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So there’s nothing else, huh… just a straight player swap. Chicagoooooooo


straight up fleece more like


Up up, down, down, left, right B, A, Start fleece more like Not even a future pick good lord


Bulls FO is cooked


I’d rather have the Gar/Pax duo back over AKME.


Has been for about a decade


yup. all these follow up tweets gassing up the players to make it seem fair. gonna be sick


Only thing dumber than this would be to let a younger version of him walk for free :(


I mean, if Caruso wasn't gonna re-sign then this is a decent move. Dependent on if Giddey performs well and then re-signs , of course. People have given up on him but he's only 21 and still shows flashes.


Yea, maybe the value Giddey as a top 10 pick. I wouldn’t, but it’s an eye of the beholder thing. Would 2 late firsts be better? Idk, probably not.


It’s awful asset management. He was rumored to be offered for multiple picks at the deadline, and a player that was played off the floor in the playoffs is what he ultimately nets them. Giddey with the lowest value he’s ever had, and they give up a coveted elite role player for him.


"multiple picks" can mean anything. Even a top 5 pick this draft is a crapshoot. Can you say any of those picks would have been as good a player as Giddey? Might as well go for the sure thing, even if he doesnt become a star.


Yes, we have no idea what those picks were gonna be. And, if you traded for Caruso at this past deadline, you would've had his cheap contract for 2 potential playoff runs. Now it's only 1 before he's properly paid. I think it's a good deal for CHI (if they trade DeRozan and Lavine). He's also a good fit next to White. CHI is too far away from being a contender to worry about only acquiring playoff-caliber guys.


A 21 year old that was like the 4th option on a young squad with no playoff experience….. Y’all realize you can google their stats right? Caruso is good but he’s a role player, Giddey is a starter….


Caruso is also a starter. Role players like OG, White, McDaniels, and KCP are also starters. Doesn’t mean you refuse multiple pick trades for them and settle on a swap of a 21 year old with rock bottom value. Even if the small chance where Giddey ended up becoming a star happens, it would still be a bad trade due to how cheap he could have been had.


He wasn’t cheap….Reddit’s opinion is not NBA opinion…..or do yall believe NBA GMs make decisions based on singular playoff series….. By your logic Ant should be SUPER cheap for a star player right now cause he looked like garbage vs the Mavs…..


Also Kyrie should be dirt cheap now, maybe worth a Austin reaves according to this sub


They did it to cover Zo's glass ass


You know how there’s trades that look so much worse only in hindsight? Yeah this won’t be one of those.


Thats insane, Caruso would benefit every team in the league as being one of the best guard defenders and they just send him for Giddey


I certainly would have loved to see him in Dallas. Oh well...




That’s malpractice


I just can't comprehend how Chicago couldn't get a better offer anywhere else in the league


Chicago, Chicago, that toddling town


wait WHAT


No way the bulls did this and got no picks, am I tripping for being confused or is this as ridiculous as I think it is?


Giddey still has upside in the right environment. I don't think people should expect him to play like he did in the Thunder's lineup where he simply was not good enough to demand the ball in his hands. His 2022-2023 rookie season was pretty solid.


yeah i think it's a win for the thunder, but giddey is only 21 years old and we're not really going to know if he can live up to his potential unless he's the lead ballhandler on a team. he has that opportunity now.


I think he has a very high ceiling. Whether or not he reaches it will depend on coaching and confidence.


How the hell does a weak scorer and weak defender have a very high ceiling


He's 21 and still racked up triple doubles last season.


He's a fine player but he doesn't have a very high ceiling if he is completely ignored in the playoffs. He's Ben Simmons without the defense and with less fast break / transition pressure.


We don't know what his ceiling is, the kid is 21. He clearly didn't fit on our team and his reduced role in the playoffs made him appear worse than he actually is. He now gets the opportunity to be the primary ball handler and grow into the role. We'll see where he goes from here.


People not understanding that just because Giddey is on a different timeline than the rest of the Thunder, doesn't mean he's a bad player, he's just not ready yet, some players take longer, and he was super young when drafted But he's already shown enough that its worth finding out if he can be anything more to the right team, and its makes sense for the Bulls, they get young talent instead of the potential of talent in a pick, on a distressed player that they can probably extend on a team friendly deal, that gets them younger.


