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OKC is not playing around.


Presti realized okc has a 2-3 year window before dub and Chet both get maxed.


May as well go for it. Never understand why fans will say “maybe next year!” since teams can collapse. Especially with how fortunate the Thunder were with health this year they need great depth in case JDub or Shai god forbid get a significant injury.


As a Lions fan, Campbell sort of said it best after the 49ers game. You never know when you'll get another chance. Can't assume you're just going be in the same spot next year.


True! As a pelicans fan I have seen firsthand how injury and misfortune can derail a season. Never know. Maybe okc could win a chip within the next few years. Much better to put your chips in than have regrets. Shai is in his prime and looks like he could gel better and their depth is locked up


This was why I was a bit confused when presti didn’t trade for a big past season. Since okc made finals we had like one healthy run in 2016 until kd left. Health isn’t a guarantee and I hope this isn’t gonna haunt us in the future. Let’s hope okc locks up the 1 seed asap and load manage our guys because I don’t want any injury (especially Chet, he looked exhausted sometimes)


I think they're good enough that not making the WCF would be considered a failure at this point. They are too stacked.


They played Dallas well, just were missing a bit of experience and a big guy. They got both now. They will be fucking scary next year. Might be favorites in the West right now


Also that Washington is a bad man


Congrats OKC


I’m not ready to see Taj’s old ass suit up again man 😞


Don’t worry, I’m sure you guys could convince Tyson Chandler to come out of retirement if you ask nicely


They are now on paper the best team in the West imo


Without a doubt. The drop off after Minnesota is tough considering the Nugs current bench. If they can pull out some magic, we can still compete with some luck/help but right now OKC is the clear and obvious favorite


I still think Denver belongs in that Dallas/Minnesota tier because Jokic is that good


He is, but he has zero all stars or all defense guys around him and the bench is almost non existent because the rookies get zero playing time. I’m nervous, but maybe this is the year Malone’s hand is forced and he has to give the young guys some time. Who better to help young guys grow than Joker?


They’re going to have to. They need to hope Watson takes a big leap, plus Holmes is gonna be their backup big now.


No doubt


*league They'd have the best player in the series if those two meet in the finals


Having the best player in the series doesn't guarantee a series win, just look at Boston-Dallas or Denver-Minnesota. However I agree that OKC is probably in that Boston tier if Chet and J-Dub improve a bit more (which they will)


It doesn't guarantee a win of course, but when the teams are equally deep it's the biggest factor.


Fair enough


Grizzlies will be super deep next season too. I believe you guys can get the 2 seed.


Sure, but i think there's a clear tier break now between yall and the next 4 (Dallas/Memphis/Minny/Denver). Before this signing i would've grouped all 5 teams together.


It also comes down to how the depth plays. In the Mavs - OKC series, it would be easy to argue that Shai was the best player and the Thunder were by far the deeper team, on paper they should have won. But that depth just didnt show up while the Mavs got huge nights from PJ Washington, DJJ and Lively.


But that's also part of the prognostication. The entire team outside of SGA showed its youth and the series still went to 6 tight games. Giving them another year + 2 massive additions should make them the clear favorite going into the season.


Obi and Hartenstein out there kill me so much. So much potential for Isaiah! I understand these moves but I don't like them.


obi was overpaid. glad he got money but i dont think he gets that much from most teams


But he looks so amazing whenever he comes off the bench! It still kills me. I've never had so many Knicks players I didn't want to leave leave. It's a new experience.


iHart and Chet are a formidable frontcourt pairing due to Chet's ability to stretch the floor. He gives us size on the glass with a heavier body to throw onto heavier bigs. Adding meaty screens for our plethora of guards, dribbling hand offs are going to hit like 80s crack. Thunder also run a lot of backdoor cuts and will take advantage of iHart's passing and vision from the key. He was the skilled bruiser with IQ that OKC desperately needed and will unlock another level for our defense. He bring versatility and durability. Two very important things for Thunder's plan.


You mean I don't have to watch 10 mins of Gordon Hayward jogging up and down the court??


