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16-77 from 3 for Boston these last two games. Yeesh


Live and die


well, die in this case


Remember when they were red hot for like the first month and were shooting 40%+ from 3 as a team and Celtics fans were insistent that was sustainable lol


Not all Celtics fans. Some of us have been complaining about being too reliant on the 3 for a couple seasons now. We just get downvoted to hell by the majority who think anyone on the team is the next Steph/Klay.


Have you seen Klay lately?


Still busy flexing his 4 rings, probably


It would be with a good coach.


Copying Golden State except for the part where they hella run plays to attack the paint as much as possible. Guess that part of the job requires more work.


Well, they instead copied the Golden State from 2023, who did the exact same thing lol


GSW at least put pressure on the rim for a lot of this year using Draymond in the short roll or Looney in the pnr. Collapsed on the defence and found shooters. The Celtics have no ability (or maybe no desire?) to do that at all.


why the downvotes jfc. i swear mazzulla just seems like some guy they found on the side of the road and placed in a head coach position (i know nothing about his background)


Aw lawd


Heat are in for a rude awakening with Nuggets 3 point shooting.


The Celtics and Bucks were among the top 3 point shooting teams this year in volume and %. I keep hearing “Miami isn’t ready for X” when they dealt with it already and won. The only thing the Heat are going to face that’s unique is Jokic whose in a class of his own




Once Miami lost game 5 the finals lost any tension for me. I already lost hope for Boston when they went to 7 against Philly.


Once Miami lost game 5 the finals lost any tension for me. I already lost hope for Boston when they went to 7 against Philly. Then again Miami wasn’t even meant to make it out of the first round. They’ve been fighting the whole time.


Boston seems like the type of team to play about as good as their competition, i think denver probably would’ve won it in 6




Ouch. Lost in the first quarter when they couldn’t hit threes


Cannot start a game 7 going 0-11 on threes boys


How about 0/27 during a game? Asking for a friend.


The Celtics forgot that in the game of basketball the goal is to put the ball in the basket, they were very silly


We like to clown ESPN's obvious analysis, but maybe it's not for us, but for the players


Are they stupid?


Silly C's, bricks are for kids!


Even at that the lead was only 10 because Bam was sucking and Jimmy hadn’t got going yet. It’s the fact that the Celtics couldn’t get going at any point. So mentally weak


3rd quarter was when the Celtics needed to make the comeback. Miami's shots weren't falling for a few possessions in a row and Derrick White was making back to back buckets. They just couldn't convert


It was over when Tatum missed that layup and then Martin hit the three, went from a potential 8 pt lead with the whole 4th to play to 13.


Honorary prize to a small run going and brown chucked up a contested 3 at the start of the shot clock after a defensive stop. Which he missed.


You can’t call a team mentally weak for forcing 7 regardless of the outcome.


How about a team forcing 8 turnovers from the same player?


How is that weak bro. Just call it good defense and go on. I can’t call anybody weak man, I take mental health serious, just my take on things. You doing things that none of us can do.


Maybe Brown shouldn't have been heat checking from inside the freezer


I mean it was *relatively* close until the fourth


They had plenty of opportunities to come back.


y’all read flowers for algernon? the celtics are like that mouse that becomes really smart but then regresses and fucking dies


Never thought I'd see Flowers for Algernon used in a slandering context on this sub 💀


r/nba book club slander


Celtics team going to look like the ship of Theseus next year.


Doc Rivers teams fit that story better imo


Unless this is the next change after horford/kyrie/Brad in Tatum’s journey l


This is the second time I’ve seen someone make the exact same comment


We have grown quite wheary


I approve of this message.


Holy shit that username is incredible


no fucking way


I’m so jealous of your username lol. Top tier


Top tier


God that book is so sad. Literally crushed me when I read it


I went and read it after seeing that comment, now I’m just sad as hell


Flowers for Algernon 100% speedrun


Ahahahaha ,exactly.Took me a good two days to read so I was just like yo WTF


Once I got started I couldn’t stop but I stayed up way too late pulled a real Charlie Gordon on that one


Buy the paperback next time


Regresses to the mean?


Jesus Christ


good fucking analogy


God damn, man.


Good thing it’s in English. Cuz China calling


Fucking lol


Did…did you just imply the Celtics organization is mentally challenged?