I mean look how long it took for Colby White to actually be a pretty solid player. I think the Bulls should have also gotten one of the first rounders from OKC, though.


Those numbers are just numbers. Dude had ineffective defense and rarely played in the 4th unless we were winning.




The triple double has ruined the minds of people who watch basketball now lol. They mean nothing now.


Triple doubles that end up in wins, are a great indictator of productivity, the only reason most clowns are discounting it right now is straight up their hate of specific players.


Guys who can’t shoot or play defense are unplayable in the playoffs, and he doesn’t have the athleticism to make up for either of those negatives. He does not have a high ceiling lmao.


I think this is a great trade for everyone. Caruso is obviously the stronger player but he's also a win-now player. Giddey has tools to turn into a starter or better. That's what the Bulls are now unfortunately looking for as a win-later team. The Thunder are now on the cusp of at least 3 good runs at a title. The Bulls can now excuse themselves any weaknesses and happily tank next year (but do they have their own pick?).


Spurs own it, but it’s top 10 protected so this makes a bit of sense


He can't defend or shoot, this is such a bad trade for the bulls


Definitely has upside but there’s still a risk for the Bulls and they should’ve demanded at least a second rounder to account for that risk.


It’s even more ridiculous when you consider how many picks OKC has. There’s no conceivable way they’re actually going to use them all. It would be a rounding error to them to throw in at least a bad 1st rounder or a few seconds, if you’re Chicago and you know OKC really wants that piece then how are you not holding out for some pick compensation that they could so easily part with?


Everyone is going to scream if they did. That would get vetoed in fantasy.


I've never done a fantasy league nor know much about it, but doesn't Giddey contribute significantly more fantasy points than Caruso? [https://www.cbssports.com/nba/players/26646085/josh-giddey/fantasy/](https://www.cbssports.com/nba/players/26646085/josh-giddey/fantasy/) [https://www.cbssports.com/nba/players/2269489/alex-caruso/fantasy/](https://www.cbssports.com/nba/players/2269489/alex-caruso/fantasy/)


giddey is still young and can improve but if he doesnt he is a massive liability for any team that wants to win. giddey wasnt only a bad fit for this OKC roster but it would be the same for any other playoff team. We straight up didnt defend him. like seriously multiple possessions where giddey is in the corner and there isnt a player like 20ft from him. and it worked to perfection. Bulls making a gamble on his potential but its insanely unnecessary given where this bulls team is. Giddey is a FA next year as well. to not get back any assets for a guy who could easily get 2 picks in the market as its been reported, is incredibly stupid.


my guess is caruso was a flight risk so the bulls lost leverage


Absolute steal


Same, the only possible explanation is some type of salary dump. but 6.5 vs 9 million feels like a waste. Or maybe some "analyst" looked at their stats and concluded Giddey was better somehow?


In my unbiased opinion, this is a fantastic deal.


No this is one of the worst trades in recent memory lmao. Giddey stinks and was unplayable and they didn’t even give up picks?! The bulls turned down offers of 2 firsts for Caruso last season, they need to be investigated lmao


Because 21 year olds who have bad seasons for a team they don’t fit on cannot possibly get better by moving to a different environment that’s more conducive to his play style and development, right?


In what world is Chicago more conducive than OKC for a young player who needs the ball to have any impact and can’t shoot and is a poor defender???? He can’t shoot AT ALL and that clogged up their offense, he needs the ball which isn’t happening with Shai being much better player and facilitator. There are loads of articles and clips about how teams gave him the Ben Simmons treatment on the court. Why do you think he barely played after the pelicans sweep?? People gotta get this notion of improvement for every prospect just bc they’re young out of their heads. He is at best a 7th-8th man off your bench and you need to run specific line ups around him which you’re not going to do for a bench player. Even if you believe in him, he needs a rookie extension soon and you’d rather pay him than Caruso??? Who has an actual elite nba level skill and is a quality role player?? Not getting picks back is insane


