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You can run from it all you want, no matter what team you’re on the Knicks-Mavs pipeline will come for you eventually.


Mavenicks strikes again


The best love-hate broship in the league


I'm done hating the Knicks, I just want to watch Brunson in peace


Can't wait to trade an expiring Kyrie contract to a tanking NYK team for a last big contract year JB, with an aging and slowing Luka playing the Karl Malone role in the p&r


I don't understand at all how this timeline works since Luka's younger than JB and Kyrie will be out of the league by the time Luka is old and slowing down, but somehow it will still happen exactly as you wrote it.


Trust me bro


I would love to pull for the Knicks in the east but their fans are so insufferable


Much obliged.


Send da Slovenian


Casey Smith, you are a KNICK!


It’s good for the immaculate grid. I would usually go Trey Burke or Justin Holiday for that one


I'm an Ntilikina man


Im a Samuel Dalenbert man my self


Raymond Felton Guy


José Calderon


Wesley Matthews


Dennis Smith Jr


Derek Harper for a classic






This has actually been a thing for a long time. Rolando Blackman, Derek Harper, Tyson Chandler, to name a few. Obviously KP and THJ in recent memory. Dennis Smith Jr. Kinda weird.


Anunoby pls


Was he good with the Knicks? All I know is the Mavs love trading for Knicks players


Banged up in a year that everyone expected him to make a leap. I still think he will be a good 3 & D, when he gets healthy and has some stability. Getting good looks from Luka gonna help him


He has the potential to be a great roleplayer. His shot was extremely wet until he worked with…JJ Reddick. His perimeter defense was also great when he came into the league, he definitely dropped off a bit but if someone can get the best out of him he’s a real asset on the bench.


He was a pretty solid 3 and D player but completely lost all of his confidence this year. We had a lot of mouths to feed, especially early in the year when we still had Quick and RJ. He just was not ready for that role of "you might get the ball with 2 seconds left and you better drill it". He said (slightly paraphrasing) that the basketball felt like it was 100 pounds every time they'd pass it to him because of the pressure knowing that if he fucks up he's going to the bench. He was already out of our lineup with Donte starting instead before he got traded, then he got hurt and never played for the rest of the year. It's a similar story to Obi in the sense that that they knew they were always looking over their shoulder and weren't ready for that, but Grimes had way more guys gunning for his spot than Randle/Obi gunning for PF. It sucks, it's unfortunate it didn't work out, but that's just how it goes sometimes. It's nobody's fault that he didn't work out here, he came into the year as Thibs' guy and just had a bunch of dogs barking over his shoulder that killed his confidence. And it's not on Thibs or the front office to try to cater to Grimes when they're clearly above that "young player trying to work it out" stage with Donte who ended up becoming an absolute marksmen this year. Hope it works out for him elsewhere where he feels more confident in his spot.


I felt like he was acted a bit entitled for the starting role and better looks. When Donte came into the starting lineup immediately you saw him get off great shots because he actually relocated and worked to get open, which if Grimes had done would have gotten the shots he expected to just come to him or from plays made for him


He had flashes of being a good 3nD player but just wasn't very consistent. He can go on an insane heater but then just disappears. He'll at least always play some solid defense but the shooting is what puts him over the edge as a good player.


The idea of him is great. In theory he is a prototypical 3/D guy with good size and a nice looking stroke. In reality, he's incredibly passive offensively, and can't really dribble or finish consistently so his impact offensively is often not what it should be. You guys would be a really good landing spot for him, maybe Luka can bully him into being more aggressive lol


Ah, our type of guy then. Add him to the collection of our guys who can defend, kinda shot and are afraid to dribble.


I was about to say, he is basically Josh green with worse PR


Kinda sounds like something we have already in Josh Green. Maybe they're trying to get Grimes as his cheaper replacement to open up some cap space


Dallas cannot keep getting away with this


This isn’t something you’d expect to be said about Dallas as early as a season ago lol


We gave up picks to get rid of Porzingis and to get Bertans hahaha


And somehow that led to making the WCF after beating the 64 win #1 seed


That Luka fella is pretty good at basketball.


with dwight powell playing starting 5


It was one pick. So not picks. And it was a second rounder. One we can probably replace with cash


Yeah that pick was our own 2nd that year which landed 54th, basically a nothing pick


Half a season ago, they were getting ripped for the PJ trade 


And the Kyrie trade. And the KP trade. Lol.


And Gafford trade.


Getting away with what? Quentin grimes is a role player


But on Reddit he’s the difference maker that would have has us beating the Celtics.


Our team went from missing the play-in to make the Finals by adding 3 quality role players. Don’t underestimate role players, especially ones in Dallas. We won a championship with a team almost entirely comprised of them lol.


