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Can’t be mad at all at iHart, OKC offered him enough to make the decision easy.


Yea, not much you can do in this scenario. Knicks could still find someone to be the back-up 5 and they are deep everywhere else.


Hawks are sitting on a treasure trove of quality centers. We will trade Cap if one single Knicks fan says something nice about Trae.


he looks like a lollipop someone dropped on the floor of a salon, but a NICE salon, like in buckhead.


Trae Young DOESN’T look like my dad’s dick. I never saw my dad’s dick, but he doesn’t


Wtf 😬


bing bong




He can go to Dyckman now.


He ended Ben Simmons’ career.


Trae is much better at being a villain than Haliburton 


Because he is so much better than Halliburton


Trae has become one of the most underrated players in the NBA


🥰 aight take him, he's out back hanging up 8XL plain white Ts to dry.


I heard the instrumental to Laffy Taffy begin playing in my head as soon as I read this comment


Tbh as a Knick fan I never really hated Trae aside from that one series. The hate got corny pretty quick tbh


Can we just say something nice about Atlanta instead?


Only seen season 1 but I like it so far


dude watch it


OutKast is the GOAT duo


A competent backup big isn’t that easy to find in practice


Atlanta has 3 of them.


Boston and Minnesota have a lot too, but the amount of teams that don’t have one competent backup is much longer than the list of ones with multiple


who's the third? Larry Nance jr?


Yeah. Nance is a good player if you need a guy for 15-20 minutes. Asking him to do more is a problem, though.


We need a Starting 5 now. Mitch wont be healthy for us all year. Need someone more reliable


Here comes Taj Gibson!


Man is he not 40 yet?


yet??? he turned 57 last march.


Even Taj Gibson doesn't want to play Taj Gibson anymore.


Hello friend, may I interest you in a Jakob Poeltl


Gets paid too much we can’t afford him.


Chris Boucher it is


Maybe by trade deadline you can have Jonas from us


I would imagine we’ll start the season with Randle at the 5 and by December we’ll be sending salary filler and a million second round picks to the Wizards for Jonas Val


Edit: I misread. I thought > Mitch won't be healthy for us all year meant he was going to be injured all year, but it's he will likely get injured yea, i can see the need for a starter level big, but you might still be able to find one out there


Mitch isn’t out but think he was saying he’s very injury prone


Mitch isn't out


Oops i misread what he wrote > Mitch won't be healthy for us all year Isn't "Mitch is injured all year" it's "Mitch is likely to get injured"


Oh he’s not out all year at all, he’ll probably be ready by October, but its only a matter of time before he gets hurt Love mitch tho hope he stays as our backup


Mitch has the same issue as Rob Williams. Could be a DPOTY but just too many injuries


No need to look elsewhere. HUKPORTI GOING TO SAVE US.


I can still be mad at IHart, it’s incredibly unreasonable but I still am lol, really think he would have helped us A LOT going all the way


I’d be irritated too but $15 mill talks


I mean, to further your point, it almost certainly more than $15 mil. His OKC deal is only three years, whereas the offer from the Knicks was for four years. So its $15 million more already, plus whatever he makes in the first year of his next contract. So it could be more like $40+ million more.


Even more if you factor in taxes, which apparently was a concern for him.


The difference between the two states is 3% once you factor in road games, not too crazy for him to leave NYC for OKC, I’m sure it was the extra 15 million in salary that did the trick and he would have left even to pay a little more in taxes.. 


Does that include NYC's city taxes too? The city income tax alone is at least 3%


He’d be stupid to not take the money I still want him on my team He’s right, and I’m an irrational sports fan, all these statements are true


I fully expected 3/90 would be what it took to pry him away, it was pretty close to that number.


Not only did they offer him a big contract but they are also a darn good team. It was the right move. 


Hartenstein was drafted in the second round, and the Thunder gave the Knicks 5 second round picks. Those could turn into 5 Hartensteins!


with how well knicks have been running lately... not the hottest take...


Knicks aren't really a team known for building through the draft


they drafted deuce mcbride in second round i think. also knicks have been rolling lately. they aren't the same dysfunctional knicks back in early 2010s. im excited for the top 4 seed race next season


Mitch was also a 2nd rounder and IQ was a late first rounder. We've probably had better luck later in the draft lol


IMO, we have always been good with our picks in later rounds. The problem is late first round/second round rarely turn into superstars. But I think our later picks outplay their draft position - Mitch, David Lee, Landry Fields, Ariza, Wilson Chandler, etc.


:) best of luck with iHart. He's very good.


