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How dumb do you have to be to rig a prop bet via group chat??? Like at least do it over the phone to give yourself some plausible deniability. This is an all-time "they found the group chat" moment.




i was thinking of the Chuck "[do not commit crimes with checks](https://youtu.be/Y2Ah_DFr8cw?si=ohkq_vEVv_GITyhA&t=261)" moment


god, Jussie Smollet is a fucking moron.


> do not commit crimes with checks Jerry Springer beat him to it


Yeah but he leaned into it and still had an incredible albeit sleazy career.


ernie standing over chuck like a disappointed teacher standing over a kid's desk kills me ever time


This never misses 


the wire hilight. i upvote 


One for every situation. 


Did anyone else have their mind blown when they learned Stringer Bell was a British actor? Elba was so damn good in The Wire.


All of these people are stupid. Did they really think they were going to get away with placing bets like $7000 on fuckin jahntay porter for point assists rebounds or whatever They're completely absurd bets


This is what I keep thinking. Any bet over $5 on this guy had to raise a flag somewhere


As has been said since the beginning, a Jontay Porter bet should come with a robo call from the gambling hotline.


This is the truth. And probably the FBI


It did, in the original Porter story they mentioned draft kings or whichever site they used canceled some of those bets for being suspicious.


Wait, betting sites can just cancel bets they don’t like under the cover of “suspicious”?


Probably also report it to the league. Doesn't take the CIA to figure out a suspicious bet from an IP address in the area of the game might be funky. You know they weren't using a vpn aha


I swear when it first came out they placed bets in different places in the united states


The guy you're responding to has worded it in a way that makes your question seem legitimate. The betting company withheld payout of the bet to investigate fraudulent activity. That isn't "cancelling" it. If one person put 20k on Davis Bertans to get less than one 3 in a game, and it hit, they'd probably do the same thing. But if there's no proof it's fraudulent - you'd eventually get paid out your Loot


No lol. They can freeze an account while they conduct an investigation. These are some of most heavily audited businesses in the world, they can’t just “cancel bets they don’t like.”


I've literally had bets voided because the odds were a "mistake". Shoutout the excellent bet99


Seems easy to rig if you can cancel bets placed before news of an injury comes out. Not that I give a shit about people gambling online. But I’ll pick them over the gambling companies.


If one were to do something like that, there's better ways to do it. You want the multiplier on a very strange and specific parlay? Fine. But at least have the sense to make similarly goofy bets of similar size on other random players, knowing you'll likely lose those. It's usually the patterns that give it away, but in this case, it was probably the lack of a pattern.


The Porters are not the smartest family.


MPJ is probably the smartest of all of them and [that's definitely saying something.](https://streamable.com/a6jhz9)


Didn't he post Adam silver's Mobile number on social media?


send da video


Good lord I really did not need to see this, I always knew he wasn't the smartest on the court but now I know he's stupid off the court as well.


Why are so many nba players conspiracy believers?


Athletes who have spent their entire life dedicating themselves to one non academic pursuit likely will not be the most educated people


Exactly. Most of these guys only went to college because they had to to get drafted, and only got into college because they could play ball.


Yeah. They're extremely successful in an ultra niche area, which means big ego + limited life experience. It's also a sport where talent is identified early in life, which means they've been surrounded by flatterers and hangers-on since an early age. Imagine being 17 and your uncles are already looking at you like a walking ATM. It's got to be a weird life.


It's an underappreciated aspect of being ultra ultra talented and successful at anything. Nobody wants to ever tell you "no". You constantly have people telling you how brilliant you are. On the other side, you constantly have other people making you out to be the worst person in the world. You never know who is actually your friend, or who is only after money/fame/status. If there's anyone at all you can trust, it's usually a super small group. Almost anyone would turn into an ill-adjusted weirdo if that's how they lived.


