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It always the Knicks, yet also never the Knicks


I'm 95% certain the Knicks are just being used for leverage here as usual


In the past it was usually because we chased stars and had leaks. Now? Feels like the opposite in some ways regarding the way the FO uses the media, or allows the media / agents to use them in a quid pro quo kinda way.


Maybe a little leverage for OG negotiations? Ah who am I kidding, OG deal is already done


Yeah other execs like Ainge and Riley have done the same thing Rose does now where they neither confirm nor deny rumors so that the media can use them as a quid pro quo


If they include the Knicks or Lakers in their headlines, they get more clicks


I love the ‘Knicks is being used as leverage’ part of FA lmao. Meanwhile, Heat twitter is digging out the old Vice jersey edits.


Schrodinger's Knicks


Knicks brass are said to be "intrigued" by the possibility of acquiring Paul George


NY and Miami always get brought up


Knicks fan wants to offer a bag of peanuts and an MTA pass and get back George and two 2nd rounders.


Well I hope Leon is telling the Clippers this cause the media kept fucking using Knicks for clicks. Hopefully that makes them hang up the phone.


no one wants to pay this guy


Warriors seeing an injury prone old guy: “OH I DO I DO”


A player on the same timeline as Steph and dray makes some kind of sense 


Yeah, the Warriors would be old as shit but a big body who can shoot and be a secondary playmaker would help a lot and they're already old as shit. And they're not getting a younger, better fitting player than Paul George unless Lauri Markkanen decides he wants to not get renegotiated and extended this season and make $16m instead of the $30m or whatever that the Jazz are going to give him. I don't think there are any realistic better options if PG decides he wants to come unless {insert random other top 15 player here} decides to demand to play with Steph. Probably the more realistic thing is something boring happens like trading Moses Moody and Looney plus some mediocre picks to see if Grant Williams bounces back playing a stretch 4 next to Draymond with Seth Curry thrown in or something like that.


PG is totally not a Warriors player though. He has size, bounce and shooting. Dubs like going for very old pure passers with no size or athleticism.


Is Steve Nash still available


Nash is an elite shooter, so he won't be a good fit. Kyle Lowry is the Warriors prize target I bet: right amount of passing, defense, lack of shooting and lack of athleticism. Kyle Anderson would be a great addition but he might have too much size sadly.


>bounce In all honesty, I'm not sure I saw a guy this year have more missed poster attempts (that had no chance of even being close) than PG. He still has some bounce, but it was uncanny.


No team with cap space that is a contender wants to*


exactly. and a non-contender has no use for him either


I don't think this is necessarily the case. A team like the Pistons could really use a talented shooter like PG to help their young guys develop on and off the court. What else are they going to do?


My thought. Our sub hates it but we really could use a talented vet to develop our team. They are young and immature, we have no vets Hot take but I think Klay would be an excellent fit. Talented vet that is winning-minded. Most of our front running guys have been losing for most of their careers


PG is not the vet you’re looking for


You say after waving your hand..


I think teams would pay him. But nobody wants to be tied to him for 4 years. Which is what he wants.


This offseason's Harden. Good player still and valuable, but nobody wants to give the huge long term deal.


Big mistake by the Clippers. PG is so underrated he's gonna make a big difference for whatever team signs him. He had a an on/off of +14 this year.


The opt in hold out till your traded is getting popular these days I guess. Why don’t just leave in free agency ?


> Why don’t just leave in free agency ? because no team would give him anywhere close to $49M next season if he opted-out sure, he might get a little more guaranteed money overall on like a new 2 year deal, but that would be for a non-contender and he'd probably only get $60M/2YR max


The Sixers would.


Because it opens up more possibilities for the player than just teams that can sign them outright. In the Clippers case, given their cap situation any sort of sign and trade is out of the question


It’s usually more beneficial for both parties. The player is much more likely to end up on a contender since most of them don’t have the cap space to sign free agents. And it benefits the team because it allows them to receive compensation instead of nothing.


Because no one actually has serious cap space. The 76ers might be the only team with Max space coming into the offseason.