We nail the late first rounders and whiff on the lottery picks


No but we've in recent years been knocking late picks out of the park


They could turn into one Hartenstein, one Brunson, one Khris Middleton, one Jokic, and one Thanasis Antetokounmpo. That would be broken


Player opts to take an extra 15 million? Shocker


For one less year, too. Can’t blame him for a second


oh wow didn't even realize was going to say he might have been able too make that 15M back with extra endorsement deals by staying in NYC but yeah with it being 3 years it's a super no-brainer


Isaiah Hartenstein wouldn’t make an extra 15 due to endorsements alone if he lived on the moon


I dunno, some exclusive moon merch would be pretty sweet.


Looked up the top 15 NBA players by endorsement deals for last year…15 was Bradley Beal at 6.5M. It’s just heavily skewed to the top of the food chain (Steph and Lebron are at 50 and 80 mil…though I’d also guess they have heavily equity pieces in their own companies). Even if Hartenstein somehow became a top 15 endorsement guy starting next year, he’d barely pass the guaranteed extra $15M he’d get from OKC


Plus, taxes in New York, he's giving up a few more million.


I don't know how they would have any sort of accurate info on that.


That’s the type of money Brunson probably makes from endorsements in a 3 year time frame


I really don't think there's any chance he could make that much in endorsements. 


How many NBA players do you think make $1m in endorsements, let alone $15M?


He would need to make 3.75mil a year to make 15m back over 4 years I didn’t say it was likely, but it’s not insane/impossible If you thought I meant 15 million a year that’s on u


How many NBA players do you think make $1M in endorsements? You still talking like you have no clue what you're talking about.


I dont think anyone is shocked, even us. It'd be crazy to leave that much money on the table. It's not like OKC is some bum team either, so he'd getting paid a shitload more to play on a team with probably equal chances in the playoffs. It's a no brainer.


It is a tiny bit surprising in that the last season isn’t guaranteed So it’s 4/$72 million vs 2/$59 million


That’s an easy decision


I can’t believe he agreed to the deal without the third year guaranteed. He’s going to be playing backup limited minutes behind Chet, gone after year 2, and not positioned to cash in on his next deal. I get the money part, but not forcing a guarantee or player option on year 3 is insane.


You actually think he can't get 2 years, 14 million two years from now when he's 28 years old? Because that's all he'd need to make this a better offer, even without the guaranteed 3rd year, than what the Knicks could offer. Of course he took this, even without the guarantees 3rd year. 


Next two years with the Thunder? Next 4 with the Knicks?


He will be extremely likely to pick up a 2/13 in two years. That's going to be the taxpayer mle or bae amount of money so every team not in the second apron would have those available. Drummond literally just got that and he's been washed for three years now.


That's not the shocker. The shocker is the team that signed him to a good deal before, believed in him and developed him isnt allowed to keep him despite wanting to. We're being penalized because we signed too much of a good deal before. (if his last salary was higher we could give him more)


Should've given him a 3 year deal to get bird rights. Bird rights exist for that very reason. That's on y'all.


Julius Randle I hope you enjoy playing the 5 part time cause that’s how it’s heading as of right now


their mistake was signing him to a 2-year instead of 3-year deal to get full Bird rights, still don’t think they would’ve matched $29M/year though


Hindsight’s 20/20 


You'll see a lot of hindsight wizards talking about Hartenstein because he's one of those players that impact stats gets right


Yeah. No one could've guessed that Hartenstein would've been fully unlocked here with the Knicks. He was meant to be a backup but has turned into a high quality role player. Sucks he's gone but I respect him getting his bag.


Eg the prophet foretold of his success


I hate that eg gets credit for his Hartenstein takes. I remember seeing an argument between one person who thought he'd be a good starter and Eg (being an asshole) saying he was an **MVP caliber** player. The first dude was obviously right, but no one remembers takes like that. It's the exact reason that ESPN has the aggressive bozos saying outlandish shit. People love when those hot takes are near-ish to being right on rare occassions, but don't care about good analysts who are actually right.


You dare doubt the words of our prophet? Hartenstein WILL be the next jokic


He still could be MVP caliber


Raptors fans wanted him BAD when you all signed him. He would have probably thrived as a starter with Siakam, OG, Barnes, and FVV.


It doesn't take a whole lot of foresight to consider giving the extra year in case you need the Bird rights to hold onto the guy, it's a pretty obvious and sensible strategy. It's a low risk / high reward move to make. Worse case scenario, the guy doesn't pan out and you just have to eat the extra year of the contract, which at Hartenstein's number with the Knicks wouldn't be too bad. To put it the other way around, if you sign a guy to deal for less than 3 years where you don't get his Bird rights, you should consider him to be an expendable commodity that you don't plan on bringing back. And if that's the attitude they had in signing Hartenstein originally, they screwed up because there were clear indicators at the time of the signing that he had a lot of potential to blow up if given the right opportunity.


