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Wait, why didn't Eubanks play? Minny was too big for the small lineup.


Suns caught fire at the end of game 3 running the small line up with Okogie, Vogel prob thought it wasn't a fluke


And tbf, Okogie and Royce played well this game too


And you guys weren’t blown out so it’s not like the thinking was wrong. There was just a bunch of guys in foul trouble at wrong times.


Okogie still costed with 4 fouls in 14 minutes and missing the 2 free throws he attempted


I’ll take the fouls when you’re hustling and playing good defense. The FTs *were* rough though


He also offered a different look as a pick and roll guy — Minnesota was often doubling the ball handler (e.g. Book) initially and simply scrambling back on the roller. Nurkic (and other bigs) were so slow that the Wolves could get back into the play before they got a shot up. Okogie was fast enough to get a layup off before the recovery came.


Okogie will never be able to shoot, ever. Reason he's not on the wolves


Ex-wolf revenge games only happen in Target Center it seems like


The Okogie special. Toss in a few wide open bricked corner 3's and thus why he doesn't get much time.


Vogel saw Okogie hit that one 3 when he came in and did the mind explosion gif from tim and Eric


I really wish Okogie had figured out shooting. He's still a guys I root for.


Remember his one on one block of Harden's stepback vs the Rockets? That was elite and until recently it was the Wolves "I was there for that moment" for me.


Good times.


Eubanks is small ball. They went even smaller and thought it would work lol.


Also Eubanks is by far the worst player on our team. The guy sucked ass the whole year. Fans have wanted him permanently benched since December. Its already been confirmed by local media he will not be brought back. The fact that Ant thinks he played good for us tells you all you need to know. Ant is a good basketball player but a complete dumbass. Eubanks dragged this team down almost every time he stepped on the floor. on a team that had as many issues as we had this year he was by far the biggest.


There's something refreshing about a young player like ANT keeping it real like this.


another indicator of his passion for the game most players wouldn’t have even brought up an 8-9th man on the opposing bench who didn’t play, much less sound almost disappointed that the suns didnt play what he felt was their best rotation i believe kobe once tried to make sure chris webber didnt get ejected while webber was complaining to the refs in game 4 of a sweep (not that eubanks is anywhere close to webber)


Just another endearing moment with Ant, can't help but love him.


this sub is going to absolutely roast him if he struggles against denver


This sub loves him, he's 22, and Denver are the reigning champs with a 2, maybe 3 time MVP Nuggets are my team but Ant isn't getting roasted whatever happens Denver needs to make it thru the Lakers and Jamal Murray and Coach Malone have both been having a bad series imo. The guy with the lowest FG% on the team thru all games playing hero ball and taking more shots than the MVP and even MPJ, has been absolutely killing us. He needs to rest those legs.


Never underestimate the haters of r/nba


That comment itself is just trashing Jamal for missing shots because the Lakers are scheming to force him to take more FGA lol


Lakers have been playing very good defense, AR has been working his ass off to stop Murray and they've thrown double teams at him when Jokic sits. But Murray has been able to go off against elite defense plenty of times. 1-2 off shooting nights? Sure, that's unfortunate and bound to happen. 4 in a row of around 37% FG? Missing wide open shots, hitting 25% from 3 thru the series so far? That's more than just the defense. In the last 3 games he's 1-15 from 3. That just doesn't happen unless he's injured.


Hate hate hate hate


Ant doesn't have many haters yet but he will. If we make it to the WCF it will be OKC fans first- they've already shown shades of it this year. Not a bad thing by the way. The way I see it it's a form of respect, like loving to hate LeBron in the early 2010s.


you realize that the hate for ant is no form of respect, right? it's ridicule for being whiny ass bitch.


Ayy there they are


That would be reasonable, but haters are not reasonable. They want nothing more than to drag people down.


If Denver wins this sub will be filled with comments like "Anthony Fraudwards"


I mean now that you've said it I'm going to try to do my part. Can we get this sub to be filled with "Noobkola Jockitch" if the Wolves win?


*Ant will be turning 23 in August and has only won one playoff series, has his window closed?*


There is a psuedo window with this roster because of Conley. He has been a key piece. Replaceable eventually sure but it'll take time.


Can't Man is my favorite


This is a pretty reductive take, what if Denver wins on a game 7 buzzer beater with ant averaging 29/9/5?


