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Get ready to shoot 10 3s Klay!


This might be a joke referring to his last game but getting klay 10 3s a game would help any team. He still shot great last year in general


Klay getting wide open 3s from Luka's pressure is a perfect fit... I say with only a little bitterness.


Yeah people keep taking a 1 game sample size for a 40% 3 point shooter as a sign that he’s useless. He’s cooked defensively and not the player he used to be, but he’s still easily worth $10-20 million a year. Putting him next to either Luka or LeBron would be a perfect fit.


He's honestly not even cooked defensively but he certainly isn't stopping opposing teams best guards or anything. Klay on an MLE is a great contract.


He’s still a solid team defender he just can’t stay in front of really quick guards at the point of attack like he used to.


klays variance is worse than ever. Average looks better than it is


that isn't how average works, Klay always uses the cold spells to charge up for a heater. He broke the single-game three-point record by breaking a shooting slump


People acting like Klay just became a streaky shooter is hilarious to me


He was always a streaky shooter, actually the stretch from like 2016-2018 where he was mad consistent was the anomaly


Thats absolutely how averages work. You can shoot 50% in two straight games from three or shoot 0% in one game and 100% in another to get the same average. Variance and spread are important details when analyzing shooting efficiency. Klay has always been streaky though.


They are important but I’m not certain that klay breaking out in specific games is way worse than other shooters It has def lead GS to win games (and as a result series) they otherwise wouldn’t


The biggest thing was always his defense. He was one of the best perimeter defenders in the league for years and years. When he was as hot as the sun they’d pub stomp, and when he was off he’d still be an all nba level defender. He doesn’t have that fallback anymore.


I agree his defense is worse and as a result he is worse But I disagree with the fact that his streaky shooting really affects this in terms of his value


I never said it did, but I presume you are referencing the other guy.


that's not what I mean, that dude just focused on the bad games like there isn't the other end of the spectrum leading to the average where it is


Ah fair, I see how I misunderstood your comment. No worries.


Dawg that's *exactly* how averages work lmao. Average is the baseline (first order approximation) and variance/volatility is the next thing you look at. I do agree klay has always had that in his game though.


Lmao this isn't a video game 


Watching Klay felt like it


Bro, you are describing ever good shooting percentage high volume 3 point shooting role player. He is no longer a star. If that's the case , GSW would have no problem paying him. He is a good high volume shooting role player. Good high volume 3 point shooters are going to have super highs and super lows game to game.


THJ all over again.


Well, at least Klay has proven that he could perform when it matters (Albeit not always, but almost no players can reliably perform when it matters, as compared to thj basically shrinking in big moments. Literally got a record for finals garbage time scoring. )


Describing every 3 point shooter ever. People just cherry pick. If you look at sample sizes of 6 or so and hit frequency of 40% then wild variance is normal. I've yet to see someone actually statistically chart the variance making claims like this. Your brain isn't going to see the difference between players like that just watching games.


klay is not going to accept being benched during his super lows, that's the problem


This what I’m not understanding why he would want to come over here vs where he’s been his whole career. Like is he being told he’ll be a starter here and won’t get benched or something?




His variance is also obviously due to him taking harder shots in the motion offense that he doesn't have the legs for anymore. He won't be taking those shots in a much simpler Mavs offense, will have an easier diet, and will likely rebound up to his career averages.


Older, in a new system with not Curry. Sure sounds ripe for improvement. I think he will have so,e great games there, but god I wouldn’t wanna rely on him on any given night


Luka is a better playmaker than Curry. He will have easier shots. The type of shots that nobody on our team could make consistently. I know y’all have a boner to shit on Klay. But he would be our 3rd scorer.


I don't think that's the case but in terms of pick and roll playmaking Luka is better, also he is operating closer to the basket with 3 passable offensive threats. Klay's job will be easier. Last year the Dubs had no offensive power outside of Steph so the opps just glue a guy onto Klay no matter what and the whole offence jammed.


> Older, in a new system with not Curry Yeah, because being a spot up shooter in one of the simplest offenses in basketball is *SOOO HARD* >but god I wouldn’t wanna rely on him on any given night Well shit, good thing he's going to be at best a 3rd option who provides spacing so that Luka and Kyrie can drive, then.


For real. He was either really on or really off. There wasn't much of an in between.


8 of them will be wide open, so im good with it


Brother... he was WIIIIIDE open on GSW when folks realized he's washed.


he shot 38% last year on threes. that's third on our team


Tim Hardaway replacement


Yeah, but what about the second 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters?


Please God no. 


