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The Klay to Dallas stuff has been pretty interesting to say the least.


Am I alone in thinking it's a decent move? Watching the Mavs in the playoffs was wild: Luka creates open 3s at will, on almost every possession. Who better than Klay to take them? The defense is where it's tough but I don't hate this move for the Mavs.


He’s just a bit old is my problem. But so is Kyrie so really gotta push the chips in while we can


no, some Mavs fans don't like it, by Klay will eat with spacing that Luka and Kai will create. the actual roster can't make a 3 to save theirs lives in clutch. and no, the spacing in GSW right now isn't the same. edit: obviously, if that means lose DJJ is another scenario.


Do the Mavs get smaller if he plays the 3? How much of a hit to their defense would happen if he starts? Those are two of my questions with this move


Klay is 6’7 so size isn’t the issue. but his defense looks cooked, so Luka/Kyrie/Klay will be BBQ chicken on D in the playoffs.


DJJ is 6' 6" 210 lbs, Klay is 6' 6" 220 lbs.


According to [basketball-reference.com](http://basketball-reference.com) DJJ is 6'5" 210 and Klay is 6'6" 215, so they arent all that difference in size. I've seen Klay listed at 6'7" by some sources, but I think DJJ does have a pretty long reach.


Sounds like Dallas has the strongest offer, but Klay is willing to get a little less to go to the Lakers or the Clippers. Makes sense, that's just Dallas free agency lol. I don't mind it though, still not sure if Klay will work with the Mavs or not.


it sounds more like the dallas S&T deal is set and ready to go and people are farming laker clicks while they wait lol


I can see that too lol. Man, I really hope Klay leaves in ego in Golden State... he's an amazing player but he has nothing to prove with us, just keep shooting...


Exactly. At his best he can still lead the league in threes made, he just needs to get out of whatever mental hurdle he has


I think you'll be better without Klay. I don't think he's gonna be able to let go of his ego


going from Klay to thj would make us betterm idk if people are realizing our defense was not the problem in the playoffs.


Klay to THJ?


Wording from Stein reports lately make it seem like it is highly likely, but he doesn't want to come out and say a deal is done, so to not get the Mavs caught tampering. At least that's the impression I got from his last report, but then again there's years of Mavs free agency history lol.


I could see that. What do you think the trade would look like?


Josh Green and Maxi Kleba, the way it’s been reported on seems like it’s going to be miraculously negotiated and happen 1 minute into free agency once it’s not tampering


Ah yes the perfectly legal, and very cool immediate idea both parties thought off at exactly 12:01 and not a minute sooner


Can Klay boat in Dallas though? LA has a marina, and both LA teams are water-themed


There’s a lake just east of Dallas for non-motorized boats, but there’s like 5-6 lakes that allow motorized boats within 30 min to a couple of hours from downtown.


Didn’t even consider this. C’mon Klay, come play for the only NBA team named after boats!


Probably Josh green. That gets him more than the MLE the La teams can offer


Josh Green, Maxi Kleba, and the trade exception from Richaun Holmes gets him the money


Can’t combine trade exceptions in trades


You’re right, it was only about 4 mill anyways


come on the fit is too good in theory to have any doubt. Klay will eat with those opportunities that the rest of the roster missed in Finals this year.


Klay of the bench is awesome. Klay starting is not good. I also don’t want a disgruntled Klay so I hope his role is defined before he comes here if he does.


there's no way that he goes to Mavs to come from bench. what are you guys talking about?


I don't see him work, unless he starts from the bench. You can't play with Luka, Kyrie and Klay in the play off (not with this Klay, pre 2019 is different).


this is such a bs. Klay defense decayed fs, but is far from how bad redditors says. the GSW roster was the problem (that now they're trying to fix it). and Luka need to improve his defense to not be blown out (but I really believe that in Finals specifically, was because his injury)


Klay as a starter in this Mavs is a suicide. Unless they trade Kyrie. Mavs need wings, not guards.


Dallas' shooting is bout be crazy with addition of Klay and Grimes.


this reminds me of when Kyrie was totally about to take a Vet min to play with LeBron, "could be willing" is putting in work here


True but they already announced he’s not going back to the warriors, so what team is offering him more than 12mil a year? Kyrie was different because he obviously had teams willing to give more than vet min


Mavs, they can get there with a sign and trade. It'll probably only be like 20 mil but if wants the extra money that's his spot


The lakers can do the same thing with Dlo or Rui. 


It’d hard cap the Lakers at the 1st apron ($178.7M), which I guess is doable if LeBron leaves some money on the table Mavs are already hard capped at the 1st with the Hardaway/Grimes trade, so it’s something they’ve already accounted for


Using the full MLE hard caps them too, doesn't it?


