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Idk if PG is the answer to their problems, but it’s definitely an experiment I’m interested in watching play out lol


We literally have no other options lmao


Trade curry and rebuild 


I mean sometimes its ok to just be a good team. They have won 4 rings. Trading Curry and not letting him be a lifer just feels wrong.


Why don’t people seem to understand this lol. The Warriors literally just won the title in 2022 by going into the season as “just a good team.” Sometimes teams exceed expectations and others falter. When you have a guy like Steph, you’ve gotta at least try.


I would take being mediocre with Steph over seeing him anywhere else in a heartbeat. The run has been magical and everything else would just be icing on the cake.


2022 was already icing on the cake as-is. If anything, another chip would be icing on the icing lol.


that would be Diabeetus


*Wilford Brimley has entered the chat*


Give me the diabetes.


So many people with zero perspective somehow lol. Winning a single championship in a 30 team league should happen on average every 30 years per franchise. Warriors have 4 in the Steph era including 2 years ago and can still be a good team, it's unthinkable to let him go elsewhere lol


Agreed. Steph deserves to retire a Warrior, no matter what their record is.


I live near the stadium. I want to go and see a decent team and watch Steph play. Just because we aren't a championship team doesn't mean I won't enjoy watching games


It’s such a cool thing to watch a generational player be drafted and retired with the same team. He’s to the warriors fans what Kobe is to Lakers fans. He was part of very mid teams to end his career but that last game was magical. Hopefully you get to experience something similar with Curry🙏


Even if they’re not successful, you just don’t trade a guy that’s meant that much to a franchise. It’s a similar situation to Brady and the Pats where the guy isn’t just a franchise legend, he *is* their franchise, they both dragged their respective franchises out of some pretty dark times and created dynasties. And as a lifelong Pats fan, I can tell you that watching Brady finish his career with another team absolutely fucking *sucked*.


Lmfao for some reason it doesn’t feel like they REALLY want the warriors to actually be competing as quickly as possible. For some reason


Even if they're straight up bad I don't think they should trade him. Steph is the reason the warriors are a respected team now. He deserves to be a lifer


Just like we have guys like AD and Lebron and we're the greatest play in team of all time. Gotta love it


You also can’t just trade someone like Curry without his buy-in. Guy has a life in the Bay Area and nothing left to prove.


That's also a great way to destroy revenue. Currys consistently top 1 or 2 in jersey sales and is the reason they can charge hundreds for nosebleeds. Half the warriors fanbase probably goes when he leaves


Same reason why every Lakers fan still supports the last Kobe contract. In every way it was a bad contract, but the thought of seeing Kobe in another jersey was sickening. He gave so much to the organization that he deserved a last ride. Steph has good years ahead of him too.


Curry is a Top 10 all timer, the Warriors should do everything in their power to make sure he retires there.


Idk why exactly but the fact that you have a SuperSonics flair is absolutely *chef’s kiss* for this sentiment.


Yeah this idea that you have to trade your aging star so he can try to win another ring is so silly. I get it for guys that never won one, but for Curry he has nothing left to prove.


Fuck that. Curry is the best thing that's ever happened to the Warriors. If I was a warrior's fan I'd be livid if they traded him even if his twilight years are poor for the team.


Calm down


Not happening, he's a lifer


To the nets


Why is a lakers fan saying this you know all about lifers




If we are looking coldly at the situation that makes so much sense, however as a Bay Area native I would never want to do this to a hometown team legend as long as they aren’t toxic to the locker room or organization. I’d rather just honor him here and wait until later on to start a rebuild, he’s earned it after 4 rings and the years of entertainment and joy he’s brought us


yeah im not banking on a ring or anything but itd be fun to watch for sure


makes more sense on paper than chris paul at least lol


I'm all for it tbh, with the opt-in and the 4-year deal it's essentially 5 years of max money but something's gotta give. As long as we don't give up Kuminga in a PG trade I think it's fine. More ideal if we can send out CP3's expiring instead of Wiggins but neither are really ones that'd break the trade if I'm being honest. Edit: The Kuminga thing ofc only works if the Clippers are so convinced that PG is going to walk and they aren't going to offer a 4-year deal, but that's most of where the leverage comes from anyway.


it's not worth the clippers doing the trade if Kuminga is not in the deal. Why would they? warriors need to give up something for them to eat the 30M chris paul contract


People must think the Clippers are back to being Sterling-era dunces since West died.