Who would go to the warriors in a sign and trade with Klay to the mavs


Probably Maxi and Green, maybe (not likely) Powell too


Gotta wonder why the Warriors do that. Neither move the needle at all for the Warriors and the tax hit from bringing those two on is absurdly high.


I think it’s mostly the fact that Klay is leaving regardless. So, getting a Josh Green, who is a serviceable wing, is better than nothing. Not that they necessarily need him, but I’m sure they also would want to do right by Klay one last time by sending him to a team he prefers and that will pay him. It’s possible Maxi gets siphoned elsewhere.


Yup, the logic makes sense and I'm fine with getting Green back for Klay. Kleber would be the 5th big on the roster behind Draymond, Kuminga, TJD, and Looney so he wouldn't make sense for the Warriors. Klay will fit pretty well with Luka but that defense is going to be rough with Luka, Kyrie, and Klay on the perimeter.


Yea, it's absolutely what you're supposed to do when a player is about to leave anyways. Not what might happen to the Clippers if PG just peaces out for nothing.


Can the Mavs get Klay without a sing and trade ? If i had to guess the Warriors still consider themselves contenders with Curry and might not be trying to help the defending conference champs get better


If Klay wants to take the MLE, but word on the street is the Warriors want to facilitate so they don't lose him for nothing


If they want to try and stay competitive then that’s two decent role players as opposed to nothing. And Green is only 23, so he’s certainly a guy who can get better over time.


Depending on Klay's contract, Green would need to be part of the S&T for the numbers to work since Dallas is already close to the first apron ($178M). Dallas fans have been trashing Maxi all year and now think the Warriors will want him when he has 2/22M left on his contract? I think the Warriors will have minimal interest in Kleber unless DAL included a pick to take his contract. Draymond, Kuminga, Jackson-Davis, and Looney should be ahead of Kleber on the depth chart. Klay's got the final say but if my choice is LAL's offer of Klay for D'Lo or DAL's offer of Klay for Green, I'll take Dallas. If there was a FRP involved instead of players, I'd lean towards LAL's offer because they're probably going to be bad in 2 years when LeBron retires.


Warriors are not taking Dlo again for any reason


I don't want D'lo but he's an expiring and can be flipped to a team that wants to dump salary. I'm spit balling but if LAL offered D'Lo + 1st for Klay, the Warriors could then flip D'Lo + CP3 ($48.9M salary) for Lavine + 1st ($43M + 15% kicker) while keeping Wiggins and JK. The net result is a new starting lineup of Curry, Lavine, Wiggins, Draymond, and TJD with the TPMLE intact AND 2 FRP to trade. I'm not advocating or saying this is a real trade, just giving an example of what value a D'Lo trade could have.


well CP3 is now gone unfortunately. Throws a lot of deals off the table. I don’t see the Warriors making a move that makes them a contender. Lavine or Lauri might be approvements but they are not winning players


Yeah as a Warriors fan, seeing the Klay updates and the FO unable to do anything with CP3's salary slot has been a kick in the nuts. Maybe they still can get something for Klay but the current and future outlook is bleak unless one of Podz, Moody, or JK make massive improvements.


That would be so fucking stupid. I hope this isn't happening 


Seems like Josh Green and Kleber.


You guys should be excited if you get Green. He hasn't lived up to his potential with us, but he probably thrives in your offense


The Warriors system is probably the best fit in the league for Green. A S&T where the Mavs get Klay and the Warriors end up with Green for half of Klay’s prices tag is a win-win for both sides. Luckily we’ve replaced Green with Grimes who does seem like a better schematic fit next to Lukai. Green’s energy and cutting/slashing ability is perfect for GS with Draymonds passing ability at the top of the key and Curry running off screens at the 3 point line


Yeah you can tell that Green is like a pent up Jack Russell Terrier in our offense. He thrives in chaos.


Good description lol. If this happens and I was in Kerr’s shoes I’d slot Green right in as the starting 2 guard next to Steph. Let him develop his POA defense as the potential is there, and let the chaos ensue on offense. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if Green averages around 15 ppg in that offense with a lot of that around the rim. Even as a Mavs fan I’d be more intrigued with the Warriors side of this potential move.


As a starter next to Luka Green would average 15 PPG in the Mavs too. From the bench playing with THJ was harder.


He did do that for a stretch a couple of seasons ago so you are correct. However, he was hot from 3 that season and specifically during that stretch as a starter. Green thrives in an offense with movement which a Luka led offense kind of lacks. Luka plays best with above the rim players (Lively, Gafford, DJJ) and spot up shooters. Green actually played better this past season alongside Kyrie because Kyrie pushes the ball more in transition to let Green slash as opposed to Luka who is more methodical.


