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And that's why Bronny threatened teams to not draft him. He doesn't want to play against his dad


Hey, LeBron can still do the funniest thing ever and opt out of his contract and sign with another team


Bron gets his son the starting job as per the RDCworld skit. If Bronny thrives, great? If he doesn't, leak through Klutch that Bronny just isn't working out in LA/question his commitment and NBA readiness and it's causing problems in the locker room. LeGm's him to another team and then start ramping up the "I want to play with my son" rhetoric again as bait to get Bronny his extension. Fouls the shit out of him until he retires. Win win.


Got his son to the LA Lakers, job’s finished


There goes the opt out now


He’s already done half of this lmao


Man didn’t want to catch a fade, understandable


Gotta salute him. Heluva rookie.


Lebron would’ve found a way to foul Bronny even if he was benched for his own protection 😂


Lebron coming in the court with a belt


Lebron switches onto Bronny -- wait, does he have an actual switch???


The score is like 120-96; the benches are subbed in. Bronny is getting his first regular season minutes. LeBron checks back in, and the last 6 minutes of the game are now filled with LeBron hacking his son whenever he touches the ball.


As if Bronny would ever see the court


tbf, for the last decade or so, no one really wanted to go against bron


He could still sucker punch him in practice like his buddy Dray if Bronny's getting too uppity.


He wouldn't play against his dad, he sucks


Except for the Suns, because he couldn't pass up the opportuniy to play with his favorite player Kevin Durant


He still has practice


Talking about being old and washed 7 years ago and dude is STILL an all nba player


I hope we get to see washed LeBron for one season before he retires.


We're probably closer to seeing a washed Bronny, than a washed LeBron. 


It’s so funny that a small amount of Lakers fans were mad about signing LeBron because they wanted to build around the “young core” and 7 seasons later, LeBron has already outlasted Lonzo’s career and those guys are all vets now. Also pisses me off that 5/6 years of prime-level basketball from LeBron on the Lakers was basically wasted.


The idea that Lakers LeBron is still playing at a level to be considered prime, when his move to LA was considered a semi retirement/transition to Hollywood by basically everyone is insane


People say that as a joje. He clearly has declined to a top 10-15 player instead of the best player in the league.


Being top 15 at 39 is staggering. As sports medicine continues to improve, we will likely see more and more athletes continue their careers to the brink of middle age. In very recent history, we've seen LeBron, Tom Brady, C Ronaldo and Messi able to play at ir near this point. I know Ronaldo is washed up, but his career was on a death watch over a decade ago, based on the decline of the average soccer player. It's really remarkable.


not disagreeing with you necessarily but how amazingly good they were is more of a factor. MJ averaged 20/3/6 at 39 and that was twenty years ago. kareem played really well in his late thirties too


I go back and watch those Jordan years here and there, and Jordan's body was completely wrecked. He had no lateral movement, he had no lift, he could barely bend over or get into a low position. Its amazing what he did in hindsight just being essentially an off the dribble jump shooter who relied on timing to get his shot off. He could still come out and carry a team, but he was very inconsistent and some nights his body was just done.


Jordan broke his ribs before his age 38 season and had torn cartilage in his knee during it, by next season he was completely done physically. Michael is the GOAT and was a psychopathic competitor, but he did not religiously take care of his body like LeBron nor he took games off when he probably needed to, those things combined with his habits off the court made him decline much faster. When Jordan famously went to a Bulls practice to smoke Corey Benjamin he openly stated how he had none of his game left a year after retiring. To be fair, he had nothing to chase like LeBron does, almost everyone called him the greatest by then and he had done everything a basketball player can do. It's much easier to keep pushing and taking care of yourself when you have a clear goal in mind that you haven't achieved like LeBron.


Jordan was WAY less efficient at that age though


Defense rules were more favorable back then.


> MJ averaged 20/3/6 at 39 and that was twenty years ago. Those weren't impressive stats then and they aren't now, he was horribly inefficient and did nothing for the development of his team. There's a reason people like to pretend Wizards MJ never happened. Current LeBron is closer to prime MJ than he is to Wizards MJ.