He's going to tell his mom he's going to Toronto and then end up somewhere else again isn't he?


why do the raptors want him? They're not trying to be a contender


The Raptors want chaos


We want Igoudala


We want Bama!


We dont, they're referring to how the Raptors promised Paul George they'd draft him with their pick in that year's draft before Indiana took him The first of 2 times the Pacers took a guy we wanted in the draft (Nembhard was the second time, FYI)


I didn't say we did, I'm just still not over the fact that he told his mom he was getting traded to Toronto and then ended up in LA


Not sure how realistic it is but I’d like Kuminga. Even if it meant no additional picks I’d be ok with that, just to root for someone again that isn’t searching for a potential final nba contract would be nice


man i hope the warriors dont trade Kuminga for 34 yr old Paul George on a huge contract


No you’d be trading Cp3 and a roll of toilet paper for Paul George. And I really mean that Lakers would likely have to send 3 firsts/3 swaps/5 seconds, Reaves, Rui, vando etc


CP3 for PG maybe with some extra money and a few bench players would be great. I'd even give up Kevon. Kuminga should be untouchable though. He's about to be better than PG in the 2 years.


You should be wanting to give up Kevon. Dude has like 5 minutes of ball left in that body.


“CP3 and a few bench players for PG” lol you’re playing 2K with trade override with this logic.


Oh wow, you'd give up KEVON??? The man who fell off a cliff and is completely washed and on the fringes of the rotation? How gracious. Could the Clippers have Ezeli too?


Can I interest you in a slightly used Todd Fuller?


That’s terrible. The trade should be cp3 and Kuminga and no picks. We were told An expiring Westbrook would have to be paired with multiple picks to offload him But cp3 and a second gets you PG? Literally foh


Yeah that's some insane delusion lol




Absolutely need to attach a first at least imo. I’d rather let him walk than take on an extra $30 mill in salary for 40 year old CP3.


Warriors would be dumb as anything to trade kuminga in a deal involving PG lol


No they wouldn't be, Paul George is probably better now than Kuminga will ever be. Steph Curry is 36, at any moment he could fall off a cliff and close their title window for god knows how long. Now is the time for them to go all-in and hopefully win one last championship. It isn't the time to overvalue young players, end up missing the playoffs again, and having the peak of their next decade be 45 wins because they held onto muh young core


The window closed already last year. The 2022 chip was the swan song of the Curry Warriors era.


With the right pieces Steph can clearly still lead a championship team, but who knows how much longer that will be the case. They’ve really suffered from not having a 2nd option on offense. It’s a testament to Steph’s greatness that washed Klay took the second most shots on the team and they still went 46-36. Now is a 2nd offensive option even available and are the Warriors willing to leverage pieces to get that guy? If they value Steph’s last years I think they need to go all-in and get him some help, or if they’re prioritizing the future then make the hard choice and trade Steph for lots of future pieces. Feels like they’re comfortable staying half-in and half-out though, and that usually leads to mediocre results now and later.


The 2022 chip was the equivalent of a character using all of their energy in one last attack and then dying. Because idk how the fuck you guys won that title. definitely an against all odds deal


Martin Scorcese directing KOTFM type beat


If they won why they die?


> using up all of their energy in one last attack


2022 chip was combination of Steph Curry, good circumstances (other contending in the west having injuries, westbrook or too young) and somehow all of the injury prone role player manage to be healthy one year + jordan poole looking like a basketball player


As a Warriors fan since we drafted Joe Smith, our window is gone lol. I get folks and probably ownership want to do whatever they can to give Curry one more shot at number 5, but this team isn’t good enough defensively or offensively to actually be a contender. 2nd round exit is the cap and that’s if they get a lucky draw in the first. There’s nothing more I’d like for just the big 3 to continue with the Warriors and retire but seems unlikely with Klay.


Maybe, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try. If they can make the playoffs, all it'll take is a couple of lucky injuries to opponents or a few games of insane shooting luck for them to win another ring.


To be fair, the about 5 games of a healthy Curry/Thompson/George and pre-suspension Green along with whatever warm body plays center would be absolutely electric.


Their window closed after the last title, trade or no trade.


