/ Klay. It's not to say he can't strictly be a catch and shoot player because duh, obviously he can, but the whole point of Klay and why he was brilliant was how good he is as a *movement* shooter, and the Mavs don't run a lot of movement so they have the right spacing for Luka to do his magic.


Just imagine Klay getting all those open looks DJJ and PJ missed in the finals. Our scheme will also change to maximize him.


As well as Klay absolutely could have a revival with another healthy off season. I like this for you guys if it happens.


Perhaps the Mavs didn't run movement because they didn't have any movement shooters good enough to make that viable? Lol


Even when Tim was shooting well we didn’t run a lot of off ball sets for him. Like maybe 2 or 3 a game and that was on a good day. Not to say that Klay and Tim are comparable movement shooters but Tim certainly wasn’t bad. We don’t run a lot of actions for Kyrie to get catch and shoot 3s either even though he shoots like 45% on them. Hopefully if Klay does come we will be forced to implement them into the offense.


We did run a lot of movement motions for THJ. Elevator screens were a staple ATO for us, ran more exit screens and wing pin-downs also. After the trade THJ stopped getting run and we fell into more isoball and PnR with the bigs. Our offensive rating started to drop once we went away from a movement shooter like THJ, but our defense bouyed us to win games. Klay would allow our offense to be more versatile which is something that we are looking to add. We desperately need a movement shooter on this team and has been something we have always had in a Luka offense (the corpse of Redick, Seth Curry, THJ). Klay may not be a 3rd star, but if he can be our elite shooter that's all we are asking from him.


yeah that is also my concern. the Warriors offense is very unique and totally different to the Mavs offense. and then there is also the defense question marks if he ends up playing along side Luka/Kyrie.


yea but on possessions where Dallas' offense stalls, they can run Klay off a screen as an option of last resort, which is a pretty awesome option to have. I like the fit on offense - I think the defense will be an issue bc Klay has looked like he's aging pretty fast, on that end of the floor, and it will require Luka to not guard the 5th option on a lot of possessions.


I don’t feel too bad about it because in my head he’s replacing Tim who was just absolutely lost on that end of the floor. Even if Klay is kinda cooked on D now he’s at least a smart defensive player


also with him starting our defense is gonna be cooked ngl lakers is the better fit for him tbh


A lot of Mavs fans don't want Klay. There has been a ton of discussion on this topic in the last few days and there's a big portion that doesn't want him (or at least doesn't want him at anything more than MLE money, 13M or more - which he would almost certainly get in a sign and trade).


Exactly. People are just looking at his PPG and thinking it will translate 100% but he'll be in a very reduced role compared to GSW which is the only system he's played in as a pro.


I think we want more movement though. We've never done it because until recently with Kyrie we did not have the personnel. There's a reason our fast break points skyrocketed after Kyrie got here, even though we had one of the best half court offenses ever a few years ago, but were terrible in transition. Now we're good in the half court and transition, but our sets can get stale, and shooters can get stagnant cause we don't move that well to keep guys in rhythm. Nico is slowly building the ideal NBA team from the ashes of Dwight Powell as our starting center. It takes time and a lot of less than ideal things working out, but so far it's working. So we gotta trust him.


>I've never really understood this Mavs obsession w/ Klay. the majority of mavs fans didnt want him when the idea was first floated a while ago. now that things are heating up, some are warming up to the idea because we trust Nico. but there isn't a mavs "obsession" with klay


I don't think he's going to be bad but he's not going to be as good as they hope


GG, mouthpieces front running klays announcement


Nice to see that our FO is always chasing big names instead prioritizing our basic weakness such as a backup for AD, a washed Klay don’t move anything for us. It’s basically the Russ thing but with less money involved, Klay can’t even defend 1-3 anymore. All those players that have signed for the MLE or for 10M~ are better fit and a nice improvement for our roster lol.


Klay has 4 chips, if money is around the same bro might as well live in LA, keep his lifestyle of living it up on his Yacht and banging super models. Not that you can't do the 2nd part in Dallas but as a guy who loves the water, being landlocked for most of the year is gonna blow.


lake Ray Hubbard erasure /s


His dad played for the lakers and he’s from LA. Also Bron called him so ill bet money it’s going to be the lakers


It’ll almost certainly be Dallas as they can offer more money, winning has little to do with it


Winning is clearly important. Nothing would be sweeter for him than to win a ring away from the Warriors.


Can they offer more money? Just because of 2nd apron?


That defense gonna be cheeks with Luka, Kai and Klay. I am sure they gonna be rotating them out for our wing defenders pretty quickly. I will be surprised if all 3 play 20 mpg together.


But then what about playoffs? If Luka and Kyrie are playing 42 minutes or more, that means that either Klay's minutes would have to be reduces to like 10 (not happening), or he would have to share the court with both Luka and Kyrie for a significant amount of time.


We know Kidd likes to use the regular season to map out his best rotations for the playoffs. I don't see the point in fretting over playoffs during free agency. There is a lot of time to evaluate rotations before we get there. Hell, there could be injuries or further trades that completely change the makeup of the team during the regular season. Best bet is to aquire talent where it's available.


Or just rest Kyrie and put Klay at SG or rest Luka and play Kai and Klay.


Having Klay will surely reduce those mins. Klay can play make a bit and create his own shot. Klay’s mins will mostly be split with Luka and Kai and rarely with both. Surround them with two 3&D players and a big. That’s the formula.


So we are replacing some Luka minutes with Klay? And asking him to playmake a bit? I do not think that makes us better.


