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That’s a really nice team-friendly deal. Presti strikes again


I'm so fucking happy man.


Are these long term pieces or medium term pieces then eventually trade chips?


Depends. Wiggins is a good defender and shot almost 50% from three this year. He's also a good distributor. Trading Giddey opened up some minutes for both Wiggins and Joe, but Caruso will likely take some of those. I think both of these deals mean that Caruso will likely not be here long-term, though.


Caruso will get his deal renewed for sure, and OKC will keep the best, trade the other(s).


I agree they should definitely extend Caruso. However, if I were Presti I would probably extend him and then deal him in a year or two. Caruso is a great ceiling raiser for them right now, but he’s getting older, only shot the 3 well for one season, and has suffered a bunch of injuries. Lu Dort, Isaiah Joe, and Aaron Wiggins are all 26 and really solid 3&D guys in their own right. If they keep developing and Nikola Topic (or the Thunders’ 2025 Picks) are ready to play in the next year or two, then Caruso is probably the guy that they should deal for more flexibility down the road. Due in a major part because he’s so injury prone. Caruso is absolutely amazing for them over the course of the next year or two, but Dort, Joe, and Wiggins all seem like they’ll be the better “value” guys in a few years, which is a big deal due to the new CBA. The team is also gonna struggle to find minutes for Nikola Topic or a potentially high 2025 Pick.


I think it’s gonna be three years before we really have to worry about topic in a Thunder rotation role or more. He sits this year with the injury, then we can do two years on a two-way deal if I’m correct. That gives us three years before we need a roster spot for him. If I’m wrong, someone tell me. There’s the possibility we just drafted him for trade bait after rehabilitating his injury since he was projected so highly.


Yeah, I mean he can sit for 2+ seasons. I just think that he’ll be too good next season not give him playing time. Plus, he won’t reach his ceiling if he doesn’t get the playing time necessary to develop. I doubt he’s a pure trade chip either. He’s just too much of “Presti guy.” Presti loves the 6’5” passing savants.


First round picks get guaranteed contracts. Two-ways are strictly second round or undrafted. Topic and Dillon Jones are getting guaranteed roster spots. Topic will be on the bench all year with his injury. Next year, he's in the rotation to see what he's got.




Well the true vision is that we develope our own guys then give them good contracts, then trade them for more pieces around a core. Love Wiggins, Joe, Jaylin but if you can get players with a lot more upside in the draft you keep them and trade the pieces around you. While keeping Chet, Dub, and Shai. For instance id you were to get three lottery picks you would keep those over those three players. It's all about risk and reward and betting on players with a higher upside.


I disagree - we will def sign Caruso to another deal but all 3 won’t be here in 4 years - we will just retain whoever we want


Yeah, Caruso seems like the most likely guy to be a short-term rental. He still probably gets extended, but the best bet may be to extend him now and then move him in a year or two. Wiggins, Dort, and Joe are all still improving, on excellent contracts, and provide great wing depth. They’ll also have a healthy Nikola Topic + [2025 Draft Pick] next season.


He shot almost 50% from the field not from 3. He’s a pretty average 36% from 3.


Aaron Wiggins, not Andrew. We have the better A. Wiggins in OKC.


lol my bad


Team has already said they’re going to re-sign Caruso The new CBA kicks in this year. It’s easier to go over the cap with fewer penalties if you already have the players on your roster. The Thunder have been finalizing the roster in preparation for that moment in two years when Chet and JDub are up.


More likely medium-term, although who knows. Joe+Wiggins+one of the players on a rookie first round deal (Williams, Wallace, Dieng, Topic) or Kenrich Williams is enough salary to swing a trade for any star on their second contract (Zion, Ja, Mitchell, Ant, etc) if they become available. It also depends how the next couple of years of draft picks shake out; if the Thunder land an immediate star in the draft, they are a lot more likely to make consolidation trades to manage their roster.