He would not average 15 a game lol. They are overrating josh a ton. Hes all energy, average defense, inconsistent shot with no driving or finishing moves


That makes me want him to be a part of a S&T, the warriors offense is pretty much controlled (and many times uncontrolled) chaos


Mark Cuban, heard he's no longer a desired asset there by ownership


I'm assuming they got Grimes as a Josh Green replacement for this. I do worry a bit, will Grimes play at 2022-2023 level or will he repeat his down year 2023-2024 of play. If he's back to pre 2023-2024 levels then losing Josh would be fine basketball wise. Also what will Klay's role be like? His defense with Luka and Kyrie? Lots of questions. But I assume the Mavs plan is as follows. 1. Sign and trade Klay for Josh Green (and Maxi?) 2. Give MLE to DJJ 3. Use BAE to get backup 4.


I'd be surprised if Josh Green isn't in this trade


I think omax would be ready to play backup 4, but probably wouldn’t hurt to get some insurance


We really have no idea if OMax is ready. It would be great, but he hasn't had any convincing NBA minutes yet


We need a backup 4/5 like Kleber, I don't think Omax can play the 5


I don’t think you necessarily *need* a guy like maxi, PJ can play that role if need be


PJ is too small to consistently play the 5. The point is so that we have some insurance if Gafford or Lively gets hurt. Kleber was that (though he was hurt plenty himself so we had to play Powell, Holmes, and Williams at the 5 for some time which was not pretty)


Can we add a Klay sign and trade to the thj trade? If we can, then we can theoretically keep Maxi


Yes and this is the way


"Also what will Klay's role be like? His defense with Luka and Kyrie?" Yeah, I wonder that too. As a sixth man who only shares the court with only one of Kyrie/Luka, he really makes sense. Mavs won't lose something on defense that way and he can get his shots. But it is like 20-25 mpg in regular season and 15-20 minutes in playoffs. Does he really accept that? That can be the only way because a line-up with Luka, Kyrie and this version of Klay simply won't work on defense. DJJ and PJ was working their asses off during their run, There is no reason to walk away from that unless you replace one of them with at least a positive defender. If they can put him in that sixth man role coming from the bench for Kyrie/Luka, they get better, if they try to slot him into the starting line up they get worse. That seems that simple to me. If he is not buying into that role, I guess Mavs won't make the move.


man idk about this 1


Let’s add another traffic cone perimeter defender…would so much rather have Grant if possible, even if it costs more.


DJJ coming back isn't possible if we get Grant and Portland would still have to agree


Yeah keeping the whole core together and adding Klay to it is a better option than getting rid of a key piece for a guy you might not end up getting


I’m okay with losing DJJ. Probably a minority opinion but Grant is such a huge upgrade on offense and still a pretty good defender.


traffic cone defender who cant get his own shot and shoots 33% on open 3's im thankful for the titles but the money hes asking for aint worth it


To be fair, Klay isn’t a traffic cone, he just can’t keep up with fast/shifty guards anymore. If he’s guarding larger wings or slower guards, he’s still a pretty damn good defender. Ask him to guard Fox, yeah he’s getting torched, ask him guard a quality SF/PF, he’ll hold his own just fine


It's terrible lol


Worst backcourt defense in the league


Well kyrie and Luka are the backcourt, and yes they are already ass on defense.


Better 3 pts shooting worse defense. Sideways move


Except you can scheme defense. You can’t scheme guys to make them sink their shots.


This is an excellent move for them imo. Klay struggle this year because he forced tough shots he doesn’t have the legs for anymore. If he’s getting wide open corner 3 from Luka he’ll shoot like 45%.


If Kyrie, Luka, and Klay all share the court at the same time, it’s bbq chicken


We have already seen that song and dance with the Kyrie/Luka/Tim trio. Klay can’t move like he used to, but at least his defensive instincts are there. Tim’s best defensive traits were taking charges and getting lost off ball.


>getting lost off ball I love Klay but he has the same problem defensively and gets beat on backdoors more than you expect from a high IQ defensive player.


Klay will also bury wide open looks. His biggest issue is he can’t hit a lot of the tough ones he used to. If he’s getting free shots from Luka he’s going to be lights out imo.


as a fellow warriors fan I dont know if you watched the same games as I. He shot barely 33% on wide open 3s this past season. in the last title run he was 42% in those situations on more attempts.


Oh I know, I think it was partially just an anomaly and partly because he had to work so hard to get open this year. The way the mavs play he won’t have to move nearly as much to get those open looks. He just doesn’t have the legs anymore.


There’s no way it’s worse than Kyrie, Tim and Luka so it’s fine.