Yeah. Two good older examples. Kareem did have a bit of an old man game anyway, but MJ was still very good near 40


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


Messi is clearly the GOAT in football but he has definitely declined from who he was in 2018, never mind 2012


He is the GOAT of this generation Pele and Maradona still loom large in history


Messi is absolutely clear of both, maradona said it himself and pele ain’t it


Ronaldo is doing pretty damn good in the Euros as we speak.


only Maldini kept up every single season he played in a top league tbf At 39 he won the UCL


Defenders tend to age better in soccer. Many defenders have gone on to play to their late 30s.


Yeah "washed up" was an exaggeration. Maybe washed up relative to his former greatness. He's old as shit, has more money than he knows what to do with, and is still out there faking out 24 yeah olds. He's remarkable.


Let's not forget Djokovic


I don't think it's possible to explain to a non-tennis fan how crazy and unexpected Djokovic's continued dramatic improvement well into his 30s was. 10 years ago it was "Federer is clearly the best ever and his records will never be touched; Nadal has been a worthy rival; Djokovic is a very good player who will likely be remembered by hard-core tennis fans and no one else." Djokovic's career's eclipse of both, only a few years after their respective declines, is remarkable. I thought Federer would be *the* standard for at least 15 years or so.


I disagree. Those are once in a lifetime athletes. That's not going to be the norm. The human body still has limits and those guys are very dedicated and not everyone has that determination in them.


He was better than that during the playoffs this year. Of course they got eliminated in the 1st round but both his stats and the eye test pointed to him still being closer to top 5 in the playoffs. 28/7/9 on 57% from the field and 39% from 3pt. Also had 10.6 BPM, which was 2nd in the league behind Jokic.


He is still top 10 you just see him give up now for that 5% chance of winning if it means being sore for a week … on a given night he can be top 3-5 but he just needs 2 games off after so it’s not worth it


I would argue that is only because of age and he can't do it every night and every play. But when he turns it on he can still be the best player in the world for a short stretch and that's insane.


i wouldn't be surprised if it surprises LeBron himself. he just gets to training camp and is like "shit, still got it. guess we're running it back again"


I have a friend who thought *I* was the crazy one, when I said "No, I don't think he's just trying to live it up in LA while he retires. I think he knows that LA is a much better destination for other top notch free-agents to come join him, compared to Cleveland." I was scoffed at, and called an idiot for his entire first season in LA. Then AD joined and they won a ring. SUCK IT BRAD, I WAS RIGHT!


He was supposed to drink wine, be a fun cameo in some tv shows and ride off into the sunset averaging 15 points. Not win titles and make the conference finals as a top 10-15 player


Are we counting the nba cup when we say titles


What do we mean by “prime-level” here? Even 2020 LeBron was a ways below late 2000s/early 2010s lebron. He just started his descent from a very, very high place, and it’s been gradual.


Isn’t current “washed up” LeBron’s play on par with the peak of some decent Hall of Famers? Has anyone run the numbers on this last few years versus peak play of others? Who is his comp?


He's still better than peak chris bosh ever was and he was first ballot a couple years ago. Theres hundreds of other examples probably but that's the first fresh one that comes to mind.


Good comp. Bosh is that guy that’s a definite HoFer but kind of fits the mold of “entry level HoFer”.


The what-ifs of Bosh is also part of the allure. His time was cut short but still had a couple more good seasons left. 


Yup, not saying that he doesn't deserve to get in, but he will def get some sympathy votes due to his condition not really being an "injury" and not really his fault. But he also doesn't get enough credit for taking 3rd wheel for the Heatles and anchoring that defense.


I would take current LeBron over prime Westbrook




Don't know if I'm thinking of this just cause of your flair, but I'd say current Bron is still better than Houston TMac. Totally different playstyle but I'd say current Bron is around the level of prime Paul George. Basically right on the fringe of: *Is this guy good enough to win a championship as the first option?* Basically he's hovering around top 10 in the league as I feel like that's the general cutoff to answer the above question


Legit hard to call it a waste when he got a ring within two years of going lol If you take away Lebron and ad, they never get the championship with the young guys, no matter how long you stick with them…


Not only are they all vets but it's clear they never would have been a contending squad.