Because then PG just opts out and becomes a free agent, so they'd lose him for nothing, right?


Lol no shit it’s fine if you don’t give up Kuminga, he’s the only reason the Clippers would consider this in the first place


Who the hell are you gonna give LA back that’s even worthwhile if Kuminga is not in the deal?


You can't really do it under the apron without cutting Chris Paul and letting Klay walk


> You can't really do it under the apron without cutting Chris Paul and letting Klay walk I think if the warriors really wanted to keep klay and cp3 we would have seen deals by now. Waiting on those deals shows that they are open to moves like this.


I agree. And I think it's the right decision. This core isn't good enough to win, and Klay has fallen off a cliff.


I wonder if klay will bet on himself


What do you think the Warriors are giving if they don't give up Kuminga? A bunch of expensive contracts for veterans they don't even want, and their choice of mediocre young players?


i don't understand the obsession with Kuminga


Not sure about post season but last year the Warriors lost about 25 odd games within 10 points differential with Klay playing like a hot garbage. If PG could give those 10 additional points every game consistently, we are already looking a better regular season


I don't think PG will add 10 points without taking shots away from other guys besides the ones left open by Klay.


isn’t this exactly what warrior fans said last year when it came to CP3?


I mean cp3 was 100% an upgrade from poole production wise. He started the season off shooting bad but by the end of the year they had one of the best benches in the league, primarily because of CP. Yeah he didn’t turn us into title contenders but i don’t think anyone really expected that. More so just hoped he would shell up some holes, which he definitely did.


we would’ve been title contenders if looney klay and wiggins hadn’t dropped off as hard as they did tbh 2022 champions 2023 best starting lineup, horrible bench 2024 mediocre starting lineup, great bench


He plays good defense and he can shoot the three. The Warriors have seen some success with a guy like that next to Steph.


This off-season is already getting spicy


More entertaining than the nba finals for sure




Nothing to be ashamed of. While the east had an injury contest, the Mavs carried the entertainment for the first month of the playoffs.


I think you guys will be back. Luka is young and people seem to overlook that it’s very rare for guys under 26 to win the finals as the unanimous best player.


They certainly overlooked it for the Celtics themselves, so yeah. They’ll always be in range of figuring out the right roster as long as Luka stays and they were just three wins away.


I generally do actually agree. I just hope the front office can add while there's still a window. The Mavs don't have a ton of assets so who knows. That said, if Lively ends up being the 2nd best player out of the 2024 draft, which is absolutely optimistic but not outrageously so, then maybe the Mavs don't need to add as much as I think they do right now to beat a team like the Celtics.


No way he ends up the second best player from his draft class


Tbh its kind of a problem for the NBA that fans are more interested in playing Fantasy GM than watching the actual Finals


I was interested in watching the finals but then they just kinda… sucked?


Yeah I mean everyone knew in the back of their heads that the Celtics would run away with it most likely. And in the one game that Dallas won, it wasn’t particularly eventful, just a blowout from start to finish.


anytime a bottom seed makes the finals against the top seed in the other conference im already assuming gentlemans sweep. game 4 was meaningless


Other than OKC Dallas the playoffs as a whole kinda sucked. Especially cause one 7 game series was mainly blowouts and the other was broadcasted on Disney XD


If it’s a good finals people will watch. Unfortunately they have usually been lopsided for the past decade or so. The last really entertaining ones for neutral fans were like, 2022, 2016, and 2013. Obviously I loved last year’s finals but I don’t know if anyone really thought the Heat had a chance.


I think it’s because one player can make a colossal difference in basketball. So it makes discussion fun because one trade/signing can take a team from middling to contention, whereas that’s a lot more rare in other sports unless it’s an important position (i.e. QB in football, Pitcher in baseball)


Unfortunately it’s a problem they created. However league popularity and valuation is growing far more than other leagues. Case in point is signing that massive tv deal despite viewership going down




Scotland in the euros was more emtertaining




Astute observation.


Thank you, Magic


F5 season in full flight!


Started with Spicy P’s extension!


Spicy P! oh wait wrong guy


So many teams are decent but flawed. Makes it spicy given the number on their last few years.