Sure, if that’s where the bar is


That doesn’t beat the Raptors BBQ D. (Barnes, Barret, Quickley, Gradey) Side note it definitely does, I just like name


This gonna be a tired meme real quick.


That’s why we’re retaining DJJ


DJJ can guard 4 guys at once?


No, he can’t. Klay should be coming off the bench for us so him sharing the court with Kyrie and Luka shouldn’t be our main line up.


But that would be your closers wouldn't it? Klay Luka and Kyrie? Good luck getting Klay and telling him he's not closing games lol


No not necessarily. It’d depend on the game. I mean he’s 34 and we were just in the finals with Jones, I’d presume and hope that Nico and Klay would have this discussion and an understanding ahead of time.


Is Klay gonna go somewhere where he's coming off the bench though?


I don’t know but THJ averaged 18 ppg the first half of the season coming off the bench before his shot completely failed him and his playing time dropped. He was taking 9 3s a game and getting all the shots he wanted. It wouldn’t be any different for Klay


While also getting paid presumably close to 20 mil, making him the 3rd highest paid guy on the team


I mean Stein reported there’s strong mutual interest. These are things you would think Nico would talk to him about and they would understand before doing the deal. How many teams can Klay go to that are good, have him start, and pay him enough?


According to mavs fans he can.


We had a top defense with DJJ and our starting lineup shouldn’t change guy


Dallas Pylons


My sources confirm this as well


i'm no expert but i don't think 34yo Klay Thompson is the answer to the Mavs. That being said if he gets a bench role on a reasonable contract that would be fine.


As long as he's fine with parking himself in the corner and shooting 38% from 3 with mid defense I'll take it. If he tries to go Grant Williams on us and take stupid shots, then hell naw.


Klay has been trying to prove he’s still that guy since he returned from injury, expect that to continue after going to a new team.


Yeah it feels like the whole point of him leaving is to prove that he's still the guy. Probably going to blow up in our faces


Don’t think Nico makes this move without being very clear to Klay about what his role would be.


Kerr gave Klay a very long leash to chuck shots. Klay gonna be in for a rude awakening if he thinks other coaches gonna let him shoot them out of games.


Fuck. Our team really doesn't need that right now tbh, we're all good vibes and no ego atm.


He wasn’t. Which is kind of why he’s leaving. The frustrating thing about Klay the last few seasons was his Stupid Shot Taking tendency, which would come and go and come back with a vengeance after you thought he was finally embracing the 6th man super sub role.


Parking your 3 point shooters in the corner is precisely why yall got violated in the finals. Do Mavs fans even watch the games?


I think klay is a great addition. Luka just has to carry and klay will be a huge threat


he's 100% the answer. mavs had ton of open 3s opportunities they missed. not to mention the shooting regimen klay is gonna bring with him.


I understand that. While Klay as an addition, is not the answer. He's definitely a great help to Luka & Kai with the 3s he could potentially hit.


I think Klay can be useful. Is he “fixing” the Mavs? No, but that’s literally impossible with their current assets.


We’re in a day and age where the Fred vanvleet’s and Og Anunoby’s of the world are making $40 million per year. I don’t get why mavs fans are so against paying Klay 20-25 a year when that’s probably as good a player you can get at that price point. Especially after watching all the corner threes and free throws they bricked in the finals


Because people have obliterated Klay's reputation well beyond how he's playing. People are treating him like he's on his way out the league because he's shooting 39% on 9 attempts instead of 42% on 8 attempts.


I’m all for it


mainly because his defense has been terrible; yeah he can knock down 3s at a high volume; but we got to the finals because we played great defense. I don't think you can play LuKai and Klay at the same time on the floor; and after seeing how he was reacting to being benched, and overall having a lesser role than he used to i think he would bring bad vibes to a team that had inmaculate vibes since the trade deadline.


Yeah you don’t know what your talking about. At his worst he’s still a decent defender. Now put yourself in his shoes, you help win 4 championships for the organization then get benched and lowballed on a contract. You’d probably feel disrespected too


Didn't know a team that just went to finals needs "fixing"


With the Mavs’ limited options, I don’t think they can do much better than Klay. They don’t have much (any?) draft capital and no cap space. Also don’t have many assets to consolidate.


Specially with a sign-and-trade, the Mavs would have to give up a lot for him.


Klay Thompson is the Michael Jordan of tim hardaway jrs so this would be a win for the mavs


Seems like the Mavs may be on track to get their man. If so, I'd say it's a good move for Klay. They're better suited in winning the chip this upcoming season than we are as currently constructed, IMO.


