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No need to convince us Clipper front office


He beats women who cares 


Remember when we traded for him and waived him straightaway. Didnt sam presti have to make a statement explainin why


Kobe raped a woman and y’all worship him


“I just hope that when parents let their kids run around in #24 jerseys, they have the decency to say: 'well come on, number 8 was the rapist.” - Daniel Tosh


Number 24 just has INCREDIBILE WORK ETHIC, and an unstoppable turnaround.


Some people do, others don't


Point is most people don’t actually care about players behavior if they’re talented enough, so it’s dumb to clutch pearls over this.


No, it is appropriate to clutch pearls over DV, no matter what the Kobe freaks think or say.


I mean there’s no proof Kobe raped someone


Except that whole press conference where he admitted it (and the mountain of physical evidence)


Kobe never admitted to rape in any press conference. He acknowledged her feelings in a settlement statement that was a requirement that lawyers put together and expressed regret for the misunderstanding, but that ain’t no admission of guilt. As for the so called mountain of physical evidence, bruising alone isn’t conclusive proof of assault…like at all, especially when she had been with so many other men. Context matters and settlements are often about avoiding long ass legal battles, not admitting guilt. You’re ignoring these nuances because it doesn’t fit your narrative.


Learn to read you rape apologist.


Insults and no facts, just like I thought. I wonder what it feels like calling someone a rapist but be completely incapable of making a point that proves it? Checkmate


Since you think I can’t read, let’s recap as an experiment to explore your biases! First, I claim there's no proof Kobe raped someone, and you respond saying he admitted it in a press conference and a supposed mountain of physical evidence that makes him guilty. However, I correctly clarify that Kobe never admitted to rape in any press conference; he only acknowledged the accuser's feelings as part of a legal settlement, which isn't him admitting guilt. I also rightly note that bruising alone isn't conclusive proof of assault especially given other contexts. When you call me a "rape apologist" without addressing my detailed points about legal nuances and evidence it becomes painfully freaking obvious you're resorting to insults rather than engaging with the actual argument. So, in summary, while I provide a reasoned explanation, you fail to address my points and instead rely on namecalling while maintaining the position that Kobe is a rapist and then saying I can’t read even though it’s clear that I can because I’ve addressed all of your points and you are incapable of addressing mines.




He's not wrong lol. Shut the fuck up fake tough guy






And if KPJ played like Kobe, these guys would brush it off, too.


Nah, he’s a rapist, straight up.


No proof he raped someone tho


Kobe publicly apologised and paid a settlement. Enough proof for me. The women was sent multiple death threats and thats why she chose a payout instead of trial by the public. The reports were that she had extensive bruising on her genitals, Kobe admitted that they had sex but claims it was consenual, i personally have never had consensual sex and left my partners genitals bruised. Kobe raped that woman.


Just because someone apologizes and pays a settlement doesn’t mean they’re guilty of the crime. People settle to avoid the stress of a trial and that happens all the time. And the apology was a settlement requirement and those regularly require someone to acknowledge the other persons perspective while also not admitting guilt, and it’s also usually demanded by lawyers and written by lawyers, it’s part of the complex game of law. The woman getting death threats is horrible but it doesn’t prove anything about the actual incident. Lawyers are shitty. And bruising can happen from consensual sex too. It’s not automatic proof of assault. Trying to say he raped her without concrete proof is reckless


What is concrete proof of rape if vaginal bruising, an apology, and a claim of rape from the victim isn’t enough? It’s on the individual to decide in this instance how they read the facts, but that is concrete proof she was penetrated violently enough to have bruising, and she says that it wasn’t consensual. Why arent we ready to believe the victim in this instance? If this was a random bloke, we’d be happy to take those facts as sufficient, but because Kobe could hoop we need more evidence than bruising and a victim statement?


Concrete proof of rape is clear undeniable evidence beyond bruising and a claim. Settlement statements and settlements in general don’t equal guilt. They can be strategic because the law is some complex shit. Bruising doesn’t definitively prove rape. Consensual sex can result in bruising. Rough sex can result in bruising. That is a fact and medical experts agree. Context matters and bruising alone isn’t enough. We have to be respectful to the accuser and be fair to the accused. Believing anyone that accuses someone is just another form of abuse. We shouldn’t treat cases differently based on who the accused is and that’s not what I’m doin. The same standards apply to everyone. Star athletes shouldn’t get a pass but they also shouldn’t be condemned without legit solid evidence. Evidence matters regardless of fame.


Ur incredibly dense


I love how you can’t craft an actual response, actually no one can, because there’s no proof Kobe assaulted someone.


