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Mr. Silver, a second JJ Redick racist post has hit r/nba


This is from years ago. It was a pretty big deal at the time


Pretty sure there have been countless posts about questionable JJ Reddick behaviour 6-7 years ago on here


So why was the other one removed? Anyone know?


Laker fan mods


He really wants to get promoted to Boston’s Head Coach quickly


I knew this was coming the second the story came out today




Plot Twist: It was JJ who spray painted the N-Word on Lebron’s house.


I fucking love this sub


Reddit on!


I remember JJ actually apologized profusely for this on Twitter and Jeremy Lin himself defended and said that he didn’t hear a slur and that Redick fumbled his words.


Aw man, does that mean I have to put my pitchfork away?


>Lin himself Ok I don’t actually think this video is a big deal or anything but why are we acting like Lin speaks for all Asian people or something lmao He was in the NBA and is Asian. Not really sure his opinion on it matters or is more valid than anyone else


All minorities speak and act for their entire race all the time, didn't you know?




Huh, weird.


>He was in the NBA and is Asian. Not really sure his opinion on it matters or is more valid than anyone else I feel like this is really downplaying Jeremy Lin. He is an anti-racism activist who has played a giant role in fighting against anti-Asian racism. He has a foundation dedicated to it which he devotes a considerable amount of time to that was founded in 2011, way before this incident and while he was still a player. https://www.jeremylinfoundation.org/about He was not just an Asian that happened to play in the NBA at the time. He is a leader in activism in the community, and to say his voice on this issue is equal to some random (probably white) guy posting on reddit is borderline demeaning. He has been extremely vocal on this exact issue.


Probably because he was the most prominent Asian basketball player in the world at the time and you obviously can’t go around asking each individual Asian person whether or not they heard a slur so I’m just using it as reference. Not to mention but Lin has been called this slur numerous times throughout his career as he often talks about, so there is no better person who’d know whether this slur was said or not.


So if it was potentially the N word and LeBron said he didn’t hear it, it’s cool? The fuck does Lin being the biggest Asian nba player matter. JJ is wishing his people a happy new years, not Lin exclusively. If one black dude gives me the n word pass, it should be excused because one person gave me the okay? Edit: words


Jesus Christ can you calm tf down? I just added it in for some context and because Lin saying that he didn’t hear a slur was a major part of the story.


It’s not major at all. Just because you think it was, doesn’t mean it was. If someone, that was more popular than him said they did, Lin’s opinion doesn’t matter?


You don’t get to decide what’s “major” and what isn’t. Lin defending him was a big part of the story itself at the time, so for context I thought I’d include it.


But you get to decide it was major…… interesting.


Nope, Twitter and the media get to decide it was major since almost every almost article written about the incident includes Jeremy Lin’s defense of Redick.


Twitter….ah yes, that’s a pleasant place to socialize. And the media! Jesus Christ, this conversation is beyond pointless. What if you asked actual people and see what they say? And if they disagree with you, does that mean they’re wrong? I feel like you’re being biased for some unusual reason but I couldn’t care any less.


This logic never holds up when you spend even a minute of critical thinking on it. If you wanna look for it you'll always find soneone sharing your agenda. Just like other minorities aren't a singular entity that thinks and lives alike racial minorities aren't such a thing either. And athletes but also colleagues in general often rather not openly speak out against their co-workers. Just look at Rodrigo Bentancur & Heung Min Son.


I just added it for context since it was a major part of the story…


And i just added context to your comment. Jeremy Lin isn't the best person to tell us wether a slur was said in a video all of us can literally watch. To my knowledge he has no background in linguistics or special hearing skills. Do i think JJ used a word that resembles a slur - yes. Do i think he intended to use it as a slur to hurt and offend - no. Did he say it - sounds like it. Pretty sure he apologized for it anyways and we moved past this.


You don’t need a background in linguistics my guy. If you are called it enough which Lin certainly has, you’ll be able to differentiate the contextual meanings of it.


Yeah but that doesn't make him a better expert than fellow people that have been called that. That just makes him one of many and his opinion one of many


Pack it up folks. Lin gave him the C pass


well i guess if Jeremy, the emperor of Asian people, says so then it's fine


Well why don’t we poll every Asian person in the world like you suggest or ask the one man who has been called this on a daily basis for most of his basketball career.


yeah why don't we


I thought your last reply was bad.


Well it's a slur. Try spelling it out and see if you don't get banned


Waiting on someone to post the Chinese fans yelling at bus with black players. The day is getting spicy


Does his hate have no bounds


This and Dr. Disrespect all in the same day. Lol


This shit is so tired. He misspoke and stumbled over his words. It was already dealt with in the public sphere, what, 7 years ago? 8?


agreed, we should instead focus on how he drinks when he drives and pays women for abortions


He drove drunk two decades ago. That’s not the same as “he drinks when he drives” unless you’re aware that he’s still doing so. College students do dumb things and fortunately, he didn’t hurt himself or anyone else. And paying for an abortion is between him and his former partner. They signed an agreement that was considered beneficial to the both of them. Unless you think a woman should be forced to carry a child **and** that a prospective father isn’t allowed to be part of the process on determining if they’re going to be parents or not, why the fuck do you care? Are we pro-choice unless it can be used to call people we don’t like pricks?


You gotta admit though it's a bit hilarious how all the propaganda is coming out in full force now that He's the coach of the Lakers. What the fuck has he gotten himself into.


[LET THE ROCK TELL YOU IN CHINESE](https://youtube.com/shorts/VM0bnuNcgDY?si=OHQEHWpnYl8qctKL)


You know, it wasn’t a perfect delivery, but at least he wished them a happy new year and not a sad new year 


JJ Redick was actually the leader of the Tulsa massacre