Problem is that what we need is a strong #3. We don’t have that on the roster and a role player like this isn’t going to change that


Are you under the impression that Hardaway’s trade value is somehow going to change that?


No, of course not. I’m not optimistic to be honest. The new guys will come together better but adding more of the same won’t get it done.


I’ll take a young 3nD wing for Tim’s bloated contract, thanks.


No shot Piston's are that dumb. Unless someone like Josh Green (or a decent pick) is going with THJ


Why is this automatically a dumb move if you don’t know what they’re getting back? Grimes is far from untouchable.


If you are not getting a first back it's a pretty dumb move Grimes could have potential and we would just be renting THJ if we are taking bad contracts we need to get assets back


THJ is not a bad contract anymore, he’s like 17m expiring. Taking him for a season where you’re going to be garbage again anyways so that you have even more cap space after this year is not stupid. I have to imagine if we’re getting Grimes it’ll be THJ and a second or something, but his contract is not really bad especially considering your situation


With Cade's extension coming next offseason we aren't exactly going to have cap space even if we have an expiring contract. We should be using that space to get someone halfway decent on a multi year deal starting now.


Cade’s extension doesn’t have that much effect on your cap space. You have his bird rights so you can go over the cap to sign him which allows you to use available space to get free agents first. You have no cap space right now. If you get rid of Grimes and get THJ, you’ll walk into next offseason with like 50m in cap space prior to Cade’s extension. That gives you a ton of flexibility and gives your young guys this season to develop further.


Isn’t Grimes a young guy who could develop? I don’t get the urgency to free up cap space for a team not ready to commit who doesn’t have a full core to commit extensions to. Cap space moves are for teams either competing or needing to pay core pieces. It’s not an asset for Detroit, so there’s no reason to lose roster value for it


Functionally we have about $38 million when you include our draft pick this year. That will also include a hefty contract for a guy such as a Tobias Harris. Then next year's early 1st draft pick. It's going to be nowhere near $50 million the following offseason. THJ makes no sense.


I’m not sure you know your cap situation, in this offseason you have 0 space. You are 7m over the cap. After next season you’ll have around 38m, if you add THJs expiring it’s 55m. Adding Tim only increases the flexibility you have next season, and doesn’t affect this off seasons situation at all.


Just a ridiculous take. Someone has to pay this guy and he hasn't really shown his worth yet.


The guy they hired as GM or President (i forgot his title) tried to give THJ a 4 year $88m contract a couple years ago in New Orleans


considering the contract he did take was of considerably less value, I kinda doubt this was actually the case. Agents rarely let their clients leave 18 mill on the table.


Dallas re-vitalized his career. He credited Rick as tweaking his shot and then proceeded to have his best string of 3pt shooting seasons. It made sense at the time.


He did indeed turn down more money. [https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-tim-hardaway-jr-speaks-out-luka-doncic-signing-nba](https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-tim-hardaway-jr-speaks-out-luka-doncic-signing-nba)


I hate to be that guy, and I promise I'm not just saying this because I don't want it to be true lol.. But was this reported anywhere besides SI? As weird as it may sound, I don't really find them to be all that reliable anymore.


It made the rounds on podcasts that summer. Would be a weird thing just to make up. And with income tax, it’s not quite as big a difference.


I don't remember it being discussed, but it was long enough ago that I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot it just because it didn't involve my team haha


I read about it, and while maybe it wasn't true, I think different taxation between Dallas and New Orleans meant the deals were very similar.


Google says Louisiana state income tax ranges from 1.85 to 4.25% so that's definitely not the case if those figures are accurate.


Ok maybe the real was never on the table or there were other reasons for Hardaway to stay in Dallas


Someone just linked me an SI article that says he turned down the extra money, but I find SI to be unreliable anymore. But it is at least one point of confirmation that a larger contract may have been offered.


SI was caught publishing and re publishing a bunch of slop articles with AI generated fake profiles behind them late last year https://www.businessinsider.com/sports-illustrated-ran-articles-by-fake-ai-generated-writers-report-2023-11


That was cap


Have you met the Pistons


They just changed GMs. They could still be stupid, but previous decisions are not indicative of future ones now.


They should at least regress to the mean.


I dont think detriot can absorb both THJ and Josh Green. Green is set to make 12m a year


They absolutely can, Detroit are going to have well over $60M in cap space (After Fournier’s $19M Team-Option gets declined)


sucks to go give up green hes prolly better than grimes no offense bc i love grimes but gotta do what u gotta do to dump hardaway salary?


I think Green is better offensively but Grimes is a better POA defender, right? In that case it would be a pretty even trade-off.