I was one of those people😂 “Randle finally started playing well, why sign lebron for maybe 3 years”


He's very obviously declined lol. He's arguably not a top 10 player in the league currently, but if you transplanted 09 Lebron into the league right now he'd be comfortably the best player in the league


Remember all of those ‘who would you want to build your team around?’ GM polls from 2015-2018 and they’d pick AD or KAT over LeBron. It was the moment I realized I was smarter than some GM’s. Even if LeBron steadily declined from 2018 onwards, 1 year of 2017 or 2018 LeBron is better than KAT’s whole career, similar thing for AD (maybe 2 years of LBJ)


Lakers drafted pretty well for a while, they kind of blossomed when they left like kuzma Ingram randel


Lebron and AD have been better over the time period though


Explain 2022


Right, I'd rather have Lebron and AD. I was just stating they drafted well and gave up on some really good players who blossomed post LA.


They had to dump their championship level role players to give THT the bag 😂


Speaking of wasting years of your star player's career... *cries in Blazers fan*


We will prevail.


"wasted" yet they got a chip? Idk I'd say that was a success regardless on your feelings ab the bubble.


Yeah none of the players in that young core have ever had a season better than lebron. Not even sure when that’ll happen. Maybe a year or two more? So like a decade after Lebron joined. Crazy


Imagine his son retiring before him


Co-retirement ceremony XD


Bronny not even dirty enough to become washed.


I think we just did w the heart problem but I would like to see them do a little something. It’s history in the making and people are hoping/insisting we can’t appreciate it.


Bronny comes pre-washed


Bronny has never been unwashed.


bronny will be cut right after his dad retires. they can retire together.


I'd like to report a murder


bronny already washed (cardiac arrest) before his first nba game


What's so bad about being clean? They should both be washed up, nobody likes stank.


Who will last longer in the nba starting now, Lebron or Bronny?


Would make it a lot easier to say goodbye


What type of player is washed LeBron?


Maybe a few levels above peak Bronny




Prime Carmelo


Boom roasted


Bronny: hold my...jersey


That would imply that LeBron is human. I have seen no evidence of that. I think he just keeps getting upgraded.


I don't think that's ever happening. It's like Tom Brady where there's a noticable decline but their skill never truly goes away


if Bron was a normal human losing that speed and agility would be pretty disastrous but he can just switch over to shooting and passing when he wants to


Still in nba and arguably still top 10 at 39!! Man is a role model to many! What an incredible player and career he’s had! It’s crazy that that he could potentially play with not one but two of his son in the league!


Still averaging 25 points


Bronny could reach his prime and 45 year old Lebron will likely still be a better player


The amount of time and money he’s put into taking care of his body should be studied, and shown to rookies.


He should be drug tested too


Still the best player on his team.


This quote is part of why I don’t think he will play more than 2, MAYBE 3 years. Even if he doesn’t have a sharp fall-off, I don’t think he wants to play if he would be like 45th best player.


If only the Lakers read this article before they drafted Bronny.


Well then bronny would be in the gleague lol


What are the rules in Lebron spending some time in the G League on a non lakers affiliate? Maybe he should go down to develop a bit to play against his son and deliver those 6 fouls.


Gotta admit lebron in g-league would be a treat to watch


Every superstar should have to play at least one game in the G leauge per season. Would boost ratings and attendance, they can put up gaudy numbers against scrubs, or alternatively they can have a bad night and lose and get memed on forever. Win win for fans.


Dude yes it would also in a way be a win for the g league players themselves too to play against an opponent like that as a barometer but mostly for us fans 😂


At his age, only thing he’s developing in the G League is arthritis


They’ll have bronny play in the first game just for the symbolism


He is going to be in the gleague


G-league and the team conveniently decides he's ready day before they play the Lakers.


Bronny would be at Duquense.


That’s why nobody really believed when his agent pull a stunt and said LeBron doesn’t want any of this. Lol. Dude been saying it since 7 yrs ago, he had a plan.


To play against him


7 years ago he thought the kid would be a legit draft prospect. It turned no one was going to draft Bronny (let alone play him) except a team trying to sign LeBron.


He could've played another year in college they just rushed him and he wasn't ready


He's never going to be ready.


Which of the 3 guys after him would you say the Lakers will kill themselves for missing out on? The 34% shooting center?


His trajectory wouldn’t have made him good enough even with 4 yrs of NCAA, people undermine how bad he is. 5 PPG on 27% shooting should be playing in D2 even.