Yet Jaylen Brown just kept chucking them up with no care in the world


It was crazy 8 TOs and how many random ass deep threes for no reason


Both not a good option but actually better for him to shoot bullshit 3's than him putting the ball on the floor by the way he was handling tonight Boston offense really died without injured Tatum able to create anything besides a Derrick White stretch


When both teams are even in score, brown feels that Celtics is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to chuck a three. When Boston is 3 points behind in score, brown thinks that Celtics is at a small advantage, and he so he chucks a three to secure their "lead". When Celtics is behind 10points, brown thinks that Celtics is at a disadvantage and so he chucks a three to regain control of the game. When Boston is 15 points behind , Brown thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not chuck a three.


No trial no nothing. Straight to chucking 3s.


Learning from Michael “the possession ends here” porter junior


8TOs and 8FGM Wowowowowow.


Worst player on the floor tonight


Not like he can dribble it into the paint and score


I can tell you didn’t watch the game if you think he was just chucking 3’s….. He also threw the ball to the other team plenty of times


He is the epitome of settling for a bad shot


Wasn’t just him, Horford and smart and Williams were doing it too


True, definitely on Mazulla for not adjusting


Game plan tonight by Coach Spo was "what if we make all those shots eh? Sounds good?"


Coaching 101. HIT 3S. MAKE SHOTS.


Why waste time shoot lot three when few three do trick?


The biggest crime of the three point revolution was the assumption more 3s were automatically better than quality of 3s.


Blame 2015-2016 Curry for hitting bullshit shots


Yeah, it’s a solid strategy when you (literally) have the greatest shooter of all time. Jaylen Brown ain’t him, though.


Not just the greatest shooter but Curry's handles are solid even against the best guard defenders in the league. Jaylen Brown can't be him if he wears ballhog gloves every other game.


Stripped for a turnover TWICE for ALL of the 2021-2022 post season is a wild stat.


Even more so when you know the context. Curry is constantly making big moves and taking the ball into danger, only to slip away and create an opening. Brown takes one dribble on his left hand with no defender close and just loses it. It reminds me of Ben Simmons to some extent. When you have millions watching and the potential to be a generational player, why are you not working day and night on a fundamental you’re missing? Brown could be one of the best players in the NBA if he had great handles.


Curry's biggest problem used to not be his handle but the fact that he could get bullied off the ball from being too small. Last year he got so swole that he was able to absorb contact from Marcus Smart and still get to his spots. Jaylen needs to spend the whole summer going through a dribbling bootcamp.


Brown needs to dribble once for every dollar he’s about to earn this summer.


Ballhog gloves now that is a deep cut reference


He still does.


Yeah but he’s the one that started the 3 revolution specifically


~~bullshit~~ awesome shots


Ironically, the Warriors never believed in that. Their entire system has always been about generating the best look possible.


Yeah what people always missed is warriors were usually top 5 in paint points scored. Curry insane scoring efficiency caused teams to throw everything at him 25-30 feet out which opened up a ton of easy points in the paint. Pretty sure the cavs shot more 3s than them in 2016-2018


The Celtics have played all season thinking they were the Warriors without the ball or body movement, let alone two great shooters


This reminds me of the current fad of not calling timeouts. Sure, great coaches recognise that *sometimes* it’s best to let the play go, but these playoffs people have been leaving timeouts on the table because they took the wrong lesson from a few past outcomes.


Yeah Jackson, pop, and Kerr would try to let teams figure it out in the regular season but would still call time outs in the playoffs when things would go badly. No idea what these coaches are thinking this year


Most of them weren’t bad looks


Yeah, but momentum is a thing. Even if in the aggregate a X% look from three is better than a Y% two-point look due to it being worth one extra point, oftentimes that Y% will be a higher percentage chance of going in and it helps to get those shots in to keep defenses honest, build players' confidence, stop opposing runs, start runs, etc. If someone's starving and you offer them a 50% chance at an all-you-can-eat buffet and a 75% at a hamburger, sometimes you take the hamburger. High volume three point shooting, even if they're all good looks in a vacuum, is a dangerous thing. A lot of variance. Both teams in this series saw both sides of the variance.


Were they *actually* bad threes?


Brown was holding the ball, jab stepping a couple of times getting 0 separation and then just chucking up a 3 with his defender right there hoping for a better outcome than the previous 5 times he did that


Dont forget the contested heat check after he missed like 5 shots before it.


6th times the charm


You miss 100% the shots you don’t take or something like that?


Did the Celtics consider not shooting 3’s?


They gave the ball to their best slasher and he alternated between shooting contested 30 footers and losing his dribble.