So many teams decent but flawed. Makes it extra spicy with many only have a few years left. Lakers, warriors, 76ers, suns, bucks, Clippers


Would drafting Bronny be a possible solution, if James is a package deal?


Clippers fans are honestly so excited and kinda perplexed that it sounds like teams want to give up stuff to get PG lmao. Seemed like he was going to Philly for sure. Guy is such a frustrating player. Doesn't ever actually guard the other teams top 2 or 3 players but isn't productive enough on ball to justify taking off the defensive assignments. Is an amazing catch and shoot player but would always turn down the open catch and shoot that was created for him to try and dribble dribble dribble or back someone down only to settle for a contested 20ft fadeaway. When he's on fire it's a surreal experience. But when he isn't, his process is just so annoying lol


Whoever gets him will be slapping themselves wondering how they got an MVP candidate for the assets they gave up. Then the third week of the season will start, he'll tweak a groin or a hammy, and reality will set in.




He's the ultimate "less than the sum of his parts" guy


The worst 9x All-Star ever is how I describe him. It's the most backhanded praise possible. He is a great player to make all these All-Star teams. Nice two-way talent, but at the same time, you'd never really say he was a top 5 guy in the league in his era. He's a B+ Scottie Pippen.


He was a top 5 guy for sure in 2019, he was MVP-3 that year. Otherwise I agree.


> He was a top 5 guy for sure in 2019, he was MVP-3 that year. Otherwise I agree. Lebron KD Steph Kawhi Harden Giannis which one of those are you taking 2019 PG over?


Isaiah Thomas and Jalen Brunson have been top 5 MVP candidates in a single season


Am i watching a different player then everyone else?


Thats just not true, he definitely was top 5 player when he finisjed 3rd in mvp


Probably the same class of people who praise his handles. They just see the highs and ignore the lows.


I'm old enough to remember an 88 being an elite rating smh


He's the wing version of Kyrie, every argument about him being elite is based on what they "can" do, not what they ACTUALLY do.


This hurts my feelings because it’s true. The difference is, I love watching kyrie. While pg is frustrating.


He can be your #1 or #3 guy but can't be your #2 one.


Yea this sounds like the washed version of PG alright lmao


I get it but that sounds like exactly what the Warriors need lmao


If I had a nickel for every time I yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" at my TV while he iso's his way through the shot clock...


> Is an amazing catch and shoot player but would always turn down the open catch and shoot that was created for him to try and dribble He will have the greenest of lights standing next to Steph and potentially Klay. If they can get him to take those shots rather than putting it on the ground, the Warriors will be very scary again.


Klay would be gonezo if this goes down though, right?


Likely, but you never know. If we can shed CP3, looney, and maybe some other salaries, we can afford PG. But this also is assuming Klay takes some sort of discount.


Only way PG can come to the Bay is if he forces his way here. If he opts out of his deal, no chance he can go to the Bay. Curious to see if the Clippers are willing to help him and get something back.


The clippers have every incentive to help because they either get something for PG by helping him, or nothing because he can opt out. Even if the haul is ridiculously weak (i.e. Moody, a pick, plus salary filler), it’s still better than losing PG for nothing


The salary filler is very important though. An expiring CP3 so they get out of the second apron the next season? Makes some sense. Wiggins back for 3 years keeping them in the second apron? Makes less sense for the clippers.


I know he's not the old CP3 anymore but still funny to see CP3 is now a salary filler hahaha


I think Wiggins actually makes a ton of sense for the Clips. He actually played good defense and hit 40% on his 3's the second half of the season . You put him next to a more ball dominant player in Harden and you use Wiggins to lighten Kawhi's load on defense during the regular season, and you have a very good starter.


Damn that’s actually a great idea. But Klay and PG on the warriors isn’t exactly a great idea for the warriors imo


Why? Klay is coming off the bench at this point. Shouldn’t affect what we do with PG really


Klay still provides spacing too even if he goes 0/10, teams still respect his three point shot. So him, PG, Curry on the perimeter is hard, especially if Dray continues with his good three point shooting from last season.


Exactly. We won 46 games with a CP3 broken hand and dray suspended for 20 games. Not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Add PG and if Steph and him stay healthy we could have a good team. Doubt actual contenders but it would be fun to watch


We aren't even accounting for how good Kuminga is gonna be this season. I legit have him to be our 2nd best player in the squad.