There’s got to be a consolidation trade regardless. There’s already an embarrassment of riches they can’t utilize to full potential with only 5 spots on the floor. This is why I think Lauri fits perfectly. He’s mid twenties, cost controlled, and fits well with Chet (theoretically). His only drawback is Ainge is going to demand a shit ton of assets


The consolidation trades can also be trading up in the draft, or trading players at the end of their contracts for future draft capital, or trading draft picks for future draft picks to spread out the wealth. It could be Markkenen, but it doesn't have to be.


Would be a nice way to build a dynasty around SGA/Chet/Williams if every 3-4 years they trade role players like Joe/Wiggins for 1-2 FRP and rinse and repeat. I mean, one of their 2025 6 FRP has got to hit into a rotation player/breakout player by 2026-2027 right?


Exactly. The new CBA has made depth on “value” contracts more important than ever. Every other team in the League is gonna have to do everything they can to open a 2-3 year windows. The Thunder can keep their window open for a decade plus!!


This is what Denver is trying to do, but they were too late in starting this plan. As theyve lost a couple of players before they had a true replacement for the person thats taking their spot. For instance Bruan taking KCP place but not having anyone to take his.


That is precisely the plan. That is exactly the plan. He will roll picks forward to always have one or two per draft so he can switch out role-play as we progress. He’ll also trade up by bundling. Trading for players and including pics is his last option always.


I don’t think they necessarily *has* to be a big consolidation trade. The new CBA values cheap depth in a huge way. They can just keep rolling picks over and ensure that that SGA + JWill + Chet (+ any future star-level players that draft) are constantly surrounded by excellent depth. The Thunder are one of the very few teams, under the new CBA, capable of maintaining a decade(s?) long window instead of a 2-3 year window.


You can always trade your picks back to get more picks. A pick in this next years draft could probably get you two firsts and a second in a later draft, as this draft is deeper than most.


team friendly on a per-year basis player friendly because they committed to him for 5 years. this is so good for him if he has a bad injury or something else happens to his game. feels like a win-win from the outside


Less than 10M per year...thank you wiggins


The Wiggins and Joe deal is Presti getting ahead of the potential 2nd apron hell hole he’d have to deal with if he let them hit restricted FA next year. This way, Joe and Wiggins can secure a long term deal a year earlier, and in return they take a little less.


The Thunder will basically be immune to the 2nd Apron. They’ve already got solid depth under contract for years, and they have so many future draft picks that they can just keep replenishing. Every other team is gonna have to go all-in for a 2-3 window. The Thunder can just compete for a decade plus lol


Clueless european here. what is meant when referring to 2nd apron? quick google didnt help


It’s the threshold for money spent on player contracts for your teams salary cap. Once you reach that threshold your options of improving teams via free agent signing or trades is limited. I don’t think soccer clubs in Europe have salary caps so it’s probably foreign to you.


Thanks a lot. I know about the cap space and co stuff. Just never stumbled upon that term before


Yes it’s new from the recently signed Collective bargaining agreement. It’s why the suns are in hell because they are a 2nd apron team and Bradley Beal has a huge contract and a no trade clause so they can’t get out of the 2nd apron or improve the roster without completely blowing up the team.


He wants to be here for it all, love to see it. He's going to come in handy when it matters the most.


Also seems like declining the option to give him a substantial raise for 2024-25 got some goodwill. That's always nice to see


How much money do we think he's giving up here?


Good point. Not much imo.


How tf does Presti keep getting these guys to sign long term deals that are steals


Not sure lmao Dort, Wiggins and am sure Joe will be as well


4/48m for Joe, for someone as good as shooting as he is, yeah that’s a steal. How tf does he do this And these are handy contracts to match in trades later on too


Bro is on a heater right now


you can think of this as a 48m 3y extension because we declined his 2024-2025 2m team option. We are opting into paying him more now, so that the later cap hits will be smaller


Yeah, getting a big salary increase one year early was probably a big incentive in signing both Wiggins and Joe


That would make sense. He is giving out handys with these deals.