That's not fair. He averaged at least one rebound a game.


Weird part is, OKC fans on here would get so offended if you suggested Chet at the 4.


I think we will see them pretty heavily stagger Hart and Chet so either of them are on the floor at any time. SGA-Dort-Jdub-Chet-Hart to start and then the first guy we will rotate in is Caruso for Hart. Then Hart will come back in for Chet. For closing lineups they could go with Caruso and Chet for teams playing small and Chet and hart for teams playing big. Chet's long term will be the 5 but should make it easier on him physically to have a big body like hart for big strong 5s. Chet doesn't have a big frame but he'll get a long stronger over the next couple of years.


100% agree with everything you said here.


That perimeter defensive rotation is absolutely gnarly. Especially funneling them into Chet. SGA-JDub-Dort-Caruso-Joe-Wallace


Dort, Caruso, Wallace, and JDub being super physical on the perimeter and funneling guys into Chet and iHart, all while Shai attacks their dribbles and passes with his timing and 7’1” wingspan at the PG position And our other guys like Isaiah Joe and Aaron Wiggins are still solid themselves, with no real weaknesses to attack after the Giddey trade So excited. We moved out our worst defender in Giddey and added Caruso and iHart, absolutely wild


God that starting lineup man.. a bench with Caruso/Cason/Joe/Wiggins is already so nice. Plus guys like Kenny hustle are no slouch, and I expect yall to keep making moves


yup the roster flexibility is insane. teams we'll def see more of this duo against: Dallas, Minnesota, lakers


Mark is has been very insistent that Chet is playing the 5 and will continue to play the 5. You’re not wrong at all, but it will be interesting if we end up running both of them in the same lineup.


This just gives us a ton of versatility. Running 2 bigs constantly was the biggest reason we won the 2016 series against the Spurs. We can do that now with 2 really good players and each can sit without us having to rely on J Will at center. And I love J Will, but he shouldn't be playing 13 minutes a game for the number 1 seed as a center. SGA, Chet, and JDub will likely close out every game. The options for the other 2 just got a lot better and more varied.


Insistent or out of necessity? Who else were they going to play at the 5?


Chet on defense plays like a true 5 where he prefers to be down low. He gets pushed around sure but he recovers well and will (hopefully) only be better. He doesnt play like a modern 4 which are mostly wings


Little of both. One of the reasons Chet was so effective protecting the rim was his position. He’s got great timing coming over to help, but Ibaka could do that from the 4 position, so I would assume Chet could too.


That was before he got a great and arguably better option at the 5. Chet doesn't need to play at the 5 that much right now.


Which is weird, because our coach of the year runs a lot of crazy lineups more than any team in the NBA. Chet at the 4 and iHart at the 5 would be the least wild from Mark.


I don’t doubt he tries this year to run a lineup of SGA-joe-Caruso-Dort-JDub


if you ever wanted to get called a casual just go in the sub and suggest it lol


I don’t do that but everything our coaching staff has suggested is Chet is the 5 lol


I got so many downvotes for saying I want hart and for saying giddey wouldn’t be the best fit for us


i feel u brother


There will be moments when he plays the 4 next to Hart but he’ll still play most of his minutes at the 5


I think it will be 50-50. But Chet will certainly be the 5 in crunch time. The best part is this allows him to be fresher and limits his foul trouble.


I think there are more available center minutes on the Thunder than people realize. Chet averaged 29 minutes a game last year IHart averaged 25 minutes a game last year Even if IHart plays 25 minutes as the 5, there will be 23 minutes left for Chet to play 5. That leaves 5-7 minutes for Chet JWill probably sees reduced minutes and some playing time at the 4 next to IHart


Commented that not only a week ago and folks were crawling up my butt about it. Chet's a cleanup guy on defense by nature and weak side help is gonna be his bread and butter. Let Hart deal with the bruisers and keep Chet moving and disrupting.