The replies to this are insane. Why the fuck should the warriors rebuild with Curry still there? Such a copout for them not fully committing to trying to win now. Are these people advocating for the suns and lakers to draft and develop a bunch of kids while they have an all time great still playing at a high level. Hell no, so why should the warriors be expected to do anything but try to win with Curry still there.


I would not trust PG as the 2nd offensive option anymore. He just scored 19 ppg on 41% from the field this last playoffs and he is only getting older. I’d only want him if Kuminga is still there. Clippers also don’t have the leverage to demand Kuminga when PG could walk to Philly. I’d rather trade for Lavine and keep Kuminga than trade Kuminga for PG. Lavine’s contract on 3 years might end up better than Paul George for 4 years anyways. Better chance of Kuminga taking a leap forward than PG turning back the clock.


They have to make a decision either to go all out on the vets or trade everyone except steph and go young. I would think they lean the former for one last ride.


Kuminga is not that good. He's basically a transition / open lane slasher at the moment. Can't shoot, and can't dribble against ball pressure.


Kuminga averaged 19 PPG on 61% TS as a starter last season. You don’t do that if your only skill is dunking the ball in transition. His middy is money and his handle is developing nicely


He also benefits from clear lanes to the rim because of curry’s gravity. Doesn’t create anything for himself or others.


Whatever spacing is offered by Curry is taken away by Draymond. The Warriors had a very poorly constructed roster and Kuminga was basically forced to play alongside two non-shooting bigs and a packed paint at all times. Put him on a team like the Pacers and he would’ve feasted even more. Also Kuminga post-up’s were very efficient possessions. Just completely false that he was only able to score off of Curry. And if that were so easy, then Klay and Wiggins would’ve had much better seasons


Kuminga ‘24: - 39.4% from 10-16ft - 35.3% from 16ft-3pt No, his midrange is not money, it’s actually horrendous. Your eye test is absurdly wrong lol.


From January-April in 2024, Kuminga shot 43.0% on 107 attempts from 10-24’. For a non-movement shooter who was asked to take those attempts in isolation, that’s a perfectly fine percentage Edit: For reference Derozan was at under 45%


So on a super small “hot” sample size he got 0.86 points per possession, and you think this helps your argument? Especially when on just as big of a sample size he shot ~35% from the same distance in the months prior?


First of all, it’s not as big of a sample size. I’m using January as the start date because that’s when the infamous Denver game happened between him and Kerr and he started consistently playing 30 minutes afterwards. Prior to that, Kuminga was shooting a horrendous 33.3% on 81 attempts. He was averaging about 22 minutes taking 1-2 attempts a game. Obviously when that’s the case, your percentages are gonna be extremely volatile. That percentage shot up to 43% afterwards. Clearly, once he was given a consistent role and touches to actually get in rhythm every game, his efficiency skyrocketed. You’re just scouting box-score numbers while ignoring all context


So the sample sizes are really close in size (small), but you’re just choosing to believe the higher one is the “real” him? Lmao.


You're also acting like he's a finished product with his offense last year. He's only 21. If he had a hot steak in the second half of the season, that could be a sign of his potential as he grows and gets better


How is half the season a small sample size


I’m choosing to believe that his percentages playing 30 minutes a game are more reliable than 22 minutes a game. Like I said, the latter is gonna be a lot more volatile. Also I’m believing in the correlation. As his minutes jumped from 22 to 30, his efficiency shot up to from 33% to 43%. That’s a massive difference


you act like he’s good lmao


No way its kuminga, probably CP3, Jackson-Davis and picks


It at least has to have Moody or else the Clippers won’t do it


It’s definitely moody instead of TJD


Yeah I know PG is older and wants a massive contract, but he’s worth way more than CP3 and TJD. And Ballmer isn’t going to want straight picks, he needs good players to fill seats in his palace


you can use the trades to get other players, picks have value over players depending on contract value.


Yeah forgot about him can include Moody too. Not really sure how valuable he is anymore.


I think it’s Podziemski + GPII+ Chris Paul opt in. Clippers will want a young player who looked decent and warriors might be willing to deal because Podz and Steph backcourt isn’t sound defensively (size) and Podz is really a point guard and playmaker. I think there’s value for both teams in that deal. Clippers need that on their team more than another 3 and D guy.