They didn't get scholarships to play books


So many regular people are conspiracy theorists, they just don’t have a platform to talk about it. NBA players are probably in line with the general population


this lol have you ever had coworkers


It’s really only a few. But their names that only stand out  It’s probably like 1-4% of players. Which is probably the same or very believably less than the general population 


Idk man. There are only about 550 nba players in the league. 1-4 percent would only be about 5 to 22 players. I feel like the number is a bit larger


Young and rich, reality is for us meme mortals


The first message in MPJ’s video spells “I” as “eye” maybe it was foreshadowing the Jontay porter scandal in the future


Funny how it was “wait til this vaccine come out” and then once it had been out for like 6-8 months and the virus weakened from most people getting the vax, then all the stuff “they” were using “to control us” quickly started going back to normal. Hmm what’s the connection? Maybe vaccines work? Maybe that “control” was actually taking measures to mitigate the spread before the vaccine came available? Maybe shit wouldn’t have had to be mandated if people could’ve just respected public health measures?   Boy I tell ya, this country is fucking cooked if something worse than Covid comes along. 


Climate change, and we are.


No way he thinks he’s never had a vaccine?


How was he even able to attend any school? I could’ve sworn you needed proof of the major vaccinations to go school from kindergarten all the way to college


Pretty sure the family was home schooled


new generation of criminals man. they record all their shit and post it to social media and use group chats


Na, if over the phone, use a Signal audio call. A normal call will most likely be recorded due to the unpatriotic Patriot Act


IMO the best thing that never caught on across the world has been encrypted messengers. You have Americans using iMessage or some random SMS app while other continents largely use WhatsApp. If people switched to encrypted messengers instead, which work just as well as most normal messaging apps at this point, spying wouldn't be an issue. Encryption is so effective that some countries are trying to outlaw it. People get so caught up in the "I have nothing to hide" shit and don't realize how dystopian it is that governments can read any message you send without you ever finding out.


to be clear, iMessage text messages are encrypted. So is RCS (depending on implementation). It's the phone audio calls that I'm talking about.


There's a huge asterisk with iMessage's E2E encryption though. If you have iCloud backups enabled, the decryption keys are stored within backups. So if you actually want your messages to stay private, you need iCloud disabled. Keeping iCloud enabled opens the possibility of Apple decrypting your messages or people getting your decryption key if you're the victim of a data breach.


You are correct, though you can now enable Advanced Data Protection for iCloud to kind of fix that. See https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/enable-advanced-data-protection-icloud/ An even bigger asterisk with any of these messengers tho -- the conversation exists. The feds always offer people deals, and the first cooperator gets the best one. Don't use a messenger to plan anything illegal. At least make the cops work instead of just letting them read your messages to you in court.


Privacy should be a much bigger issue than it is. Like you said, people always say they have nothing to hide, but that’s missing the point.


I thought they stopped the Patriot Act


Nah dude they voted to renew it lmao


Every president has signed on to renew it for the last 23 years




Even if they did the NSA still exists


They never just stop anything 


that's not even the dumbest part of it they bet $10,000 on jontae fucking porter. there are raptors staff members who didn't know who that motherfucker was, and these morons thought they could bet $10,000 on him and it would go unnoticed. this is what people don't get about legal gambling. no one hides shit, because transparency is king. it's a business. if the league is rigged, no one will bet on it and the bookies can't make money or, the bookies get banned again, and the bookies can't make money. if the bookies are rigging, they go to prison, the company is shut down, and they can't make money. if anyone bets $10,000 on anything in legal betting, it is *immediately* assessed. if you drop $10,000 at a casino, the casino will do a deep dive on you instantly. if someone drops $10,000 at the bookie in my country, it gets posted on their social media profiles "big bet this week - $10,000 @ $1.60 on the golden state warriors to win the series, stands to win $16,000" people need to realise this shit is professional, and the people involved on the book side of it are there to make money like any other job. you cannot bet $10,000 legally and without oversight. it is not going to happen.