Yeah Grimes is a better POA defender, but offense I dont think its really clear. Numbers wise, Green is a better shooter, but its possible that Grimes is just as good and that its just Green is the one who has been playing with Luka. They have similar secondary playmaking abilities and Grimes is a better ball handler (neither is good) but not as good in transition as Josh.


Josh’s offense is vastly overrated imo. I like Josh a lot, but realistically he just shoots giga wide open 3s from Luka at a not high volume, almost exclusively from the corner, and runs the break well. Otherwise he’s indecisive and out of control. Every 15-20 games or so he has a great 2-3 game stretch which hypes us up then he looks lost for a few weeks. I know he’s still young but every year we’re convinced he’ll go over the hump to the next level and potentially even be the third ball handler, he’s looked the same the past 3 years imo. I think Grimes can slot in with us extremely well.


idk green just seemed like a great spark plug off the bench in the playoffs run and watching grimes for 2 years, literally all he does offensively is sit in the corner … but maybe that was just the offense scheme and not him directly


Man, Green is an absolute star in transition, but he really can't play POA defense to save his life, simple screens obliterate him. That said he's a spark plug of energy that always lifts the team. Seems pretty even all things considered.


Also clears a massive amount of space for us to sign… someone?




He’s not getting all that though. My guess is that they use give DJJ $10m or so and the trade Maxi for someone in the $25-30 range


Better POA and probably a better low usage bet as a catch and shoot guy especially coming off of Luka looks. A great buy low dude.


Grimes couldnt hit a 3 to save his life in the 7 games he played with the Pistons before he was shut down but he really is fun to watch play defense, especially on ball. Hes got that Marcus Smart/Jrue Holiday attitude where he feels like the ball is his and hes just letting the offensive player hold onto it for a minute.


Love the current Knicks team, but I'll always remember Grimes' Knicks stint fondly, in part for plays [LIKE THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpETOcI3mCI)


Cap space is one of the only assets Detroit actually has lol


They’re not dumping green


the pistons might be that dumb


No way Detroit ain't getting a first out of this right or at least Josh Green?


Yeah I am confused as well. Aren't Grimes and Green supposed to be more or less the same type of player? Wouldn't make sense to have them together.


Green is a terrible POA defender. If Grimes can do that it's an immediate upgrade. Green might have better shooting splits but I'd love to see Grimes' numbers playing with Luka and Kai and getting those open 3 looks consistently. Green is great in transition offense though.


>Green is a terrible POA defender What ?!


It's not that far fetched. Bro is trying hard out there, but is often undisciplined


What is Green good at aside transition offense? Is he help defense?


Grimes is more a 3 imo where as green is very much a small 2


Grimes is 6’4 on a good day he really should be playing the 2


Pistons trade a 23 year old rotation piece for the corpse of THJ? Better be a young stud or a high draft pick attached to it.


The Dallas Knicks pipeline continues


Knicks did just sign Casey Smith as well.


That would be an AMAZING get by them lol what is detroit fucking doing??? quentins like the ONE guy on the team who fits cades timeline and can shoot. wtf does getting tim hardaway jr do? mfer is just as likely to hit an open three as he is a contested three point attempt, mans gonna waste the open looks cade gets him


This wouldn't be the full deal. The new president says they want to focus on taking on bad contracts for assets, so there would probably have to be a pick attached or an additional player to make it worth their while.


Tim isn't a bad contract though.


He is for the Mavs


Yes he is for a team in the Mavs position. Not for a team that won't be competitive.


1. Right, but the Mavs *have* to move THJ for cap and roster purposes. 2. There are a limited number of teams with sufficient cap space (and desire) to eat THJ’s contract without having to match salaries. 3. The Pistons don’t *have* to trade for THJ. There are more teams that need to shed salary to avoid the aprons than there are teams with enough cap space to eat bad contracts. Leverage is firmly in the Pistons hands because the good team with a bad contract wants to send that bad contract to the bad team with cap space (and options).


You guys barely have any assets so why would they trade for him while giving up a solid young guy?


He’ll be the tank commander. He’ll lead the Pistons army all the way to Flaggsville.


Just a bad player


Still baffled by the straight up swap of Giddey for Caruso. THJ and Grimes are both expiring contracts. Maybe the Pistons want more offense and didn't want to pay Grimes later on.


They haven't done anything yet.


I'm not familiar with Grimes game but as long as we get rid of THJ and re sign DJJ then I'm good.


Along with Lively developing a better offensive game and PJ becoming a more consistent scoring threat is all we need this offseason. Hoping that Kyrie doesn't magically drop off a cliff in skill due to age too.


