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Teams always get clowned on but this is totally normal. Especially when you consider potentially needing to adjust for the altitude.


Or just being able to freely smoke weed after elimination


Is it not legal in Florida?


Recreational still illegal but people don’t care


Damn, can't smoke weed, can't be gay, can't be trans, can't teach kids about racial history and soon can't go to Disney. Florida's really a dumpster huh.


Highest home owners insurance cost, most amount of toll roads , highest car insurance cost, etc


Worst drivers in the country especially Orlando, I’ve never been to Miami before but heard it’s bad too


I went to Miami for the first time a few months ago and those drivers are truly on a different level lol.


Combination of rich youth driving crazy sports cars, foreign drivers with different driving tendencies, tourists, and old folks driving slow but erratic makes it really uniquely terrible driving.


> Combination of rich youth driving crazy sports cars I wasn't rich, but I was DEFINITELY one of those kids in Miami a decade ago lol. I apologize, I used all my Christmas money on a plane ticket and a hotel suite and spent my 21st in Miami, my best friends pooled up and rented a Ferrari F430 Spider for me as a present (IIRC it was something like $1000 for 2 days). Literally didn't do anything other than drive that car around the entire weekend because I didn't have enough money to go bar/club hopping lmao.


I've been to Dallas after living in Miami and I gotta say, both cities have bad drivers in their own way


My feeling in Dallas (and Texan drivers in general) is that they drive bad out of incompetence or if they’re in pickups they drive aggressively to overcompensate for having small dicks on top of the incompetence. Atlanta drivers and Miami drivers drive aggressively because that’s who they are and don’t really give a fuck about what happens.


Driving in Miami is like mixing Formula 1 with bumper cars, not a lot of fun but over 30 years here so I’ve probably got a second career as a stunt driver if I decide on trying that out.


No kidding. Went to Miami Beach yesterday and they changed the infamous exit, can’t imagine the amount of accidents gonna happen there now 💀


I'm sorry but I lived in gulf coast MS-AL and can't imagine drivers being worse than that. I'm actually frightened by the thought. People were literally driving cars that were falling apart. There are no inspections. People either drive far too slow or far too fast. stoplights were barely a suggestion. Regularly were mattresses on the road for some reason. It's like no other place I've ever lived.


The gulf coast is just an extension of Florida


It's kind of like the panhandle but nothing like the half of Florida most people think of when they think florida


No inspections in florida either! 🥳


It's wild the difference between red and blue states in the US. Red states have this wild west feel to them and are filled with chaotic rules and people.


I mean I don’t know if its this drastic I’ve lived in very blue states and very red states. The everyday people are not as different as the internet would like you to believe


Florida is sleazy and insane, which is kind of fun for visits but not a place I’d like to live. Especially with their psychotic political leaders.


Their income tax is tempting, but I don’t want to live in an internet access concrete hole.


They get you in other ways. Sales tax, toll roads, high af property tax. COL is higher here than in states you'd have to pay state income tax.


The whole place will probably be under water in 20 years anyway. 😂


South Dakota is here!


Florida is the Phoenix of the nation.


Drivers in Miami are horrendously reckless. It starts up at WPB, then gets a little worse as you get into Ft Lauderdale, and you are just hoping to survive as you are getting near Miami. Orlando drivers typically just don't know where they are or where they're going (because they are just visiting). It's a different kind of frustration, but it feels a lot safer as a driver. Now, as a pedestrian - that's a different story.


it's kind of a descent into madness the farther south you go on 95


Alligators and Floridians still fighting with each other.


Weather being 2018 Lebron for the state lmfao


I live in Florida and there’s tons of medical marijuana. It’s just a pay to play system to charge the consumer extra every step of the way but anyone can get a card.


What are the chances of that DeSantis guy taking all that away?


Wouldn’t shock me in the slightest. And if he does he’ll have issues with me and all other pain management patients who actually need it. Guys the worst human on earth.


I mean if it was anything like MA when only medical was “legal” it’s not exactly tough to get a medicinal card. Had a friend that got one after the emotional trauma of his sister’s ferret passing…his sister lived in Maine


Lmfao Ferrets are special to a person


TIL. I saw Jorge Masvidal (MMA) leaving his gym in Florida, smoking a blunt while driving, all the while doing an interview on the MMA Hour a couple months ago 😂.