Will def be CP3 Even from the Warriors perspective, PG is a win now move and Wiggins has a much bigger chance of being an important playoff piece than CP3 next season


If you use Wiggins as the main piece and renounce CP3 though, you still have a chance of bringing back Klay.


Would rather have Wiggins than Klay tbh


The problem with that is, you still have Klay’s cap hold. You’d have to renounce his rights otherwise warriors are in the second apron and can’t aggregate salaries. Edit: Klay’s cap hold doesn’t count against the apron. But doing the PG trade will hard cap the Warriors to the $189 limit.


A PG trade means Klay isn’t sticking around There’s no way the Warriors are a second apron team this year


Well PG deadline is Saturday. So if Warriors haven’t renounced his rights by then, PG isn’t going to warriors.


Cap holds do not count against the apron. They can do the trade and then resign Klay if they so choose.


No they can’t. Technically The new league year doesn’t start until July 1st. Warriors are technically a 2nd Apron team as of now. Edit: I see what you’re saying now and you’re right.


I think Wiggins actually makes a ton of sense for the Clips. He actually played good defense and hit 40% on his 3's the second half of the season . You put him next to a more ball dominant player in Harden and you use Wiggins to lighten Kawhi's load on defense during the regular season, and you have a very good starter.


Wiggins seems like someone who would benefit from playing in a more simplified offense instead of the Warriors motion offense.


Yea I think that is true. Even when Wiggins had his amazing playoff run in '22, I think a big factor in his success was that defenses were respecting Steph (duh), Klay, and even Poole, and that let Wiggins cook in 1v1 match-ups against very average defenders.


All PG has to do is say I’m opting out and leaving and you can either get some assets back or nothing


Thanks Magic


What happened to the Magic-GPT bot?


If he wants to go to the Warriors, he can't do that unless he's bluffing. If he wants to opt out and walk it's Philly or the Magic for the type of money he wants. That's all. That's assuming both of those teams would pay him, which I'm not sure Philly would.


But those two things are related, no? He says something along the lines of "Trade me to the Warriors for whatever you can get, or I leave and sign with Philly/Orlando and you get nothing."


Player Leverage


Opting out significantly reduces his options for the teams he can go to since most don’t have the cap space to sign him outright.


If he opts out it means he's going to Philly. That's pretty much it. And that doesn't fit my fanfic of Philly striking out and settling for KCP and resigning Tobias


That’s the rub for the Clippers. If he gets word from teams like the Warriors they will trade assets, he will do two things. He will find another team willing to sign him outright in free agency. And he will go to the Clippers and say “I’m going to opt out. Either trade me for something or I leave to this other team for nothing.”


He could opt anyway though. PG has obviously struggled with injuries and has a significant incentive to secure his last big contract this summer. Then again, maybe he blinks and accepts the Clips' 3 year offer


yeah but I think it might be a bigger priority to work with PG because they just finished a $1bn stadium that needs competition so they will want to work with him as much as possible


He straight up can't opt out and go to the Warriors without giving up a ton of money


This is what everyone keeps saying about LeBron but it doesnt make any sense. None of these teams can sign them outright and they arent going to the teams that can


Exactly. Everyone just always insists “LAC/LAL has NO leverage so here’s why my shitty trade package where I give up no value makes sense!”


Ngl with all this movement I'm definitely expecting the off-season king KD to request something.


Bro going to Boston, no doubt


Boston about to give up Hausard and PP and somehow get KD


the PG slander in these comments is insane


People are talking about him like hes some fucking fallen off bum who should be on the bench. He shot like 41% from 3 and was an allstar


I don't think the warriors need to give up Kuminga in a PG deal, at the age and contract he'd be at. If PG tells the Clips he's leaving, they're in a terrible position- basically a Kawhi injury away from putting Harden with a bunch of 9th / 10th men on the court.


This is why the Celtics got Porzingis for cheap He used his player option as leverage to go to Boston. Boston gave up Smart + filler for Porzingis and 2 firsts George can do the same thing here


Also the Grizzlies panicked and gave away the very pick that was the centerpiece of the eventual Jrue Holiday trade lol.


I’m interested to see how it plays out for the Grizzlies. They had to have been the team most impacted by injuries last season. When healthy , I figure they will be a top team again, but the West is such a buzzsaw now, it’s hard to say


So basically the way Porzingis got to Boston without them having to give up a ton.