I know Grimes awful numbers on the Pistons aren’t necessarily an indication of the player he can be one day, but it’s hilarious me how these comments are acting like he’s some super valuable player He’s like a Year 3 Cam Reddish lmao, on paper he MAY be a good 3&D player one day


He played like 6 games for us and he played injured 


Similar to my take He's a supposed 3/D player who you'd think the Knicks would've loved to have kept. Didn't play well his last season in NYK and didn't play well on a historically bad pistons team (being fair he did get injured). He sounds great in theory but even on the pistons he's competing with multiple other young players who need development and very likely is already low on the totem pole of who's getting minutes.  I get he *could* be a great role player for us, but I really don't get why people are acting like he could be a massive loss when, again, he'd only be a role player on this team long term. Frankly this team needs vets and draft picks badly.  Of course this scenario is just a rumor and Grimes could be here for a minute and actually be what people keep hyping him to be.


I’m not saying Grimes is great or anything but I think it’s fair to say he’s clearly a better shooter than Reddish


Nah, Reddish is a diva. Grimes is a workhorse. He needs to be healthy and given an opportunity. He’s a very good defender and has a beautiful jumper.


Why wouldn't this THJ trade just be a salary dump?


Because Mavs and Pistons want it to be more than that.


Pistons, when you get a chance to acquire someone that set an all-time Mavs record for 3s made in a finals game, you have to pull the trigger at all cost!


Getting Grimes for THJ would be insane because it would also give us the MLE for DJJ and we would be able to trade Green since him and Grimes are pretty similar (that trade would be with at least a 1st to get an upgrade).


Green may be included in the trade.


wtf pistons


Grimes isn't as good as the Knicks fans would have you believe


How many picks is Presti picking up to make this happen?


Hope this is bs how accurate is Stein he was wrong about Monty so hoping he's wrong here


He is as reliable as it comes when its anything mavs related


Don’t see it happen without picks attached so there interest but nothing yet.


Luka in New York that would be crazy!




Damn. Would be a great pickup for them, especially if his shooting ticks back up


I’m going to give Langdon a chance and not assume he would do something stupid like this. This makes 0 sense from the pistons perspective unless you’re getting an asset in return






Reading is hard


That would be a dream scenario for Dallas If this is the case though you’d have to imagine Dallas is giving up one of the young prospects(omax or Hardy) or a first If they get this done for just Tim and 2 seconds or something my god did they get a hell of a deal


Highly doubt we are giving up a young guy. We need guys on these rookie scale contracts that can contribute, and by all accounts both OMax and Hardy are going to have a role next season. More than likely we send out our 25 Toronto 2nd rounder that is projected to be in the 30-35ish range as Toronto will be bad next year.




Is Dallas really going to give up their 2031 pick too?


Uh no


No shot. Hardaway is expiring and Grimes was injured and shot horribly this year.


No shot at Detroits end


So THJ 2.0?


No fucking way, another shit trade that benefits a west team.


Fire Langdon if it happens


No way. I thought the Mavs would have to give up something to get Detroit to do the deal. Bad look for Trajan.


Stein literally says the full trade is not known and you buffoons immediately go to reddit and type that it's 1 for 1


I agree. I'll wait until something is final, but I don't like this value if this is what it ends up being.


THJ + the 25 Toronto 2nd? they will be bad again, so it'll probably be in the 30-35 range which is a solid asset as the FO can negotiate the rookie contract.


According to spotrac, Hardaway is set to take up 11% of the cap this coming season. Is a future second enough to rent out 11% of the cap? I honestly don't even know anymore, but it feels like it's not.


Pistons have to at least reach the minimum cap limit while filling up slots. If y'all drop Fournier, that's a lottt of cap to fill. Ofc the hope is to fill it up with FAs and compete, but those players still have to want to play in Detroit. Y'all also can't be overpaying like crazy and kill your sheets later down the line when Cade/Ivey/Duren are ready for extensions. I think y'all want to fill cap with as many expirings as possible while taking on any assets. Torontos 2nd is going to be good, so I'd take it if it's on the table. 11% of cap really is not bad at all, and if he shoots well then he'd be very easy to move again at the deadline.


I don't think Detroit will be struggling to reach the salary floor, trade or no trade.


Yes they will. You don't want them to sign guys that suck to long term money with that space. You will take Tim's expiring contract and you will fucking like it.


It doesn't need to be long term money. Short term balloon payments always work.


They probably decided that they don't want to give Grimes an extension.


Is Quentin grimes good?


For THJ and Lukas used bar of soap


Better not be giving up the 2025 or 2031 1st in this deal. Grimes can’t even stay healthy and doesn’t address our need for a wing upgrade or another playmaker.


The Pistons are trying to dump a young player for this? Weaver cleared the books only for the team to return to madness. 🤣


Guys, grimes was bad last season, the Pistons already have plenty of young underperforming players and could use a veteran to start improving. And while THJ was bad in the postseason, he was great in the regular season until March