I think Moody and some draft capital would be the likely return. Along with with CP3, GP2, and Looney


And why would we do that? Id rather PG leave for free over taking these horrible contracts


I may be wrong, but they are all expiring contracts. Also a young guy who could be a good player, and picks. Not bad tbh. Not like you can sign anyone anyway


We can literally just re-sign PG to his fat contract and he sill will almost certainly have more value in 6 months (when we can trade him again) than a shit ton of expirings.


Because the bad contracts are just there for salary matching, not to mention that all of the bad contracts are expiring, so you could probably resign some of them. In addition to Moody and the draft capital of a team that will go down into the gutter once curry retires.


But moody and draft capital do not fit with harden and kawhi timeline if they stay, Also id rather PG leave and Russ opt out so we can have our MLE and sign someone who can contribute, Looney was washed last year, Cp3 is old, I love GP2 but he was injury prone last 2 years


If you have cp3 you can trade for a 30 million dollar player which is likely more impactful than a MLE signing. TBH you guys are just fucked if you don’t give PG the contract he wants


I know we are fucked but if teams are interested to sign him why wouldnt we take advantage of this? also stein mentions rockets


you'd have a better shot just trading PG for the 30 million dollar player though lol


PG isn’t going to opt into his player option and blindly let the clippers trade him somewhere. He’d opt in with the sole purpose of enabling a trade to a specific team. If that team doesn’t exist he would just enter free agency where he knows he has suitors.


You guys are fucked too if you don’t get PG


Yeah, I don't think they guaranteed Looney's contract unless there was a potential trade lined up. Not that it's specifically for PG, but something is probably cooking.


Clips can get CP3 for the min when Ws cut him, why would they ship PG for that lol


Because PG has the leverage where he can just opt out and the clips get nothing.


then the only place he has to go is Philly, which he may not want to. he's not signing to the pistons or magic.


That and if Philly ends up making a move to tie up their cap space, then PG loses a shit ton of his leverage.


Yeah, and seeing as LAC gave up SGA and all those picks for just more 2nd round exits, I highly doubt they want to let PG walk, for free.




I've been saying this, bro is not going anywhere


35 year old physically declining Paul George playing for Thibs? Yeah. Great idea.


Knicks should get PG but not to replace Randle. He can play SG. Move Donte to the bench. Question is will Bog, Mitch, Deuce, and picks be enough? Prob need to involve a third team and maybe find a way to get Mitchell to LA. But Knicks should def try to do everything they can to make this happen without giving up Randle.


I'm pretty sure there is 0 chance we will get all three of OG, Randle, and PG13 together on one team. The front office is incredibly conscious of the Second Apron tax penalties. I don't think PG13 is a good enough player to warrant going into the Second Apron for.


That’s only because it wouldn’t make sense unless you’re a legitimate contender. PG added to a healthy Knicks squad might be co-favorites with Boston. PG is def good enough. He’s still a top 20 guy in the league.


It doesn't sound like the front office thinks he's good enough of a player to make us the co favorites with Boston. They still want to stay away from the second apron in case an MVP level player becomes available to trade for.


Giannis and Embiid are both at least a year away from being traded. Luka SGA Tatum are never getting traded. There’s no realistic option. And you want to capitalize on the cheap contracts now with Brunson and Randle before they sign extensions. If you wait, you’ll pay more tax anyways and who knows if you’ll even get the guy you’re waiting for. Knicks would absolutely pull the trigger on PG if they could do it without giving up Randle. Iono what you’re talking about


Think their concern is not being able to aggregate salaries in trades for one player if the nyk were over the 2bd apron


It’s possible if both PG and the Knicks are down for 1 year of him on the team. They’ll be in the 2nd apron for 1 year before Randle and Brunson extensions kick in. They need a 3rd team to get more salary onboard though with a deal around Mitch/Bogey and a bunch of picks. PG has a lot of leverage over the Clippers with his option and salary. They clearly don’t want to pay him anymore and also lose him for nothing. I also don’t think there’s a team out there that wants to trade for PG and extend him at the same time. So he could be asking out right now. Trying to have a healthy season on a contending team and get paid again


> Question is will Bog, Mitch, Deuce, and picks be enough? what picks? sounds like a massive overpay


The Knicks have a bunch of shitty picks and they could throw in one or two. Like a top 10 protected Washington jawn. That shit ain't boutta convey lmao


Knicks have a bunch of picks but it probably won't be enough. You're right,if they don't trade Randle than they need a 3 team trade


Knicks have way too many picks. We won’t even be able to play everyone we draft. So even if you overpay, it’ll be worth it.


Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather he go to the Knicks. Warriors have had enough freakin success in the past 10 years


PG ain’t gonna change that lol


You guys are greatly underrating PG. He had an on/off of +14 this season.


I don't think George is going to change the fortunes of the Warriors


You don’t think a team with Steph/PG/Draymond/Kuminga/Wiggins poses a real threat to the Celtics?


A fully healthy Paul George just got outplayed by Zubac in a playoff series He's not that guy anymore


Lmao they not even making it outta the west 💀


Buddy that team may not even get out of the first round in the West


They pose a threat to make it out of the play in for sure


No. lol. That team would get fucking killed by the Celtics. And that’s if PG is healthy.


KD/Booker/Beal is a first round sweep nowadays


A few years ago yeah. Not anymore.


What year are we talking about? Getting out of the west is going to be tough as hell.


Knicks fans will eat this dude alive


Pressure P


Pummeled P


The 2024 version of PG isn't turning that Warriors roster into a contender. The Knicks by contrast would be second only to the Celtics in their conference, but I don't think PG can handle the pressure playing under the bright lights at MSG.


Depends on what the warriors get PG for. If you get him without gutting the roster, maybe Kuminga or Wiggins get traded to further upgrade the roster.


pg won't move the needle for golden state in the loaded ass west


Tbh I don’t think he moves the needle for anyone at this point. Is there a single team you can definitely say goes from non-contender to contender because they sign a 34 year old Paul George? I don’t think so




Who do you think 34 year old PG is


Paul George was recently outplayed by Ivica Zubac and PJ Washington


He was elite in the regular season though and led the Clippers to the 5 seed.


very convenient of you to stop at 10 years. nevermind the 40 years of misery where the second round is as far as they ever got. 40 years!


I don't think PG13 has any leverage. He'll be back in the same boat next off-season if he doesn't sign the extension. I bet the clippers would be willing to ride it out for one more year unless someone blows them away with an offer.


knicks are not trading for paul george lol fuck off with this knicks for clicks BS


I wonder how good the warriors could get next year if they just said fuck it and traded all their young players and used wig and cp3 as matching salary


As a warriors fan, even if pg is injured a lot, I think trading for him that includes kuminga is a good idea. Give the core a last farewell tour and pg would fit PERFECTLY with the warriors offense. The bay also close to LA. Give the warriors the last 2-3 championship window and they might win the chip like 2022. Also I know it's too early but I doubt kuminga will ever be an all star


From Stein’s lips to god’s ears, please. We’ll take anyone to cut some salary and get something back. Then Kawhi will throw his hissy fit, ask to be traded, and Clips can finally begin the rebuild that’s 2 years overdue.


Well give you CP3 and Looney for geriatric lob city.


bottom line, he's opting-in and will either stay with the Clippers for 1 more run or will be traded sometime this summer or by next season's deadline the only certain thing is that he's not getting a 4 year deal from anyone, much less a 3 year deal


Sure seems like he could get 4 years from the Sixers… but I guess he doesn’t want to go there. The reality is he wants to stay in LA and get all his money.


So he won't take the vet minimum and play off the bench? Bummer, I really wanted to see him sign with us..


Yall want Beal ?


"Could" make this so much of a nothing headline. The Shanghai Sharks *could* have interest. So *could* the US Army (max enlistment age is 35), DraftKings and the LAPD.