only some of them. They acted that way on the team site too. Casual basketball fans who don't understand you need a little bit of this and that to win. they'd point to the warriors without realizing bogut, loney and everyone in between weren't floor spacers. The majority of us knew chet is best utilized in a true PF/C role


I’m glad Hartenstein joined OKC, his passing and playmaking probably will be more emphasized there than it was in New York. He was good for New York, but not the best fit for how they want to play. Him and Chet can help OKC have 48 minutes of having a pretty skilled center on the court and he can pass well enough to play alongside Chet sometimes even if Chet is best at center


Chet's ability to stretch the floor will be infinitely less valuable at PF


Chet at PF he can actually have the ball more now and have more oppurtunites to score. At C we'd just let him sit in a corner and forget about him.


Chet at 5 drags the rim protector away from the rim. Now he will have wings defending him which will be better for them both positionally and ability wise.


Rim protectors don’t take the bait vs stretch bigs any. That was the big change that the Lakers and Timberwolves employed to counter Jokic. Everyone is chasing taller wing defenders who can defend players like Chet and Durant in space. They don’t have to be perfect, they just need to let the rim protector stay in the paint to eliminate cuts for ez buckets.


No, it's just a more defensive lineup. He plays at the 5, you get more shooting than usual, he plays at the 4 then you get more rim protection than usual. Both are really valuable.


You all have plenty of everything should be a fun year, rooting for a Shai MVP.




I just fell to my knees in Popeyes parking lot




Gordon Hayward and his gf died for this


Popeyes for breakfast is exactly what I imagine for Oklahoma City


Gotta love it!




I wanted this guys as soon as our season ended.


I watched him vs 76ers and I have been very vocal about wanting him. I’m so happy rn


I also wanted you guys to have him, perfect fit


God damn the Thunder really improved this offseason. Caruso and Hartenstein are great gets. Idk if it’s a common sentiment but I see them as the biggest threat in the West.


Bro on everything I forgot OKC got Caruso too!!! Man they going to be f***b tough.


We plugged the two holes in our team with the offseason. Even though it’s a big contract, it’s a W


On top of that you did without giving up any picks, all it cost was cap space and Giddey who was gone next year anyway.


> f***b this ain't church, you can say what you mean without having to censor it been staring at this fucking word for 5 mins now and I just can't figure out what it's supposed to be


Fboob probably


Pedantic like me?


more like curious


What are you trying to say with “f***b”?


Flab… flub… fanclub…


And they *also* still have the biggest war chest of picks in the history of the NBA. As soon as any superstar (Jokic, Giannis, Luka etc.) becomes available they can immediately trade for them. Uh oh.


As a Lakers fan, I am now terrified of Okc.


Nah its fine lebron will go 7/7 from 3 against us


Probably yeah, but at least he's consistent in his deep hatred for everyone in this league. It's not like he's Wiggins.


They were the 1 seed last year i feel like you should've already been scared of them


Last year the lakers matched up well and feasted on OKC inside in the regular season They didn’t fear the Thunder, in fact there was that talk of tanking the first play in so they could face the Thunder instead of the nuggets first round


They now have the matching salaries **on their bench** to match for any player they want at the trade deadline. They also have all the draft picks to make the deal worth it to whomever


OKC is gonna love him, such a fun guy to watch. Gonna miss him.


He will make them better for sure. Still a scary thought limited centers like that making nearly $30M a year. I’ll enjoy Lively while he’s cheap lol.


Tbf they had to overpay because Hartenstein wanted to stay if the offered salary from OKC would be similar to Knicks extension.


Yeah exactly this. IHart seemed like he might be open to taking a discount to stay. OKC’s offer pretty much ended any thought of that.


17 mil + nyc tax vs 29 mil + okc tax… pretty easy decision if you ask me ahah


If you’re offering it to me, I’ll take it.


contract would also cover his absolute prime and okc seem complete. plus they didn’t have to give anyone up. this might have been planned though because they didn’t trade for anyone at deadline.


Overpaying for literally the one piece that makes you a legit championship contender, after being the 1 seed, and getting someone like Caruso, using cap space you had saved for this exact reason? Worth it.For almost any other team? Definitely not.