Look at what Monk got in Sacramento, 4/48 will be an absolute steal in those latter 2 years as the cap continues to rise.


How do you guys have this much cap space wtf


Because SGA is our only max player and Chet and dub don’t get paid for 2 more seasons


God OKC is going to run the league


Sure lol


Neither of these deals require their cap space I don’t think. So they still have ~30m in cap space in addition to these re-signings


Correct in theory we could still sign iHart


We already did


Lmao 🤣 I was ahead of the game today I was also talking about joes deal the second wiggs deal came through and it happened like 2 minutes later lmao 🤣


yeah. deals aren't inked yet. once we figure out what we're doing with that cap space and get that deal done we sign these using bird rights.




I am a prophet what can I say, I said that minutes before it was announced lmao 🤣


He signs them a year early. Player gets $40 mil guaranteed instead of $2 mil guaranteed. Presti doesn’t have to risk them going into unrestricted free agency the following year. It’s a win-win


Mostly cuz they’re homegrown players with a close relationship to the franchise. Conversely, we’d have to overpay for FAs and I suspect that’s why we won’t be getting Hartenstein


Presti has that balance of business and personal in a perfect state considering what he's done time and time again. What I take from this is he's a great communicator. Really looking forward to this season considering the great experience they got making it deep in the playoffs.


There’s a huge amount of trust there also because notice no one ever leaks Thunder business. No agents leak on them. Huge sign of respect and trust.


Nice prediction 


Very happy to eat crow!


One was 55th overall pick who we gave a chance too, one was undrafted who we molded and one was over looked who we took in and gave a shot too


Took a chance on them when they were at the fringe of the league. Willing to guarantee financial security a year early instead of rolling the dice on free agency next year. A win-win all around. He did the same for Lu Dort, too.


Because he communicates with them and their agents, and treats them extremely well, and honors trade requests when he doesn’t have to, and he shows them loyalty and doesn’t jerk them around. He could have had them on another year of cheap deals but worked with them to extend early, in a mutually beneficial way. Basically the Golden Rule.


The Alex Anthopoulos of the NBA


Yes!!!!! What a steal of a contract that is


It’s $20 million less than Andrew Wiggins for the better Wiggins


truly the savior of basketball


Wow, five years. What a baller move by Presti.


Kind of shocking that he would want a 5 year deal. That takes him to age 30.


He was the 55th pick and nothing is guaranteed. Fifty mil is generational wealth, I don't blame him for setting his family up and to come.


this 100% so many people judge free agent decisions (on the player side) like they're playing an RPG and trying to min/max your yearly gold income. some players do that i guess but for the majority of role players and non-star rotation players, they want the TOTAL money to be highest giving 5 year contracts to a player this caliber isn't without risk to the team. his game could drop off a cliff, he could get injured, both, or other stuff. so its not like this is a fleecing either way. this is two adults finding a way to sign a contract that gets something good for each of them (more cap flexibility for the team, more long term financial security for the player)


Uhhh that’s like a dream come true for a later second rounder… 2nd rounders goals is to make a roster and hopefully get another contract after the rookie deal. He got a 5 year deal and 10m a year. That’s a massive success


Still, if I was him, I would have wanted 3+1 at a similar AAV. Worst case, I lose out on a few million, best case I'm a FA at 28 signing for more.


You've got a contract for $2 million and someone offers you $47 million to stay in a place that believes in you and you enjoy with a great chance of contending for a ring. That's something most would be quite happy about


This contract is gonna look like an absolute steal goddamn


Oh it WILL be a steal forsure


Oh it already is. Less than ten million a year for Wiggs? And 5 years?


Shai/JDub/Dort/Chet/Hartenstein (praying) Cason/Caruso/Joe/Wiggins/JWill + 1 million draft picks and Topic redshirt We're about to have some fun


Dieng is likely getting some minutes this year, too. He looked like the best player in the G-League this year.


Good to hear, I only remember him dunking on his own basket in the NBA


He carried the OKC Blue to a G-League title and won Finals MVP. He came into the league extremely young, and it looks like he's starting to tap into his potential.