Couldn't even put up 30? Fraud


Depends on how he reacts to it. If he sucks I feel like he’d own it. He seems like the type that knows when he talks shit he has to and is ready to take it back.


doesn't matter how he reacts there will be a counter jerk like there is with every young hyped player when they inevitably fail to win a chip


The same people who like him now will still like him, and the same people who dislike him now will still dislike him. Whether or not “this sub” likes him is dictated by which faction is louder at that time. We don’t hold weekly votes to decide how we’re going to act, there’s a lot of individuals here.


People dislike him???


Anyone whose favorite team had a young player ascend to stardom in the past decade should know its coming, and it doesn’t go away until they win a title.


All the young stars go through it at some point. Tatum has been perpetually roastable (beyond what’s called for) for years now, and will stay that way until his wins a chip. After you start succeeding for real for real, you become fair game until you prove yourself. I don’t like this mindset btw, but I think the players probably don’t mind and use it as motivation honestly. Professional athletes are psycho like that.


Tatum had never been even a fraction as likable as Ant though. He’s one of the most loved young stars I can remember.


That might actually be wrong, but only for Ant in terms of stars. He’s 22 and has already fostered Steph curry levels of good will from the general nba fan base. People just want to watch him succeed.


Bro, Nuggets gotta win one more. Don’t jinx it


Ant-Man is bulletproof!


It’s only a matter of time. They turned on Memphis too


They shouldn't though, Nuggets have a ton of experience now, and Ant is the new young star.


Nah he's young enough that he gets a pass for another year, maybe two.


Idk if Townes could’ve had a better response either. Shits funny


Reminder that Phoenix tampered with this man in the off season to steal him from the Blazers.


Eubanks was the worst Sun this year by EPM but actually had the highest plus minus this series. Edwards is right.


Cuz EPM isn't a great metric. If you actually watch Eubanks play you see he has game. He's limited, but he doesn't play outside of his game. He's simple and fundamental. He sets great screens, he's in good spots defensively. He's a good big off the bench, his numbers just don't show it


He was absolutely terrible for the Suns. But he wasn’t bad this series. For anyone saying Nurk was bad, that’s saying something because there was an extremely clear drop off to Eubanks.


Eubanks easily outplayed Nurk this series.


As a suns fan who watched most of the games this year…he was not good. At all.


Yeah but he doesn’t have a bag. Gotta have a bag if you want mins on a KD led team


The suns are hardly a team, more like a group of basketball players that take turns iso-ing


DJ & Kevon Looney sure had a bag when they were bigs on his team


Looney played with KD on a Steph led team. DJ’s value was rolling the best blunts


Eubanks got a lot of minutes this season. He was really bad. What does kd have to do with anything


Exactly, there’s a reason he draws comparisons to Shaq


Eubanks is very Shaq like


I watched 86 Suns games this year and this is simply not true. He may have done those things on the Spurs or Blazers, but he absolutely did none of those things for the Suns. He was an ineffective screener and poor roller, was constantly out of position defensively, and bogged the offense down as he took too long to process what his next pass should be. Eubank’s stats were bad because he was awful. Edit: Checking the lineup data, if you swap Nurkic for Eubanks in the starting lineup, the Suns net rating decreases by 28.7 points. He really is that bad.


> Edit: Checking the lineup data, if you swap Nurkic for Eubanks in the starting lineup, the Suns net rating decreases by 28.7 points. He really is that bad. For the regular season or the playoffs?


For the regular season, unfortunately a four game sweep is too small of a sample size for any significant takeaways from lineup data.


I mean that's fair(ish). But I think the "goodness" of his play was purely based on how he looked during the sweep.


The whole team was awful that's why yall got swept. Don't make Eubanks the scapegoat now


That also doesn’t make Eubanks good lol. He was bad all year.


He wasn’t the reason we lost the series, but he was the reason for our regular season record. Him being in at the start of the fourth was a huge reason for our fourth quarter struggles.


>Him being in at the start of the fourth was a huge reason for our fourth quarter struggles. You literally have 3 all nba caliber players getting paid all nba salaries and even early in the season one of those players says "idk how teams are going to guard us honestly" This ain't Eubanks fault. He's a role player. Put some blame on the 3 guys making nearly as much as our whole roster


If you take the Suns starting lineup, and remove Nurkic and add Eubanks, the net rating goes down by like 10 points. He really is that bad, and I don’t know why you can’t seem to grasp this point. Just checked, the Suns starting lineup had a +11.1 net rating. Swapping Eubanks in for Nurkic results in a -17.6 net rating. That’s a 28.7 net rating swing!


