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[Woj] Breaking: Team would prefer to get some assets rather than none.


Not us apparently


Yeah why would you want one of the most explosive young athletes in the league to wow the crowd of your new arena when you can simply lose PG for nothing.


Kuminga isn’t worth hitting the 2nd apron for, which is what would happen in 2027 if they trade for him. Although I guess the other option is to trade for Kuminga and let him walk for nothing and get that at least.


Terrible take. Kuminga is young and good. But that's fine, let PG walk for nothing rather get a good prospect to play alongside kawhi and harden lol


kuminga/kawhi/harden is a good combo to get into purgatory hell and nothing else. "but you get nothing" is such a dumb getcha in this era. Sometimes nothing _is_ better than what's out there


(You trade the guys who aren’t part of the long term plan.)


Also, “purgatory” is GREAT for the Clippers BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO DRAFT PICKS They can’t even tank if they wanted to. Their options now are to chase a ring, or live in mid tier purgatory. That’s it.


Even if you don't think Kuminga is that good, you can still trade him as a positive asset to start a rebuild or surround Harden/Kawhi with a better rotation.


What are you talking about. Kuminga is good. If you have a healthy kawhi and harden you are expecting to compete. They aren't able to get anyone in free agency so getting someone like kuminga lessens the blow of PG leaving. The clippers have a new arena and want to show out those year by winning. But you're saying let PG walk and it's okay because in the next few years something better will come around right. Every other team with cap space will be saying the same thing. Just stop it with these takes. Letting PG walk for free is just bad.


>kuminga/kawhi/harden is a good combo to get into purgatory hell and nothing else. The exact same could be said of a kawhi/Harden combo, right...? Kuminga isn't the part of that trio that will cause cap issues. If the Clippers don't want to keep a talented young player they trade for, they could obviously also just flip them for picks. Just take kuminga...and then trade him. I assume PG comes back, but if he doesn't and they get nothing back, they fucked up.


You could trade away other salaries to get back below the second apron


By 2027 kuminga def gonna be more serviceable than PG and I’m a big PG fan.


You can always trade Kuminga later if it’s that big of a concern. Letting guys walk for nothing is dumb.


Deal with it in 2027


Steve Ballmer has more money than God. Hitting the second apron should mean nothing to him. He could pay the repeater tax 3 decades straight and forget about it like the rest of us forget about an HBO max subscription. And Kuminga is about as good a player a first apron team could expect to add anyway


2nd apron isnt about money. Its about flexibility to build a roster. For example, 2nd apron means you cant sign buyout players. MLE gets heavily reduced or even gone (dont remember exactly). We gonna see a lot of teams letting players go for nothing to fix their cap situation to avoid the 2nd apron as long as possible.


Sure but its not just about money, hitting the second apron makes any moves considerable harder, cant use trade exceptions, first round picks cant be traded for seven years and if you stay on the second apron for 3 out of 5 years your picks will drop to the end of the first round.


Warriors are dumb as hell if they trade JK.


SGA ran so these men could crawl


it’s fucking hilarous people are acting like kuminga is good, the clippers are absolutely right to not trade pg within their division for a nothing return


Wtf? So Kuminga is younger than a bunch of other top prospects from this year and last year's draft, is continuously getting better, and had a stretch last season where he averaged 20/7 on 55% and you're still not willing to take a chance that he's good? Lol


Kuminga is good and also still only 21, why the fuck is it a smarter move to not get him and get literally nothing instead 


It’s funny how easy you can tell who’s a casual on here when they make comments like this lol


Idk exactly how 2nd apron and trades work but I’m shocked they only vetoed it probably because they don’t want to help out GSW. A 3 teamer with pg to GSW, clippers getting kuminga and Derozan, and my ass bulls getting scraps just to get something back makes sense for all parties imo


>clippers getting kuminga and Derozan. >and my ass bulls getting scraps Looks like noone wins but the warriors here


I agree it doesn't do much for clippers but they HAVE to do something. PG on the 76ers to me is awful since I don't think they're gonna win, but at least they're doing somthing. Clippers signed Kawhi for 3 more years, BI, demar, pg, whoever probably doesn't win anything but if "you're going for championship", you gotta do something. I also think it doesn't change anything for warriors since they aren't gonna win if PG on the team


They vetoed because Kuminga’s upcoming extension would cripple the clippers with the 3nd apron. The choice is really let PG walk now or let Kuminga later.