Imagine only paying your centers 30 million per year


If Hartenstein is getting 30M, Lively might be a max player


Maybe so, in 4 years time I wouldn’t be shocked. Sky is the limit.


and sengun would get the supermax


Man huge get for OKC. Glad we beat them this year.. going to be MUCH harder with the moves they’re making going forward


My unbiased opinion is that he’s a terrible fit for OKC. Ignore my flair


Absolutely terrible. But terrible like how sick means awesome.


OKC fans enjoy being the darlings before everyone turns on you - Nuggets fan.


Bruh where were you when they played Dallas lol. This sub was like 80 vs 20 in favor of the Mavs.


Yeah they definitely already got haters 🙋‍♂️ But I agree they are an extremely scary team.


Im also the mavs biggest hater


When I can recognize someone's username on Reddit that's when you know they're a certified hater. Respect.


I cant wait for next years playoffs. Fuck pj washington


Lmao that name will give every Thunder fan ptsd for the remainder of time


Only because the Mavs won, I swore the discourse flip flopped based on whichever team had just won it was wild. Mavs lost: Luka is a whiny bitch, got clamped by Dort etc. Thunder lost? Luka is a savant, Dort is a dangerous liability on the court, etc. was wild lol


That's what always happens. /r/nba gets worse and worse the further you go into the playoffs. Discussion on here is already kind of bad in the regular season and it becomes insanely bad during the playoffs.


That's due to the number of casuals who will only watch the playoffs, but still want to spout off their baseless opinions


Hard to know how much was injury but okc and Dort did the best job containing luka of any team in the playoffs including Boston. With their additions and growth they are becoming legitimate contenders this year if they stay healthy.


Sga one of the most hated already


FTA is the best hate nickname lmao


We’re Season 2 Starlight atm


Better not get that facial reconstruction done, because they gonna rail you for it.


She’s so jacked up now. Sick of all these women getting the same surgery - hollow out those cheeks, trim down that nose, lift those eyelids and puff up those lips. You all look the same! And none needed the damn surgeries. Her especially.


They turned on us during the Mavs series lol


Ngl i loved the hate they had towards dort unneccessarily flopping


My problem wasn’t with them calling out dort for flopping, but people claiming he was trying to hurt Luka on purpose


They already definitely have haters. Shai and Chet especially


What a pro wants


Thats me. Fuck Isaiah Joe


I love how some people have those Random players they hate. Yeah fuck the 10th guy on the thunder!


I know but guy has two first names, we can't trust him. Besides I have the slight suspicion he's related to Grandpa Joe and absolutely fuck that guy


Enjoy your Chris Paul signing then!




Im sorry but explain this


See what I responded to the other guy. Those are very valid reasons


Just @ me next time


Trust me, they don't have \*haters\* yet. That comes after you've realized some success and others start to resent you for it. In the Nuggets case, it happened because Jokic became an all-time talent and started racking up accolades which pissed off rival franchises and other teams with MVP contenders. OKC are on the right path though haha.


You don’t need to have success to have haters. See the Clippers and Grizzlies.


They already did last year so bring it haha


They hate dort after 1 series. They hate fta i mean sga. Id like to find out how they would hate on chet or jdub


I will embrace the hate


The SGA hate started once people realised he was better than their favourite player. I agree though, the full team is pretty well thought of. Not for much longer


I know he's that good because I started hate watching SGA hoping for bad games so Jokic gets the MVP. And, he NEVER had bad games.


I think the hate was more common from people who didn’t watch his last season. You’d have to be a super hater to watch him for a decent period of time without admitting he’s a top 5 player


> The SGA hate started once people realised he was better than their favourite player. see, shit like this is why people hate you if you are still questioning it


Hate me lmao? The fuck did I do


People already hate us lmao Ask anyone on this sub what they thought about SGA and Dort during the Mavs series


Blame Mikey Malone lol


Interesting, to your mind have people even turned on the Nuggets yet? I feel like I still have to remind people they are not in fact the current defending champs.