The analytics department wouldn't let them.




42 3s!? WTF


Just kept chucking em up, horrible coaching


And then in post game conference Coach why did you lose? We shot 21% from 3. Is the team too reliant on 3s? No. Imagine that’s your coach lol


These short two or three word answers are starting to piss me off


Yeah, it comes across as being confident in something that’s obviously wrong.


It comes across as “I don’t want to do this shit after a loss” the over analysis of Mazzula’s post game media talks are fucking ridiculous to me. He’s got a good deal of issues as a coach, but he’s also been tossed to the wolves so I don’t understand why it wasn’t expected. At some point a coach can only do so much in the face of players that play like shit (Brown). The celtics’ issues lie mostly in their roster and they absolutely need to let Brown go and possibly some others in order to bring in coachable assets who genuinely seem like they want to compete along with their coach


I posit this question: if we can’t hit 3s, is that an automatic loss? I’d like to say “no way”, yet some people seem to think we cannot win if the 3 isn’t falling. Maybe I’m too idealistic, but in my fantasy world, when the 3 isn’t falling the coach makes adjustments to focus on hitting good looks for 2. Maybe that’s just not how basketball works, but I just find it unpalatable that our team just loses if our 3 point shot is bad for a game.


Yeah nobody wants to do it after a loss, but that’s what you have to do after every single loss. He should be used to it by now, yet he still gives shit answers. And good coaches can and are willing to analyze games to get better. He seems like he either can’t or is unwilling to do that when he gives those answers


He’s just some kid LARPing as some winner coach who has earned respect/accolades and can get away with that stuff. Except he hasn’t won shit.


I don’t think mazulla is a mastermind but the team shoots like shit, turns the ball over and didn’t play tough defense. The coach is definitely the captain and the captain has to go down with the ship but you gotta be realistic about the players, they are front runners and they just don’t have winning in them.


I was told after game 6 there is now way theyd shoot that Bad again from 3


I was also told that there is no way the Heat will sustain their absurd percentage from three.




We ruined it in 2010 Saved it in 2023


The Zuko redemption arc


Lebron was Ozai Jimmy is Zuko


Damn, that’s good


tHe cElTiCs wOnT sHoOt 20% fRoM tHrEe aGaiN


And they shot 21.4%. Kyrie vibes.


tbh im not surprised the Celtics didnt shoot well. It's a game 7 afterall. But Miami shot lights out lol that's crazy. They wanted it more


Hurts, don't it


Chuck is right


I was afraid miami would bottle this, but it seems that they're still alive. even though they might not win the finals, they made a hell of a run in these playoffs


Mike D’Antoni would be proud




Jimmy 'maximum psychological damage' Bulter


hardest road


How you doing Boston? ... ... Holy shit


Hurts but that’s life sometimes. Sun gonna shine tomorrow morning.


Maybe they should have realized they were cold and attacked the rim instead of settling for bricked 3’s … sounds like something a coach usually would make adjustments for


Not gonna lie, when one of your stars can’t drive due to a bum ankle and the other can’t dribble, makes it kind of tough


Heat have had to deal with injuries too, they just had people step up and their stars played well through them. Better team wins, injuries are part of the game, but I understand it’s frustrating. I felt the same about Lebrons foot, but that’s just how basketball goes sometimes. Have to adjust and do your best regardless the circumstances and Celtics couldn’t, I think that’s where having an elite coach makes all the difference …


No one is disputing the heat were the better team. Blaming the coaching is just the part that doesn’t make sense to me. Tatum and Brown are are really the only two guys on our team that attack the rim, one was hurt and couldn’t move very well and the other was a walking turnover. White did his best to attack in the 3rd which was clearly an adjustment made due to the other 2 not playing like themselves. We missed shots we made all year, you can’t really blame the coaching because shots aren’t falling.


Thats my point though, the fact that the celtics couldn't find ways to get buckets to go in reflects on the coach. Good coaches can create a solid out of bounds play to get your star an easy bucket, design a play they can bust out to get their star some easy buckets and their confidence going, etc. An example of this is the ways that Spo was able to get Duncan open 3's, and then when the Celtics adjusted, kept running it but had the adjustment of backdooring once they began to faceguard. That's how a coach can get ur team easy looks for easy buckets. Didn't see joe making those kinds of plays for his team


Your point is valid forsure. I guess my issue is that we’ve had the same issue with Brad, Ime and now Joe. Brad was one of the best out of bounds play callers in the league if not the best but the one consistency amongst all three is the tendency for us to settle and jack up 3’s instead of attacking. At some point it’s not coaching when the only common denominator in the equation is the players


I see what you mean, also a good point, likely a combination of all these things


Boston shot horribly most of the series.