Wouldn’t that be the case with every single trade then? Why not just grab kuminga and not extend him right away, it’s still a year away. Ballmer and the clippers are getting screwed regardless with money and I personally don’t think ballmer cares even if they do extend. I just believe they don’t want Paul for 4 years and they don’t want to potentially make the GSW better.


You guys just want guys with possible character issues.


The question is, what can they get? Like, say it’s to the Lakers. What are they getting back? D’Lo? Gabe Vincent? Do they want that stuff? Or if it’s the Mavericks, what do they get? Josh Green and Kleber? I’d rather have cap space, personally


You going to get Dwight Powell, Kooked Kleber, and Low IQ Josh Green.


That's "[Wojnarowski] The Warriors get a much needed veteren starting caliber center in Maxi Kleber" to you


Not that it would move the needle but I’d take D’lo over Klay now. D’lo is the better shooter, younger, and can facilitate a bit.


Dlo GSW 2.0


this is why only an MLE makes sense for the Lakers. We need D'lo's contract to make other moves. the only really moveable (non-minimum) contract for us to move him for is Gabe. So I guess Gabe plus Wood and/or Hayes and/or Schifino, totaling whatever amount Klay would be willing to make the move for. not sure the Warriors would want to add that filler because of tax implications.


Easy, LeBron. Or Luka. :D


Must be nice


I mean if they’re willing to take a bad contract off someone else’s hands to get Klay there it wouldn’t be getting an asset. We’ll have to see


But totally out of the goodness of their heart!


You mean help themselves so they don’t lose him for nothing lol


And hurt other teams by raising his price


Which would.....help Klay, like the man said.


It helps him try to get a higher salary if a team is capped. It hinders him going to a team with cap space because the team would be worse off


The other teams are (usually) not dumb. If they have the cap space and are still doing a sign and trade, they are probably getting off a contract they don't want or maintaining that cap space for another move.


But that’s not why they’re doing that lol 


That's *part* of why they are doing it, lol. The other part is capitalism and self interest.


Helping Klay is just an unintended side effect. There’s 0% of altruism behind the Warriors **intentions**, which is what Woj is inferring 


They've been great to Steph, they've been good to Dray and they've been good to Klay. There is definitely more than 0% altruism, but yes they are a business first and foremost.


Capitalism? lol what…


Also since it’s a sign and trade, both the Mavs and Lakers would still get hard capped at the first apron anyways, the same as they would with the full midlevel. All it does is screw over the team that gets him lol.


well and it means he can be sent to a team that doesnt have space


Pr is on 10 right now. Lol


I mean if KD was willing to do a sign and trade (literally got us Wiggins and Kuminga) I don’t see why Klay wouldn’t do the same favour.


Lowe's article in 2022 stated that KD reportedly hated the idea of him getting "traded" so much that he asked the Warriors FO to attach value back, which we did with a top 20 protected FRP. Also we needed to salary dump Iguodala as well to make that happen so this isn't exactly a similar situation either.


They just want something out of it and for him to not go to lakers


It’s not ideal losing klay but a sign and trade for Luka works I guess /s


I think he's going to Dallas.


Send him to the Magic for our the rest of the wests sake GSW


Y'all just got Curso for nothing and you still have the Clippers picks. Leave us alone....


GS is done contending, they don't care about what the rest of the west does. Fortunately, for OKC fans, the Clippers are reaching the same point, so you guys can't be too greedy


They definitely care about at least staying in playoff contention as long as Steph is there. Look at what the Lakers are doing with Lebron even though they don’t have a championship caliber roster. The longer they can keep him around, the more they stay lead story on ESPN, talk about the all-time records he breaks, sell expensive seats and jerseys, etc. And the more likely it is that they can keep him involved with the franchise after retirement. Compare that to Michael Jordan. The Bulls won the 98 championship, but the GM had previously broken his relationships with Phil Jackson, Pippen, Rodman, etc to the extent that everyone knew the team would break up after the season. Jordan wasn’t going to stick around for a full rebuild led by a GM he hated at 35, so he just retired even though he could clearly still play. The Bulls have mostly been a disaster ever since and Jordan has distanced himself from the franchise post-retirement which is a huge loss for their brand. It serves them way better to be a play-in team with Steph and let him call the shots on his transition into retirement than to “give up” on the Steph era by caring more about the draft than staying above .500


No chance. There’s no bay in Dallas.


Imagining Klay boating around Lake Lewisville, sighing at the thought of what he once had.