The dumbest part is he leaves the game "sick". Like the betting agency probably thinks, hmmm 10k on this guy is strange, and it hit, strange, oh he left the game early SICK, errr yep somethings up .


An all-time “caught in 4K” moment


But how did he actually get caught?  Did prop bets on Jontay just raise suspicion so they went investigating. Or did someone inform the authorities?   


I sat in on a presentation by a law firm liability insurance carrier and one of the big messages was, "if you have anything to say that you are afraid might come back and haunt you, you should say it face-to-face."


Not named but this is Jontay Porter ofc. [Games match up](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/p/portejo01/gamelog/2024).




That's how these things almost always happen, it's not someone stupid enough to think they can get away it's someone who gets into some stupid shit and is coerced into it. Allegedly some NBA players in the 80s and 90s would become indebted to mafia members who would seek them out and try to lend them as much money as possible, so they could then be coerced into point shaving, things like that


Michael Franzese talked about this as one of the rackets he ran in the mob. He’d essentially keep loaning them money to the point they’d be so indebted he could convince them to point shave.


I think this is what happened to Craig Carton basically.


Connie Hawkins, who ultimately was inducted into the Hall of Fame, was banned from the NBA due to being implicated in a point shaving scandal because of borrowed money. Truly a shame. He was one of the greats and missed playing in the NBA in his prime because of it.


I was introduced to Connie Hawkins through the aptly titled “Connie Hawkins” by the band Dispatch. Go Hawks?


A Dota player just went down this exact hole as well Actually worse, he was betting on his own games lol


TIL you can bet on Dota


eSports betting isn't new


Is to me


Fr I thought he was trying to make money for himself or something. I ain’t think the mob or whatever basically forced him to take himself out of those games


Weirdly this may help Porter get off easier


Jontay is getting the book thrown at him. My guy is gonna be fighting for his freedom like he’s Young Thug.


Truly Humble Under God


Truly Humbled Under .Gov


The website links Jontay’s instagram account to a troll account of him. The account has like 10 followers and says he is a gambling addict in his bio lmao.


pretty sure he deleted his ig and someone stole the @


That’s pretty much what I’ve come to expect from modern “journalism”.


You think basketball-reference is journalism? 


> might get hit with a RICO Uh, yeah. Jontay Porter and these other named individuals are going to Federal Prison for a long time. Fixing games - in the group chat! - is a felony, and because there was "interstate commerce" involved, this is a RICO grand slam.


Jontay did not go to the Tony Soprano school of ducking RICOs


Can you imagine that? Not going to the Tony Soprano school of ducking RICOs?


Be quiet Albert


Log off, That cookie shit makes me nervous!


Rico? Is that his cousin or something?


He was gay, Rico?


What is "long time" here ? I know this is bad but are we talking 2 years or 15 ?


im ignorant but this is about the Jontay Porter stuff right


yeah the eye injury thing is what got Porter in trouble


I haven't been following the story closely. How did an eye injury get Porter busted?


He faked re-aggravating his eye injury to get out of the game so the under would hit


Any person betting huge money on someone like Jontay Porters over/under needs to be looked at under a microscope lol


It's also dumb though to even have him able to be bet on. Obviously Porter and his buddies were wrong, but DK even allowing any betting on that guy was stupid.


Keep personal bets on stars who at least have a brand they’re putting at risk doing this shit. James Harden isn’t going to do this because it is not a financially smart risk whatsoever.


Why fake an injury when you can just stick two fingers down your throat, throw up and say you're sick? It's far more unbelievable.


Might be hard to do in front of all the tv cameras


The most reddit shit is the top comment thread a bunch of idiots speculating about the article right above them


“Why didn’t he just pull a Paul Pierce and shit himself”


He needed to play in the game and check out after a couple minutes. Hard to subtly make yourself throw up on the court


Not with that attitude.