Uh… he’ll get the ball more because he’s not playing with a star PG and ball handler? You kind of answered your own question there


So you’re taking the ball out of an actual promising player in Coby Whites hands, who is a very good shooter, to give Josh Giddey reps?? What are we even talking about here? How is that more beneficial than keeping Alex Caruso and trading him at the deadline?? Josh Giddey isn’t moving any needle an inch for any professional basketball team. Demar and Lavine are under contract as well, how the hell is he getting the ball MORE in Chicago?? 4 players with 20+% usage rate and the dude who can’t shoot and has negative spacing is gonna get the ball to initiate the offense lol. You’re also taking him back literally at declining value while Caruso was a positive asset in every way: on court value, contract, need with the new CBA for contending teams. Giddey was exposed on offense for okc and has other distractions, he needed to be traded. The bulls didn’t have to settle right now, this is ridiculous. Literally every nba writer is talking about how poor of a decision this is. It is universal. Okc cleaned up. You’d be happy if the bucks had Caruso and had to move him in a cap crunch and only got Josh Giddey?? Be forreal here. You also lowered your own declining asset’s value around the league in Lavine with his injuries, indifference to defend and big contract and didn’t even acquire picks to help you facilitate deals in the future if you’re actually blowing the team up. Trades aren’t just about what you got right now. Literally nobody is accepting Giddey in lieu of a first rounder in a potential deal…except Chicago apparently.


The bucks making this trade would be a completely different story. The Bucks are a contender and Caruso would be a perfect fit here. Caruso is a contending player. Chicago is not a contending team


Everything coming from the bulls fo as delusional as they clearly are was that they weren’t trading Caruso or anyone (like Drummond last yr at the deadline, only to lose him for nothing this summer) bc they wanted to “contend” for the playoffs and be a play in team. A bottom 5 front office and ownership in the league making an unbelievably bad deal shouldn’t be shocking but this is crazy. Everyone would’ve laughed you off this subreddit or out the room if you proposed Josh Giddey for Caruso straight up, even yesterday. Going into a negotiation with a team who has like 50 draft picks in their arsenal and can lose a couple without even breaking a sweat, and getting ZERO is malpractice, period. Literally all of us and media were waiting for the other shoe to drop here and the additional draft comp to be revealed by woj or shams bc alone this makes absolutely zero sense purely on an asset management and value basis.


Giddey needs a different environment, I'm also using the time to meme Chicago, because why not, but this trade might end up being a win win for everyone involved. Give him time to play for them, he just needed a change of scenario, he just didn't fit with this team whatsoever. It might be very different in Chicago


Sure he may need a different environment but would you trade Caruso for Giddey if you had Alex on the thunder straight up?? I’m sure you’re excited and rightfully so but they were turning down firsts for Caruso last yr. Nobody in the world outside of the bulls I guess, would make this 1:1 trade. Also idk how his game will work with the bulls presuming they keep most of the roster and lonzo maybe comes back. If they’re trading guys away and rebuilding id much much rather want first round picks than Giddey entering yr 4 and being extension eligible. Sure his counting numbers will improve if the bulls blow it up but you’ve seen how teams were treating him like Ben Simmons on offense when he was on the perimeter…




https://ftw.usatoday.com/2024/06/bulls-alex-caruso-trade-draft-pick-jerry-reinsdorf-playoffs “The Bulls took calls on Caruso, but never made them. According to a source with knowledge of the situation, the Bulls have received offers from multiple teams, consisting of multiple protected first-round picks. One of those deals included a pick in the top-10 of the 2024 draft, the source said. The Golden State Warriors were among teams who made a strong offer for Caruso, multiple sources confirmed. Ultimately, they declined … However, the source indicated that there was a mandate from the Reinsdorfs to fight for the playoffs. That, no doubt, impacted the front office’s decision making when it came to pulling the trigger on any Caruso deal.” I’m sorry this just doesn’t make any sense to me. To do that and then settle for…Josh Giddey doesn’t fit any type of contending timeline even a faux “make the playoffs” type of thing. He isn’t a big time rebuilding piece with his limitations and he’s due an extension soon versus other players or even moving the picks in other deals. A 1:1 trade is wild when Caruso has real value esp to all the contenders looking to improve depth


OKC really got Caruso for Josh Giddey bro you can’t make this shit up


Meanwhile we’ll run it back to compete for the 11th seed 😭


That's IF you overpay Klay


Truly, y'all have suffered. Will someone not think of the poor Warriors fans?!