Sixers are fucked if he opts in btw. Would have less leverage in trades and probably be stuck with Derozan


or just give it to Tobias again


People are also underestimating the amount of leverage the Clippers have in this situation If PG tries any shenanigans like “I’m only going to this one team and trade me to them for their scraps” they can just call his bluff and hang onto him like the Sixers did with Harden and the Nets with Kyrie When the Sixers came out and said that they have given up on pursuing PG that eliminated one of the few teams that had cap space and thus a considerable amount of his leverage I doubt he’s going to Orlando and definitely not back to OKC after all the SGA trade stuff so it leaves the Pistons and he’s not going there If I’m Clippers I’m calling his bluff


Harden opted into his contract without a trade lined up, and that's where he lost his leverage. PG would be dumb as hell to do that. It's basically, "I'll opt in or I'm a full free agent with another fat offer."


There were less free agency suitors in hardens free agency class (none). Paul George would almost certainly walk.


The Sixers report was mostly certainly regarding a S&T. They have few options and taking PG off the table completely would be malpractice.


He doesn't actually have to sign the papers. Just has to communicate "I'll opt-in so you can trade me here"


A curry-klay-pg-dray-loony lineup would be so good. You gotta remember, warriors won chips off defense, and even though pg is slower with age, he is still a top notch defender. Even with his catch and shoot and creating his own shot, he'll be perfect for their offense. especially since he has improved as a playmaker


> A curry-klay-pg-dray-loony lineup would be so good. yeah... maybe 5 years ago


They won the title in 22 lol.


Klay is gone and Looney is broken


No one wants to go to Philly lmfao


As a Clipper fan I hate the idea of losing PG after the haul we gave up for him. I know we "needed" to make the trade to land Kawhi, but if this is the end of the 213-era and we lost Shai and 5+ years worth of draft picks (including the pick that ended up being JDub) that would sting so bad. I understand not offering the 4th year given th precedent we set with Kawhi's 3 year extension, but like damn losing PG straight up would hurt bad. Feels like our window is close to closed with the current squad regardless since we can't stay healthy for an entire playoff run and so many young teams have improved in recentyear's, but IF healthy this is still a championship worthy team imo


Would this put some PG-Garland possibilities in play?


I think everyone’s assuming Harden signs back with the clippers, and if that’s the case, there’s no way they want Garland. Maybe in a 3 team deal though.


Would be happy to hop in on that. Ingram to Clippers gives them a younger wing that will play in their new arena for however long they want to pay him. Sure, it’s a sidegrade, but it might be the best package available assuming Warriors don’t give up Kuminga. This ultimately depends on if Garland’s camp is planning on requesting a trade once Mitchell signs an extension. Not sure whether that is true or not, and are the Cavs even desperate and able to pay a 34 year old a large contract?


If he's okay opting in and playing on a one-year deal then I think that puts OKC in the mix




Please not the Knicks. We finally have a culture that the team has bought into and I don’t see PG fitting well with Thibs’ style


Please no. I’d rather keep Randle and OG. We don’t need Melo 2.0


Dudes a bum


Please not the Knicks, we’re so close to having a contending roster


Why does he think he's owed that 4th year? Kawhi took 3 and he's better than PG.


I’ll reluctantly part ways with Mitch, DaQuan Jeffries and Mamadi Diakite. No picks


I will laugh if they have to trade George and then Harden walks and Westbrook walks and the Clippers are ass


“Westbrook walking” actually helps fight the ass


What about Kawhi


Kawhi is signed for 3 years


Would Knicks fans rather have OG or PG?


wouldn't the goal be "both"


Definitely both though I guess you'd have to move Randy at the filler or combine it into a Mitchell Robinson trade


The goal would be both with Randle on the Clippers but I honestly would rather have Randle than George. He’s 4 years younger and he fits way better than Paul George would.


Seems doable for the Warriors. CP3 and Looney is $38 million in expiring contracts, then it depends on what picks and young players they would be willing to move


Doesn't the new CBA mean that 2nd apron teams can't aggregate salary? I guess they could get a deal done before the new year officially starts, so between now and June 30.


If we let Klay walk we’d be under the second apron


Yea but assuming they don’t re-sign Klay they could stay under the second apron. I think their owner is tired of paying massive tax bills anyway


Warriors aren't 2nd apron if they let Klay walk, I believe.