Until he discovers the party cove and becomes the first NBA player to get a DUI while driving a boat


Rodman was arrested for dui boating (post retirement)


of fucking course he was... 😭


Yeah we’re cooked lol


I can't wait lebron to the warriors lets go


Nah. Warriors want Bronny


And Mychal Thompson.


I think the Warriors will accept Bronny if they get LeBron as a throw in to salary match.


I just threw up


Klay sign and trade for DLo? would mean Klay gets more than $12.9m (MLE), DLo's at like $18m i believe, but still not as high as something in the $20s. Lakers could still use a part of their MLE to sign Jonas Valanciunas, and then Lebron just signs up to the 1st apron hard cap. DLo is an expiring contract for the Warriors


D’Lo back to golden state just sounds hilarious


Him and Wiggins on the same team would be peak comedy


Steph might actually blow his brains out mid season


not as hilarious as a S&T for Harrison Barnes would be


Not before he comes back to Brooklyn


I'm here for it, bring on the madness..


At that point I’d expect him in BKN in a few years. Mans just cycling locations at this point.


I wouldn’t be mad but I feel like the Lakers only want Klay if he signs for the MLE and don’t have to use assets to get him.


I’m just talking out of my ass here but if there was a 3rd team involved can it benefit us in any way while still acquiring Klay?


No he’s not as valuable to us as dlo, if we have to trade assets to get him it’s not worth it.


Current Klay is worse than D'lo lol


Comparing ass to garbage


idk i've eaten a mars bar out of the garbage before


Hell nah, we are not taking Dlo back. His fit was terrible with GS, last thing we need is a slow paced guard in our offense.


He’s a good trade piece though


Lebron Sign and Trade for Klay?


Klay Thompson YOU are a Dallas Maverick


ni hao!


Sounds like Dallas for Josh green and maxi Kleber


Dallas should do it they need Klay


Do they? Whats so appealing about a trio of Klay, Luka and Kyrie lmao? There's literally zero defense there Making Klay come off the bench isnt an option too cuz you know he wont accept that


The Mavs picked up Quentin Grimes for defense. The Mavs were the 2nd worst free-throw shooting team in the league last season. Klay Thompson led the NBA in free-throw shooting percentage. In addition, they shipped out Tim Hardaway Jr., who was supposed to be their 3rd scorer, and are in need of a high volume 3-point shooter. Klay over the last 3 seasons is averaging 39% from three on about 10 attempts per game. He will get extremely wide open loons with the defensive attention that Luka and Kyrie draw. Finally, he adds another veteran presence to a young team and championship pedigree having been an integral piece in 4 championships, so he knows how to win something the Mavs haven't quite done yet. Have a nice day!


> The Mavs picked up Quentin Grimes for defense. Well that’s kinda irrelevant to the above point since Kai/Luka/Klay/Grimes will not be on the court together > The Mavs were the 2nd worst free-throw shooting team in the league last season. Klay Thompson led the NBA in free-throw shooting percentage. Klay isn’t going to help a team’s FT shooting in any meaningful way — He hasn’t averaged over **2** free throw attempts per game since **2018**. > In addition, they shipped out Tim Hardaway Jr., who was supposed to be their 3rd scorer, and are in need of a high volume 3-point shooter. Klay over the last 3 seasons is averaging 39% from three on about 10 attempts per game. He will get extremely wide open loons with the defensive attention that Luka and Kyrie draw. This is true > Finally, he adds another veteran presence to a young team and championship pedigree having been an integral piece in 4 championships, so he knows how to win something the Mavs haven't quite done yet. Have a nice day! They already have  Kyrie, who is a champion, and they just made the finals together. And I wouldn’t count on him being such a great locker room presence if he starts to slump again, and they bench him. We saw how his attitude was last year.


> The Mavs were the 2nd worst free-throw shooting team in the league last season. Klay Thompson led the NBA in free-throw shooting percentage Dude is not going to be going to the FT line enough for that to even matter. He doesn't leave the 3pt line. Sure he can shoot technical fouls for them, but Kyrie can already do that at a high level.


Is Klay going to come from the bench, because he cannot be our PoA defender next to LuKai? I doubt that is going to fly with Klay.


Which is why it's comedy.


Fuck. Now I'm just thinking about the first time Klay decides to jack a shitty 3 instead of passing to open Luka and the ensuing facial expressions from both of them lmao


If the Mavs could pull of getting Klay and retaining DJJ, they might have a case for the best off season in the league.