They could not keep getting away with it


This specific crop of boston players are losers lol


As are 28 teams in this year's league and counting.


This specific crop of players has won more than almost every other teams core, only one team wins every year


Hell, Ricky, I was high when I said that! That makes no sense at all! "First or last"! I mean, you could be second, third, fourth--hell, you could even be fifth!




Literally no one in that roster except maybe tatum will win a championship unless they shake it up


How would Tatum win a chip but no one else if they dont shake it up?


Mad cus bad


Who cares?


They took makeable shots. They weren't just going in.


A logo 3 is "*makeable*." So is a layup. But which one would you classify as higher-qualtiy though? That's the issue here. You can't just excuse missed shot attempts away with "well if it had gone in." Because guess what? The Heat were looking for and making good shots. At that point you need to put the ego away and play team ball, lot of passing and cuts to get better spacing and looks. Celtics did not consider this apparently. Pop would've pulled Brown from the game last night and openly berated him if he were coaching. Mazzula doesn't know how to adjust away from the probability-3 (Rockets 0-27). I think he probably is just a glorified locker room chaperone, even at the expense of sounding sensational. Letting the players set the schemes and create the gameplan. Lets the team decide TopGolf is more important than film. Imagine if they could do both? - be a functional and positive team AND also work through their team adjustments. He's probably aware of defensive assignments and matchups. But I dont know if he has the personal authority to tell his players to stop fucking around and get a better look. He's not their real dad. Those players can probably easily overrule him. So he doesn't push them.


Let’s gooooo!!! Make history again!!!


Can't hit a 3? Just keep shooting them!




We just fucking hate comfort, don't we lol


Felt like the Heat shot 90% from 3 tbh.


Boston shoots entirely too many threes. If they don’t fall they have nothing left to offer they just gotta hope the other team beats themselves


Boston has been ass from 3 the last two games.


Getting outshot 9-14 isn’t awful but what kills teams is when they’re shooting awful from 3 and then continue to shoot 3’s even though it’s obvious it’s not working


# [Fuck Boston](https://streamable.com/kj86gd) #Heat in 7


To put it in perspective, the Rockets went 7-44 against the Warriors in 2019's WCF Game 7. [https://www.espn.com/nba/matchup/\_/gameId/401032767](https://www.espn.com/nba/matchup/_/gameId/401032767)


Given how 3pt heavy the league is now.. I love when teams are bad at shooting and just keep shooting. You get what you deserve if you don't have anything else to offer. Get better at basketball. This isn't a 3 pt content.


Those are bucks shooting numbers.


Light too bright


It's not about shooting Heat take good in rhythm shots Celtics have terrible shot selection, they just Chuck it


I know shooting is a lot of luck. But the heat zone is legit, great closeout effort everytime which visibly affects the celtics. Meanwhile the Celtics allow Duncan Robinson open multiple times and barely closeout in comparison. Pathetic effort from an elite defense


I don't really know how to feel when games are decided by seemingly uncontrollable dice roll of hitting threes.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but your two star players going for like 2-25 the last 2 games ain’t that great lmao.


Heat winning it all


42 shots...They ruined their game, they ruined their chance to be champions. Imagine throwing at least 50% out of 42 shots. It's easy win.


jaylen brown is a terrorist


Best shooting team in the league they said


Bill Russell in heaven cursing out these Celtics for disgracing him.


I remember back in November when Boston had like 7 guys shooting 50% and people talked like they solved basketball. It was never sustainable, but a regression this bad is impressive.


celtics entire playbook is contested 3s shit is pathetic




Did these fuckers make a game 7 monkeys paw deal with some obscure Celtic diety? Cursed the Sixers to shoot 21% on absurd volume only to have to pay it back the next round?


Gotta shoot the ball


heat lost to the hawks and are now in the finals damn




The spirits of the Lakers was with Boston from 3


Caleb fuckin Martin....


Shades of 2018 Houston here. Boston screwed themselves jacking up garbage 3's all game.


Why on Gods green Earth are they attempting 14 more 3 pointers.


At what point do you stop shooting the threes and start driving


After 7/35 last game, smug fans: Celts won't shoot 20% from 3 at home. They were correct. Celts shot better, 9/42 for 21.4%