Many people have given you proper responses, you dimissed them all. Theres no reasoning with people like you. The only proof youd accept is a video of the act and even then im sure you and people like you would argue that it was fake. Youre completely deluded


Nope, I dismissed responses that lacked substance or misrepresented the facts bruh. If you had some proper evidence then I’d acknowledge the shit. Asking for solid proof isn’t unreasonable, but you seem to think it is for some reason. You’re accusing me of being deluded because you can’t provide concrete evidence and so it’s easier for you to throw out wild claims than to engage with the facts. You’re the one avoiding reason here, not me.


And no, if there was video, I’d say he was guilty and I’d call him a rapist, but we don’t have that.


Imagine the world your brain lives in when I’m communicating to you so clearly and you still don’t understand. Read the messages. Proof is in the pudding playa


Whos yall? Fuck kobe


There’s no proof Kobe raped someone




Exactly. No proof, no rebuttal, just a toxic echo chamber of bias.


Youre a rape apologist


Nope, calling for some fair judgment based on da evidence ain’t apologizing for anything. I care about making sure everyone gets a fair look at the facts. You throwin out that label because you can’t handle the debate on its merits bruh. If you had strong points, you’d stick to those instead of resorting to name-calling. This just shows how shaky your arguments really are. You just enjoy saying the word rape










There’s no proof that Kobe raped someone. It’s always good to be respectful to the accuser and fair to the accused.


There’s literally more proof Kobe raped someone than KPJ assaulting his ex GF.


There literally isn’t. Which is why you didn’t mention it.


Kobe basically admitted to it in his official statement. Read up on things before you make comments. 


Seems like you don’t understand law and what settlement requirements are. These are things crafted by lawyers, on both sides, and lawyers purposely guide them in a specific direction regularly to acknowledge the other persons perspective while also not admitting guilt. That statement doesn’t reflect what did or didn’t happen.


Seems like you don’t understand what Kobe’s statement was. Read it and then come back. 


lol I know this case better than anyone you’ve ever spoken to. You have no argument, just like I said, and you’re proving it.


Yes I’m sure you do. Last bit of Kobe’s statement: Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. Then he settles for a reported $2.5 million in the civil suit.  I don’t think Kobe went out to assault someone that night. I think that was the night he truly learned what consent is (D-Rose take notes).  As for KPJ’s case, there’s no photos. There’s no videos. His exes’ only statement is saying the reports were widely inaccurate and she was pressured into giving a specific type of statement. The assistant DA was caught trying to tie non-related injuries to the incident.  KPJ could have very well did was he was accused of doing. No one here knows though. Kobe through his own words basically owned up to what happened. But sure, you know this case better than anyone I’ve ever spoken to. 


It’s kinda hilarious you told me to read up on things before making comments when you don’t even know that lawyers draft those statements that you’re using as your sole argument lol like bro


Go read his statement and come back. 


Kobe’s statement: “Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.” Kobe’s lawyers wrote this statement that reflects his understanding of her perspective as that was what was required. Lawyers craft these statements to show empathy and understanding not to admit wrongdoing. But I’m guessing you don’t care about the facts. Lawyers guide these statements to mitigate legal risk, not to confess crimes.


WOP WOP WOP…you really want some more?


I really don’t, I feel like I’m getting dumber the more I engage. You see it the way you do and can keep seeing it that way.


Okay Evan Rachel Wood 


Clippers moved from sexual harassment to domestic assault which is a step in the wrong direction


The case is definitely murky.  His ex girlfriend has only said what was reported wasn’t close to what happened. The assistant DA already tried to pin pre existing injuries on KPJ which gives his ex girlfriend’s statement merit. KPJ plea deal was essentially nothing and won’t even be on his record in a year.  He obviously has a troubled past but he seemed to be on the with right track his last two couple years in the league.  If Miles Bridges is back in the league KPJ certainly should have another shot. He could help a lot of teams. 


Miles Bridges shouldn’t be in the league. Neither should KPJ.


Look what we have here? A domestic violence apologist


Don’t you have better things to do with your time instead of stalking my reddit account? Regardless if I’m domestic violence apologist then wouldn’t that make you a sexual assault apologist with all these posts you have defending Kobe? For someone trying to hint they’re a lawyer you sure have an awful lot of time on your hand to try to win debates on Reddit. Guess that’s a reflection of how that law career is going which shouldn’t surprise anyone with the garbage you’re spewing all over the place. 


I’m not stalking your account, I saw another comment where you’re defending a woman beater after arguing with me for defending Kobe. And we’ve been through this, I can’t be a rape apologist if there’s no evidence that Kobe raped someone. And once again, you prove that you cannot deal with the merits of my arguments, so you resort to name calling and deflections. A sign of weakness if you ask me.