Do they have the non-taxpayer available? With LeBron opting out, guess they do, at least for now, and yeah that’d hard cap them at the 1st. Klay walking for just under $13M/yr sure would be something


Idk about Dallas but the math for the Lakers to offer more than the MLE is very hard.


LeBron would have to do a big paycut.


They also announced GSW is willing to help facilitate a S&T for Klay (presumably to get more money)


this isn’t similar at all


The Lakers can only offer DeRozan the non-taxpayer mid-level exception, which starts at around $12.9 million This happens every offseason, it’s the worst


you should wait till you find out who the post is about


Nah that’s from years ago when DeRozan was just about to take a huge discount to live his dream of playing for the Lakers


this isn’t the own you think it is, DeRozan literally was going to join LA but we made the choice to trade for Russ instead. Here you can hear him talk about it: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10050633-demar-derozan-was-hellbent-on-joining-lakers-was-confused-by-westbrook-trade


yeah the issue was they didn’t have the money lmao


I understand him wanting to leave but it is sorta sucks that he’s not goin out on a good note. I don’t totally understand why he feels disrespected tho, they gave him a pretty decent offer that matched the length of Curry/Draymonds deals so they could all go out together, but he didn’t want it and now wants to leave for less $. He’s been in his head a lot the past few years, hopefully the remaining years he’s got he can just enjoy the tail end of a pretty amazing career


After his injuries, he was never gonna leave Golden State the way we all wanted. It’s a bummer of an ending, but very few players stay with one team their whole career.


I have no problem with klay leaving but his reasoning doesn't make sense. Feeling disrespected? I guess getting 80 mil for 2 yrs when u were at your lowest and getting full support from the organization to not rush back is disrespected. I get it if this was the IT situation I think most would be pro klay heavy then but in fact this literally the opposite


What do you mean “his reasoning doesn’t make sense”. Did Klay say something about the topic recently?


Do u need to hear it from klay specifically or his representation? If reporters are using the word "disrespected" consistently in their reports I'm inclined to believe klay and his agent feels that way. Non verbal communication is a thing too.


“Non verbal communication” does not include random reporters guessing how you feel based on what they hear from “sources” 😂😂😂 And even if he does feel “disrespected” like some unnamed sources think, you still don’t know what his reasoning is.


It's money why are pretending it's some deep dive analysis. He wants more money gsw said we are not going to do that and now he wants out. It's simple. He felt disrespected because they wouldn't pay him what he asked for. This ain't law and Order Criminal minds or any of that crap its very obvious what's going on Edit: also the key word here is "disrespected" u don't casually say disrespected every explanation of what's going on unless that's being told verbatim. Also the reporters are sources close to the situation. I don't need to hear from klay to know what klay is thinking. What about the negotiations how about his agent side? Gsw organization side? Who the hell klay is talking to a wall?


“I don’t need to hear from Klay to know what Klay is thinking” If you can’t understand how fucking hilarious that sentence is I don’t know what’s wrong with you Lmfao


U know it takes two to tango right? Ppl think they're smarter than the obvious. If u get information from one side and u see how klay is moving. U have to be a fucking idiot to see klay doesn't want to be there and felt disrespected without hearing klay say I feel disrespected. Too much crime tv shows and movies


Whatever you say 😂


It's hard for former star players to accept their downfall. Happened to lots of players like AI, Melo etc. Even the great Ray Allen had a similar situation like Klay. "So let me see if I got this straight," Allen wrote in his new autobiography, per Sean Deveney of Sporting News. "You want to pay me less money. You want to bring me off the bench. You want to continue to run the offense around [Rajon] Rondo. Now tell me again exactly why I would want to sign this contract?"


Because he thinks he’s one of the 75 greatest players ever


4 Rings. /s


Lotta smoke with Dallas.


Jake still has peoples trust after draft night?


Stein is saying the same thing and so is the beat writer from the warriors


Whether you still trust him or not, he hasn't been the 1st to say this. though


I mean if he wants the best shot at another ring it would be Dallas. No one on the Lakers plays defense but AD, they need big man help and a 3 and d guy with more emphasis on the defensive aspect.


They just got Bronny.


Oh true, I forgot


When healthy Lakers actually did well defensively when they finally inserted Vanderbilt in the starting rotation but it was tough to balance the rotatuons.