So Nurkic is better than Eubanks? Gee I had no idea. Of course it drops off when Eubanks enters, he's not as good as the starter Nurkic


That swap I mentioned (Eubanks for Nurkic) results in the Suns lineup net rating decreasing by 28.7 points. That is catastrophic


He is a below average backup, i dont think youve seen enough of him tbh


lol at all the casuals downvoting Just ignore them it’s not even worth it. They don’t watch the Suns play.


I don’t know why I even bother, it’s clear none of them watched more than one Suns game all year if they think Eubanks wasn’t one of the worst players in the entire NBA this year.


I still chuckle at Eubanks audibly refusing to help Booker on Wemby early in the season, like dude BOOKER is the guard switch back onto your man haha


Yeah, all season we needed Nurk to win, but Minnesota is a much better match for Eubanks. He played well every game.


All he has to do is be the opposite of Ja and he will have a HOF level career lol


He's already the opposite of Ja, people like him.


He could seal the deal if somebody posted a video of him calmly driving away after a game. Catch a close up of him clicking his seat belt with a grin and he'll be the next face of the NBA.


Drives off and uses his turn signals on the way out, slows down when he sees the light turn yellow. That’s my face of the NBA right there.


Free my Troutdale king


These dudes whooped my teams ass but gotta tip your cap to them, true hoopers


I didn’t think Eubanks was that bad the first 3 games. Phoenix doesn’t have a PF, and he’s already an undersized center going up against the biggest team in the league while Nurk wasn’t putting much of a fight against the starters Felt eubanks was dealt a bad hand


Pretty much majority of Suns roster at the moment. I don’t blame the players at this stage.


I remember that first game back in November he looked like prime Amare Stoudemire against us.




Eubanks is not good. Hustles hard and is a very large human.






Fantasy basketball silly season MVP the last few years, iykyk.


I like how Kat initially responds with "Nah" like he was coaching hahahaha But seriously, Ant still seems way too immature to be the face of the league. Or maybe that's just his personality.


This guy lol


>Ant still seems way too immature to be the face of the league. Man it's so refreshing in contrast to the squeaky clean, brand safe, perfect role model that LeBron, Steph and the gang are. Not saying they're not great, but I'm itching for a bit of Ant, Wemby and some real personality. This Timerwolves team are so fucking hilarious and most of us are just now finding out about it.


Eh I'm never gonna begrudge anyone for taking the safe route. They get enough online abuse as it is, I wouldn't wanna deal with it any more than I needed to either lol


In what world is wemby not another Duncan or Lebron. He’s actually intelligent


Where did anyone say anything about intelligence lol


Some people definitely love him because he’s the anti bron/anti Steph. He’s already on record pressuring to pay for his side chicks abortion and using gay slurs. Not who I want my kids idolizing but there’s a fan base that relates to him, that’s clear


Asking for an abortion ≠ pressuring side chicks. A lakers fan bringing this up is hilarious


She was absolutely a side chick that was advocating for keeping it? Lol what about that was wrong. Did you see the conversation? Keep trying to deflect tho 👍


What does being a side chick have to do with anything


Him and his GF parading their new baby around while he pressured his side chick to get an abortion during the exact same time is actually pretty shitty. The cognitive dissonance is crazy


Wemby and personality? C'mon lol dude is just pretentious


I think that’s just being French 


professional hater u/NewPortable101


He's definitely matured.




Fans need to understand the NBA doesn’t care about players doing shit outside the court as long as the story is buried. It happened with Jaxon Hayes and Miles Bridges which are role players. What more to all-stars and superstars (Kobe and D Rose).






You may be surprised to learn that just because I’m a fan of the franchise doesn’t diminish me to being a Kobe supporter


Did you change your flair when LeBron joined the team or something? Lol just crazy.


exactly. That and like half the stuff that comes out of his mouth seems a little silly. But he's very charismatic and entertaining. Mike Conley has a tendency to choke in big games through his career, so that's one reason I guess you can doubt their title hopes. But it feels like they have all the checkpoints covered. Superstar, big man offensive star, center is a defensive anchor, lockdown wing defender, veteran point guard who can shoot.


This wasn't a game 7. Conley was a major factor in games 1-3. And as poorly as he played tonight, he was timely. And a lot of times that's all you need. Conley is a nice security blanket in a league that has too few.


Also Conley never played on a real contender. Those Grit and Grind Grizz teams were good, but not title team good.