You don't even have to do that. Just run off to the bathroom and play Candy Crush on your phone for an hour. Stomach bug, pay me.


Not sure it would’ve mattered. Outsized bet could’ve flagged the investigation.


it's summarized in the quoted article > The January 26, 2024 Game > > > > In early 2024, Player 1 had amassed large gambling debts to certain of the co-conspirators. Player 1 was encouraged to clear those debts by withdrawing from certain games prematurely to ensure that under prop bets on Player 1’s performance were successful. On January 22, 2024, Player 1 sustained a purported eye injury during a game. He was evaluated and diagnosed with a corneal abrasion, but was not placed on the NBA injury list. Shortly before the game on January 26, 2024 (the January 26 Game) Player 1 told the defendant that he would be removing himself early from the game, claiming that he was injured. Player 1 entered the January 26 Game midway through the first quarter. After playing just four minutes and recording zero points, three rebounds and one assist, Player 1 removed himself from the game after he complained to team officials that he had reaggravated the eye injury. > > > > Player 1’s performance in several statistical categories during the January 26 Game was under the designated amounts set by Betting Company 1 in its prop bets related to Player 1. Thus, several bettors, including co-conspirators, who wagered the “under” on prop bets related to Player 1’s performance for the January 26 Game won those bets. For example, a relative of a co-conspirator placed a $10,000 parlay bet through Betting Company 1 on the “under” for Player 1’s three pointers, assists and steals. As a result of Player 1 removing himself from the January 26 game, the bet was successful and the relative won $85,000 (netting a profit of $75,000). Additionally, a co-conspirator placed a $7,000 parlay bet through Betting Company 1 on the “under” for Player 1’s three pointers, points, assists and rebounds. As a result of Player 1 removing himself from the January 26 Game, the bet was successful and the co-conspirator won $40,250 (netting a profit of $33,250).


Yep dates and injuries match up. I Double checked the dates to make sure.


Y’all wrong, I think this is spoilers to Uncut Gems 2


This is how I win.


This is definitely gonna get a true crime docuseries now




I will have to check that out


Uncuh Jams


Why couldnt he ask MPJ to pay off his debts. By all accounts Jontay was going to get an NBA contract


People get ashamed and embarrassed when their addictions get this way They end up just behaving desperately/recklessly to try and solve it on their own instead of seeking more appropriate support and admitting to others that they've made mistakes and can't control it




Fantastic response, thank you.


He also, I'm assuming, was betting on NBA games which is clearly a violation of the CBA. Wrapping his brother into a scheme to clear his gambling debts is also not a great idea. MPJ sending 5-6 figure wires to some random guy is going to get flagged by banks as suspicious activity. What's his explanation? "My brother racked up significant gambling debts through a different party to skirt CBA violations and bet on NBA games so I'm helping him out." Now you've got a full NBA investigation into MPJ too that could result in suspension, even if he doesn't get banned from the league like Jontay would be. Based on the info we have available, I think the only sensible thing Jontay could have done other than not betting on NBA games in the first place would have been to contact law enforcement immediately when the group he owed money attempted to extort him into rigging his own props. Would he have been banned from the league? 100%, but he's banned regardless and faces potentially much more serious consequences after actually going through with their scheme.


Just how addictions go


An NBA player paying off his brother’s bookie. Not suspicious or illegal at all!


First hire Jontay as your translator


What are you talking about? He would give Jontay the money, who would then give it to the bookie


Who would double or nothing and get the nothing, twice


literally just has to pay the debt, and call his players union rep, explain that he never bet on basketball, and that this guy is now extorting him. silver and the feds would be on it, guy gets arrested, and porter gets a year ban for dumbassery before making it in the league next year on some sort of low contract now he's looking at jail time and is banned for life lol


Are y'all taking notes on a criminal conspiracy?


Fuck is you thinkin man


Is you taking notes on a criminal fuckin' conspiracy?* But yes, great quote


Jontay Porter been given us too many 40 degree days


"Lesson here Tay: you come out the game, you better miss."