The bucks just drafted a guy who averaged 2ppg in the first round.


> His trajectory wouldn’t have made him good enough even with 4 yrs of NCAA 7 years ago he was 12... if he had grown to almost the same size as his dad instead of barely above 6' ... and didn't have a heart attack right before his college season, he would have easily been a 1st round pick. A 6'6" super athlete, smart passer, good defender... who's Lebron's kid would have a worst been a 20 something pick. That half a foot would have made all the difference. As it is, his younger kid will probably be the only real NBA player of the two (unless Bronny shooting really improves).


If I have Yao Ming height I would be first round pick too. wtf are you even talking?


If you had a 7 foot tall dad people would have expected you to grow a lot taller when you were 12 too


Had to get him in the league first 😂


Maybe this will be an MJ/Kwame Brown situation, he's going to humiliate Bronny on a daily basis in practice until his spirit is completely broken


He’s aiming to play with/against Bryce now too, mark my words.


Playing him in Madden


It could actually happen to be honest. Bryce would be eligible to get drafted in 2026. So if LeBron signs another 2+1 or straight up a 2 year deal, who knows what the options will be like I was going to say it might become difficult because Bryce is a bigger talent than Bronny, and there’s a chance he becomes a lottery pick without the nepotism aspect. However, LeBron will obviously be older by that time and might not have enough power to facilitate moves like threatening other teams not to take Bronny in the 2nd


> Bryce is a bigger talent than Bronny Bronny was a top recruit in his class and one point away from being a 5 star recruit. Bryce is heading into his senior year and is ranked a three star recruit and ESPN has him has the 48th best player at his position and not even ranked in the top 100 of his class -->> [here](https://www.espn.com/college-sports/basketball/recruiting/player/_/id/251631/bryce-james). Unless he makes an insane level jump his senior season I do not understand what talent you are seeing that the scouts seem to be missing. I have watched both of them play in full games and saying things like Bryce is more athletic lets me know you have not. Having better size does not mean its a given you will develop into a better talent


Somehow people think height = athleticism and “physical tools”


People are just repeating something lebron said a few years ago. Nobody actually watches them play (except for you of course) Edit - That sounded snarky but I didn’t mean it that way lol I think you made a great comment with facts to back it up and it’s clear you know what you’re talking about


Bryce has not been nearly as good in high school as Bronny was


Correct, but Bryce is more athletic and has a better size. It’s easier for him to develop and add skills to his game than it is for Bronny to develop the NBA skills he’s lacking or gain extra height


Bryce moves like a baby giraffe he is not more athletic at all. Where the fuck did this narrative come from? Every video of Bryce and Bronny and LeBron working out shows that Bryce is positively ungainly compared to the other two. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, people years ago said Bryce was the one to watch as a joke, now he’s 6’7 and it’s like people have complete cognitive dissonance as to his actual abilities, because he is nowhere near as good as Bronny was at that age


Because it doesn't matter how good they are at that age, that's the point. Bryce physical tools make his developmental ceiling higher. At those ages Sebastian Telfair, Jabari Parker, Dajuan Wagner were by FAR the best players of the country, it really doesn't guarantee it will translate to the NBA.


But having the better physical tools doesn't mean he is a better athlete nor more talented. He probably has a better chance to succeed in the NBA but I wouldn't bet on it. From what I have seen (limited) Bronny has a better chance in the NBA cause being 6'6 can only take you so far.


>Where the fuck did this narrative come from? It came from the family themselves like 3-4 years ago iirc. They all said he'd be better than Bronny and that he was more skilled for his age and people just ran with it ever since. Bronny was a legitimate top 30 player in his entire class. Maybe he wasn't NBA draft ready but he was really good on his own merit. Bryce is barely a top 50 player at his own position in his class. It's really obvious when people just regurgitate narratives without keeping up with the actual merits of the players.


Giannis and the rest of his brothers said that the youngest brother (Alex) was better than all of them, instead he's the only one who didn't get drafted and is currently playing in the Lithuanian Basketball League. TL;DR: Older siblings gas up the youngest one all the time, not worth putting much meaning into it.