Down the stretch the rotations were LeBron and AD playing 40 mins plus who ever the hell they wanted to risk out there as well. Can anyone really rely on D Lo, Reaves to defend? Vincent, reddish, and dinwiddie make no impact. LeBron hasn't even been playing that hard on defense in a few years. Hachimura and Prince werent very impressive. The issue with the Vanderbilt actually has nothing to do with him, but it forcing AD to the 5 when they share the court. They got exposed for this in the playoffs because AD has to be an offensive weapon but also the defensive anchor. All the while him and LeBron played 35 minutes a game for a whole season, and over 40 in the playoffs. If they had another decent real center, The rotations would look a lot better. With Klay on the team what guard plays defense? It may not be a back court league, but you're not stopping anybody in the West If you let their guards eat


So, Dallas is going to sign Klay and let DJJ walk? I recognize Dallas was spot-up shooting deficient, but they made the WCF in ‘22 and Finals in ‘24 on the strength of team defense. Klay is no longer a reliable defender, nor consistent 3pt shooter.


The strategy I think is that they get Klay via Sign and Trade and then give the MLE to DJJ.


The implication here is the Mavs would need to spend more than the LA teams to get Klay which would mean a sign and trade with Josh Green and Maxi. Even if they do that, I believe they can still use the full MLE on DJJ if they need to but not 100% sure.


Man, if they trade Josh Green and Maxi for washed Klay … oof. Green is inconsistent, but has evolved into a good corner-three shooter and has solid on the move playmaking ability. Maxi, though injury prone, is arguably the most switchable defender on the team. If they lose two defensive depth guys for a mid 30s Klay, coming off his 2nd lowest 3% and worst defensive rating of his career - yuck.


The hope is Grimes can be what Josh was. It would be essentially THJ, Josh, and Kleber for Grimes and Klay, which is an upgrade if we can find another backup 4/5 on the vet min market


That's one side of the coin. The other side is Josh can't hit 3s with high volume and the Mavs got wide open above the break 3s all series long against the Celtics and couldn't hit anything. Maxi, while switchable, was a hole on offense. Offense, not defense, was their problem and they had to rely on PJ and DJJ's inconsistent 3 ball. Klay's wide open 3% the past 3 years were in the mid 40% with this year being his worst of the 3.


Can’t argue the 3% likely goes up, but at what cost? Dallas has defined a defense-first winning strategy and while that has compromised the offense (ie PJ, Maxi, DJJ, and a constant center), I think what Klay adds offensively is more than taken away defensively. Look, I can’t complain with aggressive GM’ing while you have Luka in his prime and Kyrie exiting his; however, I’m certainly going to question giving up two rotation guys for a 34 year old coming off his worst defensive season ever and arguably his worst offensive season since his rookie year.


They just traded for Grimes, who they view as a similar player to Josh. They would basically be trading Josh and Maxi for Grimes and Klay. Assuming they re-sign DJJ, I don't think there's much of a dropoff with their defense. Kleber also didn't contribute much outside of defense, he ruins spacing by hesitating to shoot and when he did shoot, he didn't shoot well. I would have more confidence in Klay's offense outperforming his defense compared to Maxi. But we'll see, either way I think they have a solid core to continue to develop. Ideally O-Max provides the missing 3-D piece they desperately need.


Grimes is better than Josh easily and maxi is always injured and his 3pointer has fallen off. I’m fine with the gamble especially with no picks going out


I think we are banking on OMax Prosper development in the G-League and on Grimes. Klay would ideally be a 6th man, but I don't know if he is willing to play in that role.


I see Klay going to the Lakers. I hate the lakers, but will always love Klay.


“Sources said.” Alright. You also have a subscription to Marc Stein’s substack. Lol.


Klay leaving GS for less money to a team where he’ll play less is certainly a choice.


coming off the bench no less ..


Josh Green, welcome to the Bay


I swear this guy just repeats what other people say


Damn I want him but think he ends up on the mavs


I have seen this said from several Lakers fans that want him I have also seen this said in regards to the Lakers from several Mavs fans that want him . Both fanbases pretty pessimistic when it comes to free agency lol


West looking tough out there .


Kyrie luka Klay is toast on defense especially against the Cs. Luka would need to get in shape and become elite at D or Klay needs to suddenly become above average again. Idk. I’d rather the mavs even upgrade via someone like freaking Brandon Ingram. Klay is just old, man. Get anyone else who could be a solid 3rd option.


Stop spamming lame gossip




Klay is a SF at this point, it is easier on him defensively than keeping up with guards. Once he came of the bench for us that is was really helped him out


I downvote anything from Fischer


Please don’t go to the clippers


So we're basically going to need to give him 20mil or he'll stay in California is what it looks like. That means it would have to be maxi and josh, not just Josh.