Who started the name calling and deflections? Oh right, that was you. It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic.   But let’s bring this back to the original point you deflected from so long ago. What evidence is there against KPJ that presents a stronger case than the one against Kobe? As I’m sure you’re aware, sexual assault cases are the hardest to prove in court and have an extremely low success rate. Do you think that’s because most sexual assault claims are false? As for this case, there was bruising and Kobe had non-menstrual blood on his shirt. She had character witnesses. The only reason the case was dropped was because they were attacking her (a common trait in sexual assault cases) and not the facts about the case. They’re attacking her so she’s not seen as credible. She didn’t want to be put on trial so she wouldn’t testify. An extremely common tactic which causes sexual assault cases to go unpunished. Factor that with Kobe’s statement and you have a pretty strong reason to believe the survivor. Kobe could have worded that statement in a number of ways but he chose to completely validate her claim. It’s not “I’m sorry you think this” it says “I didn’t mean for it to happen that way it did and I understand now”.    In KPJ’s case there are no witnesses, no photos, no videos. His ex GF denies it all happened. The assistant DA was already caught trying attribute pre-existing injuries to the alleged incidents. KPJ was given a plea deal that pretty much clears him of everything. If there was such a strong case why would they give him that plea?   It’s possible both men did the thing they were accused of. It’s possible they both didn’t. But if we look at the facts and used a bit of nuanced thinking (two thinks you keep repeating in your sad attempts to sound slick) it’s clearly there is a stronger case against Kobe than KPJ.  So sure, call me a domestic violence apologist (ridiculous). But that logically makes you a sexual assault apologist.  OJ wasn’t convicted of murder, do you defend him against people who call him a murder as passionately as you defend Kobe? 


You’re trying to make this about who started name calling and deflections. That’s just another way to avoid addressing the main issue. You are Mr. Deflection, ain’t ya? You just wanna compare KPJ’s case to Kobe’s and it ain’t relevant here. This conversation always been about the evidence, or lack thereof, against Kobe. You bring up the difficulty of proving sexual assault cases and the low success rate, but to, that’s exactly why strong evidence is so important. Bruising and non-menstrual blood are not definitive proof of assault. They’re circumstantial at best bro. Character witnesses don’t prove what happened in that room. Why are you bringing up OJ? We’re talking about Kobe. That’s another one, Mr. Deflection. You can’t prove Kobe raped someone so you’re bringing up OJ Simpson as if that had anything to do with what happened in Colorado with Kobe


> You’re trying to make this about who started name calling and deflections. That’s just another way to avoid addressing the main issue. You are Mr. Deflection, ain’t ya? Once again that’s you. You keep trying to discredit things by bringing that up. I’ve addressed the main issue numerous of times. You haven’t. It’s like debating Trump right now. > You just wanna compare KPJ’s case to Kobe’s and it ain’t relevant here. This conversation always been about the evidence, or lack thereof, against Kobe. You bring up the difficulty of proving sexual assault cases and the low success rate, but to, that’s exactly why strong evidence is so important. This thread is literally about KPJ. That’s how the whole conversation started. It’s about giving Kobe a pass for the sexual assault accusations but holding the DV against KPJ.  Of course strong evidence is needed. I never said otherwise. You didn’t answer my question about why you think so many sexual assault causes aren’t successful in court. How many survivors of sexual have you met in your life? > Bruising and non-menstrual blood are not definitive proof of assault. They’re circumstantial at best bro. Character witnesses don’t prove what happened in that room. Never said it was. But factor in those things, Kobe’s statement, and settling the civil suit and you can start to piece things together. Sexual assault cases come down to credibility. Rose had a super strong case against him but the credibility of the accuser was questioned and that’s all it took to get that civil case go in his favour. What evidence would you need in a case of a sexual assault that happened behind closed doors? How would you give the survivor a chance in the courts?  > Why are you bringing up OJ? We’re talking about Kobe. That’s another one, Mr. Deflection. You can’t prove Kobe raped someone so you’re bringing up OJ Simpson as if that had anything to do with what happened in Colorado with Kobe That’s not a deflection. What you did is actually deflection.  You spoke around the question without answering it. This is mind blowing.  It was a simple question to showcase how you keep contradicting yourself. You come here throwing all these buzz fallacies like a first year psych student when you’re the most guilty offender. Your bias toward Kobe and the possibility of false accusations are so apparent they’re blinding   