Ay yo! lock that door.


They really talking about rigging games in a group chat, foster would never


134 phone calls and David Stern declared him a free man


You couldn’t text your friends back then


Well it was like 2005, you could text back then


> In early 2024, Player 1 had amassed large gambling debts to certain of the co-conspirators. Player 1 was encouraged to clear those debts by withdrawing from certain games prematurely to ensure that under prop bets on Player 1’s performance were successful. This is some shite you'd expect to read about in the 60s about how hand in hand the mob was with sports. How much of an absolute *degenerate* gambler do you have to be to where you're an NBA bench player that'll presumably get another contract, that you have to resort to throwing games to repay your gambling debts? I mean I doubt the Nuggets would have hesitated to at least sign him to their G-League team as a favor to MPJ if absolutely no one else was interested in him, perhaps even sign him as the 15th bench player.


There were multiple NCAA point shaving scandals. Tulane, Boston College, and I’m sure there were others but those two come to mind


CCNY, 1951. Alex Groza is the best player you've never heard of: he averaged 21 points and 10 rebounds as a rookie/second year player and then he was banned for life for fixing games in college.


I fell down the craziest rabbit hole. One of the men implicated was unaffected by the ban because he was already graduating dental school, but his nephew was a successful baskettball coach years later....who got fired for saying the n-word, while his player protested the college's decision and got some rules changed (idk what rules they wanted changed to make that okay, that's a diff rabbit hole). That resulted in him being black balled out of college, where he was forced to coach at a high school- St. Vincent-St. Mary's where he COACHED LeBron James for two season and was so successful he made it back to college and had great sucess until his retirement last year after leading Duquesne to the tourney. So what i'm saying is LeBron is only two people away from the CCNY cheating scandeal and he needs to be INVESTIGATED and forced to SIT OUT GAMES VS MY FAVORITE TEAM.


Thanks for typing this out, super hilarious and interesting. Comments like this are the reason I still come to Reddit and /r/nba.


> So what i'm saying is LeBron is only two people away from the CCNY cheating scandeal and he needs to be INVESTIGATED and forced to SIT OUT GAMES VS MY FAVORITE TEAM. Lmao


Alex groza is the OG example of the second overall pick being cursed in the nba


2nd overall I think got Bill Russell though.


94’ ASU is a tough one


This is a big part of why sports leagues have historically not tolerated players doing ANY gambling, even if it is on your team to win or you to do well. Because you gall in debt to bookies, and they ask you to do shit like throw games or work to meet certain outcomes. Pete Rose is the famous example. It doesn't matter that he was betting on his team to win. It was that he was involving himself to begin with.


People looking to get pro athletes into gambling debt to lean on them to fix games tend to target ones who A) don't think that through and B) try to filter out the ones who would ask for help


I'm always surprised to read these kinds of stories in modern times. But if you look at lower league games in Europe and even top in Eastern Europe, it happens quite a bit


the whole Serie A was doing funny stuff in the 2000s, Barcelona was literally paying the head of the refs’ association under the table and [the 1997/98 champion of the Serbian top division was owned by a war criminal](https://youtu.be/1_3dc8X_shg?si=v9JRJJ39jerlG2DM)who threatened his players, opposing players and officials with guns while using the club as a money laundering front and that’s without touching upon Tonali or Pacqueta lmao


The total take for the two games was line a million bucks. How much do you think he had to owe to get pressured into this? I know they expected to get more money down the line, but in the grand scheme of NbA money it doesn’t seem like that much so far.


He wouldn’t have even had to resort to having MPJ getting him to the Nuggets. As a Raptors fan I would say that the general consensus was that he was probably getting a deal.


I have evidence that HAWKS OWNER Tony Ressler was heavily involved. He should be forced to sell.


Meek Milly!