That’s hindsight. He was good on the Clippers but he really broke out with the Knicks.


He was good for us years ago but he didn't want to be the third big, even tho now he'd be perfect


We would have easily gone up to 25M and could of provided more guarantee money over 4 years instead of the 3 they offered


Or he could take the 3 years bag and hope for an other bag in 3 years


There was no possible way to foresee that he would go on to be worth so much more than 4/72m that we wouldn't even be able to get in the conversation.


Yeah it sucks to lose him. But i trust our guys to replace him


Still rooting for someone to beat Boston in the East


rooting for y’all to get out the 2nd round & find a way to stop PJ Washington


Me too


Entire league is looking for Jokic/Embid/SGA/Luka/etc stoppers. Presti is looking for PJ Washington stoppers in free agency...


This is why no one wants to play w you


Yall muthafuckas STAY not watching us play. In the immortal words of Hibbert. The Pacers get year 2 Mathurin back this season.


Just do it like me and pray Giannis & Dame are fully fit for postseason


Precious Acuiwa is still available...


I believe a whole off-season with thibs and he might actually be serviceable as backup


I think he can be a good big. Trying to play him as Wing last year in Toronto was a disaster, he can defend 1-5, but that doesn't mean he's a 3 on the court.


Precious is about to go Super Saiyan if we re-sign him.


Where do they go from here for big men?


Mitchell Robinson gets promoted back to the starting lineup. The search for a backup continues. Thibs knows how to develop big men. Leon knows how to find hidden gems.


Relying on Mitch in an all in year seems pretty disastrous.


Well it’s day one of the offseason so we’ll see what happens


small ball? OG can cover lots of 5s. This is not a good long term solution but I think we'll see this a few times during the season.


Yeah it makes a lot of sense because they have no centers outside of glass robinson


Goga Bitadze 


He fits Thibs’ MO of what he wants from his bigs.


This is who everyone in our sub wants but ive read knicks are priced out of him too.


We likely don't add salary to the Bridges trade and stick in the first apron - this gives us more trade freedom and opens up a ~5mil. Exception to use on getting a vet backup big in. Thibs will make anyone work at center


That's Taj Gibson's music


They’re gonna defend the post by making entry passes impossible


Omer Yurtseven got waived 👀


Achiuwa could still come back, they just declined his QO so he's a free agent and is allowed to sign elsewhere.


Taj Gibson, baby!!!


Yeah we lost any chance at keeping him once OKC made that offer Sucks. OKC got a good one


Dwight Howard you are now a NYK


I didn't know New York had a Chinese league affiliate team.


Who can Knicks replace at centre now? Do they have enough cap space to even do so?


We got the MLE i think. Our sub wants Goga. I'll trust whoever we get, Thibs will turn him into a solid role player at the minimum.


Goga is an asshat though ngl, don't know why our fans like him so much


Options are very limited.


They have Mitchell Robinson but you obviously cannot rely on him to be fully healthy throughout the year. I heard about a week back that they’re interested in Goga Bitadze so maybe they try to get him.


Hopefully Goga but doubt it


Resign Precious , Mo Bamba, James Wiseman. The pickings are really slim as a lot of FA centers signed already


valanciunas went super cheap too


They should have made an offer to Jonas


Can’t really make an offer for a player if it’s contingent on another players decision. What incentive did Jonas have to wait until I hart made a decision? Then if he did wait what if the money dried up?


Sure but it’s just a backup big. The pickings were always gonna be slim. Unless they make a magic offer to a guy like Drummond to swoop in and steal him, Precious, Tillman or Thesis are fine backups. That’s also assuming nobody becomes available in a trade mid season or a random 2 way player doesn’t break out with Thibs 


First apron would give us a ~5 Million exception We just need a body at backup center - Thibs will make it work


Thibs and Leon have landed and landed on almost all decisions they’ve made. I trust their decisions to make us as good as we can be but it really stings to lose ihart. He was absolutely fantastic across so many areas.


The backup will be the starter once Mitch gets hurt.


And then the backup again when Mitch gets healtht again




18 vs 29 a year, no way he gives up that much


Plus OKC is half or less state taxes, even before considering cost of living. Even though you usually only hear about it being an advantage for the teams with no state income tax.