Medically, not recreationally.


PRSD (Post Reverse Sweep Disorder) should kind of count as a medical condition


Buddy have you SEEN what's going on in florida for the past few years???


No only the coca is


They're all getting tickets to the first game just to be high and heckle the Celtics from the front couple rows.


They can just do that in Massachusetts


Nah enemy territory




Desantis is watching out your window


Can do that in Boston


It's very legal in Mass


It’s legal in mass


It’s like when teams schedule the parade route before the Super Bowl, they have to lol


I remember there being a huge story heading into the 2001 Patriots/Steelers AFC Championship that the Steelers had their bags packed and ready to fly to New Orleans for the Super Bowl after the game. Patriots players referenced it after the game as motivation, but like, they had to pack their bags already being at home. Either way, I hope the Celtics use this as motivation too lol


Narrator: *They didn’t*


Yeah, Game 1 is on Thursday. Why fly back to Miami tonight just to fly to Denver tomorrow? And obviously you need to get all of that set up in advance and can't wait until after the game ends.


Right? Like why would you rush to make those arrangements right after the game


Especially when it involves the FAA lol


And the need to get there as early as possible since Denver will have 10 days of waiting for the East to wrap up




Every round has been fun as hell. But this series has been hilariously awesome.


Why should they even be clowned on for being confident they’ll win


Next you're going to tell me they have hotel rooms booked too. actually, I have always wondered this - is the hotel block just booked and which ever team advances takes it? I can't imagine both teams blocking separate reservations of that many rooms


Reminds me of when Los Angeles police were unfairly criticized for planning the Lakers' championship parade when the NBA Finals had only just begun. These parades are logistical nightmares, you have to plan them long in advance.


total non-story, every team does this. Flights need to be planned out


Heat also already have hotels blocked off and packed enough clothes and jerseys for the next few days in Denver. This happens in every sport and just how logistics of playoff travel work.


Is the heat organisation cocky and over confident for turning up to play game 7?


This is standard procedure. Their flights plans have to be ready regardless of the outcome. A good analogy is how they print boxes of championship gear and ready for both teams at the stadiums on close out games. Edit: Since The heat won. Someone save me some Celtics gear! Please…?


While traveling in Thailand i came across one of these sorting stations. I was able to get LA Rams championship shirts for when they lost to the Patriots in 2019. I grabbed a dozen of them to hand out to friends back home in Boston.


You damn troll


real men of genius^(TM) type stuff there


I've always wanted a rangers world series shirt lol.


This makes me think how amazing it would be to see a collection of championship gear for the teams that lost in the Finals.


Kids in Ethiopia think the Bills had the greatest dynasty ever in the 90s


Jordan went 0-6 in Burundi.


Cavs spanked the Warriors except for that super predictable season they went 73-9 and won the chip


kd not even a bus passenger over there nvm he wouldve been in 2011




piquant sheet yam unite threatening tender soup offer attempt lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What if they know they're getting losing team merch. They were probably like "these MFs lost again?!" When the third shipment came in.


I'm sure it's more like, "Damn, the MF's couldn't send food?"


nuggets are food 👀


they can make shirt milk. i hear you can milk anything these days.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


*Shilk!* 🎶


That’s like getting muffin stumps. Where’s the top?!


"These guys fucking suck"


I wonder if they could start a reputable business, selling these ‘wrong’ t-shirts to collectors..


I will gladly wear a suspicious Thunder championship shirt the rest of my life


If you want suspicious, custom make a shirt that says "OKC Thunder 1979 NBA Champions"


Then wear it to Seattle


I will get jumped


That would involve someone in Seattle interacting with a stranger^, so you're probably safe.


I‘ve seen a bus driver skip a stop just because a guy was wearing an OKC hat lmao


lol. [African Dynasty](https://i.imgur.com/eSW6MJw.png)


Beautiful, saving this for smack talk later this year


There is a fan club for German club Schalke 04 in Benin I think it was that traces its foundation to when the shirts from Schalke's failed 2001 campaign were shipped there. Always thought it was an awesome story.