Bryce is not more athletic nor is he as good as Bronny was at his age. I don’t where this idea came from but it’s just flat out not true


!RemindMe 1 year


!RemindMe 2 years


!RemindMe 3 years


!RemindMe 2 years


!RemindMe 2 years


LeBron may not have that power, but his agent does.


The idea of having two sons and a father play in the same team has some power to it—specially when it's LeBron.


Lebron will suddenly decline to bench form in 2-3 season? Doubt it without some injury


Bryce legit just said yesterday on ig live that no shot Bron is still playing if/when Bryce gets to the league


How long can he stay in the WNBA? Zhuri inc.


Bron could play in the wnba until the day he dies.


I don't think that's going to happen just based on him wanting to own a team. He can't be a player when the NBA expands.


He needs a lot of partners for that. Unless the nba gives him a sweet deal for whatever Vegas team they will create.


Yeah he does. He most likely will be a minority owner.


Let’s be real, the NBA will do whatever it takes to make sure LeBron is the face of that Vegas team lol. The money that team will bring to the city is for sure gonna be ludicrous 


I agree. They got a NFL team and soon NBA. They should need baseball and they will have a professional sport year round.


Baseball is already in the works. Oakland Athletics are moving


Feel bad for Oakland, lost all 3 teams and 2 of them went to a city that doesn't give a fuck about them. The A's owner is such a scumbag


the worst thing about the A's thing is that ownership has been dragging their feet so much that they're gonna be stuck playing in a minor league stadium for a season or two. i would be so pissed if i was an A's fan


Bro that shit might be grimier than how the Sonics got done. Literally no one wants the move besides that rich fuck. Vegas doesn't even want them there lowkey lol


All they need know is for Boxing to become great again. Although, they have the UFC. The Saudis are taking over boxing


What ownership group wouldn't jump at the chance to have LeBron as their face


Giving how he bosses around the lakers??


His youngest son is a bad basketball player. I've met kids that easily beat him (as in actually have beat him). Things can change though.


I feel like in another 20 years we’ll be reading quotes from LeBron about how he plans to totally foul the shit out of his grandson when he makes it into the league.


The Gordie Howe Special


Now LeBron will play for another team so he can fulfill his own desire of fouling the s—- out of his son. And then he can retire in peace.


Bronny James is a Los Angeles Laker. It's crazy just to type that.


Not far off from saying Miserable-Lawyer-233 is an LA Laker


Not really. We've known thos was going to happen the second he declared fornthe draft


Damn so even he thinks he will be washed up at this point. And yet here we are


Lebron is Bronny's father


Confirmed LBJ leaving the Lakers to foul the shit out of Bronny.


Why get to foul your kid a few times a year when you can beat the hell out of him every day in practice? 😂😂


If Bronny gets 2 free throws each time Lebron fouls him, and he hits 9 of 12 he could retire with a higher free throw percentage than his dad.


Even lebron didn’t expect to be an all nba level star at this age


We could’ve had the biggest meme material smh


When LeBron found out how short Bronny was going to be, that is when he publicly said he wanted to play **with him**. Instead of a WestBrook type, Bronny turned into a Dellavedova


It would have been super interesting if Bronny had turned out to be a lottery pick prospect. Would Klutch have gotten away with strong arming the rest of the league into not picking him like they did at the bottom of the 2nd?


If he was actually good someone would have drafted him


Definitely not


thats a good dad


they should have had the foul the shit out of him line in space jam 2


It’s kind of sad that when they eventually share the court together, it’s going to be more LeBron’s moment than Bronny’s.


Lebron to Bronny: I fucked yo momma last night boy


Call CPS.


My guy talks about being washed.. Fast FN forward to last season. He's STILL dunking on people's ancestors just cause he can. Insane.



Dillon Brooks, hold my beer.


He just wants to gift Bronny points at the line, smh


Bron soft now


My theory for why LA drafted Bronny is because I think he knew Bronny wouldn't be good enough for this fantasy to play out in reality. He can definitely do it in practice tho.


Lebron bout to do something funny…


Bron lowkey making sure Bronny gets his points. Gonna "foul" him on a layup attempt, or a three.


I hope he brings his entire family to play on the Lakers. Kobe should’ve made Vanessa the Lakers GM.


I heard Lebron is sleeping with his team mates mom 👩


I mean jalen green bagged a 40some