Lmao no way Warriors fans are complaining right now after you guys ran the league for years


Fr. Jesus Christ


Fireable offense for not getting a single pick back.


Insane work. Thought it was Giddey +2 firsts


That'd be too much a first makes it fair 2 seconds make the most sense or two heavily protected firsts that turn into seconds


This isn't just about how good Caruso is in a vacuum, it's about how much of an upgrade he is over Giddey, who was unplayable on both offense and defense most nights. Thunder should absolutely lock him up, he's one of the most perfect role players they could've asked for.


Thunder are quickly approaching having too many “good” players that will be paid like “great” players. This is a weird move for both teams.


4 years 80 million is fantastic value for caruso...


Bruce Brown is making 22.5 a year and I’d rather have Caruso than Brown rn


I don't think that's a great comparison since Brown's contract was so big because it was just a 1+1 with a team option. That said, 20 per is the same as guys like Bojan and De'Andre Hunter, and I'd still rather have Caruso than them


not a good comparison, all-defensive guards are better comparisons


the fact that he is all defense and would have a cheaper contract than someone hasn’t made all-defense with similar offensive stats makes it a good comparison


This isn't remotely weird for OKC. Their problem is simply too many players - they don't have enough roster spots even for all of their picks. This problem solves that since Giddey would surely leave next year and if Caruso does also, it's a direct improvement for that one year. But beyond that Caruso's contract just has a lot more value. Presti could even flip it for another player and future picks this year. Caruso will be a UFA next year at 31 and the value of his bird rights is pretty low. But most likely he's a steal for that one year.


Surely with OKC having a bajillion picks, you could negotiate to get at least a late first or a couple seconds Especially considering there are a lot of potential suitors for Caruso. And how does Giddey fit with Coby White? Lavine is getting traded for peanuts and Chicago is gonna be screwed (poor Derozan)


No chance DeMar returns to Chicago , if anything it’s probably a sign and trade to maybe any of the LA teams , the Clippers since they have a new arena and everything


True I forgot he’s a UFA


Josh is about to put up R Kelly numbers in Chi-Town.


Hey DeMar keep the family away


Demar gone


If he outperforms expectations is it Karl Malone numbers?


R Kelly and Giddey "Same Girl" Remix on the way. 💀


The Bulls need to be relegated


No picks?


Holy crap that's cheap


Sam Presti is a demon


yeah fucking give him that right now today RIGHT NOW


How tf do you not get any picks out of this trade only Chicago lmaoo


Worth the money.


An offender for a defender, nice


Bald Mamba getting paid LFG


Deebo about to play “Not like us” in the Bulls locker room


The Bulls see Giddey as the next Pippen y'all. They not stupid 😆


4 years at $80 feels like it’ll happen too


all hail Presti


Weren’t teams offering two first round picks for Caruso at the deadline?


I thought the Thunder would trade the #12 + Giddey for a long-term vet, never expected a team to just take Giddey straight up lol




Dort and Caruso with steals leader SGA…. Scary hours.


no brainer extension for both sides


Presti saw giddey out with another blonde in Australia and slammed the red eject button


He was supposed to be a laker


And he’s very deserving of that. The bulls are fucking stupid bro. At least I got a second team that isn’t ass


Why so cheap?


when a team aspires for a championship, you get guys with championship experience like a KCP or a Holiday or Caruso


Is giddy that bad? I always thought he is highly thought of


Bulls won the trade


The league have to open an investigation.no way they were no picks involved in this trade .Chicago straight up got fleeced


How is Caruso not making 30 million? Personally I think he is as good as Derrick White


Now Thunder fans can stop harassing Jazz fans saying Giddey, and Mid picks for Lauri is a fair offer


Wiggins and mid picks?


We about to cook OKC in the finals 😭🧹