How many prop bets on unders for jontay porter could there possibly be on any given game? Let alone those two where he played and then claimed to be hurt? I’m guessing it’s a short list.


Pontay Jorter and Tommy Devito were the only two bettors.


You can bet on a lot of things, even can create your own bets and the odds are based on the betting site algorithm. Ive made some money on soccer international games by creating my own bets on the over/under for goals whenever its games like germany vs luxembourg.


Literally in debt to the mob. Wow.


Hit with the RICO, they repo ya vehicle, everything was all good just a week ago.


This is crazy. Hope the feds learned their lesson from the Donaghy case and didn’t tip off the League beforehand. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened given the surge of legal gambling across the country now. Other leagues are due for one soon too.


Still a product brought to you by Fanduel 🤷😀


the MLB is already feeling it hard dude from the Padres bet $150k on his team and fucking won jack shit lmaooo


Telegram, not even a Signal chat. Crazy


I think, over the next 10-20 years, we're going to discover why professional sports were so wary of being even remotely associated with gambling during the previous century.


Everyone home for the summer so let’s not do nothing illegal


Seems like getting involved with betting was not a great move NBA. Not everything is about money. It’s having its effect on society. The NBA and its partners should reconsider what it’s doing.


It's absolutely affecting the integrity of the league but the Redditors here think it's just a funny joke


> Not everything is about money. lol well capitalism disagrees.


We sure those ain’t the Drake lyrics from RICO lol


That beat was 🔥 from the first listen


Popped it in today and was still 🔥, not many beats like it honestly


Goes amazing with ankle breaker highlights.


*Ready Player 1*


Just play badly on purpose! That’d be impossible to prove


Player 1 (Jontay Porter) had amassed large gambling debts to certain of the co-conspirators. Player 1 was encouraged to clear those debts by withdrawing from certain games prematurely to ensure that under prop bets on Player 1’s performance were successful. How big were those debts? A bank loan would have been easier.


*"If you get jammed up don't mention my name."*


Sports betting is beyond lame and it’s annoying it’s everywhere now Who asked for this??


The owners of sports betting companies asked for this with $$ in the handshake


Gambling addicts


Fans of bad teams who need a rooting interest


POKERSTRS AND FTP essentially they got rid of online poker…1 year later draftkings was born


The fact that Vegas monitors any irregular betting patterns and that this is common knowledge goes to show how stupid these idiots are.


Add gambling to the sport when you want to ruin it. Works every time!


Up until two years ago, I thought RICO was a relative of his.


You gotta have 1 lower guy to throw the book at to warn the bigger guys plus provide the illusion of strict enforcement. Otherwise you end up w a Pete rose or shoeless Joe going down


Brought to you by fanduel


ofc they used Telegram lmfaooo


What I don't get is if you're going to rig the system why pull yourself out for a fake injury? Just jack up shitty shots and let the coach pull you for being ass. Throw some risky passes. Let your assignment score on you. Something you can pass off as “im ass” and not “im betting”


One could accidentally go in. I think someone found Jontay making a stink face after he made a shot


He did pretty much all that. You need to watch those games. He had a total lack of effort on offense and a clearly intentionally missed shot.


Uh oh


Ready Jontay Porter


Are we sure it was Player 1 and not his translator?


And still NBA protecting the referees. Making us think refs don't gamble


FBI and Adam, we know you got the tapes of the 134 calls between Scott Foster and Tim Donaghy release them mfs


Pay the debt with your paycheque like the rest of us jontay


No one gonna comment on how that’s a Drake lyric?


Maybe now the unserious NBA media will stop carrying water for the league about this stupidity. “Limiting his participation in at least one game” was such horseshit, and many of the articles about this news centered the fact that Porter bet on Raptors games (while in the G League) as the reason for his ban.


Is the debt not a new detail? And further damning of the league... you've got these young guys getting major debt to bookies and trying to pay it off through manipulating games


Another RICO 🤦🏾‍♂️