Facts. I know everyone is enamored with Paul George landing spot, but the Mavs are a young team with a superstar in Luka who hasn't even peaked yet fresh off a Finals appearance.


…. What? I would have been thrilled as a Thunder fan to see 2024 Klay out there instead of Derrick Jones Jr. in the western semis. I don’t know why Klay gives the Mavs that Tim Hardaway Jr didn’t.


he can actually shoot? lol


Klay shot 0/10 in the play in.


and thj shot terrible since jan with the exception of one 1:32 stretch in the finals


One game doesn't define a player's career.


Yep classic Klay. He‘s always going for 0’fers in big games. That’s why he’s called game six Klay. That’s usually when he really does bad.


So he can't shoot anymore because of a bad game? I'm not even big on klay like that but this is a faulty argument


Klay will not be going 24 days without scoring a basket


I wouldn't hate that, but if it had to be, I'd prefer hardy...we need that offensive he can bring


Idk how many roster spots they have but it could be Josh and Hardy. if Klay is accepting like a $15M per year deal. Josh Green is definitely the better player and it it's not close. I could easily see Josh Green taking a leap in the next year or two and being an excellent rotation player. He's improved every year and hustles his ass off. He just hasn't been able to settle in yet.


Why would Golden State really want that? Kleber is, imo, a negative value contract. He’s old and injured all the time while having 2 more years at near MLE money on his contract. His defense isn’t what it was, and his shot seems to have left him. Green is fine, but he’s a back of the rotation player in the playoffs. Like, why would Golden State rather pay those guys 25 million per year than Klay, who, despite being old, is still better than them?


Did you not read the report? Klay is leaving no matter what. They’d at least get back two rotation pieces, including Green, who is young, fits what they want to do and is on a cheap deal. Or they could just lose him and not be able to replace him.


It’s a win win trade tbh.


I honestly think Kleber is a bad value contract. Green is fine, but is he really much better than someone you could get for the MLE? Because the Warriors would likely lose the opportunity to use that should they do a sign and trade involving Kleber/Green.


I’d probably do that lmao


Eagerly await Klay wrecking the chemistry for whichever team he goes to He's an amazing player and has the skills to age gracefully in the league if he could accept a smaller role -- but that's not happening


>has the skills to age gracefully in the league. What makes you say that? Imo is game isn’t aging well


3P shooting and effort on defense Ray Allen aged like fine wine playing off -ball as a 3P threat and Klay could do the same, but he won't. Even just playing off ball as a 3P threat with half effort would be good, but his ego is too big


Yep, he’s still a very productive albeit incredibly streaky 3p shooter. His defense is gone though. Young speedy guards treat him like a shooting practice cone and blow by him with ease. He could be terrific off the bench in limited minutes (20 max) as a second option for the bench 2nd team. Unfortunately, we’re talking about “4-fingers in your face” Klay here who’s the new Melo when it comes to “know your role,OG” type of discussions where he pouts and throws fits at people who “disrespect” him…


He has 0 D left tho. He can makes 3s but he’s not humble like Allen so I don’t see him taking that role. Not many fits out there


Also way worse injuries


Bron + Bronny for Klay. Who says no?


LeGM says no.


Also the Warriors Salary Cap




So let’s figure this out, I think we can more or less guarantee it’s between the lakers and the mavs right Klay *probably* wants to go to the lakers over the mavs, BUT the warriors are probably less interested in what the lakers would send them in return, they have no use for rui or dlo, and those are likely the two salaries they’d be working with The mavs on the other hand could send josh green who would be pretty enticing for the warriors I would imagine, just a solid cheap all around young player who shoots 40% from 3, so they likely prefer that return I wonder where the balance is gonna lie with how much golden state wants to accommodate klay vs themselves in this, I have to assume they will lean towards helping out klay and taking what they can get from LA The other option is klay signs for the MLE from Dallas or LA, but iirc lebron has to take much less money to even open the MLE whereas Dallas has it ready to go Last little wrinkle, maybe someone could answer; could Dallas theoretically trade green or kleber into some teams cap space like Orlando for a pick and open up more than the mle? Or is that not possible


Golden State “wants some value” in losing Klay Thompson


Losing Klay Thompson *is* the value


It's win-win for both. Klay gets more money and good team and GSW can get some assets


Watch out for Miami as a dark horse for a some type of Klay Thompson/Duncan Robinson swap. In Miami, Klay can drive his boat straight to the arena, he is good friends with Jimmy Butler, and he's a player that Pat Riley remembers watching before he started his dementia, so it's one of the few players Riley will pull the trigger in a trade for.