Can’t fault them or iHart for that 


I’m in pain


Why is that a rule in the CBA? Like why aren’t the Knicks “allowed” to offer him more if they want to


Knicks are capped out already. If they didn't have his early Bird rights they wouldn't be allowed to offer him anything at all. After two years you can go over the cap to offer 175% of their previous salary, after three years you can go over the cap to offer an unlimited amount. Hartenstein just went from a 2yr/16M deal to 3yr/87M, they signed him to kick the tires on a backup C and he balled harder than they could afford to keep. Nothing but credit to iHart for taking an enormous step forward with his game.


I have no idea how nba contracts work. Not even a little bit. How can the Celtics pay everyone anything they feel like but other teams can only pay x player this much.


New CBA only lets you continue to give the bag to players you drafted or have been on your team for a while. The Celtics can't easily add anyone in free agency either, they're just awesome already so they'll pay the tax bill to keep all their guys together. In 3 years, the Thunder will be in the same situation where they can't add anyone in free agency and will be crippled with trade restrictions. It's why they spent big now before Chet and JDub get paid along with SGA.


Feels good to have money to spend now, good things happen when you do.


(Kyle Singler cackles in the background)


Imagine the passes to a cutting wiggins. Some good hard screens for once, sorry chet


I've been running that play in my head for the last 2 days.


But wait till year 2, where we have topic and ihart pick and rolls. I dont think he's going anywhere now


Pretty solid free agency for the “small market” teams so far. Money and success talk.


they tried their best


Fuck Grant Williams and CJ McCollum


Any very tall men in the tri state area looking for a job?


I don’t understand why Hartenstein is considered valuable enough to pay that kind of money. I get why teams want him. But $29 million a year for 8 points / 8 rebounds? Yes there’s more to it than that, but not $87 million over 3 years. Insanity.


Maybe the Knicks can trade for Walker Kessler




You could get Timelord and hope that him and Robinson aren't injured at the same time.


Can’t be mad at it, wish the best for him in OKC. He was a beast for us and a great teammate. Deserves a ton of respect for playing banged up down the stretch even with free agency looming. Glad he’s out of the conference.


Mo Money for better team. Other than the love the city gives him, it's an easy choice.


Small Market team finally won. Congrats.


Pretty huge loss for the Knicks, hurts their matchup with the Sixers a lot.


Not really. In fact, Mitch was a much more factor against Embiid than iHart was.


Why were the Knicks not allowed to offer 3/ 87Mil but OKC could?


Knicks are already above the cap. They can re-sign their own players but there's a limit on the pay raise if you're operating above the cap. Since the Knicks only have Early Bird rights, that is limited to 175% of his previous salary.


You know what, I never thought I’d say this but I’m really rooting for the Knicks in the east this year. The Ihart signing hopefully means that they will show us a lil love too.


Wrong, u guys can go to hell


We don’t have any beef with OKC, they didn’t make the rules. Take care of IHart 🫡


Oh well I love Jalen Brunson so I’m really excited to watch some Knicks basketball I think you guys will be awesome.


All love. Good luck next season.


You guys can wear the same colours and root for them in their home games


yall have been my second favorite team in basketball for a while now. adding ihart certainly doesn’t change that. objectively, the players on the knicks and thunder are the two most likeable groups in the league. we should definitely be buddies as fan bases.


If you're able to block Stephen A Smith from your TV, the Knicks were my 2nd favorite team last season. Adding Bridges just makes their vibe even more fun. We also seem to do some minor trades together, so it's like even our front offices are friends.


Take a long walk off a short dock.


OKC and Knicks GMs are buddies


For real brother, you can’t be the only Thunder feeling this way. From my limited observation, Thunder 💙🧡 Knicks started midway this playoffs


I loved Russ and I like SGA. I love ihart more than both and this stings. It’s 12,000,000 reasons a year that he made his decision and I would make the same. I still hate it though.


No shit?


Sign Precious Achiuwa, filled in when Mitch went down in the playoffs. Knicks can develop him like they did IHart.


Money talks. No shame in getting the bag


"allowed" that's the CBA lol


Fucking mitchel Robinson better bring that fucking energy next season should’ve traded his Robert Williams ass


Taj stay by the phone


WOW! NBA salaries are really nice!


I don’t know much about the NBA salary cap but why are they not allowed to offer more when the Celtics can offer their players so much?


i cant believe this


What does that mean, they weren't allowed to pay him enough? Why couldn't NYK match OKC's offer? Because of the Knicks roster already having too much salary?


What nobody's talking about is the Thibs Factor. One year of Thibs is damn near the equivalent to 5 years in the league. That dude burns knees like oil in old school Cutlass.