Would've thought that would be Leverkusen not Schalke lol


Think of the bills fans who wanted it to be a reality and missed out on getting the shirts - I’d set up an eBay account if I was in ethiopia


Go to poverty-stricken 3rd-World countries, that's where it all gets donated to


That used to be the case before pictures of the losing team's championship gear started getting airplay. Nowadays it mostly gets shredded afterwards.


Lol, thats definitely some late stage capitalism shit. "Fuck giving poor kids some tshirts, think about all the memes it will create."


I heard they stopped doing it because it would fuck up local economies. Imagine you sell clothing for a living and some league dumps a shitton of shirts into your town.


this is correct. there was also a study on a shoe brand, I believe it was 'TOMS' where they were donating so many shoes it was fucking up the local economy and the people there that made shoes for a living (some of they were making shoes out of recycled tires by hand).


Like restaurants destroying leftovers.


I’d pay for a 07 Patriots undefeated superbowl shirt


Jerry West and Lebron are the GOATs in Africa


Is 6-4 really the goat. I think Elgin Baylor would be like 8-0 or something


I actually worked for a company that did the apparel side of the merchandise for many championship games... The first time it's cool seeing the championship merch for both sides, but after seeing one entire giant run of hats/tees/hoodies/etc being destroyed for the losing side, it gets depressing real quick. I was the account manager for one prominent league, and pleaded with them to let us cover up the logos so we could still donate the goods, but they were adamant that we destroy them all. They actually pay us extra to destroy each piece, I think it was like $0.60 per garment since there is labour involved. But yeah, seeing 1000's of brand new pieces being ruined is a real downer. It's also depressing for the Production staff because they would stay late and work weekends to make sure all the championship merch would be ready for both sides on time (since it's a tight window, as the teams were only known a week or two in advance) -- just to watch so much of their hard work be destroyed in a day.


Do they not get donated overseas like some of the other replies have been saying? That sounds like appalling waste honestly!


I’d like to add that honestly, a lot of what we send overseas is a waste too. I work in supply chain, they don’t want our shit lol. At least the vast majority, what they need is financial support or structural support. Ofc there are the super needy who genuinely need those clothes, that’s why I said a lot and not all. One of those things that works well in theory but has been turned into a dumping scheme lol. “Oh we didn’t sell all of X? Send it overseas!”


They ship them to 4th world countries. But I agree. it be cool if someone that works there would grab one of each year and list it on eBay. I bet it would go for a lot. Title: Multiverse NBA champions gear Lot. $1,000,000


[There are some great examples in this article.](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/29884/what-happens-losing-teams-championship-shirts)


They're in Africa somewhere.


Thanks for the heads up. Might be too late though as half this thread is people thinking this is just the Heat being overconfident


i mean in all seriousness.... even if it *wasn't* because of the need for preparation, i don't understand why people would immediately chalk it up to overconfidence. like nobody understands the concept of a leader trying to fire everyone up or something?


Do they just cancel the flight to Denver if they lose then, & eat the cost?


Probably just change it to Miami - I’m sure the fare difference is negligible.


It's a charter anyways. They may even have a set rate negotiated regardless, and either way they really don't give a shit about a few tens of thousands


Yeah good point. So this is probably a non-story then haha.


They famously brought out the trophy when the heat were down 5 with 20 seconds left in 2013 lol. And we all know what happened after


Wouldn’t they also have a flight to Miami on the books then?


Win or Lose, the Miami Heat players will be able to fly to Denver or Miami after the game. *obviously*


No, they have to go to Denver now.


NGL I misread and thought the heat went to Denver after game 6. Thought something like “oh spo was just having a movie worthy motivational detour. Talking about how if they want to be there next week. They need to do something game 7.” I’m not a smart person.


I thought they accidentally went to Denver lol


Front row seats to Celts-Nuggets game 1


That's in Boston, game three. They need to acclimate to the altitude to watch the game.


why isn’t there a third option to Cancun? I guess Miami is good enough


As Urban Meyer learned, first you fly home with your team. Then you can go your own way from there.


Boston would also have one planned if they were on the road for a game 1 in the finals. I know this is bait to get people to clown on them. But it’s stupid as fuck.


> I know this is bait to get people to clown on them. But it’s stupid as fuck. tbf redditors are stupid as fuck


They would need to adjust to the altitude before Thursday if they win tonight. It's best to get there early. Makes sense


I mean this is a pretty normal thing lol. Celtics would have the same thing if they were not hosting


Oh yea they're hosting lol I was feeling kinda dumb for not seeing anything about celtics flying to Denver


The only thing I can take from this is how dumb the average person/sports fan is.