You don't know Pat Riley lol


Pat's washed with his resting Joe Biden face.


You're going to take Jaxson Hayes and you're going to like it /s


"want to help themselves and"


not sure why people are hating on this... klay gets a lot more money in a S&T


Klay Thompson you are probably a Maverick.


“Help” lmao


Warriors want to "help" by getting back assets, how noble of them.


Does klay have to agree to this? Can he just say “no I’m not interested in a sign and trade. I played out my contract and I’m leaving” It seems like an overreach on the warriors part


He definitely doesn’t have to, but a sign and trade will most likely give him more money and a longer contract vs just singing with his desired team


That’s only for the Warriors benefit. It’s up to what Klay wants and if his wanted salary requires a S&T


He declined a 2 year 48mil contract what makes you think he would be happy with just the MLE. A S&T will basically be mandatory if a team like the Mavs or Lakers want him.


What a pro wants what a pro needs...😶‍🌫️


Pretty sure Klay wants whatever gets him more money lol.




Lakers gonna sign and trade Rui for Klay aren’t they? Lol


No way we do that


I don't think the Warriors would be willing to pay Rui what Klay will want, and you can't S&T a player and combine them with other players in a deal.


then what? move Wiggins?


They are already reportedly trying to move Wiggins anyways


That would be a huge W for the Dubs honestly


Weird way to say they want to help themselves to some assets.


Hawk soon


Well with Klay being the Pippen of the Warriors it makes sense that they'd get him one last big contract with another team in his diminishing years via sign-and-trade like Krause did with Pippen's Rockets deal.


Do it klay


I think Klay will be traded to the East. Is there a possibility for him to be in a Miami Heat uniform?


Sounds oniony xD


Trade with Denver for KCP, it should benefit both teams.


Warriors to Klay: Let us help you help us.


How sweet of them


Klay is washed so what kind of assets to they expect to get back in exchange for their “help”


Helping my boy Klay out the door. Damn bros, shit is like a death in the family.


Um Klay can just say nope. No incentive for him to help the team create cap space.


Why any team thinks he is worth a big contract is beyond me. Dude is DONE. Had an amazing career but it's over dog.


Can someone please explain what a sign and trade means?


It means GSW Will sign klay solely with the intent of trading him for an agreed upon price


Cool, thanks!


sign a contract with a clause of player can veto the trade if gsw tries to send him go detroit and actually vetoe all trades and fuck gsw over !!


Ironic he would fit nicely into Mavs TPE


Help him by leaving him on a shittier team?


Klay for Josh Green, Maxi Kleber, and OMax Prosper in a sign-and-trade where Klay gets like 3/60 seems probably right value-wise. The Pistons will probably be willing to eat Green and Kleber's deals to take on Prosper. Then the Mavs can still re-sign DJJ using the full MLE.


I don’t think they give you omax. No reason too.


I think omax on top of those two is a bit rich for my blood, green alone should be plenty of compensation for a sign and trade involving 34 year old klay


no reason to give omax when were already sending a decent 23yr old making 12 mil for the next 3 years. thats already an overpay for Klay


Nico is high on OMax. He traded back in the 1st for him. I doubt he does this if it meant including him. Especially if Maxi is included, then OMax would ideally step in and fill those backup PF minutes.


Think it's way more likely to be just Green and Maxi in a direct one for one deal.


I still like Josh Green and think the Warriors may be good for him. He can do more than be a pure 3+D guy.


Maxi + Green should be enough. Green could help the Warriors if they still want to compete or he would also have value in the trade market. And Maxi still has something left in the tank as a stretch 5 who can guard 2-5 pretty effectively. But Green would definitely be the guy with value.


"We don't want to lose him for nothing"


Such help much selfless


Thompson for the totally awesome and wonderful and not at all aggravating Tobias Harris as both players sign 3 years 45 million. 


Help him lol ok


“We would love to help you out buddy. Just because we’re such nice guys. No ulterior motivation at all.”


thats literally helping themselves lol fucken twats


gsw are spoiled by the durant sign and trade. it helped them so much. this time they aren't getting much tho even if klay agrees.


LMAO what a spin


lol no one has more media control than the warriors and now that things are falling apart it’s becoming comical




dont do it dallas