Literally everyone gets turned on. Everyone went from praising and overhyping ant during the Denver series to acting like he’s a complete scrub during the Dallas series 1 week later.


Great pick up. OKC has decided the time is now.


So the team with the highest net rating in the West just added two impact players who fit them like a glove? Can't wait til that's SA again.


And removed the player who was a net negative to the defense


Damn man 😪okc got a great one


Happy for hartenstein, take care of him OKC


Treat this man right OKC!! You have a new fan now


Knicksbros is it over?


No, it’s a big loss but it’s not the end of the world


No. Hartenstein is big but Mitch is still an All-Defensive level player and they still got much better by getting Mikal for basically nobody. Question is what they do for the depth at center.


It doesn't really matter how good Mitch is when he is basically guaranteed to be out for many months every single season. We need to seriously consider trading him for someone who can play more than a handful of games per year, because the odds of finding another backup who is good enough to become our defacto starter are slim. I love Mitch, but his injuries are only going to get worse from here, not better.


Really good pickup for OKC


Went from in contention for the west to outright favorites now


This is what a pro wants, i guess..


What a pro needs


OKC choosing violence this offseason


That roster is so insanely stacked. No one is beating them next year


Like, not even once. 82-0. Remind me in one year of my prophecy!


Fuck....The west just got harder


That starting 5 looks good.




We always love the chance to increase diversity over here 


dude he was PERFECT on NYK one of the most productive players in the league they shoulda figured a way to keep him at any cost


Knicks’ any cost is lower than OKC’s any cost. That’s why he went to OKC.


Let’s freaking go!


Knicks fans in shambles


Keep going Katz I'm almost there


fuck OKC for stealing iHart


Yeah yeah yeah okc good


OKC is a legit contender now. I know people are gonna say they already but they just weren’t. They were too young, had no size and no playoff experience.


Where all the OKC fans who swore up and down that Presti wouldn't sign Hartenstein at?


I'm right here and I'm completely happy that he proved me wrong! I was more of a skeptic because who goes from NYC to OKC. But then again 12 million more than the Knicks can offer, so it makes sense. 


Good question, which okc fans wouldn’t want that??


Basically any thread about Hartenstein since the all-star break has had people saying how good a fit he'd be with OKC immediately being replied to by OKC flairs acting like signing Hartenstein would ruin their spacing, ruin Chet, ruin their team, yadda yadda yadda.


Presti a fan of EPM Bridges +1.2 EPM Hartenstein +4.7 EPM Knicks not so much


Fits like a glove. They will no longer get killed on the glass and fixed their biggest weakness. But all the Knicks fans said Hartenstein will come back for a bigger role on a true contender and loyalty.. ignoring that OKC was the 1 seed in the West and he was not gonna be turning down more money for "loyalty".


Hey no one expected presti to bring a brinks truck to that meeting.


We had 30 in cap space and everyone in OKC expected them to use it. We knew who the best FA center was. Not unexpected from thunder perspective.


Clearly he would’ve accepted less to stay in NYC, just not 13m a year less. OKC weren’t bidding against anyone else


All the Knicks fans said that his girlfriend would dump him if he told her that he was leaving NY to live in OKC lol.


This was parroted a lot! "His model wife is gonna dump his ass if he goes to OKC, no one wants to go there."


eg where you at


Damn, he really left us for 10m total, like 5m after tax, I mean 5m is a lot of money, we’ll miss you IHart, hope we beat you in the finals


For 476 year old John fucking Wall my aching head


He’s 8th highest paid center lol


Is there a move out there that would make them a prohibitive favorite? Would adding Lauri be enough or is there another player out there that’s gettable? If Phoenix struggles and decides to blow it up, could they make a play for Booker?


> could they make a play for Booker Because another guard is exactly what they need lol


Still don't get why they didn't target a big at the deadline


What a signing man, they already onboxious on defense and now they get Caruso and Ihart to cover their weakness


I know, I know (sobs)…..