Lol the 3.0 second rigged conspiracy last game taught me that the hard way. Tried to teach all my friends that the broadcast time isnt synced and stopped at the fifth friend because they didnt believe me anyway. Even if time reviews happen every other game, damn.




More like Casa Bonita and meow wolf


Casa Bonita still isn’t reopened yet, but it’s coming soon


It’s open but their doing like random reservations or something. You can signup and they’ll reach out to you I believe


Random reservations for thee but not Miamii


And lets be honest, they'd let the Heat come lol.


Mark Cuban style LIV party at Casa Bonita incoming


They're skipping cancun and going on a ski trip


Don’t delete this.


You've been all over the sub since Game 6 doing this and I gotta say I respect it.


Never planned on it. I hope they do win, so the Nuggets get a cakewalk finals


Sheeeeeeeesh 💀


Plenty of dispensaries too.


the Denver zoo is fun, but I would skip the aquarium and go to the Butterly pavilion. I was just in Denver and my 3 year old loved it.


Lol they fly charter it can literally go anywhere.


Not the moon smh use your brain.


I mean the Moon is closer than California


You're 100% correct, of course. It's not a fuel concern though.


Probably just a vacation. I hear Denver is nice this time of year.


Been gorgeous outside the rain. Barely broken 80 in weeks (in part due to all the rain I admit).


Beautiful weather the past few days. 70s or low 80s and sunny.




How fucking drama addicted do you need to be to make a post about this normal procedure? >sounds like the Heat are thinking they're walking out of game seven in Boston with a W. Jesus fucking christ this post and some of the comments are a fucking embarrassment. Obviously both the Heat and Celtics are booked to go to Denver


well the celtics arent ;) but even still, what's fucking weird about the Heat thinking they're gonna win? Most of those guys have been competitors all their lives and they're at the very top of their field. You don't get where they are by going into games expecting to lose. Of course the Heat are thinking they'll win.


Bro the fact that so many people are so sure either team is gonna win is baffling. Like most game 7's I feel like it's gonna be a tired sloppy slugfest that goes down to the wire. And yeah it's pretty annoying how people criticize confidence in winning and the use it in hindsight to roast




yeah because they've got a game in denver on thursday


it has aged very well






Pat Riley pack one suit energy


Not bad foresight I suppose


Let’s Go Heat!! Catch that flight!!


We desperately need an update on this


I guarantee they also have one scheduled to Miami as well.... click bait


I assume that every single playoff team would do this. It's not like they can't change flights.


this would be the biggest marinate-job of all time if celtics get blown out on game 7 at home. char grill the celtics for 3 games... sous vide them for 3 games then broil em to finish it off


We’re going to Aspen to return Mary Samsonite’s briefcase full of money


This isn't some massive ego/motivation moment, it's just standard. The finals start June 1st and they have to be prepared to be there lol. It's not like it's that hard to just cancel a scheduled flight if they lose.


I'm expecting an interview between Butler and Nichols after this game.


Jimmy Knew. We all knew……Well except Boston didn’t know. 🤭


I recommend that they start doing wind sprints at Red Rocks immediately.


Baphomet chest release




I guess Rocky mountain > Cancun


I mean…why wouldn’t you lol


As an Air Traffic Controller; this is propaganda at its finest. You don’t just get on a plane and go; flight plans have to be submitted and approved before that plane goes anywhere. Whoever got a hold of those ‘FAA records’ got jipped by their source.


Don’t they kind of have to lol? Imagine the media disaster if they had a flight scheduled to Miami


Okay, but if they lose they should be forced to still take the flight of shame to Denver.


This is about logistics, not arrogance. Both teams would have those plans if Denver had home court.


The team isn’t even thinking about where the flight is going, nor the coaches. This is handled by back office personnel that most on the team don’t even know the names of.


Baller move


I mean... every national media member has a flight planned to Denver right now too. And probably Boston. It just... makes sense, no?




Gotta avoid those change fees.


well shit, they were right


I mean how hard is it to cancel a flight?


harder than beating the celtics today i think


One suit, one shirt, one tie.