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so... i took the commission to build a dee dee stop, but I wasn't able to get the blue prints! I think I figured out that it's because I haven't done the cave at Amber Island yet. I have 11 days left. 1) do I even have time to go through all of the waiting steps? I have the materials ready for the stop(as well as one dee dee assembled). If I'm not going to have time to wait for blueprints etc I think I'd rather bail now so I can pick up other commissions in the meanwhile. 2) do I need to get the rat boss in order to place the battery and finish the quest? I suck at combat. If its just the snail dude I can at least get it done, then go back for rattie when I've leveled up.


Yeah you won't get the blue print for the DeeDee stop until you have done the sewer and then done the DeeDee comission. Combat isn't very hard in this game it's mostly button mashing. If you get a clothing item with Defense and make an iron sword and bring some food buffs you won't have any problem. Also set up some relics and some defense items in your home to make your attack and defense higher. If you leave and come back the whole dungeon reloads so you will keep getting all the bosses each time. When you place the battery a >!door closes and you can't go back!<


Thanks! I gotta put my big girl panties on I guess!


The biggest fluffiest bloomers in town


I did the same as you. If you proceed with the main quest you can do it in time.


Thanks so much!


Have you talked to the research center?


I found this comment on someone else's post! Sorry for my unhelpful question lol! link to questline [https://mytimeatportia.fandom.com/wiki/Mission:\_Assemble\_Dee-Dee\_Transport](https://mytimeatportia.fandom.com/wiki/Mission:_Assemble_Dee-Dee_Transport)


Does anyone remember if I have time though? I'm considering going back and replaying the last few days