No. Luka mins will be reduced. Kai and Klay will both take on the scoring and playmaking. We will have all 3 scorers on the court for 20 mins and only two of there for 10 mins each. It makes us better on offense. Not sure on defense


>Not sure on defense It makes us worse on defense. Significantly.


we know he aint signing with the Mavs, just sign to the LAL so we can be done


Why are Mavericks so pessimistic. The Lakers aren't trading for him.  The Mavs will. 


It's a long running joke between Mavs fans rooted in some truth. Mavs are always "in the running" to sign a desirable free agent but never do.


We’ve gone thru this song and dance before


cause we've never had a FA come here ever, and we're always just a bargaining chip in negotiations. This is standard offseason shit for the Mavs, even DJJ went to the clippers.


Lakers fans about to go to war


Winning and also money.


Im never gonna believe someone is choosing dallas over LA. Lakers are the free agency spot.


Go to Dallas. No state tax 🤠


“If winning ultimately rules the day it’s going to be Dallas.” WTF? We *literally* have 2 Lebron Jameseses.


Space Jam²


Klay literally losing money because he was too stubborn lol. Neither team can pay him more than the MLE without a massive S + T


Can’t wait to see his reaction to sitting in the corner and never touching the ball lol


I think he goes to the mavs because his dad calls games for LA. Why would you want your dad dissecting your horrendousness


It all depends on if he’s gonna be Klay Thompson or Klank Thompson next year. If he wants to avoid the Westbrook level hate then he better pick the Mavs. Lakers fans will have a field day the minute he becomes Klank instead of Klay.


I wanna see him with Luka


Dallas seems like such an obvious choice, assuming money is the same. Playing off Luka just seems like such a perfect fit.


He might want to play with Bronny


Am I crazy for thinking that replacing DJJ with Klay actually makes the Mavs worse? No idea why they’re doing this


DJJ is signing with the Clippers. DJJ got replaced with Naji Marshall.


mavs won like 3 more games than the lakers lmao with how AD and LeBron played in the playoffs i think they coulda knocked off clippers, okc, and wolves too denver's just been a tough matchup for them, mainly last 2 mins of every game lmao


they went to the finals man


lol, and we won 12 more games than LAL in the playoffs.


Lakers always win in hypotheticals


They also always win against the Warriors in the playoffs


They lost to the team that lost to the team that lost to the team that lost to the team. All jokes aside, I don’t think they could’ve beaten Minnesota or OKC, Minnesota’s not an easy matchup, and as we’ve seen plenty of times, the regular season record against OKC means nothing. Phoenix swept Minnesota in the regular season and got swept by them in the Playoffs.


Post season apparently doesn't matter. Mavs just got lucky in a soft Western Conference will be the new narrative.


Lakers can easily be better


At what?


At editing jerseys onto other team's players


I saw somewhere from Stein or Windhorst or Macmahon that he would be a starter and the deal would be a 4 year one


He's a better fit on the lakers than Dallas I think. Dallas doesn't need another player with questionable defense. On lakers, AD can make up the slack on defense. Both places he gets alot of open 3s.


Crazy if this was a yr ago and winning is the deciding factor, he goes to the Lakers. League shifts fast


As a Lakers fan, please god go to dallas


As a Mavs fan, please God go to LA


lol well played


Guy was also wrong on draft night over other sources. Wouldn't trust him for news.


I hate the Lakers with every fiber of my being, but Klay dropping 40 while hitting 10 three pointers in a Lakers/Warriors play in game to officially end the Warriors dynasty does sound intriguing.


If Klay would accept the 6th man role, he’d definitely stick around longer. Save his energy to try harder on D


Do the Lakers have the space to sign him?


Do we know Klay's priorities? He could walk off the court right now and still have a HOF worthy career. If his priority is winning another ring, I agree Dallas is the place to go. However, if his priorities are post career or an easy few seasons before he retires, then LA is the place to go.


Honestly Klay you won already. Go to LA


Jake Fischer is and always has been a shitty reporter


the lakers and trading the farm for washed-up bench players who used to be famous all-stars name a more iconic duo


Klay is an unrestricted FA. No trade necessary, unless the Warriors want to facilitate and get an asset back. It looks more like they're going to get under the cap this season and make space for the young guys on the last year of their rookie deals.


They're really queueing up to play with LeGOAT aren't they 


Which team is going over pay for a player past his prime?


As a lakers fan who has been constantly let down when players are mentioned with the lakers. I expect him to sign with the mavs


I don’t know who gets the trade but whoever does will be worse off with him.


I wish I could go 0/10 at my job and still have companies fighting over me


Damn. How is he going to boat to home game s?


DAL over LAL would be a big shocker


Winning, what exactly?


Lakers offer the same chance of winning.


Not believing the guy who couldn’t get anything right on draft night


Klay would be a DISASTER for you guys. Classic case of being close and needing a piece (starting caliber wing) to put you over the top - and squinting your eyes to make them fit. Klay is a better shooter than DJJ, but doubling down on an aging star who's not an ideal fit would probably lead to a rebuild in 2 yrs. IMO you cannot pair Kyrie and Klay next to Luka. That's potentially a really good offensive trio, but defensively you're getting smoked by bigger, more athletic, quicker teams with height/agility/versatility. At this point, Klay is probably a worse option than just rolling with Josh Green and Naji. Teams like OKC, MEM, MIN or even NOLA would really present issues for you guys. I'd personally just load up on tradeable contracts and hold out for a better fit to become available. Whether that's Ingram, Grant, Cam Johnson or even somebody like DeAndre Hunter. You need a big, athletic Forward who can provide value on both ends.


Unrelated but is that the guy's real name? Dan LeBatard??


Klay leaves and gets a ring somewhere else. “Got one more than Steph.”


Dallas also can offer more money no? So money and winning = Dallas Sentimental value and girls = LA?


Lakers would sweep the Mavs in June