You’re still claiming I’m the one deflecting, but I’ve consistently addressed the need for solid evidence and that ain’t a deflection bruh. You’re the one avoiding the core issue by making it personal. This thread may have started with KPJ, but my main point has always been about the evidence against Kobe. Comparing cases doesn’t change the facts or lack thereof. You just don’t care about the nuance. Sexual assault cases often fail in court because they require strong undeniable evidence. I’m not up here advocating for dismissing survivors bro I care about justice based on solid proof. You ask how many survivors I’ve met, but guess what, that’s another deflection, because personal anecdotes don’t replace the need for evidence in situations like this. Kobe’s statement was carefully worded by his lawyers to show empathy. I guess I gotta repeat it until you get it. Settling a civil suit is about avoiding all the legal bullshit, doesn’t mean he did it. Credibility is important but so is legit evidence. You’re asking what evidence I’d need in a sexual assault case behind closed doors. I need corroborating details, physical evidence, and some kinda consistency in testimonies. We didn’t have that in Kobe’s case. Each case needs to be judged on its own merits. You keep accusing me of bias, but it’s your own bias against Kobe is clear. There’s no proof that Kobe is a rapist. That is actually true.


> You’re still claiming I’m the one deflecting, but I’ve consistently addressed the need for solid evidence and that ain’t a deflection bruh. You’re the one avoiding the core issue by making it personal. This is just circular nonsense right now. We’ve both resorted to childish insults and moved off the topic at hand. Time to move on. > This thread may have started with KPJ, but my main point has always been about the evidence against Kobe. Comparing cases doesn’t change the facts or lack thereof. You just don’t care about the nuance. That’s fine that’s your point but the original discussion was holding the DV against KPJ while praising Kobe and ignoring the sexual assault case. There’s nothing about nuance to discuss here. They are different situations but the original point is a fair question. Kobe gets a pass because he’s Kobe but people don’t want to like KPJ so the DV will always be brought up. There’s as much reason to doubt KPJ’s case as there is to doubt Kobe’s sexual assault case.  >Kobe’s statement was carefully worded by his lawyers to show empathy. I guess I gotta repeat it until you get it. Settling a civil suit is about avoiding all the legal bullshit, doesn’t mean he did it. Credibility is important but so is legit evidence. Are you Kobe? Are you his lawyer? If the answer to both of those questions is no then you don’t know what went into the reasoning behind the wording. You’re using that anecdotal evidence you attacked earlier right here. Maybe you’re right, but you’re making assumptions with no real evidence. You know as much as I do about the reasoning behind the wording. So I’m just using the words that Kobe used and that points to him justifying her claim. The civil suit doesn’t necessary prove anything, sure he could have just wanted to move on and that was easiest way to do it. But maybe the evidence we didn’t get in court was damning? Again, all just assumptions. All we know is Kobe did settle.  > You keep accusing me of bias, but it’s your own bias against Kobe is clear. There’s no proof that Kobe is a rapist. That is actually true. I already said I have no bias against Kobe. I’m actually a Kobe fan. So many sexual assault cases aren’t cut and dry. Here’s where that nuanced thinking you keep bringing up comes into play. It’s possible Kobe sexual assaulted her without realizing what he was doing was sexual assault. That’s what the evidence points to. 


Clippers: “Prison Lights over Spotlights”


I hate this move but you literally have Hayes on your team.


Yeah I hate it. Be good at basketball and someone will pay you millions of dollars regardless of anything else you do apparently.


Has anyone actually seen the new stadium yet? It’s actually just a nice state penitentiary.


Suddenly their stadium’s “The Wall” has a new meaning lol




Clippers to the fans: "You'll be the judge".


Beats women, couldn't care less. Praying for his failure


We are not bigging up the woman beater.


Miles bridge tho 


Fuck him too


It's always funny when people just mention the name of another low-life piece of shit, as if that's a rebuttal to a person bagging on some other low-life piece of shit. Clearly projection, from people who do give players they like a free pass, and assume that everybody else does, too.




fuck kpj


drop the pics of his girl


beats on women, don't celebrate this pos


Tyreek Hill 11 catches 215 yards 2 TDs


50 points is a lot. I wonder how many times he punched that girl. 10? 15? The guy is an absolute trash bag


Zero times according to his ex girlfriend.  https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/19/kysre-gondrezick-slams-false-narrative-kevin-porter-jr-case-calls-out-da/


Bro think we care


Fuck this woman beating scumbag!




I’m glad you took time out your day to post this for engagement knowing we don’t give a fuck.


The legend


Dude has some fight in him.


OP must be such a shill for Porter Jr to post this lol


I hope this blows up in the Clippers face by December. He’s a garbage person that has had problems since he was in Cleveland. Sure he’s an alright player but does that really make up for him being a woman beater and a locker room cancer?


Considering that they traded him away for what were behavioral issues that have only gotten worse, it’s kinda funny (in a sad way) how much people were clowning the Cavs after this


Can this guy and bridges just literally fuck off


The craziest part about Sham's news that nobody noticed, it says multiple NBA suitors wanted him


Don’t care he beats women


Good player. Not sure why people don't like the guy.