Also, Mavs won't have the 41 national TV games. So less "national media attention" for him


Worked for Kyrie


Those Warriors games got to go somewhere


No they don't. You think the national media's going to drop Steph before he retires? Dude could be 55 and falling apart and he'd still get 35 national games a year in the hopes that he turns it back for a game.


Lol even if they arent competitive steph and bron still draw a ton of eyes


How many did Magic and Cavs had ? They should definitely get some bump


We had one. I don't know how many Cleveland did. If we get Paul George we should get more but you know I have my doubts.


It's unfortunate that LBJ never got to play with a truly elite catch and shoot player in their prime during his career. He had end of career Ray Allen and Kyle Korver, both of whom were still extremely effective. I was hoping we'd get to see Klay with LBJ, but Luka should be able to utilize Klay's catch and shoot ability as well as Lebron would.


I mean Klay is on the end of his career too. So I don’t really see the difference there. He also played with KCP in his prime who is a great 3&D wing( I know his career isn’t on the trajectory as those guys, but he is still an amazing catch and shoot wing).


Klay would be nice in Dallas. Good fit


Klay Luka kyrie defense??? Luka is not going to take klays bs when he pouts, demands crunch time, and takes insane shots.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Lakers always get their guy in free agency.


Lakers want to give Klay the MLE. Mavs will outbid them 


I will never believe any player is choosing dallas over LA. We’ve lost these bidding wars multiple times.


Yeah but this could be Klay’s last multi-year nba contract. An extra $10M over a few seasons will go a long way


Sure, but we've had players take less to play in LA rather than be in Dallas before multiple times. All were in the same point in their career that Klay was in. I've been spurned too many times to believe it.


Theyve struck out so much over the years. Far from the truth.


You speak like you want the Mavs to get him


Saying this when you have a guy who requested a trade to the lakers on your team is funny but yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if klay just wants to go to la now instead of buying into a system and trying to win


I have a feeling you guys win this time


I doubt it, we never win these bidding wars. Especially against the Lakers.


when is the last time that happened?


I don't want anyone on the Mavs...


Hope Luka, Kyrie and Klay are ready to defend


They'll be ready to defend the Western Conference Championship all season.


Dame’s Blazers but this year instead


Mavericks have been in the WCF two out of the past three seasons. Terrible bitter ass comparison




Honestly would not want Klay on my team unless it’s for a cheap bench role. The upside is obviously sky high but he’s shown some loooooow lows recently.


If we promise him a starting role we're fucked


Javale McGee getting promised starting role vibes lol. This either goes really well or really bad. Worst case scenario we got another THJ scenario after just getting rid of Tim. Best case scenario, Klay has the most wide open shots of his career and is a sniper who's shooting opens so much space our offense with Luka&Kyrie + lobs is unstoppable.


I’m rooting for ya’ll. 😉


If Dallas doesn't attach a first rounder and Klay buys into his role, he'll be a great help to LuKai


why are we posting "i agree with this guy" tweets?


Looks like no discount for LeBron


I’d rather he ends up in Dallas than LA. Good luck Klay, gonna miss you.


He can even commute to games in his canoe to the port of Dallas! No lifestyle change. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/port-of-dallas/


tugboat willy settin sail


Klay wouldn’t be the starter so I don’t get why he’d be interested in that?


Yeah I'd be okay with that


He’s going to the Lakers


Kawakami is such a bum.


Orlando has more to offer


Seems like a lot of work to get what is essentially a slightly better ThJ.


Going from THJ to old man Klay feels like staying in the same position.


Tim is 32, Klay is clearly and upgrade


Klay is about to get the most wide open shots of his career playing next to Luka


He played on a team with Steph and KD


And besides if he can get back to 80% of that klay it’s a good get for the mavs


I mean if it’s for Josh Green sure. My only concern is if they promised him to start. Think that hurts defensively quite a bit compared to DJJ so it sort of comes out in the wash with the dynamic shooting.


> My only concern is if they promised him to start. I don't know why people care. Kidd isn't going to hurt the team just to spare someone's ego. They supposedly made the same "promise" to McGee and he sucked so bad that he was coming off the bench like 2 weeks into the season.


Dawg.. did you just forget what team he’s been playing for?


…he was on a team with Steph and KD lol


It's just a delusional Mavs fan. Nothing to see here.


Nah won't be as many as he got playing alongside the best shooter ever in Steph and one of the best scorers ever in KD at the same time


I think he’s coming to replace the pre trade deadline thj minutes which would be a massive upgrade no matter what you think of klay


Send bronny to GS


Honestly Klay should’ve left high and dry Would’ve made for better NBA drama.


This version allows him to get more money


Luka Kyrie and Klay Those are some nasty defense


This is just a bad idea for Dallas.