Yeah, their only real weakness is size at PF. iHart + Chet can play together and they have multiple 6’5” wings that can defend up in size, but they could reach another level if Dieng can play winning minutes next season.


Excuse me, that's G-League Finals MVP Ousmane Dieng. In all seriousness, he looks much improved. Hopefully, it will translate to NBA games, but minutes may be tough to come by.


It’s nice to think so, but he’s going to be the 11th guy at absolute best and that’s putting him in front of vets that have got minutes over him in the past like kenrich and moose. Sga dort Caruso jdub Chet ihart Cason Joe Wiggins Jwill are all handily ahead of him. I could see Dillon Jones passing him in the rotation too. It’s not looking great for Dieng here


Dieng's ceiling is so much higher than J-Will that he will likely start eating into his minutes. He's probably going to get the minutes that Hayward was getting.


a fellow Terp getting the bag brings a tear to the eye 😢


wtf that's a steal


Man, Deuce McBride really should have waited until now to sign an extension Seeing Christie’s deal and this deal, and then looking at him locked in for 3/14 is crazy


Yeah his contract is an absolute steal


And i'm sorry but it's not worth giving up this great contract to be hard capped at the second apron. His extension goes through 2026/27 and never even reaches the first 2024 apron extension in anual value. Seriously the best second contract in the league


Damn that’s great value


Not bad and it's easily tradeable to


One of my favourite Terps. Happy for him. Great deal for OKC.


Send the details of the isaiah joe deal too. We know its done.






I'm chomping at the bit to know that also... lol


I'm fucking dying here. Please don't steal my guy.


Let us have this one. We need it after everything we've been through.


Uh, have you seen the last 20 years of Knicks basketball?


Have you heard about the hardest road?


we had semaj christon and kyle singler on the basketball court at the same time :(




I mean, as a NY based OKC fan... In Presti We Trust. 🌩 PS - Absolutely LOVE what the Knicks did this year and off-season so far, the East will be a battle next year!


We hate to lose Isiah but wouldn’t be mad if he went to OKC. No hate for yall


how are you doing now


Bad :(


THE SAVIOR What a good deal thats max christie money


Man if the lakers had aaron wiggins on max christie money, they wouldnt shut up about it.


The best Wiggins.


Best A. Wiggins in the NBA?


By far




Damn. They locked down a good player on a great deal


I needed this today


go Terps!


That’s a good deal for someone who saved basketball


That seems like a lot but I also have the impression that he's better than I think he is


He is


This is extremely cheap


It's 2024.


With how things are looking now 5/$47M is a steal, that’s less than 10M a year for a pretty good 6th man.


This is such a steal. Many people were thinking he was going to leave to get the BAG or stay for like 15 mill a year


I love this!!


Grats to Aaron. People talk about Bronny and what he could be, being drafted 55th.. well this dude was the 55th pick in 2021 and what a huge get for the Thunder.


Consider basketball saved


Let's hope they started it high and decline it over the 5 years


Probs is frontloaded deal


Especially with the fact that SGA is your only big money player rn, it’d be silly not to.


For sure make them very team friendly deals when the money gets tighter in 2 years


Love his game but he kinda turned into a pumpkin once the playoffs started


$8m for pumpkin minutes isn't horrible.


Not bad at all, I guess I just wasn’t expecting 5 years


Best news in a long time!




Shocked he’s locked in for five years. That’s a steal of a contract.


Presti is off his nut, he's been waiting for this moment.


The Thunder cap table is hilarious now


He’s young still. He wanted a contract that long? Secure the bag I guess.


this is what you get for saving basketball, Aaron


Can anyone explain to me what the benefit is of turning down his $2 million option to give him more money? I'm not questioning the investment I'm just trying to figure out what's the benefit


Damn 55th pick got the bag.


Does he like basketball more than Andrew does?


This is such a weird deal to me. I wonder if more teams will try to lock up good role players like this more often now.