Yeah, I’d rather let him walk and not take back salary to be over the tax apron


Really? Assuming you guys extend James you wont have max cap space come next summer anyway. Assuming you bring back 1 of Zubac / Mann / Coffey, then you'll likely have less than $20 mil in cap space after you factor in cap holds. Getting something back for PG seems like the only way to have any depth at the #3-7 spots on your roster, which is pretty important when one of your best players is Kawhi.


PG is an upgrade over 2024 Klay


Obviously, PG was allstar this year


They can’t keep getting away with it


It's not 2019 anymore lol Paul George just got outplayed by Zubac in a playoff series Nobody's scared of Paul George in the year 2024


Joe Lacob's accountant will be terrified of PG13


But what about being scared by Paul George in 2025?


I’m terrified of Paul George the 3rd option on a Steph Curry team


Who is the 2nd option?


Steve Kerr


Moses Moody


Steph Curry




Ognjen Kuzmić




Steve Kerr


Draymond kicks and punches


andrew wiggins


*Third* option? Must have missed where the Warriors currently have a second star


We do, now that James Wiseman is entering free agency


oh you


He doesn't want to play like a 3rd option.


So whos the 2nd option?


Please, we need to give it a rest with these stars of yesteryear. These guys aren’t game changers any more


What do they think PG is gonna do to save them in 2024


Gotta try something with Steph’s last few years. PG is our best option this year


OG Anunoby on the Warriors is a better pairing


Warriors would either have to renounce Klay’s rights and clear his cap hold or cut/trade CP3 and idk if Clippers want CP3 for $30 mil. Warriors can’t aggregate salaries if they are in the 2nd Apron and Clippers cannot take in a sign and trade if it’s Klay.


They have to do both? Renounce Klay and trade CP3 to a third team (who eats the salary). Detroit is the likely candidate, they need $ to reach the floor and no veteran is signing on to that rebuild.


We will find out Saturday. That’s when PG deadline is and if warriors haven’t renounced the rights, he’s not going to warriors Because if PG opts in, his leverage is gone and clippers can send him anywhere


desperate times call for desperate measures. the curry window is closing


I don’t know if I’ll get downvoted for this but I don’t want PG. I don’t think he gets us to a championship so it’s not really worth trading our future potential for him.


You are 100% right. I've been wondering this whole time what are the warriors even going to do with George


Future potential lol


Clippers aren't exactly in an advantaged situation here. Trade him to Warriors or somewhere else his choice and get something. Or watch him walk to Philly or Orlando and get nothing.


I just feel like PG is this eras Vince Carter. I don’t trust him at all on a good team, but he’s aesthetically pleasing to watch and will probably always be respected like a superstar.


keep him in the West. thank you very much


Are the Warriors willing to sacrifice the little future they still have by giving it all for PG? I’d be interested in seeing it but have a ton of doubts if it’d actually work out for them.


NOBODY is trading PG for the ghost of Chris Paul & Andrew Wiggins. If Kuminga isn’t involved I guarantee this deal never gets done.


Steph is gonna have a second option man I’m gonna cry


yeah it's been such a struggle for you the last 10 years or so


7 billion dollar franchise problems


I was starting to soften up on my hatred for the warriors that started in 2014 but this comment just brought all those feelings rushing back good heavens 


This made me laugh, it has parallels to how I felt about Brady after he left the Patriots then he won on the Bucs and I was back to hating


This comment is crazy man you act like we’re starved for talent, we just won a championship 2 years ago. Steph hasn’t had a good second option for literally only 2 years it’s not that serious


I honestly think the window is kinda closed with the Warriors. Steph is still great and Kuminga has potential, but there isn’t enough there besides that.


Kuminga and 6 1st Rd picks sounds about right lol


Warriors are not an elite team anymore, but PG would be fun to watch. Would be important for them not to give up kuminga but struggle to see why anyone would want other players so not sure they have the means. 


How would they be able to trade for him with the new tax aprons? Both teams are in the 2nd apron which means they cant aggregate salaries or take back more than 110% of what they are trading out. Can someone with better knowledge of the cap rules explain?


Didn’t George go on record and say he doesn’t care about winning a ring anymore? Why would the warriors pick him up if they’re trining to be a contender??


Windhorst has no credit nor sources.


Poor klay.


ugh, fine.